Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
"A. Artorius Arius Sarmaticus" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 8 Feb 2000 15:09:30 YEKT
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (151 lines)
Salute/Ciao Mario,

>"Cai Julii Caesaris. Commentari _de_ Bello Gallico. Liber primus. Omnis
>Gallia est divisa in tres partes, quarun unam incolunt Belgae, aliam
>Aquitani, tertiam qui appellantur Celtae lingua ipsorum, Galli nostra.
>Hi omnes differunt inter se lingua, institutis, legibus.
>Isto io debeva apprender de memoria quando io era puero e studiava latino e
>su metrica pro le correcte pronunciation.
>"Commentarios de bello gallic. Libro prime. Tote le Gallia es dividite in
>tres partes, del quales in uno habita Belgas, in le altere Aquitanos, in le
>tertia illes qui se nomina Celtes in lor lingua, Gallos in illo nostre.
>Toto illes differe inter lores in lingua, consuetudes, leges.
>Italiano: "I commentari della guerra gallica. Libro primo. La Gallia e'
>divisa in tre parti, in una abitano i Belgi, nell'altra gli Aquitani, nella
>terza quelli che nella loro lingua si chiamano Celti e nella nostra Galli.
>Tutti differiscono tra loro nella lingua, nelle consuetudini e nelle leggi.
>Romula: io agradarea le traduction de iste breve texto in Romula.

Ecce un varianto possibile del texto in Romula:

Romula: "Commentarios de bello/guerra gallico/-a. Libro primo. Tote la
Gallia es dividita in tres partes, del quales in uno habitan Belgas, nel
altere Aquitanos, nel tertie ellos qui se nominan Celtes in lor lingua,
Gallos in la nostra. Toto ellos differen inter loros in lingua, consuetudes,
leges. Etc."

>Perque non usar le lista "pro expertos" que on pote subcriber al pagina
> ?

Regrettabilemente le URL non es travaliabile ora;-(

>Io non me senti de facer un comparation con i-a  con iste texto e io
>volerea leger de plus Romula.

Ecce. Le Textos de Babel in le lingua Romula
Texto traductate: Genesis 11:1-9, ex Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
Traductor: Artemio de Cosma
Basate super traduction de Latino Moderne per D. Th. Stark

1. E tota la terra era d'una lingua, e del mesmas parolas.
2. Et il era que quando ellos eran exiliate del oriente, que venean a un
plateau nella terra Senaar, e habitavan ibi.
3. Et un homine dicea a su proximo, Vamos! Que facamos briccas pro un
edificio, e que los incendamos per foco. Et habean pro lor uso las briccas
como petras, e pro lor uso era pice como mortero.
4. E dicean, Vamos! Que construamos pro nos una citate e una turre, e la
capite sua sera nel celo; e que facamos pro nos un nomine de parvor que
seamos dispersate trans la facie de tota la terra.
5. E Jehovah descendea a vider la citate e la turre que los filios del
homine eran construendos.
6. E Jehovah diceva, Ecce, il popolo es uno, e lor lingua es una pro ellos
totes; et esto, que han comenciate facer... et ora, nil de tote que intrigen
facer sera impedite.
7. Vamos! Que descendamos e confundamos lor lingua ibi, al fin que un homine
non potan comprehender la lingua del proximo suo.
8. E Jehovah los dispersava d'ibi trans la facie de tota la terra, e
cessavan construer la citate.
9. Pro este causa il loco es vocate Babel, proque Jehovah confundea ibi la
lingua de tota la terra, e anque Jehovah los dispersava d'ibi trans la facie
de tota la terra.

Traduction de texto in Romula retro in anglese
(alsi per D. Th. Stark)
1. And all the earth was of one language, and of the same words.
2. And it was that when they were exiled from the East, that they came to a
plateau in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there.
3. And a man said to his neighbor, Let's Go! Let us make bricks for a
building, and let us burn them with fire. And they had for their use the
bricks as stones, and pitch was for their use as mortar.
4. And they said, Let's go! Let us construct for us a city and a tower, and
its head will be in the heaven; and let us make for us a name from fear that
we may be dispersed across the face of all the earth.
5. And Jehovah descended to see the city and the tower which the sons of the
man were constructing.
6. And Jehovah said, Behold, the people are one, and their language is one
for them all; and this, which they have commenced to do...and now, nothing
of all which they may scheme to do will be impeded.
7. Let's go! Let us descend and confound their language there, to the end
that a man may not be able to comprehend the language of his neighbor.
8. And Jehovah dispersed them from there across the face of all the earth,
and they ceased to construct the city.
9. For this cause the place is called Babel, because Jehovah confused there
the language of all the earth, and also Jehovah dispersed them from there
across the face of all the earth.

Ab le texto anglese moderne
Traductor: Artemio de Cosma
Basate in traduction de Interlingua per Dan Dawes

1A. Alora il tote mundo habea una lingua e una parola communa.
2A. Como homines movean se al est, ellos trovavan una plana in Senaar e
establean se illac.
3A. Decean al un, "Vamos, facamos briccas e las cocamos minutosemente."
Usavan bricca in vice de petra, e catran pro mortero.
4A. Tun decean, "Vamos, construamos nes una citate, con una turre que arriva
allos celos, a fin que potamos facer un nomine pro nos e non ser dispersate
trans la facie del tote mundo."
5A. Ma il Senior venea a basso vidar la citate e la turre que los homines
eran construendos.
6A. Il Senior decea, "Si como uno gente que parla la mesma lingua han
comenciate facer esto, tun nil que planan facer sera impossibile pro ellos.
7A. Vamos, descendamos e confundamos lor lingua dunque non comprenderan al
8A. Assi il Senior los dispersava d'illac trans tote il mundo, e cessavan
construendo la citate.
9A. Que es proque il era appellate Babel - proque illac il Senior confundea
la lingua del tote mundo. D'illac il Senior los dispersava trans la facie
del tote mundo.

Anglese moderne
1A.     Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.
2A.     As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.
3A.     They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them
thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.
4A.     Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that
reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be
scattered over the face of the whole earth."
5A.     But the Lord camedown to see the city and the tower that the men were
6A.     The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have
begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
7A.     Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not
understand each other."
8A.     So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they
stopped building the city.
9A.     That is why it was called Babel -- because there the Lord confused the
language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the
face of the whole earth.

>Ha tu legite le message per Enfors Erik? Illo es un elogio a i-a, durante
>que io non proba enthusiasmo pro Romula, que complica non poco le texto.
>Perque, a iste puncto, non usar le italiano?

Italiano como un IAL? Bon idea, ma... illo non es lingua bastante

>Ecce perque un lingua non debe esser personal con le sol exception pro le
>grande autores qui, in general, si illes es vermente grande, illes es anque
>simple in le uso de un lingua.

Io crede que isto non es mi caso;-)))


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