Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 11 Oct 2003 13:16:28 -0700
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
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Ante 100 annos (17 decembre 1903) Orville e Wilbur
Wright volava lor prime avion a Kitty Hawk, North
Carolina, comenciante le epocha de aviation que
culminava in nostre aviones a reaction e lor servicios
routinari de transporte intercontinental de mercantias
e passageros.

Le patres del fratres Wright habeva un influentia
importantissime in lor carriera de pionieros in le
aviation.  Lor patre faceva cochis.  Lor matre anque
habeva un certe talento mechanic.  Illa fabricava
joculos pro su infantes e apparatos utile pro su
travalios de casa.

In 1878 lor patre comprava pro illes un joculo simile
a un helicoptero, que eveliava in illes un grande
interesse in le mechanica del volo.

Con le adjuta de lor patres illes deveniva expertos
in le reparation de bicylettas, e con le tempore
illes comenciava creder que con lor cognoscimentos,
illes anque poterea fabricar machinas que permitterea
que illes volava con le aves.

Illes comenciava modestemente con cometas de papiro.
Tunc illes progredeva a planatores.  Finalmente
illes applicava un motor e duo helices a un ex lor
planatores, e in 1903 illes volava 35 metros in
12 secundas.  Un pauco plus tarde ille mesme die,
Wilbur volava 260 metros in 59 secundas.

Le jornales de ille dies non prestava multe attention
al prime volos del fratres Wright, e illes retornava
a Dayton, Ohio, pro continuar lor recercas in le
technica del volo.  In 1908 Wilbur demonstrava un
ex lor aviones in Europa in un volo que durava plus
que duo horas.

In 1909 illes comenciava le production commercial
de lor aviones, e tosto multe alteres comenciava
modificar lor designos, e le disveloppamento de
aviones moderne sequeva un curso de evolution
rapidissime comparate al evolution de naves marin.

Le acceleration del taxa de evolution technologic
in general durante le seculo XX deveniva stupefacente,
e il es ben possibile que intra 50 annos le evolution
del informatica producera systemas que rivalisara
le capacitates intellectual del melior cerebros


One hundred years ago (December 17, 1903) Orville and
Wilbur Wright flew their first airplane at Kitty Hawk,
North Carolina, starting the age of aviation that
culminated in our jet planes and routine
intercontinental transport services for passengers and

The parents of the Wright brothers had an important
influence on their career as aviation pioneers.  Their
father was a coach maker.  Their mother also had a
certain mechanical bent/talent.  She made toys for her
children and useful appliances for doing housework.

In 1878 their father bought for them a toy resembling
a helicopter, which evoked/stimulated in them a great
interest in the mechanics of flight.

With the help of their parents they became experts in
(repairing bicycles) / (bicycle repair), and in time
they began to believe that with this knowledge they
would also be able to make machines that would allow
them to fly like birds.

They started out modestly with paper kites.  Then they
went on to gliders.  Finally they applied an engine
and two propellers to one of their gliders, and in
1903 they flew 35 meters in twelve seconds.  A little
later on that same day, Wilbur flew 260 meters in
fifty-nine seconds.

The newspapers of those days didn't pay much attention
to the first flights of the Wright brothers, and they
returned to Dayton, Ohio, to continue their research
into the technology of flying.  In 1908 Wilbur
demonstrated one of their planes in Europe in a flight
that lasted longer than two hours.

In 1909 they started commercial production of their
planes, and soon many other people started to modify
their designs, and the development of modern airplanes
followed a very rapid evolutionary course compared to
the evolution of marine ships.

The acceleration of the rate of technological
evolution in general during the twentieth century
became utterly (amazing) / (mind blowing), and it is
quite possible that within fifty years the evolution
of computer science will produce systems that will
rival the intellectual capacities of the best human brains.

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