Car Josu,
Attention: In le transcription phonetic x representa le "j" del lingua spaniol, o le "ch" german o scottic. Dunque:
scriber [-ks-] e non [-x-]. Ha casos quando iste x es pronunciate [-gz-]
Toate cele bune & numai bine
Prof. Ion-Mihail Iosif
Traduceri limbi europene
U r g e n t e
Esperanto - Interlingua
Mobil 004 0723 19 58 30
From: Josu Lavin <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: [INTERLNG] Le parolas le plus irregular in ia Vostre opinion
Nove lista alphabetisate infra.
abordage [ɑbordɑʒe]
acierage [ɑtsierɑʒe]
adjustage [ɑdʒustɑʒe]
admixtion [ɑdmixtion]
adustion [ɑdustion]
aerage [ɑerɑʒe]
agiotage [ɑʒotɑʒe]
alique [ɑlike]
amarage [ɑmɑrɑʒe]
amnestia [ɑmnestíɑ]
amnestiar [ɑmnestiɑr]
amperage [ɑmperɑʒe]
ancorage [ɑnkorɑʒe]
angustia [ɑŋgustiɑ]
angustiar [ɑŋgustiɑr]
angustiose [ɑŋgustiose]
antiaeree [ɑntiɑeree]
antiasthmatic [ɑntiɑstmɑtik]
antichristian [ɑntikristiɑn]
apprentissage [ɑpprentissɑʒe]
approchar [ɑpproʃɑr]
arbitrage [ɑrbitrɑʒe]
aristocratia [ɑristokrɑtíɑ]
arithmomantia [ɑritmomɑntíɑ]
arlequin [ɑrlekin]
arlequinada [ɑrlekinɑdɑ]
arrangiamento [ɑrrɑnʒɑmento]
arrangiar [ɑrrɑnʒɑr]
artichoc [ɑrtiʃok]
atque [ɑtke]
attaché [ɑtɑʃé]
atterrage [ɑtterrɑʒe]
autocratia [ɑutokrɑtíɑ]
avalanche [ɑvɑlɑnʃe]
avantage [ɑvɑntɑʒe]
avokatiero [ɑvokɑtiero]
bagage [bɑgɑʒe]
bandage [bɑndɑʒe]
baronage [bɑronɑʒe]
barrage [bɑrrɑʒe]
bastion [bɑstion]
bestia [bestiɑ]
bestial [bestiɑl]
bestialitate [bestiɑlitɑte]
biberage [biberɑʒe]
bibliomantia [bibliomɑntíɑ]
bituminage [bituminɑʒe]
bobinage [bobinɑʒe]
boiage [boiɑʒe]
bolchevismo [bolʃevismo]
boscage [boskɑʒe]
bouquet [boukè]
boycottage [boikottɑʒe]
brecha [breʃɑ]
brigantage [brigɑntɑʒe]
briquette [brikette]
broche [broʃe]
brochure [broʃur]
bronzage [bronzɑʒe]
budget [bɑdʒet]
budgetar [bɑdʒetɑr]
bureaucratia [burokrɑtíɑ]
Cachmir [kɑʃmir]
cartucha [kɑrtuʃɑ]
cauchu [kɑuʃú]
celestial [tselestiɑl]
ceromantia [tseromɑntíɑ]
chacal [ʃɑkɑl]
chaco [ʃɑko]
chaise [ʃɑise]
chal [ʃɑl]
chalet [ʃɑlé]
chalupa [ʃɑlupɑ]
Champagne [ʃɑmpɑin]
champignon [ʃɑmpinion]
chaperon [ʃɑperon]
chaperonage [ʃɑperonɑʒe]
chaperonar [ʃɑperonɑr]
char à bancs [ʃɑrɑbɑnks]
charade [ʃɑrɑde]
charivari [ʃɑrivɑri]
charlatan [ʃɑrlɑtɑn]
charme [ʃɑrme]
charpa [ʃɑrpɑ]
chartreuse [ʃɑrtrose]
chassa [ʃɑssɑ]
chassis [ʃɑssis]
chauffeur [ʃofer]
chauvinismo [ʃovinismo]
chec [tʃek]
Checoslovachia [tʃekoslovɑkiɑ]
chef [ʃef]
chenille [ʃenile]
cheque [ʃeke]
cheque [ʃeke]
chic [ʃik]
chiffonier [ʃiffoniè]
Chile [tʃile]
chimpanze [ʃimpɑnzé]
China [ʃinɑ]
chinese [ʃinese]
chiromantia [kiromɑntíɑ]
choc [ʃok]
choccar [ʃokkɑr]
chocolate [ʃokolɑte]
chocolatiera [ʃokolɑtierɑ]
christian [kristiɑn]
christianismo [kristiɑnismo]
christianitate [kristiɑnitɑte]
christiano [kristiɑno]
claque [klɑke]
cliché [kliʃé]
clique [klike]
cochi [koʃi]
cochinilia [koʃiniliɑ]
combustion [kombustion]
commatrage [kommɑtrɑʒe]
commixtion [kommixtion]
concubinage [konkubinɑʒe]
congestion [koŋgestion]
congestionar [koŋgestionɑr]
contraspionage [kontrɑspionɑʒe]
coquetta [kokettɑ]
coquettar [kokettɑr]
coquette [kokette]
coquetteria [koketteríɑ]
corage [korɑʒe]
coragiose [korɑʒose]
cordage [kordɑʒe]
cornichon [korniʃon]
corsage [korsɑʒe]
creosotage [kreosotɑʒe]
crochet [kroʃé]
croquet [kroket]
croquetar [kroketɑr]
croquette [krokette]
cuneage [kuneɑʒe]
curettage [kurettɑʒe]
cylindrage [tsilindrɑʒe]
damascenage [dɑmɑstsenɑʒe]
democratia [demokrɑtíɑ]
depeche [depeʃe]
dervich [derviʃ]
digestion [digestion]
dinastia [dinɑstíɑ]
diplomatia [diplomɑtíɑ]
disavantage [disɑvɑntɑʒe]
disavantagiose [disɑvɑntɑʒose]
diskassage [diskɑssɑʒe]
dismontage [dismontɑʒe]
disrangiamento [disrɑnʒɑmento]
disrangiar [disrɑnʒɑr]
dosage [dosɑʒe]
ducha [duʃɑ]
Dunkerque [duŋkerke]
echelon [eʃelon]
elephantiasis [elefɑntiɑsis]
equipage [equipɑʒe]
eremitage [eremitɑʒe]
esque [eske]
essamage [essɑmɑʒe]
essayage [essɑiɑʒe]
etage [etɑʒe]
etiquetta [etikettɑ]
etiquettar [etikettɑr]
eucharistia [eukɑristíɑ]
exhaustion [exhɑustion]
fetiche [fetiʃe]
fichu [fiʃu]
flecha [fleʃɑ]
fokage [fokɑʒe]
foliage [foliɑʒe]
forgiar [forʒɑr]
forrage [forrɑʒe]
frangiar [frɑnʒɑr]
frangiate [frɑnʒɑte]
frangiatura [frɑnʒɑturɑ]
frangiero [frɑnʒero]
frontiera [frontierɑ]
fructiero [fruktiero]
fuselage [fuselɑʒe]
gage [gɑʒe]
galimatias [gɑlimɑtiɑs]
galocha [gɑloʃɑ]
galvanoplastia [gɑlvɑnoplɑstiɑ]
garage [gɑrɑʒe]
garagista [gɑrɑʒistɑ]
garantia [gɑrɑntíɑ]
garrettiera [gɑrrettierɑ]
geomantia [geomɑntíɑ]
gerontocratia [gerontokrɑtíɑ]
gestion [gestion]
ginecocratia [ginekokrɑtíɑ]
gingibre [ʒinʒìbre]
ginseng [ʒìnséng]
girafa [ʒirɑfɑ]
gitarra [gitɑrrɑ]
gitarrista [gitɑrristɑ]
grilliage [grilliɑʒe]
guillotina [giliotinɑ]
guillotinada [giliotinɑdɑ]
guillotinamento [giliotinɑmento]
guillotinar [giliotinɑr]
guirlanda [girlɑndɑ]
guirlandar [girlɑndɑr]
guitarra [gitɑrrɑ]
guitarrista [gitɑrristɑ]
guttiera [guttierɑ]
hacha [hɑʃɑ]
hachich [hɑʃiʃ]
harponage [hɑrponɑʒe]
herbage [herbɑʒe]
hereditage [hereditɑʒe]
hieromantia [hieromɑntíɑ]
homage [homɑʒe]
hostage [hostɑʒe]
idiotia [idiotíɑ]
immagazinage [immɑgɑzinɑʒe]
immixtion [immixtion]
immodestia [immodestiɑ]
impaleage [impɑleɑʒe]
incoragiamento [inkorɑʒɑmento]
incoragiar [inkorɑʒɑr]
indigestion [indigestion]
Indochina [indoʃinɑ]
ingagiamento [iŋgɑʒɑmento]
ingagiar [iŋgɑʒɑr]
ingagiator [iŋgɑʒɑtor]
ingestion [iŋgestion]
ingranage [iŋgrɑnɑʒe]
inguirlandar [iŋgirlɑndɑr]
inragiamento [inrɑʒɑmento]
inragiar [inrɑʒɑr]
itaque [itɑke]
jardinage [ʒɑrdinɑʒe]
judeochristian [ʒudeokristiɑn]
kaffetiera [kɑffetierɑ]
kalfatage [kɑlfɑtɑʒe]
kamouflage [kɑmuflɑʒe]
kannage [kɑnnɑʒe]
kanoage [kɑnoɑʒe]
kapsulage [kɑpsulɑʒe]
karinage [kɑrinɑʒe]
karnage [kɑrnɑʒe]
kartiera [kɑrtierɑ]
kartomantia [kɑrtomɑntíɑ]
kartonage [kɑrtonɑʒe]
katoptromantia [kɑtoptromɑntíɑ]
kiosque [kioske]
kirschwasser [kirʃvɑsser]
lancha [lɑnʃɑ]
lavage [lɑvɑʒe]
lectiera [lektierɑ]
legier [leʒier]
legieressa [leʒieressɑ]
leontiase [leontiɑse]
libertinage [libertinɑʒe]
lineage [lineɑʒe]
linguage [liŋguɑʒe]
lunch [lɑntʃ]
lustrage [lustrɑʒe]
lynchar [lintʃɑr]
manchette [mɑnʃette]
manchu [mɑntʃu]
Manchukuo [mɑntʃukuo]
Manchuria [mɑntʃuriɑ]
mangiabile [mɑnʒɑbile]
mangiar [mɑnʒɑr]
mangiator [mɑnʒɑtor]
mangiatoria [mɑnʒɑtoriɑ]
mannequin [mɑnnekin]
marcha [mɑrʃɑ]
marchar [mɑrʃɑr]
marechal [mɑreʃɑl]
maritage [mɑritɑʒe]
Marquesas [mɑrkesɑs]
marquis [mɑrkis]
marquise [mɑrkise]
massage [mɑssɑʒe]
match [mɑtʃ]
menage [menɑʒe]
menagerie [menɑʒeri]
menchevismo [menʃevismo]
mercerisage [mertserisɑʒe]
message [messɑʒe]
messageria [messɑʒeríɑ]
messagero [messɑʒero]
mestiero [mestiero]
mestitsiage [mestitsiɑʒe]
metrage [metrɑʒe]
mirage [mirɑʒe]
misusage [misusɑʒe]
mixtion [mixtion]
modestia [modestiɑ]
molestia [molestiɑ]
monetage [monetɑʒe]
montage [montɑʒe]
mosquitiera [moskitierɑ]
mosquitiera [mosquitierɑ]
mosquito [moskito]
multivage [multivɑʒe]
necromantia [nekromɑntíɑ]
niche [niʃe]
nickelage [nikkelɑʒe]
noctivage [noktivɑʒe]
nomocratia [nomokrɑtíɑ]
nonchalance [nonʃɑlɑnse]
nonchalant [nonʃɑlɑn]
ochlocratia [oklokrɑtíɑ]
oleage [oleɑʒe]
oneiromantia [oneiromɑntíɑ]
orangeria [orɑnʒeríɑ]
orangiada [orɑnʒɑdɑ]
orangiero [orɑnʒero]
ornithomantia [ornitomɑntíɑ]
ostage [ostɑʒe]
osteoplastia [osteoplɑstiɑ]
ostiero [ostiero]
ostio [ostio]
paisage [pɑisɑʒe]
paisagista [pɑisɑʒistɑ]
parquet [pɑrkè]
passage [pɑssɑʒe]
passager [pɑssɑʒer]
passagero [pɑssɑʒero]
patinage [pɑtinɑʒe]
patronage [pɑtronɑʒe]
pavage [pɑvɑʒe]
pedage [pedɑʒe]
pedagero [pedɑʒero]
pelegrinage [pelegrinɑʒe]
penitentieria [penitentieríɑ]
percentage [pertsentɑʒe]
percha [perʃɑ]
perque [perkè]
personage [personɑʒe]
petiolo [petiolo]
photomontage [fotomontɑʒe]
physiocratia [fisiokrɑtíɑ]
piliage [piliɑʒe]
pilotage [pilotɑʒe]
pluche [pluʃ]
plumage [plumɑʒe]
plutocratia [plutokrɑtíɑ]
poncho [pontʃo]
pornocratia [pornokrɑtíɑ]
porque [porkè]
portiera [portierɑ]
prelatia [prelɑtíɑ]
presbitia [presbitiɑ]
primatia [primɑtíɑ]
prophetia [profetíɑ]
proque [prokè]
punch [ponʃ]
punctage [punktɑʒe]
pupillage [pupillɑʒe]
putsch [putʃ]
qualque [quɑlke]
quartiero [quɑrtiero]
que [ke]
quem [kem]
question [question]
questionabile [questionɑbile]
questionar [questionɑr]
questionario [questionɑrio]
questionator [questionɑtor]
qui [ki]
rage [rɑʒe]
ragiar [rɑʒɑr]
ragiose [rɑʒose]
ramage [rɑmɑʒe]
rancho [rɑntʃo]
rangiar [rɑnʒɑr]
rastrellage [rɑstrellɑʒe]
rattiera [rɑttierɑ]
reportage [reportɑʒe]
reproche [reproʃe]
rhinoplastia [rinoplɑstíɑ]
rivetage [rivetɑʒe]
sabotage [sɑbotɑʒe]
sacristia [sɑkristíɑ]
sage [sɑʒe]
sagessa [sɑʒessɑ]
salatiera [sɑlɑtierɑ]
salvage [sɑlvɑʒe]
salvageria [sɑlvɑʒeríɑ]
sandwich [sɑndwitʃ]
schooner [ʃunɑ = ʃunr]
schottisch [skotiʃ]
semisalvage [semisɑlvɑʒe]
sergente [serʒente]
servage [servɑʒe]
skaliage [skɑliɑʒe]
solfeggiar [solfeʒɑr]
sondage [sondɑʒe]
speech [spitʃ]
spionage [spionɑʒe]
sputiera [sputierɑ]
stampage [stɑmpɑʒe]
steeplechase [stipeltʃeis]
stivage [stivɑʒe]
sucrage [sukrɑʒe]
suffragette [suffrɑʒette]
suggestion [suggestion]
suggestionar [suggestionɑr]
suprematia [supremɑtíɑ]
Susquehanna [suskehɑnnɑ]
tannage [tɑnnɑʒe]
tatuage [tɑtuɑʒe]
technocratia [teknokrɑtíɑ]
telepherage [teleferɑʒe]
terrage [terrɑʒe]
testiera [testierɑ]
theocratia [teokrɑtíɑ]
theomantia [teomɑntíɑ]
tintiera [tintierɑ]
tirage [tirɑʒe]
tomatiero [tomɑtiero]
tonnage [tonnɑʒe]
torcha [torʃɑ]
tortiera [tortierɑ]
tourniquet [tourniké]
trenchar [trenʃɑr]
trenchea [trenʃeɑ]
trencho [trenʃo]
tressage [tressɑʒe]
tricotage [trikotɑʒe]
tsarevich [tsɑrevitʃ]
ultrage [ultrɑʒe]
ultragiose [ultrɑʒose]
usage [usɑʒe]
ustion [ustion]
vagabundage [vɑgɑbundɑʒe]
vassallage [vɑssɑllɑʒe]
vengiabile [venʒɑbile]
vengiantia [venʒɑntiɑ]
vengiar [venʒɑr]
vengiative [venʒɑtive]
vengiator [venʒɑtor]
vestiario [vestiɑrio]
viage [viɑʒe]
viagiar [viɑʒɑr]
viagiator [viɑʒɑtor]
viduage [viduɑʒe]
village [villɑʒe]
villanage [villɑnɑʒe]
visage [visɑʒe]
voltage [voltɑʒe]
W.C. [dɑbliùsi]
wadi [wɑdi]
wafla [wɑflɑ]
wagon [wegon] ¿?
waldense [vɑldense]
walzer [vɑltser]
watercloset [wotɑkloset], [wɑtrklɑzet]
waterpolo [wotɑpolo], [wɑtrpolo]
watt [wot]
watta [wotɑ]
wattage [wɑttɑʒe]
wattage [wotɑʒe]
wattar [wotɑr]
watthora [wotorɑ]
wattimetro [wottimetro]
weekend [wikend]
west [west]
Westfalia [vestfɑliɑ]
westfalic [vestfɑlik]
whig [wig]
whiski [wiski]
whist [wist]
wigwam [wigwɑm]
Wilno [vilno]
wolfram [volfrɑm]
wolframite [volfrɑmite]
wombat [wombɑt]
Worms [vorms]
yacht [jot], [jɑt]
zinkage [zinkɑʒe]
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