Discussiones in Interlingua


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Discussiones in Interlingua <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 22 Jun 2013 15:04:30 +0100
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sin altere commentos. Ne io es ista usator.


I think the reason I went the Esperanto route instead of the Interlingua
 route is because Lernu is a very welcoming site for beginners.

I tell you, from where I sit, the Interlingua site is not.

The only English I can find on that site is Welcome to the website of the Union Mundial pro Interlingua, containing 
information on the international auxiliary language Interlingua, 
and a one-page presentation* that is mostly just general "marketing" 
information about Interlingua. Everything else is presented IN 

Now, I get that the Interlinguists (or whatever they
 call themselves) believe that their language is simply so easy and 
obvious that anyone can just jump right in whether they know it or not, 
so there's no apparent need to provide introductory material in any 
national language. Or maybe they don't think that, but simply aren't 
interested in providing an easy path to entry. In either case, I 
personally find their website as - intentionally or not - built to repel
 new speakers rather than to invite them in. Interlingua is maybe not 
quite as intuitively obvious to all non-speakers as its speakers think 
it is.

If I were your typical English-speaking monoglot wanting 
to pick up a second language, and that page was where I found myself, I 
would run screaming from it. Well, maybe that's a slight exaggeration; I
 wouldn't actually be screaming. But I wouldn't be learning Interlingua 
either. Beginners who don't know a language (especially if they only know their native language) tend to find huge blocks of text in that 
unknown language intimidating, and that's the wrong introductory 
impression any auxiliary language should make.

Which was my experience, many years ago, and which is why I now speak Esperanto.

 got nothing against Interlingua, and if people want to learn it I say 
go for it. It actually does look like a pretty cool language. I just 
wish the Interlingua set would build something a little friendlier to 
non-speakers. The way Lernu is.

* Which 
does contain a link to "materials in English", which, when clicked on, 
leads to a page entirely in Interlingua. Guys. C'mon. Don't make us 
puzzle it out. Hold our hands. That's how you get new speakers interested. Something like Illo vole cambiar su nomine in interlingua: Libere Burgo - lifted directly off the main Interlingua page, linked to above - may 
as well be Latin as far as it goes. Utterly impenetrable (to me, at 
least); I literally haven't the faintest idea what two-thirds of those 
words mean. That's not the way to reel 'em in.


----- Weitergeleitete Message -----
Von: Erik <[log in to unmask]>
An: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Gesendet: 10:20 Samstag, 22.Juni 2013
Betreff: re: [INTERLNG] traduction de cantos en lingua Esperanto


seems to be that member of this forum are not interested very much to help "A1 scratch"[1] beginners of Interlingua. I don't understand how Interlingua could spread more based on that attitude. I moved over and will follow up thread topic "traduction de cantos en lingua Esperanto" inside space.

Interforo offers non-Interlingua discussion section:

Furthermore, contrary to Yahoo, Interforo's user interface I can switch to Interlingua which offers possibility some day "to dive into Interlingua universe language full-featured". 

regards, Erik


----- Weitergeleitete Message -----
Von: Erik <[log in to unmask]>
An: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Gesendet: 20:05 Sonntag, 16.Juni 2013
Betreff: Re: [INTERLNG] traduction de cantos en lingua Esperanto


pooh, thats not easy. 

Question: Can I use that in poetry? Seems to meet best rythm of original phrase without need to "hyperventilate" during singing.

Te, io ama tanto, cara
01#eo#09syl: Mi a-mas vin tre mul-te, ka-ra
##ia1#09syl: Te, +i-o+ a-ma tan-to, ca-ra
##ia2#09syl: +i-o+ a-ma te tan-to !=!, ca-ra
##ia3#11syl: Ca-ra, +I-o+ a-ma te !=! +!to-tal-men-te!+,
##de1#08syl: Lieb-ste(r) - ich lie-be dich so sehr

regards, Erik

Syntax/ Markup

!=! (whole word missing)
!es! (one syllable missing in the middle or by the end)
+bus-ar-do+ (different number of syllables than original
or additional syllable inserted)
+!bus-ar-do!+ (insert of whole new word was necessary)
##ia0#09syl: +I-o+ a-ma te tan-to !=!, ca-ra (09 syllables excists)
##ia2#12syl: (alternative lyrics translation line with 12 syllables)
=?====== (to be stuck in translation)
=§====== (raw translation)
=§§===== (could proper be of translation)
=§§§==== (lyric line completely satisfied, translated)

----- Ursprüngliche Message -----
Von: Erik <[log in to unmask]>
An: [log in to unmask]
Gesendet: 18:56 Sonntag, 16.Juni 2013
Betreff: Re: [INTERLNG] traduction de cantos en lingua Esperanto


I modified that markup mentioned below. Hopefully should meet the needs now:

Syntax/ Markup

!=! whole word missing

!es! one syllable missing in the middle or by the end

+bus-ar-do+ different number of syllables than original
or additional syllable inserted

+!bus-ar-do!+ insert of whole new word was necessary

::::ia::2: alternative lyrics translation line

=?====== to be stuck in translation

=#====== raw translation

=##===== could proper be of translation

=###==== lyric line completely satisfied, translated

regards, Erik

----- Ursprüngliche Message -----
Von: Erik <[log in to unmask]>
An: [log in to unmask]
Gesendet: 18:14 Sonntag, 16.Juni 2013
Betreff: [INTERLNG] traduction de cantos en lingua Esperanto


that work is intented to let me dive more deeper into motivation to build up Interlingua language skills. I have choosen very popular song from the Esperanto universe to translate it into Interlingua. Furthermore, because there excists identical instrumental version of that song with singers voice it should be not that difficult to create an sing-along (karaoke) version afterwards. I have some experiences (4 "song hours" in result) with creation of sing-along songs. 

Due to intented creation of sing-along version translation of the lyrics should be very similar in numbers of the syllables. To get that realized I created some kind of syntax or let it call "mark-up" to succeed with that intented result. 

Afterwards I try to insert that prepared lyrics. Probably some email editors will wrap it non-proper. So, if that happens feel free to download file format file which suits bests your needs. Regarding files including mp3 files can be found here:

Would be great to get realized sing-along version of that song. 

regards, Erik

0001 Eo-song-translation


!...! whole word missing
!es-! one syllable missing
+!bus-ar-do!+ different number of syllables than original
+i-o+ additional syllable inserted
!bus-ar-do! insert of whole new word was necessary
::::ia::2: alternative lyrics translation line
=?====== to be stuck in translation
=#====== raw translation
=##===== could proper be of translation
=###==== lyric line completely satisfied, translated

01::eo:: Mi a-mas vin tre mul-te, ka-ra
::::ia:: I'-'o a-ma te tan-to ?...?, ca-ra
::::de:: Lieb-ste(r) - ich lie-be dich so sehr
02::eo:: de Her-no e-stas mi vik-ti-mo
::::ia:: de Her-no i-o es?-? la vic-ti-ma
::::de:: Her-no's(Frigg's) Op-fer, ja das bin ich,
03::eo:: a-mas vin tre mu-lte
::::ia:: +a-man-te+ te tan-to
::::de:: ...lie-be Dich so sehr
04::eo:: mu-lte pli ol iu ajn e-spri-mo
::::ia:: !plus! que co-mo ul-le qual-que de con-cep-to
::::de:: ...mehr als ir-gend-ein
an-der-er Be-griff es aus-drüc-ken könn-te
05::eo:: pli ol tro u-zi-taj vo-rtoj
::::de:: ...mehr als al-le all-zu oft
be-nutz-te Wor-te
06::eo:: pli ol iaj ajn lo-gi-kaj fo-rtoj
::::de:: ...mehr als ir-gend-wel-che
lo-gi-schen Kraef-te
07::eo:: char la bril' de vi-a flor'
::::de:: weil die Pracht dei-ner Blü-te
08::eo:: e-stas la ritm' de mi-a kor'
::::de:: der Ryth-mus mei-nes Her-zens ist
09::eo:: mi a-mas vin tre mu-lte
::::de:: Ich lie-be dich so sehr
10::eo:: kaj ne-ni-am vo-lus mi li-mi-gi
::::de:: und nie-mals möch-te ich
da-mit je auf-hoeren
11::eo:: vi-an e-ble-cple-nan e-ston
::::de:: dein vol-ler Moeg-lich-kei-ten
be-steh-en-des (Da-)Sein
12::eo:: ko-ntrau-e mi vo-lus vin i-nsti-gi
::::de:: Aber trotz-dem wür-de ich
dich so ger-ne pro-vo-zie-ren,
13::eo:: pli ol i-aj ajn pro-me-soj
::::de:: mir mehr zu ge-ben als
ir-gend-wel-che be-lie-bi-gen
14::eo:: pli ol fi-aj Ho-lly-wood-aj te-zoj
::::de:: zu mehr als ab-ge-drosch-en-en
Hol-ly-wood Phra-sen
15::eo:: kaj a-ve-ntu-ro kaj re-ven'
::::de:: (und der Wech-sel) zwi-schen
A-ben-teu-er und Rueck-kehr
16::eo:: e-stas por ni-a a-mo plen'
::::de:: ist für un-se-re Lie-be
das Voll-kom-men-e
17::eo:: sen-shlos-a e-stas pa-ra-di-zo
::::de:: Un-ver-schlos-sen ist das Pa-ra-dis
18::eo:: a-mon o-ni ne po-se-das
::::de:: Lie-be be-sitzt man nicht ein-fach so
19::eo:: i-ru iu-en ajn vi e-mas
::::de:: Geh' hin zu ir-gend-je-man-den
an-der-em den du be-gehrst
20::eo:: mal-li-be-rej-oj chi-am te-das
::::de:: Ge-faeng-nis-se lang-wei-len
doch im-mer-zu
21::eo:: chi-am blo-vu a-mo-ve-nto
::::de:: Staen-dig koen-nte der Wind
der Lie-be weh-en
22::eo:: chi-am po-rtu ghi al ni ko-nte-nton
::::de:: Staen-dig könn-te er
Glueck-lich-keit zu uns tra-gen,...
23::eo:: pri la e-sto, char li-ber'
::::de:: (in) die-ses Sein,
denn Frei-heit
24::eo:: viv-te-nas nin je a-me-sper'
::::de:: ... haelt uns mit der Hoff-nung
auf Lie-be am Le-ben.
25::eo:: mi a-mas vin tre mu-lte ka-ra
::::de:: Lieb-ste(r) - ich lie-be dich so sehr
26::eo:: da-nkon He-rno pro la be-no
::::de:: Dan-ke Her-no(Frigg) für den Se-gen
27::eo:: a-mas vin tre mul-te
::::de:: ...lie-be dich so sehr
28::eo:: mu-lte pli ol i-am vi ko-mpre-nos
::::de:: mehr als du je-mals
ver-steh-en wirst
29::eo:: pli ol tro u-zi-taj vo-rtoj
::::de:: mehr als all-zu oft be-nutz-te Wor-te
30::eo:: pli ol i-aj ajn lo-gi-kaj fo-rtoj
::::de:: mehr als ir-gend-wel-che
an-de-re lo-gisch-en Kraef-te
31::eo:: char la bril' de vi-a flor'
::::de:: weil die Pracht dei-ner Blü-te...
32::eo:: e-stas la ritm' de mi-a kor'.
::::de:: der Ryth-mus mei-nes Herz-ens ist.

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