03:05 12-11-2015, Stanley Mulaik, citante Alexander Gode:
"[...] I discussed the problem with Blair and as a result of our
discussion, proposed that he collect from the dozen and two
auxiliary language systems he knows all the grammatical words
which would not look too silly in the neighborhood of Interlingua
words and stick them in brackets in our compilation. I do not
believe that I would use the same procedure today."
And I am glad that he did, anyway.
Perdona, in interlingua: io gaude le facto que ille tamen lo
faceva. Quando io comenciava apprender interlingua, io
recognosceva 'sed', 'ancora' e 'anque' de esperanto, non del
latino e italiano.
[In le IED, 'sed' non es in parentheses quadrate, [ma] a [mais]
si. E [ancora] e [anque] etiam. Que es le parola non-quadratate
pro 'ancora'? Semper/sempre?]
Dunque, a vices io pensa, se al lista cognite, anglese, francese,
italiano, espaniol/portugese, con germano russe, nos adde non
catalano/occitano e rumano, ma esperanto, tote le 'problemas'
(que non vero es problemas) dispare! :)
Ruud Harmsen, http://rudhar.com
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