Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Allan Kiviaho <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 8 Nov 1998 13:10:35 +0200
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (181 lines)
d[981108] x[Allan Kiviaho]                KivA-8N8b
x[Latino Moderne de David Th. Stark]



Ha alicuno unquam vidite isto sito de David Th. Stark in
internet? (Io usa "internet" in loco de "interrete" proque
le verbo "internet" es usate in omne linguas. E le parola
"net" ha un distante connection al latino, io pensa:
Nassa (creel in anglese).

Il pare que sr. Stark ha create su "Latino moderne" per
facente alicun parve modificationes al nostre interlingua.
Ille es un heretico ...!

    I'm a pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church in
    Redding, California, which was organized as a
    congregation in 1997. It's a small Church, but
    has some of the nicest people I've ever met in
    my entire life. They love God and one another.
    I'm honored to be among them.

Paolo! Il pare que David es al certe grado un collega al te.
Forsan tu poterea guidar le retro al sentiero ver,
ab su lingua heretic al nostre lingua orthodoxe. Forsan
ille poterea devenir un bon interlinguanista?

Ver, io anque ha un certe inclination verso un lingua plus
latin sed io tentaya resiter tal tentationes ...

    Gode e Blair scribe in le prefacio al su grammatica:
    "... we called it A grammar of THE international
    language, which is to imply that other grammars and
    other variants of the same language are not only
    possible but highly welcome".

Assi, anque David Th. Stark es un heretico del toto ...?

Un latino-godeano-fundamentalista de interlingua

- - - - - - - - - - - -

David Th. Stark's

Home Page. Hi! Saluton! Ciao!

Welcome to my home page! In a hurry? I'll tell you quickly.
My interests are in LANGUAGES (ancient, biblical,
modern and constructed: Latino Moderne is my own pet project),
If this sounds like what you're looking for, read on and drop me
an e-mail.

If you'd like to see my translation of the Belgic Confession of
Faith just click on it. All the things it says are what I believe
in my heart.

I enjoy writing, so if you need a brief relaxing pause, take
three minutes and read The Saxon Hunt.

The links at the bottom will help you enter my world and meet
some of my good friends.

I live in northern California, 8 miles (12k) south of the town
of Redding.

I'll be forty-six on 13 April '98, and have been married
twenty-three years(19 October '74). My wife, Patsy, and I have
two sons Seth (17) and Noah (15).

I'm a pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church in Redding, California,
which was organized as a congregation in 1997. It's a small Church,
but has some of the nicest people I've ever met in my entire life.
They love God and one another. I'm honored to be among them.

I was graduated from the Reformed Episcopal Seminary in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania in 1979.

I enjoy American Civil War (1861-65) reenacting and history,
South African history and antique firearms.

My favorite ancient languages are Koine Greek, Biblical Hebrew,
Latin, Syriac, Anglo-Saxon, and a few others. I read
Koine Greek best of all, and because it's the original language
of the New Testament I love to study it.

Modern languages which I've studied and understand to a certain
degree are: Esperanto, Spanish, French, Italian, and a few others.
If you wish to write to me in one of them I'd welcome it and will
do my best to reply.

Esperanto really works and in my opinion is worthy of your time
and study. I've used it successfully in international
correspondance over the past 18 years. It's worth learning. If
you're interested, do a web search for available learning

I've worked on a con-lang project as a hobby off & on for the past
nine years called Latino Moderne.If you'd like me to keep you updated
on it, drop me an e-mail.

I started studying Italian (possibly the world's most lovely
language) because of a cat (the "meow" kind) who was named Misha
who lived in the city of Rome with her cat friend Molly (Misha is
no longer with us, but if you'll click on the above names I promise
you'll find two reasons to smile.)

The bravest and best man on earth I know is an African pastor named
Elder Mfumwabana N'kulu who lives in the city of Lubumbashi, in the
Congo (formerly Zaire). I hope to tell you more about him soon.

My favorite theologians are John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards,
Cornelius Van Til and Robert Knight Rudolf, men whom God
used to teach me how to think.

My favorite book is the Holy Bible, which I highly recomend to

I began reading it when I was 16 and became a Christian when I
learned about God's love for us, and the forgiveness of sins through
the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ for us sinners.
This is the GOOD NEWS! (Everything else is just commentary).

Whatever you may be going through in your life the Lord Jesus Christ
is interested in you and will help you if you'll pray. Call on Him
in prayer and wonderful things will begin in your life.

You cannot know who you really are until you know the God who made
you and loves you. The real adventure of life begins when you call
on Him (Jesus Christ) in prayer.

If you have questions or comments about the Bible please feel free
to write me via e-mail.

My favorite play is Hamlet.
Paolo! David deberea comprar le version de Hamlet in interlingua!

One of the better movies I saw this year was "As Good As It Gets"
with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt. Last year's were, "The Ghost
and the Darkness" and "Il Postino".

There's much more to tell time!

Come back again soon. Thanks for taking the time to read all this!

You may want to bookmark this page so you can find me in the future.

   Links to other sites on the Web

   Latino Moderne Grammar & Texts
   The Reformed Network. Check it out!
   Letizia, my friend in Rome, with excellent Chaos links.
   She proves that beauty and intelligence go together very
   well. (sorry guys, she's happily married.)
   Seth Stark's Home Page
   Me at my good friend Bishop Fincke's Consecration

If you're wondering what I look like click on Bishop Fincke's link
and you can see a real blury picture of me (trust me, I look better
blury!). (I'm the last man on the right in the front row wearing a
solid black robe.) I plan on posting more pictures soon.

Drop me a note. I'd love to hear from you.

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