Discussiones in Interlingua


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Tue, 22 Jun 1999 10:56:32 +0000
"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Mario Malaguti <[log in to unmask]>
"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (208 lines)
Car Amicas e Amicos,

un exemplo: afable, affable, (friendly) affabile; illo debe esser
ameliorate in afable, affable (friendly), affabile.

adopción - amigable

adopción, adoption, adoption
adorable, adorable, adorabile
adorador, adorer, (masc.) adorator;
adorador, adorer, (fem.) adoratrice
adquisición, acquisition, acquisition
adulteración, adulteration, adulteration
adulterio, adultery, adulterio
adulto, adult, adulto
adulto, adult, adulte;
advenimiento, advent, advento
adverbio, adverb, adverbio
adversidad, adversity, adversitate
adverso, adverse, adverse
adyacente, adjacent, adjacente
aeronave, airship, aeroplane, avion, nave aeree
aeroplano, aeroplane, airplane aeroplano, avion
aeropuerto, airport, aeroporto
aerosol, aerosol, (spray canister) *atomisator
aerosol, aerosol, (mist) *aerosol;
afabilidad, affability, affabilitate
afable, affable, (friendly) affabile
afectación, affectation, affectation, preciositate
afectado, affected, affectate
afecto, affection, affecto
afectuoso, affectionate, affectionate
afgano, Afghan, *afghan;
afgano, Afghan, *afghano
afición, addiction, (enthusiasm) enthusiasmo
afición, addiction, (to drugs) *narcomania;
aficionado, amateur, amateur, dilettante
áfido, aphid, {bio.} aphide
afiliación, affiliation, affiliation
afiliado, affiliate, affiliar (se)
afinidad, affinity, (of similar structure) affinitate
afirmación, affirmation, affirmation
afirmativo, affirmative, affirmative
aflicción, affliction, affliction
afluencia, affluence, affluentia
aforismo, aphorism, aphorismo, maximo
afrenta, affront, affrontar
afrenta, affront, (insult) affronto;
África, Africa, {geog.} Africa
africano, African, african;
africano, African, africano
afrodisíaco, aphrodisiac, aphrodisiac
ágape, agape, (love) *agape, amor christian
agencia, agency, agentia
agenda, agenda, ordine del die
agente, agent, agente
ágil, agile, (nimble) agile
agilidad, agility, agilitate
agitación, agitation, agitation
agitador, agitator, agitator
aglomerado, agglomerate, {gather into a mass) *agglomerar
agnosticismo, agnosticism, (can't know for sure) *agnosticismo
agnóstico, agnostic, agnostic;
agnóstico, agnostic, agnostico
agonía, agony, (anguish) agonia, angustia
agónico, agonizing, atroce, *agonisante
agorafobia, agoraphobia, (fear of open places) *agoraphobia
agosto, August, augusto
agravamiento, aggravation, (annoyance) exasperation
agravamiento, aggravation, (making worse) aggravation;
agravante, aggravating, (making worse) aggravante;
agravante, aggravation, (annoyance) exasperation
agravante, aggravation, (making worse) aggravation;
agravante, aggravating, (annoying) exasperante
agregado, aggregate, collective, total;
agregado, aggregate, aggregato, total;
agregado, aggregate, aggregar (se)
agresión, aggression, aggression
agresivo, aggressive, aggressive
agresor, aggressor, aggressor
agrícola, agricultural, agricole
agricultura, agriculture, agricultura
agrio, acidic, acide, *acidic
agudeza, acuity, *acuitate
agudo, acute, acute
aire, air, aere;
aire, air, aerar;
aire, air, (in the open) al aere libere
ajuste, adjustment, (settlement) adjustamento
al lado, aside, parte, al latere
Alá, Allah, (arabic) God
alarma, alarm, alarma, al(l)erta;
alarma, alert, a(l)lertar
alarma, alert, a(l)lerta;
alarma, alarm, alarmar
alarma, alert, a(l)lerte, vigilante;
alarmante, alarming, alarmante
Alaska, Alaska, {geog.} *Alaska;
Alaska, Alaska, {geog.} (State of - ) *le Stato de Alaska
Albania, Albania, {geog.} *Albania
albaricoque, apricot, albricoc, armeniaca
álbum, album, album
albúmina, albumin, {bio.} (complex protein) *albumina
alcachofa, artichoke, artichoc
álcali, alkali, alcali
alcoba, alcove, alcova
alcohol, alcohol, alcohol
alcohólico, alcoholic, alcoholic;
alcohólico, alcoholic, alcoholico
alcoholismo, alcoholism, alcoholismo
ale (cerveza inglesa), ale, (pale - ) bira clar
ale (cerveza inglesa), ale, (brown - ) bira obscur;
ale (cerveza inglesa), ale, bira;
aleación, alloy, alligar
aleación, alloy, alligato;
alegación, allegation, (assertion without proof) allegation
alegado, alleged, pretense
alegoría, allegory, (hidden meaning story) allegoria
alergia, allergy, allergia
alérgico, allergic, allergic
alerón, aileron, *aleron
alerta, alert, a(l)lerta;
alerta, alert, a(l)lerte, vigilante;
alerta, alert, a(l)lertar
alfabético, alphabetical, alphabetic
alfabeto, alphabet, alphabeto
alga, alga, {bio.} alga
álgebra, algebra, algebra
algebraico, algebraic, algebraic
algoritmo, algorithm, {n.} *algorithmo
aliado, allied, alliate
aliado, ally, alliato, confederato;
aliado, ally, (by marriage) apparentar
alianza, alliance, alliantia
alias, alias, pseudonymo
alias, alias, alias;
alienación, alienation, alienation
alineación, alignment, alineamento
alivio, alleviation, alleviation
almanaque, almanac, almanac
almendra, almond, amandola
almirantazgo, admiralty, admiralitate
almirante, admiral, admiral
alocación, allocation, allocation
alojamiento, accommodation, (adapting) accommodation;
alojamiento, accommodation, (lodgings) albergo, *allogiamento
alojamiento, accommodation, (adjusting) adjustamento;
Alpes, Alps, {geog.} Alpes
alpino, alpine, alpin, alpestre
alrededor de, around, (stand - ) circumstar
alrededor de, around, (get - ) ambular;
alrededor de, around, circa;
altar, altar, altar
alteración, alteration, alteration
altercado, altercation, (heated argument) *altercation
alternativa, alternate, alterne, alternate;
alternativa, alternative, alternativa
alternativa, alternate, alternar
alternativa, alternative, alternative;
alternativo, alternative, alternative;
alternativo, alternative, alternativa
alterno, alternate, alternar
alterno, alternate, alterne, alternate;
altitud, altitude, altitude
altruismo, altruism, *altruismo
altruista, altruistic, (generous, unselfish) *altruistic
aluminio, aluminum, (Al) aluminium, *aluminio
alumno, alumnus, alumno
alusión, allusion, allusion
amable, amiable, (agreeable, friendly) amabile
amalgamación, amalgamation, amalgamation
amalgamar, amalgamate, (combine) amalgamar (se)
ámbar, amber, jalne;
ámbar, amber, ambra (jalne)
ambición, ambition, (aspiration) ambition;
ambición, ambition, (unscrupulous) arrivismo
ambicioso, aspiring, ambitiose
ambicioso, ambitious, ambitiose
ambidextro, ambidextrous, *ambidextre
ambiente, ambient, {gen. / comp.} ambiente
ambigüedad, ambiguity, ambiguitate
ambiguo, ambiguous, (unclear) ambigue, equivoc
ambladura (de un caballo), amble, ir al *amblo
ambladura (de un caballo), amble, *amblo;
ambrosía, ambrosia, ambrosia
ambulancia, ambulance, ambulantia
ambulante, ambulant, ambulante
amén, amen, (Heb., so be it!) amen
amenidad, amenity, *amenitate
América, America, {geog.} America;
América, America, (U. S. A.) Statos Unite
americano, American, ( - citizen) citatano american, *statounitese
americano, American, (of america) american;
americano, American, americano;
amigable, amicable, amicabile



Mario Malaguti
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