Discussiones in Interlingua


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STAN MULAIK <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua
Fri, 2 Jan 1998 13:40:10 -0500
text/plain (158 lines)
From [log in to unmask] Fri Jan  2 13:13 EST 1998
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Date:         Fri, 2 Jan 1998 22:16:06 -0800
From: Chris Burd <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Temas duple
To: [log in to unmask]

Stan Muliak scribeva:
>morir [mor-/mort-]   isto es un de multe verbos con duple e triple themas
>   in le linguas latin e romance.  Le verbo simple es "morir", e.g.
>ille mori, (o in tempore passate) ille moriva.  Multe derivativos es
>basate super le secunde thema "mort-", como "mortal", "mortalitate",
>immortal, etc..  Al mesme tempore il ha "moribunde", "moriente" (ppr).
>Similar casos de duple themas es in le serie  "ager [ag-/act-; -ig-/-act-]
>anglese: to act.  Nos ha como derivativos  "agente", "agentia", "agenda",
>basate super ag- e action, active, activar, activation, actor, actrice,
>actual, actualizar, actualitate, actualmente, inactive, etc.  Usualmente
>on pote rememorar le verbo basic si il existe in le lingua materne que on
>parla participios presente terminante in -nte que ha le prime thema e
>derivativos terminante in -tion basate super le secunde thema.  Ben que
>un novicio va regardar isto como un complication, il esserea un major
>complication si il ha solmente un thema al capite de serie derivational,
>p.e. actar > actante (actante de assecurantia in loco de agente de
>assecurantia), actantia (agentia); mortar > mortabunde.

In plus, on debe memora que il es sempre possibile crear derivationes
usante le tema primari, mesmo si le forma official (e maximo international)
usa le tema secundari. Pro exemplo, in loco de "expression", on pote dicer
"exprimition" (le verbo "exprimer" ha le tema secundari "express-").
"Exprimition" non es tanto comprensibile como "expression", ma illo
functiona. In le caso de neologismos, il existe sovente ambe formas:
impressor/imprimitor (pro le machina que imprime textos e graficos
computerista). Le possibilitate de un tal construction - o construition :)
- pote esser utile pro novicios, super toto, parlatores de linguas

>Le duple themas ha nulle relevantia al inflexiones del verbo, que es solmente
>inflectite pro tempores e non pro persona.  Le duple themas es trovate in
>derivativos in serie derivational.

Salvo que il se permitte usar le tema secundari in le participio passive.
Pro exemplo on pote dicer o:

(a) Io la ha scripte un littera, ma illa non lo ha recepte.


(b) Io la ha scribite un littera, ma illa non lo ha recipite.

Io prefere variante (b), le forma regular.

Chris Burd
Victoria, B.C.
qui desira un nove anno allegre e successose pro tote abonantes de
Interlng. E pro le movimento interlinguista, ancora un anno de crescimente
e expansion.

From [log in to unmask] Fri Jan  2 13:29 EST 1998
Date:         Fri, 2 Jan 1998 13:29:23 -0500
From: STAN MULAIK <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Derivatives in Interlingua
To: Multiple recipients of list AUXLANG <[log in to unmask]>

Further observations on the affix system of Interlingua:

obedir v. to obey; obedir a (un persona, un lege, etc.)  to obey (a person,
    a law, etc.)
obediente - obedient (present participle and adjective). The present
    participle suffix on -ir verbs is always -iente. That's the way it
    is, not just in Latin, but in words of this class lent from Latin
    into the modern languages.
obedientia - (-ia = 'state, quality of being... ')  obedient- + -ia =
disobediente - (dis- 1. 'apart, separately; divided, scattered' 2. 'not...,
    contrary _or_ opposite of')  dis- + obediente > disobediente =
disobedientia - disobedience

obrar (synonym of "operar" and "laborar") to work
obra  work (1. purposeful activity; 2. something produced by manual
    or intellectual work); poner in obra - to put to work or use; obra de arte
    - work of art.  (-a makes a simple noun. Originally in romanic this was
    a feminine noun, but gendere has no grammatical role in Interlingua).
obrero (-ero = one who works with or deals in or with... ) worker

New formation

nude - nude   nud- + -ero = nudero.  "Ille artista es un nudero" (That
    artist is one who works with nudes).

(Not likely a common formation...)

jac- [jac-/ject-; -jic-/-ject-] v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]

Two phonetically similar words in Latin  jacere - to lie and jacere -to
   throw with same second stems.  Maybe one is metaphorically related to the

jacer - to lie (= to be lying in a certain place)
adjacente to be in the state of lying at or next to something ad = to, at,
     -ente = present participle
jacimento - [Geol.] layer, deposit, stratum {-imento = 'action or result
     of'}  (For verbs in -er, -ir  -imento is used)
circumjacer - to lie around (a place)
circumjacente  to be lying around something
subjacer - to lie under (sub-) something
{New formation: superjacer - to lie above something}
subjacente - to be lying under something

jectar - to throw (perhaps because of the conflict between the two senses
    of jacere in vulgar Latin, this new variant of "to throw" was coined
    from the second stem in protoromance).
objectar - {ob- Latin prefix  in the way, towards, against; before, in front
    of; on account of, because of} to throw something in the way.
    to object
objection - {-tion - act or result of} objection
    {objectation may seem more straightforward here, but is superfluous
     insofar as one can think of this as being formed from the verb
     objicer [-jic-/-ject-], with the rule to add -ion to the second stem}
objecto - object (1. a material thing; 2. purpose, end; 3. [Gram.]
     (Is an object metaphorically something that stands in the way,
      something "thrown in front of one". Note the German calque translation
      of "Gegenstand".  An object as a goal is something one might
      throw out ahead, like throwing a stone and saying, "That's where
      we are going". So notice the metaphors here).
objective - {-ive = 1. tending to... 2. having the function of ... ing}.
objectivar - {-ar suffix for making a noun from an adjective or another noun}
      To objectivate, objectify, objectivize.
objectivizar - objectivize {-izar = to cause to be ....}
objectivation - objectivation
objectivismo - {-ismo = 1. state or quality of being.... ; 2. doctrine or
      practice concerned with.... ; 3. something characteristic of ...the
      people or language of, e.g. germanismo}   objectivism
objectificar - {-ificar = to make something  into ...; to render something;
      to convert into ....} objectify
objectification - objectification

objectivo - n. objective ("Our objective is that hill")

objectabile - {-abile = adjective suffix meaning "that can be ....ed;
                that which is worthy to be .... ed}  objectable.

New formation:  objectizar  - objectize = to make or treat something as an

Derivationally yours,
Stan Mulaik