Salutes cordial interlinguan,

io me excusa pro usar tal terminos como "facismo linguistico" - io ero
incorrecte! Pardono! Io soi assecure que de Wahl non era un facista, certe,
dicer nulle re Allan! Mea culpa.

Per favor, me excusa! Io scribeo este post reciver qulque tal mal e acerbe
messages ab lista e-postal de Nova Roma, re "patricianos" e "plebeianos", re
popolos ricos e povres... Pardono!;-)

Ma nonobstante non credo que solmente linguas bellas roman son "nobile"...
Que vive l'equlitate dellos linguas de tote il mundo!;-)

De "facismo linguistico". Si, este termino es mal. Forsan "imperialismo
linguistico"?;-) Al minus, legente tal phrases como (pardono pro l'anglese,
ma volo dar una citation exacte):

"The Neo-Romantic school of language planning asserts that the main tool of
civilization is language. The most widespread civilization of our era is
Western civilization. This civilization is linked to race: "This culture,"
an important representative of Neo- Romanticism claims, "is felt to be a
typical expression of the culture of the white races." According to the same
author, this civilization, becoming ever more uniform, is ever more in need
of a common language, one that must be suitable to its nature. "Today," he
asserts, "because our culture is based on the historical foundations of
Rome, it is clear that the bases of the (international) language must be the
same Latin foundations." (1) This is why, according to the representatives
of the Neo-Romance school, "modern interlinguistics is an applied science
[which] works out elements which cannot be changed at pleasure, because they
have been utilized for centuries; this means that this science must use the
words of the international cultural vocabulary, common to all languages of
culture." (2) The well-known statement by the famous Danish linguist Otto
Jespersen, according to whom "the best international languages is the
easiest language for the greatest number of people," must be interpreted
according to what its author himself claims, that "it concerns only
Europeans or the inhabitants of other parts of the globe who are either of
European origin or possess a civilization based on European civilization
itself." (3)
For this reason, the structure of a planned language must be based on the
structure of the Western European languages, and may contain nothing
invented. "

-- il verbo "imerialistic" veni al mento, nonne?

Anque io soi un aherente de una idea della lingua auxiliar international
basata super linguas romanicas modernes, ma solmente proque io amo questas
linguas molte(=multe). Ma tal argumentos como "La civilization mundial es
ora una civilization del mundo occidental" non son bon argumentos pro lingua
auxiliar international romanic, credo.

Pardono pro usar tal Interlingua barbarica;-) E de novo, pro que son linguas
romanicas nobile, et alteres non son?


>From: Jay Bowks <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Jay Bowks <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: De nove fascismo linguisctico?
>Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 11:16:01 -0500
>Car Artemio,
>io spera que tu remane in iste lista
>pro un longe tempore contente e gaudiante
>le amicitate del altere subscriptores del
>Io te vole parlar hic in publico con
>parolas tenere ma con consilio si tu
>lo vole acceptar. Io ha trovate le
>lista INTERLNG un del plus amical del
>listas in qual io ha essite membro.
>Per favor non dice que Wahl esseva
>un facista linguistic pro que ille vermente
>suffreva al manos de ambe campos in le
>guerra mundial. Ille non es in mi opinion
>un facista. Io viveva in Espania pro 14
>annos sub Franco e pote dar te un idea
>interessante de mi vista proprie del
>fascismo in action. Ma io es secur que
>Wahl non es fascista, in senso politic
>o linguistic. Multe linguistas de su
>tempore es nunc reguardate como un
>pauc prejudiciose contra culturas
>non-occidental, ma Wahl credeva in le
>possibilitate de pace inter nationes.
>E regrettabilemente suffreva multo in
>quanto al tractamento per le governamentos.
>Io admira al Sr. Wahl, tanto como linguista
>extraordinari e como persona de character
>bon e juste. Ma io nunquam conversava con
>le senior personalmente :-)
>In quanto a Allan, ben, Allan es un altere
>cosa, ille es un ver juggenaut del convictiones
>proprie ma non un fascista. Ille ha un amor pro le
>placente amicitate e como io ha potite vider in su
>messages in iste lista un senior de bon
>character e de fidelitate a illo que ille
>crede firmemente, isto es un bon characteristica
>e un ration proque io pote affirmar que Allan
>es un del personas plus sympathic e amical
>que io ha cognoscite in mi experientias
>cybernetic. Un die io volerea haber un bon
>vino rubie e pan con "jamon serrano" con ille.
>Assi que per favor considera le impacto del
>parolas tue. Io alsi scribe cosas de vice a
>vice de mi corde e io sape que tu como persona
>interessate in le traditiones roman pote
>incontrar multo in commun con Allan. Ille
>etiam ama le tradition e le cosas roman. Per
>favor considera le parolas que pote ferir
>e comenciar guerras de flammas.
>Tunc, per favor considera tu parolas e le
>proxime vice vide su impacto ante de inviar
>le message.
>Multo amicalmente, e con bon intentiones,
>Jay B.
>       [log in to unmask]
>              L(©¿©)K!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: A. Artorius Arius Sarmaticus <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2000 12:51 PM
>Subject: De nove fascismo linguisctico?
> >Salute,
> >
> >Allan Kiviaho 2000-01-30 scribea:
> >>     Mi opinion es que nos debe inventar neologismos pro conceptos ubi
> >>     termino anglese es inproprie con le principios del linguas nobile,
> >>     le linguas romanic.
> >
> >Personalmente io anque amo las longuas romanicas bellas, ma... Que es
> >"Las linguas nobiles"? Quales son las linguas anglese, russo, german,
> >chinese... finnese;-)??? Las linguas de plebs?
> >
> >De nove questo eternal fascismo linguisctico de De Wahl et alii?
> >
> >
> >
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