(Mary Chaping Carpenter)          (Trad.: Ensjo)

What do you get                   Que tu gania
when you fall in love             quando tu te inamora?
A girl with a pin                 Un puera con un spinula
to burst your bubble              to ferir tu orgolio
That's what you get               Il es illo que tu gania
for all your trouble              pro tote tu enoio
I'll never fall in love again     Io nunquam va inamorar me de novo
I'll never fall in love again     Io nunquam va inamorar me de novo

What do you get                   Que tu gania
when you kiss a guy               quando tu basia un garson?
You get enough germs              Germines sufficiente
to catch pneumonia                pro prender pneumonia
After you do,                     E post que illo eveni
he'll never phone you             ille non te telephona plus
I'll never fall in love again     Io nunquam va inamorar me de novo
I'll never fall in love again     Io nunquam va inamorar me de novo

Don't tell me                     Non tenta explicar me
what it's all about               lo que le amor es de facto
'Cause I've been there            Perque io ha essite la
and I'm glad I'm out              e io es felice de esser foras
Out of those chains,              Foras de ille catenas,
those chains that bind you        ille catenas que te imprisiona
That is why I'm here              Il es pro illo que io es hic
to remind you                     pro recordar te

What do you get                   Que tu gania
when you fall in love?            quando tu te inamora?
You only get lies                 Tu solo gania mendacios
and pain and sorrow               e pena e tristessa
So far at least                   Usque ora e al minus
until tomorrow                    usque deman
I'll never fall in love again     Io nunquam va inamorar me de novo
I'll never fall in love again     Io nunquam va inamorar me de novo
