Benvenite al Interlng Mary, iste lista
pro Discussiones in Interlingua es multo
comprensibile pro me proque mi linguas
como puero esseva espaniol/portugese.
Io crede que pro omne persona que sape
un poco de un lingua romance o latin le
lingua belle international, Interlingua, essera
multo facile pro comprender e apprender
a usar ben.

If you'd like to purchase some materials
from UMI you can go to the official
Interlingua Website at
or visit which offers
the books and will get them from UMI
then resell them I believe.

The Academia pro Interlingua will send
you some introductory info for free. Just
send me your snail mail, po box, or street
address and you'll receive a dictionary and
an book about Interlingua. Gratis, no cost
to you, (optionally) if you wish to make a
contribution towards the costs of mailing it
to you, it would be appreciated (but not

Jay Bowks
149 George St.
Keene NH  03431
----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Palmiero
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 6:07 PM
Subject: Interlingua dictionary and grammar

I have been receiving and reading E-mail from "Discussiones in Interlingua."
I understand 90-95% of it because of my background in Latin, French, and
German. I want to purchase a dictionary and grammar book. Can anyone tell me
where I can find them. Thank you. Mary Palmiero

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