FW: [alerts] VIRUS ALERTCar amicos de INTERLNG,
Un officiero de SHAPE, qui es interessate in Interlinguja,
me ha inviate un VIRUS ALERTE, e me permittite re-
viar lo a vos.

----- Original Message ----- 

Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 1:10 PM
Subject: FW: [alerts] VIRUS ALERT

Car Amico, 

You may send this sanitized version to the Interlingua group.  

Gald to help. 

To All, 

We are currently experiencing a VIRUS attack on our email networks.  This attack is coming from outside of our area and we are working diligently to get it stopped.  This is what you will see if you get any:

SUBJECT LINE: As per your request! 
ATTACHMENT NAME: readme.e x e (spaces added to prevent filtering) 

Just delete all messages with this subject line and then right click on your deleted items folder and delete them again.  Below you will find a partial explanation of this virus if you are interested.      



SUBJECT LINE: As per your request! 
ATTACHMENT NAME: readme.e x e (spaces added to prevent filtering) 

We have received indicators that our networks have 
been infected with this worm, formerly known as [log in to unmask] 

Analysis of the code revealed that IP address 
(registered to Japan) is associated with this worm, and it hosts 
the download of various virus components related to the worm.  

The body of the e-mail asks you to to review the attachment but once 
viewed, the worm will hook your systems activation routines 
and then spread itself to all persons in your address book. 

Also Known As: W32/Apost-mm, W32/Apost-A, 

The new Symantec definitions will detect the W32.Qint@mm 
and W32.Magistr.39921@mm (W32/Magistr.b@MM) viruses as well.