Stėphane Larochelle,

Tu pote haber interesse in visitar le pagina:

E leger le documento "Five Theses to Hammer on the Gates of Babel" (o su version in Interlingua: "Cinque theses a clavar ad le portas de Babel").

Un micre fragmento:

"(...) But there remains the possibility that the prediction of a functionally important and even glorious future for English is based on the assumption that English will continue to have what it takes to compete and excel in the free-market economy of international communication. And this makes sense. This view I share. But I hasten to emphasize that there is no exclusivity in this claim
. It does not assign to English the role of *the* international language but of *one*. In other words, the prediction envisages no revolutionary change but only more and more of what we already have."

Le mesme cosa se applica a Esperanto e tote le altere linguas. Necun lingua pote arrogar se le rolo de solution *unic* e *definitive* pro le communication international. Le situation in iste campo va sempre variar secundo le dynamica del phenomenos human.

Cordial salutationes,