On Sun, 19 Jan 2003 12:03:57 -0600 Carrol Cox <[log in to unmask]> writes:
(snip)  or should i say snipe?
into which this seems to be degrading....

>......Moreover, what Dobkin is urging is that no one who didn't earn an
> in freshman comp has a right to a poitical opinion.

hmmm   my impression from having read his posts is that he was simply
saying that
it is "...dishonest (as well as damned lazy!) ...to pass off somebody
else's letter, word-for-word, as (one's) own." (i would say that this
constitutes plagiarism according to the rules of the "elitist" community
college where i work) and that he found the practice, as well as lying in
general, reprehensible.

i didn't see any reference in dobkin's emails to anything about anyone
not having any right to their own opinion.  he seemed to be encouraging
truthfulness and honesty.
he seems to be saying that we don't have a right to other people's
is "He ...peddling elitist horseshit..." by saying that it's wrong to lie
and that we should think for ourselves?

 perhaps you, citizen cox, have some other information about dobkin, have
some history of conversation/dialogue, have something else upon which to
pass your judgement:
> But Dobkin really fits that category. For him, politics are not about
changing the
> world but merely expressing one's own moral and intellectual
> Carrol Cox
but i certainly think this is an unfair misinterpretation of the last two
posts from dobkin that i saw on this email list.   my impression is that
being truthful and honest, and encouraging and supporting others to be
also,  will do much more for changing the world than mass mailing someone
else's letters to the editor.
can you even imagine how different the world would be if we were all
truthful, all the time; how liberating this would be?  talk about
changing the world!


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