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On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 15:17, Robb Wolf wrote:

>I just wanted the list to know that we have launched a Paleo oriented
>training/nutrition journal called the Performance Menu.  The first issue
>features an interview with Prof. Art De Vany.

Thanks, Robb!  The interview with de Vany was a treat, a real treat.

Until Art's book comes out, can I recommend Frank Forencich's "Play As If Your Life Depended on
It".  Frank arrived at similar conclusions to Art, but took a totally different route (including field
work in Tanzania).

Like Art, Frank gives you the information and inspiration to define your own - holistic - program;
he does not give a program.

I'm surprised that you have combined the Zone with Paleo as a basis for nutrition.  Although they
have a lot in common, the concept of voluntary caloric restriction (including the Zone's 'blocks')
appears to me to be distinctly anti-Paleo.  I certainly got a lot from Sears' "Omega Rx Zone" by way
of background understanding, but unless I wanted to lose body fat quickly, I wouldn't drop the
pure Paleo approach to food volume, macronutrients, eschewing groceries, eating seasonally and
locally (as you recommend) etc.

I'm tempted to subscribe (having read the interview with Art), but I must admit to being repelled
by the recipes. I avoid all books with recipes unless they have some other redeeming feature,  You
certainly had a redeeming feature this time!

Good luck with your venture!


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