Dear List members,

THE NEW EDUCATION LIBRARY has recently been established at the
Department of Chemistry Education, 'St. Kliment Ohridski' University of
Sofia. The idea to collect journals and books that are hard to find in
Bulgaria came after a generous donation of books received in Sofia from
Springer (Kluwer). The library is organized in three sections: I.
Samples of journals from the field of education and related areas
including history and philosophy of science and education; II. Books
from the field of education and related areas including history and
philosophy of science and education; III. Oral history and photo and
paper archives.

For details cf.

Professor B.V. Toshev,
Head of the Department of Chemistry Education;
Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry,
University of Sofia,
1 James Bourchier Blvd., 1164 Sofia, BULGARIA
Support and donations are welcome