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On Mon, 16 May 2005 00:36, Wally Day wrote:

>Hey Keith.
>Bicycling to work would seem to be the ultimate solution for so many issues
>facing the industrialized world. I once read that bicycling is considered
>to be *the* most efficient mechanized form of transportation ever
>conceived. It is also great exercise - I would even call it paleo "in
>spirit" even if not in kind.

I regard it as Paleo to the extent that its effect on the physiology (digestion, muscular, respiratory,
endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic) to be similar to walking - the ultimate Paleo exercise  - but,
sadly, I can't say the body would get the same skeletal and joint effects.  Cycling is far smoother
than walking and your body misses the useful light jarring from the impact of walking.  Cycle
commuting has the mental benefits of keeping you on your toes: balance, alertness and FUN! And,
as you imply - it's environmentally sound - no oil peak problems for me!

>During my youth I cycled daily and consistently. One thing I remember is
>how tremendously strong and muscular my legs were - without the use of
>heavy weight lifting. I've often felt that I could easily get by with just
>a few good rides each week supplemented with a couple core/upper body
>strength sessions. What has your experience been? Are you still performing
>leg workouts of any sort?

I don't actually use a bicycle - I have a recumbent trike - and the switch a year ago took about 3
months to bring myself up to the speed of the previous machine.  There is a picture of my trike at:

Legs are funny things.  I expected my deadlifts (still comfortably over the De Vany benchmark of
twice body weight) to make the switch to recumbents easy - but it wasn't to be.
After three months into triking at 175km a week and I felt I was finally on top of it.  Same thing in
the gym.  My squats are woeful and my leg press only mediocre.  I was delighted to find, however,
that triking did not diminish my deadlift performance in the slightest, though doing my 17km
commute immediately after my morning deadlifts did mean I had to engage a slightly lower gear
for the hills than I did on non-gym days.

>And, just out of pure curiosity (and a very un-paleo question :), how long
>does your commute take each day? If I recall, you mentioned 14 km?

The regular ride is 17km each way, but I sometimes take a longer route for shopping or visits.
Call it 22 miles all up for the return trip.

>P.S. - This might be an interesting thread to explore
>compatible exercise strategies.

I had originally thought I would complement my weights/gym activity with my cycling, but in the
end I decided to take it in my stride and just ignore the cycling so far as the gym was concerned.  I
was enjoying the mix of work there so much, there was nothing I wanted to give up, then I got
myself a couple of kettlebells and so I added them into the gym activities without sacrificing
anything.  I guess the only change is that I now pause less between exercises so I can fit it all in.


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