Time for some fun. The following claims are false, yet common among the
raw/veg*n pseudoscience frauds/self-appointed "raw science experts".
[sarcasm alert]

1. (Raw) vegans don't need to take B-12 supplements.

This puts people, especially infants, at risk of deficiency. Shame on the

2. Mother's milk is "similar to" sweet fruit, in nutritional composition.

One statistically illiterate, arrogant pseudoscience fake has produced two
elaborate "statistical" proofs for this claim. One was based on correlation,
the latest on neural networks. Both proofs are totally invalid, and are
textbook examples of BLATANT SCIENTIFIC FRAUD by a fake self-appointed
raw vegan "science expert".

3. Calories are irrelevant. Nutrient density = nutrients/100 kcal, is an
irrelevant measure.

Quack quack! The people making these claims are ignorant of the most basic
concepts of nutrition and science.

4. Humans are obligate frugivores, adapted to a diet of only fruits and leaves.
Variation: dental evidence proves humans are obligate frugivores.

The folks making these claims have obviously not read the scientific
literature. Their ignorance is truly breath-taking.

5. Anyone can succeed on a raw vegan diet, if their food is high enough in

All fall down and worship the supreme god Brix! He/she/it is ever merciful. Be
sure to take Brix readings of your urine! Seriously, the Brix crowd confuses
correlation and causation, and take themselves way too seriously.

6. There is no such thing as evolution driven by culture; all such claims are

More massive ignorance from the self-appointed raw "science experts". They
would know better if they were to ever actually read the scientific literature.
And to think that the loudest fake making this claim, also claims to be an
"expert" in evolution, having "studied" it for years. Clearly that fake has not
"learned" very much (if anything) from those years of study!

7. The digestive system is too complex to evolve and adapt to the consumption
of animal products in the past 2+ million years. Such evolution is impossible!

More stupidity from fake "evolution experts" who don't even read the
literature. The human brain has evolved dramatically in the same period, and it
is far more complex than the digestive system.

8. Anthropology is not a science!

But the same fakes who say this, treat as 'holy gospel' those few brief
out-of-context quotes from anthropology papers which they can twist and
misrepresent to support their warped, unscientific views.

In reality, the anthropology journals are vastly superior, in every way - and
especially in the application of the scientific method - to the pitiful
writings of the raw science fakes.

9. Chimps are nearly vegetarian!

The fakes saying this need to actually do some research for a change, to see
how wrong they are.

I hope the above was enjoyable to you. The fake raw "science experts" include
some really nasty people. It is easier to laugh at them than to fight them.

Tom Billings