J Med Primatol. 2005 Feb;34(1):45-9.

Fatal inflammatory heart disease in a bonobo (Pan paniscus).
Jones P, Mahamba C, Rest J, Andre C.

We report the first probable identification of encephalomyocarditis virus
(EMCV) in a bonobo (Pan paniscus) that had been part of a forest
re-introduction programme. Clinical presentation was of episodic acute on
chronic heart failure and cerebral infarction with end-stage renal failure
rather than sudden death which is more commonly associated with EMCV infection.
A postmortem diagnosis of probable EMCV was made using gross pathological and
histopathological examination. Findings included acute on chronic heart failure
combined with the unusual but characteristic histopathological features of
non-suppurative necrotizing myocarditis with mononuclear, inflammatory
infiltration of the brain.

Tom Billings