Car lectores de iste lista!

Io transfere le lettera de un nove interessato de India a iste lista (sin corriger lo). Qui vole e pote, adjuta le (in le relation del curso de conversation)!


Péter Kovács

"Car [...],

Mi ha le nomine Chetan Anand e io habita in le Republica de India, Asia. Hodie io faceva un nove conto. Io ha demandos pro le lingua international. Io non sape a qui demandar le demandos?

Chetan Anand

Dear [...],

[...] Actually, I've got a couple of questions concerning Interlingua and I don't know who can I ask these doubts to? I was wondering if you could guide me about what to do?

To be precise, I'm talking about the Course of Conversations or le Curso de Conversationes (Source: . The course would be of a lot of help, I believe, if only I could find an English translation of it or someone who has already been through it.

Wanna-be Interlingua Speaker,
Chetan Anand. :-)

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