Stanley, in p. 60 de tu libro, tu explica como usar le pronomines "que" e "qui":

"Qui" is used principally to refer to a human who is the subject of a verb in the sentence. It is used to refer to "io" I, "ille" he, "illa" he, "nos" we, and "illes" they, or phrases or nouns that could be referred to by these pronouns. "Que" is used to refer to a person who is the object of a verb.

Vole aquelle dicer que io debe dicer: "io sposara QUE io vole"? O ha io mal comprendite?

Alsi, pote "qui" non referer al pronomine "tu" (que non es in le lista in alto)? Pote io non dicer: "tu, QUI es mi amor"?

Multo gratias pro alcun clarification tu (o alcun alteres) pote fornir.


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