12:19 14-1-2014, Ruud Harmsen:
In le "Interlingua Grammar by Alexander Gode & Hugh Blair" de
>1951 il ha:
>"The definite article is used on the whole as in English."
>In anglese on dice 'French', 'English', ergo in interlingua etiam
>on debe non usar le articulo?
>Mais le regulas es complicate in anglese, por exemple on dice
>'life', 'nature', 'evil', quanquam in multe altere linguas iste
>parolas es usate con le articulo. E.g. in mi nederlandese: 'het
>leven, de natuur, het kwaad'.

In interlingua es como in hollandese:
The definite article [...] must not be omitted with abstract
nouns representing the entire class, species, etc.
'Give me liberty or give me death' Da me le libertate o le morte

Ruud Harmsen, http://rudhar.com

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