10:13 23-1-2014, Kjell Rehnström:
>Ruud Harmsen skrev 2014-01-22 22:02:
>Isto vol dicer que:
>>1) Le orthographia collateral involve anque un pronunciation
>>collateral? 'Animat' es pronunciate [ani'mat], 'bel' es [bel]?
>Isto vole dicer que! :-)

Si, 'vole' non 'vol', gratias pro le correction.

'Vol' habe un function speciale, IED:
[vol] pr of voler; 1. will(s), wish(es); 2. [Grammatical 
function: auxiliary, forming the future];
io vol comenciar 1. I wish to begin; 2. I shall begin

Io vol e va memorar lo! Io vole memorar lo e memorara lo!

Ruud Harmsen, http://rudhar.com

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