07:13 2-3-2014, Mulaik, Stanley A:
>Lo que tu dice, Ruud, es ver. Mais per comprar le valores
>del bancas in moneta sin debito, le debito del governamento
>al banca pro le moneta pro expendituras deficitari obtenite
>con le valores es ora sin debito al bancas. Il es como si
>le tresoreria habeva create le moneta deficitari de nihil.

No, impossibile. Relege mi articulos e MMM.

>Le moneta al instantia de creation es sin debito, mais
>quando illo es in le reservas del bancas illo es usate
>in oppoio del creation de debitos in prestationes.

Isto anque. But when the central bank buys the bond etc., it pays
and therefore the payee (or its bank) obtains a claim to that
central bank, hence there is a debt on the part of the central
bank. Money is claim, and per Luca Pacioli that always also
involves a debt. Simple bookkeeping. No smart monetary theory can
reason that away.
Ruud Harmsen, http://rudhar.com
Ressources sur interlingua: http://rudhar.com/lingtics/intrlnga.htm

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