Secundo mi dictionario anglese de Webster:

slash-and-burn  adj  (1939) : characterized or developed by felling
and burning trees to clear land esp. for temporary agriculture.

Io crede que iste processo ha essite usate in tote partes del mundo.
Illo es multo commun in Central e Sud America.

In interlingua?  Deforestation per (a?) reducer e arder?

(Romanceparlantes:  como se dice iste phrasos como le supra ubi on
describe un processo (e.g. deforestation) secundo certe methodos (reducer
e arder).  Qual preposition es usate a junger le termino del processo
al methodos?  Io ha vidite "a" usate in certe situation, mais io non
es secur del maniera in que illo es sovente usate.

P.e. "machina a scriber"

"Deforestation via reducer e arder"?

Stan Mulaik

     Thank you!
     Pardon me, but I have no time to answer now in interlingua.
     My angry wife is waiting for me, we are going into a forest
     over the Easter.
     Please note:
     My new eMAIL - address is:

     [log in to unmask]

     So, if you want to comment my stupid texts, please do not
     use "reply" but send it to my address given above or as a
     new message.


     Allan Kiviaho, a Backwoods Finn