
[Niall McKenna 971005]
I feel strongly that this theory could be the anti-thesis
of racism. The two theologians responsible for this theory
were studying the Hopi Indian tribe and discovered that
they had no future tense.  (This is also true of languages
like Bahasa-Indonesian.)  Therefore, the idea that
something WILL be done or that one will do something LATER
or TOMORROW do not exist.  And, with this, comes the
cultural understanding that such planning is not necessary
to accomplish tasks.  So if someone is making a craft, the
importance is not on WHEN it will be done.  It WILL be
done but there is no capacity in the language and,
therefore, the culture to say when it will be done.  Sapir
and Whorf therefore concluded that because these two
elements complement each other, language's capacity and
cultural doctrines, they spawn each other.  And it's true.

[Allan Kiviaho 971007]
Etiam le finnese non ha un tempore futur.

(Mina") menen = io va
(Mina") menen = io vadera
(Mina") menin = io vadeva

(Mina") marssin = io marcha
(Mina") marssin = io marchara
(Mina") marssin = io marchava
Alas! Alicun verbos finnese etiam non ha distinction inter
le tempores de presentia e imperfecte.

Si il es necesse de accentuar que le action occurera in le
futuro, on face un construction bastante artificial:

(Mina") tulen menema"an ('Io veni vader').
[a" = a-umlaut, a"a = dupla a-umlaut]

MA! I will go. Ich werde gehen. Jag kommer att ga*.

Forsan etiam le german linguas careva un tempore futur durante le phase
'primitive' del isto linguas. Verbos
auxiliar 'will', 'werden', 'kommer att' sona bastante
artificial a me ...!

Ma le latino habeva un futur proprie.

