Hic alcun novas multo triste re Microsoft IE4 e IE3.02

(Installar IE3 super IE4 pote facer damno a su Win95)
Installing IE3 on Top of IE4 Can Trash Windows 95

by Brian McWilliams, PC World News Radio
November 4, 1997

 Microsoft late last week acknowledged that users who try to install
Internet Explorer version 3.02 over the new version of the browser may
damage the Windows 95 operating system.
Microsoft officials told InfoWorld Electric that the problem stems from
IE3's inability to detect that IE4 is already installed. IE3 overwrites some
crucial operating system files, without which your PC may not run, requiring
you to completely reinstall Windows 95.
Microsoft says most users have no reason to install the old browser over the
new one, so the problem is not a big threat. In any case, it has added
warnings about the issue at its Web site.
Some users, however, may unknowingly install IE3 over IE4 when they add
third-party applications that contain the older browser. American Online,
for example, comes with IE3 integrated into its client software.

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