Scott A Borton: >>>"Lingua franca" inside the EU              4 Dec 1997 23:49
[log in to unmask] wrote:

: try and see how easy it is to understand Interlingua

Has anyone else had a good laugh over the "Is Esperanto Really So Easy?"
manifesto at this site? I'm not an Esperanto advocate by any means, but it's
quite amusing to hear the proponents of one artificial language that's never
going to be adopted trashing another artificial language that's never going
to be adopted. The document is located at:



: essaya pro vider como facile interlingua es a comprender.

Ha alicuno habite un bon riso super le "Is Esperanto Really So Easy?"
manifesto a iste sito?  Io non es un advocato de esperanto in alcun
mesura, mais il es multo amusante a audir le proponentes de un lingua
artificial que non jammais essera adopte, attaccante un altere lingua
artificial que non jammais essera adopte.  Le documento es trovate a....

