Hic alcun information in re le archivos del lista
e un possibile solution, nostre amico James
Chandler nos informa que FindMail ha placia
pro archivar listas e que forsan nostre sysops
del Interlng poterea mirar in illo pro un solution
al problema de spatio. Le nove nomine del
FindMail es Egroups.

Sincer e amicalmente,
Jay B.
-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, October 19, 1998 8:12 AM
Subject: Interlng archives

>I couldn't help overhearing the discussion about the old Interlng archives.
>When I started having problems with the Ido list archives on the
>department's server, I transfered the whole operation, along with all the
>past archives I had to FindMail, which is now Egroups: www.egroups.com
>They seem to have virtually unlimited space and will happily take large
>previous archives in some standard format.  And what's more the whole
>service is free, so even if you only use it as a backup, while keeping the
>archives somewhere else as well, it seems crazy not to take advantage of
>the offer.
>Anyway, just an idea you could pass on to the I-a friends.
>James Chandler.