NO-MILK Archives

Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List


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Bryers non-dairy [almond milk] "ice cream"
Daiya Cheezecake
Ben and Jerry's is rolling out vegan ice-cream!
Smart Balance change
Girl Scout cookies
FREE Food Intolerance Kits (Your Choice of Kits!): Memorial Weekend ONLY!
Headaches: Lactose Intolerance versus Milk Intolerance
A2 milk may be an option for those with milk protein allergy?
Lactose Free Yoghurt
Dark chocolates
Auto Reply: how do I switch emails
how do I switch emails
Travel to France and Germany
Diagnosing cows milk allergy in infants
Planet Lactose
Travel in Italy Austria and France
Auto Reply: List dying?...and new cheese
List dying?...and new cheese
[Ad]Katz Gluten Free Summer of Desserts Promotion and September Honey Special
Dairy-free fast food iphone application
WIN-It-Wednesday: Divvies Treats & Sweets!
My new page
Milk-Free chocolate chips
Allergen Free Chocolate Chips..
S'mores pie?
Baby milk
Fast food (was RE: apples coated in milk protein)
remove me from this list -- etiquette FAQ
You need to remove yourself (was: remove me from this list)
remove me from this list
apples coated in milk protein
Convention food
List Protocol & Etiquette (was: dairy free recipes)
dairy free recipes ~~
Susan & Chuck Turner <[log in to unmask]> ~~ you'll be missed ~~ read carefully, please & thank you
no-milk mailing list and its demographics (was: whey)
Truly milk-free yogurt?
Ganeden Lactose Intolerance Therapy?
Please Remove
Allergy testing
<No subject>
dairy-free living
Foods your son will eat......
help!!! my son is allergic to milk
dairy-free chocolate ice cream [homemade]
Xolair--anyone know anything?
Harry and David Issues Nationwide Allergy Alert on Undeclared Milk in Harry and David Chocolate Covered Select Blend Espresso Beans

Jon Lewis
Fri, 17 Sep 2021 10:23:39 -0400
I'm curious if any of you who are highly sensitive to dairy have tried
this (without allergic reaction)? My concern is, if this is made on
shared equipment, the possibility of cross-contamination. In the FAQ on
their web site, they say:

"In addition to our Lactose Free Vanilla and Chocolate, our non-dairy
products are suitable for lactose intolerant consumers. These non-dairy
products were formulated to exclude any of type of milk or dairy products
and proper measures are taken to avoid any cross-contamination."
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Jon Lewis
Sat, 5 Mar 2016 20:51:43 -0500
Anyone tried this yet? I noticed their NY Cheezecake in a quick trip to
Publix yesterday, and picked one up without doing any real research.
They're in the frozen section. I noticed it had no kosher marking...but
figured with all their stuff being vegan and "dairy-free" it was worth
trying. I was about to contact them to ask about the lack of kosher
certification on this product, when I looked at their FAQ and found:

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Beth Kevles
Wed, 3 Feb 2016 14:41:50 -0500
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Jon Lewis
Tue, 15 Jul 2014 07:45:20 -0400
For years, Smart Balance (in the smallest size tub) has been my dairy-free
margarine of choice. Last time I looked to buy some more just a few days
ago, I noticed that they seem to have reformulated it and expanded their
product line. The Publix I was in must have had at least half a dozen
different varieties of Smart Balance in that small size tub. The normal
Smart Balance now has milk in it. IIRC, there was a Smart Balance Light
and an Organic Light that were both still Ou, but my experience in the
past with Smart Balance

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Jon Lewis
Wed, 15 Jan 2014 11:55:13 -0500
I just read that several varieties of Girl Scout cookies are now vegan,
but are still only Ou-D certified. According to the manufacturer's FAQ:

Do all Girl Scout cookies contain milk?

No. ABC Baker's Peanut Butter PattiesÂ, Thin Mints, Thanks-A-Lot® and
Lemonades Girl Scout Cookies do not contain milk, although Peanut
Butter Patties® and Cranberry Citrus Crisps are produced on equipment
where products containing milk are also made.

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Food Intolerances
Sun, 26 May 2013 14:20:51 -0400
Memorial Weekend ONLY: FREE Food Intolerance Kits (Your Choice of Kits!)

Celebrate this Memorial Weekend Holiday by being relieved from ill-health... with FREE food intolerance screening kits!


FREE 96-Food IgG ELISA Food Intolerance Kit


FREE 4-Food IgA Food Intolerance Screening Kit

1). Receive one (1) FREE 96-Food IgG ELISA Food Intolerance Screening Kit ( with every two (2) 96-Food IgG ELISA Food Intolerance Screening Kits ordered between Saturday, May 25, 2013 - Monday, May 27, 2013... This is a $379.00 value ABSOLUTELY FREE!*

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Food Intolerances
Fri, 17 May 2013 14:33:51 -0400
Headaches and Lactose Intolerance versus Milk Intolerance

As many people are already aware, lactose is a sugar found in bovine milk and other dairy products. Lactose intolerance is when the small intestine either does not make enough or any at all of the enzyme lactose (aka - lactase), which the body requires in order to properly digest lactose.

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No Replies
Beth Kevles
Thu, 21 Feb 2013 14:54:40 -0500
I just received a message from a British visitor to my web site. Apparently
some cows have been bred to make milk that eliminates the A1 variant of
casein, leaving the A2 variant intact. My visitor says that her son, who
has milk protein allergy, tolerates this milk, but not other cows' milks.

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No Replies
Eric Schlesinger
Thu, 29 Mar 2012 17:24:06 -0400
I recently saw the ads for Yoplait Lactose Free Yoghurt. Being
skeptical, but interested, I waited til the weekend to try it - just in
case of side-effects, I wanted to be home.
I am pleasantly surprised to say that I have consumed a little container
of it - 6 oz. I think - completely without symptoms. By now, if there
were more than a trace, I'd be having symptoms, as I'm pretty intolerant.
My wife tasted it and says it's as good as the regular Yoplait - never
having been able to taste it, I'll take her word for

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Jon Lewis
Sat, 26 Nov 2011 10:34:51 -0500
I was recently in a kosher foods store and picked up a bunch of bars of
parve dark chocolate for "baking". I wasn't paying attention to the label
except for checking for the parve marking and no warnings about possible
dairy contamination...but it turns out, these bars use hydrogenated oils
instead of cocoa butter. The result is, eating them is like eating
chocolate flavored crisco. They coat your mouth/teeth, and stick with you
for a long time.

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Eric Schlesinger
Mon, 20 Jun 2011 21:45:47 -0700

I will be traveling to Oslo, Norway, during the week of June 20th. During that time I should have periodic access to email, but none to voice mail. I will try to respond as quickly as possible, but it may not be till after I return to my office on the 27th of June.

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No Replies
Illene Smith
Tue, 21 Jun 2011 00:45:18 -0400
I need to switch emails and I know there is a way to start the other one and
quit this email but I need to know the exact command. I tend to screw it up
trying to do it by memory. Can someone help?
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Molly R Johnson
Fri, 17 Jun 2011 18:35:36 -0500
So glad this list is still up and going. I occasionally think of things to ask everyone on here but never seems important enough. Anyways, I am also traveling to France and Germany. I looked up dairy allergy travel info, and found a lot of good advice. But I am wondering if anyone knows of a place to have it translated before I go over, that way I can laminate it before I go and have it ready. I'm leaving next week Thursday. Its more important for France, I'll only be in Germany for 2 days. But 2 days of 

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Beth Kevles
Fri, 17 Jun 2011 13:41:02 -0400
There seems to be a new way to diagnose milk allergy in infants. A
summary can be found in The abstract
of the scientific article is at the American Journal of Roentgenology:

The Diagnostic Imaging article's title and author:

Doppler Ultrasound Spots Milk Allergy in Babies
By Todd Neff | June 15, 2011

--Beth Kevles
Webmaster, Eating without Casein
Show Replies 1 Reply
Mon, 6 Jun 2011 09:34:28 -0500
Please remove~!
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Summer Rudder
Sun, 5 Jun 2011 11:09:38 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Beth Kevles
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 6:39 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Travel in Italy Austria and France

Hi --

If you do a google search on "allergy and travel" you'll find a number of
web sites with useful information for you. Some thing they recommend include
having at least two allergy cards, laminating them, and where to buy
ready-made ones. If you google for "milk allergy travel" you'll additionally
find advice that's specific to this allergy. For example, when in France
look for restaurant that specialize in dishes from

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No Replies
Fri, 3 Jun 2011 16:24:56 -0400
Hi Everyone.

Glad to see that the list has started up again. I've been a member since a few
days after it started, which was... I'm not sure. 1844, I think, when the
telegraph was invented.

Anyway, I've written a lot about lactose intolerance, including the Planet
Lactose blog. (Don't add www)

I stopped keeping it current, although I may start it up again, but there are
five years worth of resources about LI issues stored on the site.

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No Replies
Mon, 30 May 2011 08:36:39 -0400
We are about to leave on a month long trip to Europe. I would love any tips folks have to share on how to keep our extremely milk allergic daughter safe.


Cary, North Carolina

Sent from my iPhone
Cathy Cralle Jones

On May 30, 2011, at 6:54 AM, Weavre Cooper <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I'm still lurking here as well. I'm an adult with a severe dairy allergy -
> triggered by contact or strong inhalation as well as ingestion - who still
> likes to travel and dine out. I live in the US, in Pennsylvania.

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Eric Schlesinger
Sun, 29 May 2011 17:25:56 -0700

I will be traveling to the West Coast during the week of May 23. During that time I may have sporadic access to email and voice mail. I will try to respond as quickly as possible, but it may not be till after Memorial Day, May 31.

No Replies
Jon Lewis
Sun, 29 May 2011 20:25:39 -0400
I was just looking to see if this list still existed, since I can't
remember any recent traffic. It seems to still be setup, but nobody's
posted much in the past year or two.

I've recently discovered a new cheese substitute. It's Daiya brand
"shreds". I've tried the mozzarella and cheddar styles. It actually
melts almost like real cheese, softens, even stretches a bit. It's dairy
free (OU kosher) and soy and gluten free.

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Alex Oren
Thu, 2 Sep 2010 11:40:36 -0400
In my humble opinion, the most effective way of dealing with spammers is to put the companies they advertise on a black list and urge everybody you know to NEVER EVER do business with them.

On 01-09-2010 15:23, Joseph Jacobowitz wrote:
> Click here to enter to win [rest of spam deleted]
Show Replies 5 Replies
Joseph Jacobowitz
Wed, 1 Sep 2010 15:23:50 -0400
Join Katz Gluten Free Summer of Desserts Promotion!

Click here to enter to win $100 Dollar Katz Gift Certificate:
No Purchase Necessary!

With the Jewish High Holidays around the corner, enjoy some sweet 20% discounts on our Honey Loaf and Muffins!
Use code SEP2010 when ordering, available for all the entire month!

Of course, Katz Gluten Free offers small and large Challahs rolls, Oat Challah rolls, and many other delicious breads, cookies, cakes and other delectable delights that must be tasted to believe!

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No Replies
Linda Mayer
Mon, 30 Nov 2009 11:51:59 -0500
I just got a message from a friend about an iphone app with dairy-free fast
food menus - iCanEat OnTheGo Gluten & Allergen Free.

I just downloaded it and it is pretty neat. It has majority of the major fast
food places you can find in any town so it will be perfect for my kids when we
are traveling this holiday. They have a lot of other allergies as well if you
have more allergies to worry about.

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Kathleen Reale
Wed, 30 Sep 2009 10:20:33 -0400
Good Morning! Divvies - egg, dairy and nut free treats & sweets - is this weeks WIN-It-Wednesday sponsor on! They are giving away a 3-gallon tub of popcorn and a S'morg gift basket, which is jammed packed with popcorn, cookies and candies - ALL egg, dairy and nut free! You must be a BeFreeForMe member to enter (FREE to join!). Check out the link on the blog at: Be Free! Kathleen Reale Founder /
No Replies
Don Wiss
Mon, 14 Sep 2009 12:53:48 -0400
After many years of neglect, I have now spent more than a month
updating all of my link pages. To try to make something back for my
efforts in maintaining these, I have joined affiliate programs and I
will earn a commission if people click on those links and then make a purchase.

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Beth Kevles
Fri, 21 Aug 2009 00:18:39 -0400
Hi --

Trader Joe carries kosher-parve milk-free chocolate chips. We use them
regularly, but our family allergies are NOT hair-trigger so maybe someone
else would like to weigh in. (They're great in smores, which we even make
in the microwave occasionally.)

According to my recollection, several grocery stores carry store-brand
milk-free chocolate chips. I also recently came across some Baker's brand
milk-free semi-sweet chips, but inadvertently left them behind on vacation
so can't tell you about dairy equipment.

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Tasha Sarver
Thu, 20 Aug 2009 20:25:19 -0700
I'm not sure if I missed someone post this or not. But, we use enjoy life..they are free of all major allergens and taste great. My son loves them. They also have recently started making candybars with the same ingredients!

Tasha--Mom to a beautiful son Braden, 44 mths
Braden--Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Systemic Mastocytosis, Bicuspid Aortic Valve, Epilepsy, Gtube, Asthma, GERD, Dysphagia, Apraxia, Sensory Processing Disorder, Hyponatremia, Osteopenia, Meatal Stenosis, Hypotonia(face/trunk), Hypertonia(arms/legs), Developmental & Speech Delays, PDD-NOS, Anxiety, ADHD, also possible Autonomic Disorder, Hypoglycemia, Mitochondral Disorder, Neuromuscular Disorder(currently being looked into.) I have way too many allergies to list

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No Replies
Beth Kevles
Wed, 19 Aug 2009 17:44:49 -0400
Dear Friends,

My son had a milk-free s'mores pie at summer camp that he absolutely loved.
However, the baker has since left, taking the recipe with her. I've spent
considerable time hunting for a recipe in my cookbooks and on the internet,
but can't seem to find what he wants. Does anyone have a suitable recipe
that you'd be willing to share? (I'll only put the recipe on my web site if
you give me permission. My primary goal is to give my son a treat.)

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Molly Johnson
Fri, 22 May 2009 12:44:15 -0500
I really enjoy these discussions, they are so helpful!

My sister just gave her 1 year old milk for the first time; she has given
her dairy in the past but not straight milk. Later that day her daughter
started getting what seems like a cold, or allergies-- sinus problems, red
and puffy eyes... Her husbands family all have allergies to plants, dust,
mold..., and in Wisconsin right now everyone's are pretty bad. She is also
teething, so the cold like symptoms could be related to either one. But just
to be cautious she wants to try a different kind

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Sun, 26 Apr 2009 06:44:05 EDT
I have been way behind in all my lists for a long time. So take me as you

I can see how Subway can be safe. But my personal experience is that even
for a non allergic person the cross contamination is awful. My subs always
have some remnant of a toping I haven't ordered.

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Sun, 26 Apr 2009 06:30:33 EDT
There are store brand pizza crusts that are milk free.

There are many pizza sauces that are milk free. Use a spag. sauce if you
can't find one.

Then top that pizza with whatever you want.
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web. Get the Radio Toolbar!
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Weavre Cooper
Thu, 23 Apr 2009 13:53:19 -0400
Hello, Jennifer,

As an adult with a very sensitive, severe dairy allergy, I'll suggest that
fast food in general is a roll of the dice. I do check the website
information, box labels, and managers when there's no other option, but a
good general guideline is to realize that if the kitchen has many dairy
products in it and is staffed largely by 15-17-year-olds who haven't really
been trained to avoid cross-contamination, it's not going to be dependably
safe. Carrying food with you and picnicking in the park is a safer (and
healthier) option for busy errand days than is

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Thu, 23 Apr 2009 13:42:36 -0400
Lorie Engelhardt wrote:
> Please remove me from this list.? I am NOT lactose intolerant
> and I enjoy drinking and eating milk products.

I just entered Lorie's email address on <> for unsubscribing.
Hopefully, she will follow the instructions in the confirmation email and get on with her life.

However, I am really baffled by such messages.
So, for your information, here's a short etiquette refresher:

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Animal Holocaust ~~ gerry lowry
Thu, 23 Apr 2009 11:10:56 -0400
Lorie, you joined the list and you need to remove yourself by unsubscribing.

In that you joined a list called "No Milk", it seems strange you did based on your comment below.

Regardless, here's what you need to do to leave this list (two options):

to unsubscribe yourself. ...

a) send a message to:
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
b) if you prefer a web form, manage your subscription from:

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No Replies
Lorie Engelhardt
Thu, 23 Apr 2009 07:52:08 -0400
Please remove me from this list.? I am NOT lactose intolerant
and I enjoy drinking and eating milk products.
Show Replies 1 Reply
Selena Gi
Wed, 22 Apr 2009 09:54:59 -0700
Recently, I've been getting sick from apples. I remember vaguely hearing something on the radio about a new environmentally-sound treatment for apples out there that coats them in milk as some sort of pesticide or preservative. Has this gone national now? Or was it just an experimental thing? I can't remember exactly what they said. Has anyone else out there had a similar experience? 

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Weavre Cooper
Tue, 21 Apr 2009 14:54:37 -0400
(continued from previous post)

Fortunately, the server asked if everything looked OK when she stopped by to
tell me she'd bring my (yes, out-of-season) fruit later. I explained about
the previous arrangements, and she hurried back to the kitchen to come out
with at least a different meat dish to replace the chicken-jerky. She also
explained that the chef who had spoken with me before had left that
afternoon to tend to an unexpected family emergency, and all the information
the replacement chef had received was, "dairy allergy." This chef had also
put cheese in the eggplant that was being

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Weavre Cooper
Tue, 21 Apr 2009 14:54:25 -0400
Hello, all,

I was just wondering if others here have shared a similar experience to mine
last night. What's with thinking there has to be a "one size fits all"
dinner option for anyone with any dietary restriction?

I attended an organizational "Annual Dinner" last night at a nice conference
center. When first seated, one of my table companions asked how I was able
to be there, and I explained that I'd been talking with the kitchen staff
for a week in advance. The organization had been kind enough to request that
there be no cheese served at the buffet

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No Replies
Eric Schlesinger
Tue, 21 Apr 2009 09:37:43 -0400
Another county to be heard from . . .

I have no objection to information that is non-dairy, lactose and/or
milk-protein free, and/or gluten free being shared on this list,
regardless of its origins in LI, vegan, religious, or any other personal
source. There is valid and valuable information to be gained from any
and all.

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No Replies
Animal Holocaust ~~ gerry lowry
Mon, 20 Apr 2009 13:46:10 -0400

more at:

Not only did my spouse Susan create the recipes,
she also did the photography plus created her website "Vegan Occasions".


Gerry (Lowry)
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Animal Holocaust ~~ gerry lowry
Sun, 19 Apr 2009 16:40:54 -0400
Hello Susan & Chuck,

shame you want to leave us ~~ there's so much for you to learn here.

Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, the secret to leaving has be with you all along ...

thanks especially to [log in to unmask] who so thoughtfully and kindly
provided you with all you need to know to say goodbye:

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No Replies
Animal Holocaust ~~ gerry lowry
Sun, 19 Apr 2009 09:54:38 -0400
[log in to unmask] AFAIK is a mailing list for discussing not using (cow's) milk and dairy products.

The reasons for not using milk AFAIK need not be allergy related.

Milk allergies AFAIK are often related to the way milk is mass produced and processed.

Many pseudo vegetarians and vegans (strict vegetarians) avoid milk for a number of reasons other than allergies.

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Pamela Palmer
Fri, 17 Apr 2009 08:47:06 -0500
Ok, I have a good one for you guys.
Most of you that have been here a while know I am allergic to milk protein. Particularly whey, but casein sometimes gets me, too.
Was reading an ingredient list the other day and was stopped short by what I didn't understand (needless to say I DID NOT buy the product)
What is deproteinized whey?
I thought whey was basically milk protein. How do you "de-protein-ize" a protein? Will I still react the way I do to milk proteins? Am I allergic to that and do I really want to try to

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Weavre Cooper
Sun, 4 Jan 2009 08:22:56 -0500

My family wants to me to try a cookie recipe they love, which calls for
yogurt. I know that some (most? all?) soy yogurts, such as O'Soy, contain
some milk products; it's apparently quite difficult to find yogurt cultures
that weren't originally grown in milk. Since I simply don't eat yogurt, I've
never really investigated this before, and the product websites aren't
proving especially helpful. Silk's site, for example, doesn't seem to make
clear whether they use cultures grown in milk or not. I don't know a lot
about yogurt, and don't even know if it's possible to culture

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Clif Flynt
Wed, 5 Nov 2008 13:24:41 -0500
I've been using Ganeden's Digestive Advantage LI Therapy
for a few years now, and it works well for me.

The local stores that used to carry it have all either dropped
it completely, or have only an empty spot on the shelves.

I'm not finding anything that says Ganeded has dropped the
product - but that might just mean I didn't find whatever
announcement is out there.

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Show Replies 1 Reply
Tue, 14 Oct 2008 08:25:18 -0700
Please remove my address from the list. Thank you.
Show Replies 1 Reply
Kathy Haukkala
Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:34:28 -0500
Please remove me from this list, thanks.
No Replies
Mon, 13 Oct 2008 12:31:08 -0400
New to the group, hoping to find a place where everyone doesn't think I'm
crazy. My 4 year old son and 1.5 year old daughter have UNDIAGNOSED dairy
allergy. When my son was almost 2, he had the skin[prick test, which was, of
course, negative. But I know, whatever the doctors say, that dairy causes all
kinds of problems for him. His reactions are delayed, not life-threatening or
immediate, and I have heard that for this type the skin test is of no use. I
know there is a blood test, but our insurance doesn't cover it and it would

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Mon, 22 Sep 2008 18:36:38 EDT
Can anyone advise me as to a kosher bakery or a deli-restaurant in London?
Thanks, Myra

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challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and
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Show Replies 5 Replies
Kathy Zdon
Sat, 23 Aug 2008 12:42:06 -0500
My daughter had lots of tummy issues this year and in all of the
testing, we were told that she was lactose intolerant. She did not
seem to have any symptoms. We had even taken her off milk for two
weeks and then added it back into her diet only to have it not affect
her tummy trouble. She finally had her appendix out in May and that
took care of the problem. Recently, however, she started having
issues with lactose. The odd thing is that milk doesn't seem to
bother her, but she reacts to ice cream. I was

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bill ewalt
Sat, 16 Aug 2008 11:35:09 -0500
please take me off your mailing list [log in to unmask]
No Replies
Fri, 15 Aug 2008 17:00:22 -0400
Hi --

I get the list in digest form, so I'm merging replies to various topics from
the day's messages ...

If you're allergic to milk protein, the lactose-free milk won't help you at

There are many simple foods that are milk-free, and simple recipe-substitutions
you can use to make your own. Once you get used to it, eating milk-free
becomes easy and satisfying: you just have to take the time to get used to it.
Desserts my family likes include Trader Joe brownies (made with oil instead
of melted butter), sorbet with various sauces, toffuti Cutie bars, and

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Susie Boniol
Thu, 14 Aug 2008 18:30:23 -0700
Hey Elizabeth!  No worries with the milk allergy for your son.  I have 2 boys that both have milk allergy and it is no problem.  The first thing you need to do is make a list of things he normally eats and then you will make a new list of dairy free things that will keep his diet simple.  There are a few sourdough normal breads  that are free of all dairy, whey, casien, etc...  Read Labels.  Fleishmans unsalted stick butter has NO dairy.  Kelloggs strawberry frosted pop tarts have no dairy.  Use Silk soy milk instead of milk.  There 

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No Replies
Elizabeth Cox
Thu, 14 Aug 2008 20:26:14 -0400
My 1 year old son has been diagnosed with a milk allergy I am learning how
to cook not using milk dairy. I am finding it very hard if anyone has

Any good recipes that a little boy might like please send them this way, or
if anyone has any helpful suggestions with substitutes please help.

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Lovette Yewchan
Thu, 14 Aug 2008 10:03:46 -0700
Hi. I am new to this list and hope someone is still out there.
I am lactose intolerant and hope to find some good recipes that
aren't too strange either.
Does anyone have some good dessert recipes?
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Don Wiss
Sun, 11 May 2008 20:37:26 -0400
Found in a newsgroup:

Subject: dairy-free chocolate ice cream
From: Jack Campin - bogus address <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 18:31:14 GMT

I just made this. Pretty simple. I used a small ice-cream maker
of the type where you put a jacketed container in the freezer for
a few hours, then take it out and churn your mixture for about 20
minutes using an electric churn that clips on to it. (Ours is a
Magimix type DV model 11047, if that helps). I presume the jacket
is filled with something like calcium chloride or sodium sulfate

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No Replies
Kim Phoenix
Thu, 8 May 2008 09:07:32 -0400
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]> on Thursday,
May 08, 2008 at 12:49 AM -0500 wrote:
>does anyone know if there are any dairy ingredients in the drug
>My son is having a reaction to the drug. Thanks for your help.
>**************Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on
>favorites at AOL Food.

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Weavre Cooper
Tue, 6 May 2008 15:44:01 -0400
Hello, everyone,

My allergist suggested I look into whether I'd want to try Xolair
(Omalizumab), and said that if I do, he'll undertake the apparently
necessary series of arguments with my insurance company to get the expensive
drug covered. I've read the patient information brochure and the prescribing
information, which are helpful - but also are not quite informative enough.
I have a severe dairy allergy, with anaphylactic response triggered by
inhalation or ingestion, and dermatologic response triggered by contact. My
allergy is much better controlled than it once was, but because I refuse to
stay hidden away at home

[More ...]
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Robyn Kozierok
Tue, 8 Apr 2008 16:48:01 -0400

*FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE* -- April 4, 2008 -- Harry and David, of Medford,
Oregon, is voluntarily recalling approximately 66,500 8 oz. bags of Harry
and David Chocolate Covered Select Blend Espresso Beans because they may
contain milk not declared on the ingredient statement. People who have an
allergy or severe sensitivity to milk run the risk of serious or
life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume this product.
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