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Dave Manneh <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 27 Jan 2000 12:16:23 GMT
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          The Daily Observer Published Wednesday, January 26, 2000

                   JAMMEH: IN HIS OWN  WORDS

                  On rumours

                  Rumours are thriving because there is a market for it.  The
                  why there is a market for it is the fact that people do not
                  that is a sort of naivety on the side of the citizens.  If
                  comes to you with a story that you know is hard to believe,
if you
                  question the person once or twice, you do not give him much

                  appetite for him to go and talk to another person again.
But you
                  see, an idle mind is the devil's workshop.  And we have a
lot of
                  people who think they can show importance by spreading false

                  rumours, who think that they can be respected or be seen as

                  people of authority by merely telling people that, 'I'm just
from the
                  president' or that, 'I'm always with the president, this is
what he
                  said...' when I've not even seen those people.  And we call

                  ourselves good Muslims and good Christians and in both holy

                  books, they said: Thou shalt not tell a lie.  But in this
country one
                  would tend to ask yourself, how intelligent are we that we
                  accept the most fictitious of stories and assume that it is
                  And in fact, they insult the intelligence of Gambians by telling

                  stories.  Remember, there was a time when they said I was
                  and even though I passed standing up, they said that was a

                  photograph, a portrait, a poster...

                  And unfortunately, people are so gullible that they accept
                  questioning and it is very sad. But of course, they never
                  rumours about a lunatic, they will always spread rumours about

                  good people...people who are delivering. These are the people

                  who do not wish this country well.  And the effects of rumours
                  all there to be seen.  They put people on edge, jittery...I
think there
                  are too many malicious people around and it is the duty of
                  citizen in this country to get rid of these people in any
                  possible, that is, you do not even give them the cause to
                  their malicious lies.  Rumours are all lies, it is just the
                  way of not telling you directly that, it is a lie, and calling

                  On how to curb rumour-mongering

                  Rumour-mongering is a sign of intellectual and moral
                  backwardness.  And I think Gambia is the only country where

                  you have all this rumour-mongering in West Africa.  I think
                  should come out of this 13th century mentality.  Of course,
it can
                  be eradicated by questioning Yahya Jammeh when he comes to

                  tell you an unbelievable story about Neneh McDoll or about
                  other person, but we encourage it by listening to the person's
                  and then you become a willing liar by spreading the same rubbish

                  to somebody else.  Where is your faith in God... How moral
                  you in fact where it concerns someone else's private life
or an
                  individual's integrity?  Rumours are backbiting and this is
                  the Almighty Allah condemns in the Qur'an and the Bible.
I think
                  we have passed the stage where you believe whatever you are

                  told without any evidence.

                  On why he would not react to clarify issues

                  I have a big responsibility - to develop this country, to
move this
                  country forward and not backwards - you do not expect me to

                  distract my attention from national development to answer
                  cheap talk where you have perpetual rumours. Leave it to the

                  judgement of people and God.  In fact, what is important is,
I have
                  this country to build and I will build it at any cost, nothing
                  distract me from that.  You do not expect me to spend all
my time
                  trying to clarify rubbish knowing that the sources are  malicious

                  people who do not wish this country well.

                  It is up to the people to judge and if they accept the rumours,
                  is their business, my business is to build this country and
                  will distract me from that, I do not have that time.

                  On 'running a state from a village'

                  It is only a sense of immaturity.  I think what is important
to the
                  average Gambian is what we can deliver in terms of
                  socio-economic development, not where we can deliver it from.
                  think even if I stay in the last village of this country,
what is
                  important to patriotic Gambians and human beings is whether
I am
                  interested in their welfare and socio-economic development
                  not where I stay... This is what I mean about moral and intellectual

                  backwardness.  Does it really matter where I stay as far as
I am in
                  the country... The majority of the people live in the provinces.
                  think being with them gives them assurance.  I am not staying

                  here because I am born here, but because everybody knows that

                  there are major works on that old building, that is why I
                  staying here.  We are talking about decentralisation....rural-urban

                  drift....  Those who criticise me are the same people from
                  provinces who do not have even a hut in their own villages
                  whenever they go back to their villages, they are strangers
in their
                  own homes and this is what they are jealous about.  Should
                  listen to those people?

                  Another strategy is that when people come to Kanilai, they
                  the state of our roads, diplomats and emissaries come here
                  they see the state of our roads and so tomorrow, when you

                  explain to them how the country is like, they will understand

                  because they have first hand experience.  But where I stay
is not
                  important, what is important is what I do.

                  On why roads are priority

                  I feel sorry for the average Gambian person who have to suffer

                  the dust, potholes and in most areas, no roads at all.  For
                  years of British rule, and of course I would not want to mention

                  the other, Gambians have been subjected to hazardous roads.

                  Without communications, there cannot be development.  I will
                  you a personal experience and why I am particular about the
                  and this was on the south bank road which was then the best.
                  boarded a 405 (Peugeot) from Mayok.  We were going to Banjul.

                  Then, this sort of transport stop at Brikama. There was a

                  pregnant woman (on board), the road was bad, portions of the

                  road were very bad, and all of a sudden, we went into a big

                  pothole and three minutes after that the woman delivered right
                  our presence and this was because of the pothole.  Right inside

                  the vehicle!  Sick people have died on the way to the hospital

                  because of the bad roads.  Bad roads are a big obstacle to

                  economic development.  Look at the women who toil the land
                  months of the year.  They grow vegetables during the dry season

                  but their produce perish because of bad roads, becoming a
                  impediment to socio-economic development.  Unless we tackle

                  this problem, there cannot be socio-economic development.

                  On allegations of corruption

                  When people accuse me of corruption, I laugh because
                  corruption is the highest stage of greed...  Does it make
sense to
                  you as a human being, a Gambian, that Yahya Jammeh is greedy

                  and corrupt because he wants to be rich, he wants to grab

                  everything but spends all his money on people.  We have seen

                  corruption.  When there was corruption, we know.  How many

                  people have their children sponsored by government or by
                  individuals in government?  Does it really make sense that
                  would steal to enrich myself and instead give it to people.
 I am
                  not afraid of any human being on this earth.  I am not afraid
                  anything in this world.  I am only afraid of Allah (glory
be to Him,
                  the Highest) Who knows everything I do.  Of course, if a
                  government official is corrupt, that does not mean Yahya

                  Jammeh is corrupt.  After all, I have done my best and I am
                  my best to see that there is no corruption.  That is why anybody

                  who does not toe the line that I want, we will get rid of
him before
                  he engages in anything that is unbecoming of a public official.

                  Do you think if I am corrupt we will develop this country.
                  thing is, that is the only thing they can say and they cannot

                  prove it.  Remember, they were talking about a Swiss bank

                  account quoting numbers but nobody ever made an attempt to

                  find out who owns that account.  What is there to prevent
                  enemies and detractors of this country from opening an account

                  and claiming that it belongs to Yahya Jammeh?  Let them ask
                  Swiss authorities to investigate whether I have a Swiss bank

                  account.  But of course, they have never accused a lunatic
                  anything.  You see, these are people who do not love this
                  and they do not want to see progress because they wanted to

                  maintain the status quo  of 'big man', 'small man'. You think
                  are happy with what is going on?  No!  You think the former
                  man' is happy that his children and yours are attending the
                  school under the same circumstances, after 30 years?

                  These people, no matter what you do, they will never praise
                  But you think if there is that corruption they are talking
                  that Yahya Jammeh is that corrupt, what is there to oblige
me to
                  build anything?  What is there to oblige me to do things for

                  people.  Ask people who know me. You can say Yahya is

                  arrogant, hard to deal with but Yahya Jammeh is dishonest,

                  that is a lie!  Because what is important to me is not this
                  world.  They say I live in a mansion.  They call this a mansion


                  Those are the people who were not secretaries of state or
                  permanent secretaries.  Their homes, compared to mine, are

                  better.  How did they get the money?  They have run short
                  what to say and the only thing they can say is play to Gambians

                  and this is an insult to Gambians.

                  If I am corrupt, I want to be rich, that is the bottom line.
                  instead of being rich, I give things to people and even giving

                  things to the state that belongs to me.  Does it make sense
                  you?  But what have they got to say?  Now it is the norm in

                  African politics to blame governments of corruption.  Yes.
                  are instances of corruption but that does not mean that Yahya

                  Jammeh is corrupt.  And we are dealing with the situation.

         the Auditor General's Report?

                  One thing Gambians should ask themselves is, why isn't there
                  distinction made between pre-1994 and 1994 up to date.  Most
                  the cases of corruption highlighted in the Attorney General's

                  Report are cases that had already been dealt with by the
                  commissions.  And they did not also put before the people
                  answers given by the accounting officers.  Then what was the

                  objective?  Of course, we have set up a commission to look
                  those allegations and the commission will commence very soon

                  as I promised at Brikama.  Corruption under Yahya or corruption

                  under anybody is corruption and I'll will not condone it.
 And in
                  fact, if you read the papers, they will tell you the crude
oil saga.
                  What saga?  I have a right to cancel any transaction which
                  not to the interest of this country, which is perpetrated
by other
                  people in the name of the government.  They think that it
is a big
                  deal.  It is nothing.  It is just like a storm in a tea cup.
 When we
                  learnt of the deal, I wrote to the Nigerian government and
                  them that as far as we are concerned, we are not aware of
                  such contract and we are cancelling it.  I requested that
it should
                  be cancelled because we have nothing to do with that. Of course,

                  those who signed the contract with Chantrils signed on behalf
                  the Gambia Government with fake documents.

                  If Chantril wants their money back for breach of contract,
                  can look for the Gambia government.  And all efforts for us
                  negotiate out of court, I refused because I made it very clear
                  them that I want justice to be done, because if we negotiate
out of
                  court, it will seem like the Gambia government has something
                  hide.  We have nothing to hide, we are not part of it and
let us go
                  through the court process.  What are they talking about?

                  The so-called guy from Economic Intelligence Report .  It
                  from the Economic Intelligence Report  that I realise that
there was
                  a deal that The Gambia was listed among all West African

                  countries as a recipient of crude oil allocation and I made
                  and realised that in actual fact, there is somebody lifting
oil in the
                  name of The Gambia and I stopped it because it does not make

                  sense that the Gambia government for eight years or six years,

                  went into a transaction that will give us 1.6 million dollars.
                  think it's worth that trouble?  So we cancelled it. We turned
                  the offer and somebody decided to take it, went behind the

                  government to take the offer in the name of the government.
                  for anybody as far as that is concern, to lift oil on behalf
of any
                  particular country, there should be a power of attorney from
                  head of state to the Minister of Trade or from the head of
                  directly to the NNPC which is not possible.  So, the power
                  attorney has to be from the head of state to the Minister
of Trade
                  authorising him to sign a contract.  But look at what they
show me
                  on the document, purportedly, a secretary of state was giving

                  power of attorney to somebody, a protocol officer (smiles
                  Does it make sense to you?  But of course, if somebody has

                  nothing to say ... a drowning man would cling to any straw.

                  This is what they are talking about and they blow it out of

                  proportion, 'Eh! eh! This is a crude oil saga.'  What saga?
                  cancelled it because it was not in the interest of this country.

                  What is wrong with that.  They could have called it a saga
or a
                  deal if we have lifted it and diverted it.  I want Gambians
                  understand that if they talked of 20,000 barrels a day - in
                  that is one reason why we rejected the offer - out of every
                  with all your trouble of lifting and signing contracts with
                  companies, you only have 10 cents or 12 cents.  I said that
is not
                  worth our while, 1.6 million dollars will not waste our time
with all
                  that trouble and of course, knowing the implications of such

                  And that same Mr Smith, was very inconsistent.  He said well,

                  'we do not know whether it was allocated to an individual
or to
                  the country.' And just to show how biased he is and how
                  prejudiced they are to this country, they did not name all
                  countries that    are recipients of that offer.

                  On whether he lives a flamboyant lifestyle

                  Well, they can go and live in the gutter to make people believe

                  that they live humble lives.  Everybody has the Pajero I have,

                  Inter-Cooler.  What do I have?  Nissan Patrols?  Most
                  businessmen have Nissan Patrols.  There is nothing extraordinary

                  about these, you can go to TK Motors and get a Pajero or go
                  Shyben Madi and get a Nissan Patrol.  What kind of flamboyant

                  lifestyle are they talking about?  They want me to live on
the roof
                  or in a hut?

                  My clothes are materials tailored in The Gambia, how can they
                  expensive, tailored in The Gambia?  And those who criticise
                  wear Western suits that cost nothing less than 50 pounds.
                  is not flamboyant?  And they are nothing in this country!

                  On journalists and join-the-lists

                  A journalist should be a man of high moral value; should be
                  well-schooled person...and you must always endeavour -

                  because it is a lifetime career - to be honest and tell the
                  irrespective of what your personal opinion is of the person.

                  But if you start with the wrong foot  your career may be in

                  jeopardy and you may one day be in jail.  If from the beginning,

                  all what you are interested       in is cheap street talk,
flashy heads
                  so that people will buy only to realise that you are talking
                  by the time you are 10 years into the profession, you are
in jail,
                  because somewhere along the line, somebody will take you to

                  court.  A press man should be investigative, you have to be

                  balanced.  I am not asking anybody to praise me and whether

                  they praise me or criticise me, that does not reduce a hair
from my
                  head.  The press can destabilise or stabilise a country.
                  tells you that Yahya Jammeh has married.  I am not afraid
of any
                  human being in this world that I can marry discretely.  They

                  wrote a story that I married X,Y,Z.  They could tell you where
                  person is but they could not tell you the name.  Does it really

                  make sense to a trained journalist.  And you always think
that the
                  international community will only recognise you when you

                  criticise the government, and a journalist is suppose to be
a man
                  of integrity and high moral value.  You shall not, as a Muslim
or a
                  Christian, try to tarnish the image of someone falsely just
                  you belong to a particular political opinion.  And some of
                  because they want American visas, and they cannot get it,
                  write fictitious stories and once you call them for questioning,
it is
                  headlines, 'So-called journalist arrested and detained by
NIA' or
                  other security agency, and the next minute, he is at the American

                  Embassy or British High Commission looking for visa.  If you

                  want a visa, be honest enough and tell the Americans or the

                  British that you want a visa, but you do not have to create

                  trouble for yourself in the search for your visa.  Who can
see a
                  bird flying and they write the headline that it was a jet
                  How many times did they write that I have been shot at Kanilai?

                  And each time they write, people see me walking.

                  Under the former government we know what type of journalism

                  was in this country.  The government press is not praise-singing

                  to anybody, they are telling the truth, which they would not
                  to do and so they will call it praise-singing.  What story
                  carried by the government press which was not true?

                  And finally...

                  Remember that I am a soldier.  I fear nobody else except God.

                  These cowards.  Whoever wants to do something, come to

                  Yahya Jammeh at Kanilai.  Banjul is populated, come to Kanilai.

                  That will be the end of the story.


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