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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
MOMODOU BUHARRY GASSAMA <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 21 Jul 2000 00:26:49 +0200
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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    I promised to post some articles on the AIDS conspiracy theory. Here they come. Enjoy.

Some more stuff on AIDS: 
Senate Appropriations for Army Research ca. `69

Under the current US Administration, biological warfare research
spending has increases 500 percent. primarily in the area of
genetic engineering, of new disease organisms.

At a House Appropriations hearing in 1969, the Defense
Department's Biological Warfare division requested funds to
develop, through gene splicing, a new disease that would resist and
break down a victim's immune system. 

"Within the next 5 to 10 years it would probably be possible to
make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain
important respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most
important of these is that it might be refractory to the
immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to
maintain our reletive freedom from infectious disease."

Dr D.M. Macarthur, Congressional Subcommitee,1969

AIDS was first diagnosed in 1981, 12 years after the requested
funds were approved.

It is significant to note that the "discovery" of the AIDS virus
(HTLV3)was announced by Dr. Robert Gallo at the National Cancer
Institue,which is on the grounds of Fort Detrik, Maryland, a
primary US Army biological warfare research facility.

The following is a transcript taken from the Los Angeles radio
station KPFA's show This Way Out. The show was broadcasted on
2/5/90. Transcripts, and tape recordings are both avilable.

A massive inoculation program in Centeral Africa in a well-
publicized effort to eradicate smallpox. In the late 70's, gay men
in New York City, and then in San Francisco and Los Angeles, were
recruited to test a newly-developed vaccine against one of the
most serious of sexually transmitted diseases, Hepititis B. As the
decade of the 1980's began, a strange new disease was being
reported in Africa, and among prviously-healthy gay white men in
Manhattan. Dr. Robert Streker and Dr. Alan Cantwell, two los
Angeles area physicians and researchers, have a compelling theory
which links these events to genetic engineering experiments, and
either a lethal foul-up in the lab, or an intentional genocide
campaign. their claims have been dismissed as "paranoid" by most
AIDS "experts", but their well-documented survey of published
medical literature, and the logical conclusions which may be drawn 
from that data desevrve, at the very least, more serious
consideration than that the medical community and the media have
give to date. How has the "poitics" of AIDS affected their efforts
to encorage wider debate about the origns of the most serious world
health crisis of the 20th century? Alan Ross of Philadelphia's WXPN
conducts an ear-opening conversation with Doctors Strecker and
Cantwell in the studios of KPFK in Los Angeles.

In the mid-1970's the World Health Organization (WHO) began a
massive innoculation program in central Africa, in a well-
publicized effort to erradicate smallpox. In the late '70's, gay
men in New York City, and then in San Francisco, and Los angeles,
were recruted to test a newly developed vaccine against one of the
most serious of sexually transmitted diseases, Hepititis B. As the
decade of the 1980's began, a strange new disease was being
reported in Central Africa, and amung previously healthy, gay white
men in Mnahattan. What do all these events have in common? Two Los
Angeles area doctors have a compelling hypothesis to answer that

Most AIDS experts have dismissed the theories of Dr. Robert
Strecker and Dr. Alan Cantwell. We leave it to you to assess the
validity of their claims, but we believe the implications of what
they have to say, horrendous as those implications are, deserve
more serious considerations than they have been given to date.

Dr. Strecker:

I'm Dr. Robert Strecker, I practice medicine in Los Angeles. I'm
a Board-certified internist and gastroenterologist. I also have a
PhD. in pharmacology. I did my pharmacology training while I was
in medical school at Vanderbuilt, and I"m also a trained

Ross: And, Dr. Cantwell?

Dr. Cantwell:
I'm a dermitologist, I've been one since 1965. I've had a great
interest in the microbiology of cancer and when AIDS developed as
a disease, I researched AIDS from the microbiological point of
view. I treat AIDS patients. I've written two books, one called
AIDS: The Mystery and the Solution, and the other called AIDS, and
the Doctors of Death.

R: And they're published by Aries Rising Press.

Dr. C:

R: Dr. Strecker, do you believe that there is any correlation
between AIDS and the Hepatitis B vaccine of the late 1970's?

Dr. S: 
You simply look at the epidemology of AIDS and some mechanism of
introduction; and then say, "How do you explain this phenomena?"
and we don't explainby some gay airline steward from Canada, who
only selectively had sex in Manhattan, and subsequently in San
Francisco and Los Angeles; while meanwhile flying around the rest
of the world. We explain it by the appearence of a select virus in
a distinct group; i.e., young white, male homosexuals from
Manhattan between the ages on 20 and 40, who otherwise (were)
healthy and promiscius in 1978; and then subsequently, in San
Francisco and Los Angeles in 1980, in the same groups. It (AIDS)
appeared in the exact same epidemiological groups as was conducted
for the Hepititis B study. If the Hepititis B vaccine study had
been conducted in Miami and Atlanta. and St. Louis or Denver, you
would say, "well, there's no correlation".

Dr. C:
There is a "history" of AIDS that has been manufactured. First of
all, Dr Gallo did not discover the AIDS virus, nor, technically,
did Dr, Montenier. The AIDS virus was discovered by a french woman
working in Montenier's lab, by the name of Francoise Barre', but
no one, I'm sure, has ever heard of her.

Most scientists, most physicians, most AIDS researchers, will say
that American AIDS came from Africa. Now, in my opinion, that is
totally false. as a supreme "fairytale", because , as Dr. Strecker
said, if you trace American AIDS back to the earliest cases, it
traces back to the gay men in Manhattan that volunteered for the
Hepatitis B study. Not only that, the hepatitis B "cohort", or the
group of men that were guinea pigs for that study, when the AIDS
epidemic developed, that group became the role models for the
spread of AIDS in America.

And so, we merely raised the question of: couldn't that virus,
AIDS been introduced to the homosexual population during the
hepititus B study? Either as an introduction, in a sense, as a bio-
warfare agent; or as an accidental introduction from the way that
the vaccine was prepared? First off, you have to know that in 1969,
in actual testimony before the Curch Commitee, the Department of
Defense requested $10 million to produce organisms that would
selectively, basicly destroy the immune system, and be refractory
to it's effects. They were funded. In 1972, writing in Vol. 47,
bulliten of the World Health Organization, is a request by members
of that group to "make a virus that would selectively destroy the
t-cell system". That group of people writing in federation
proceedings in the same year, said, " we would test theses agents
that we make by putting them in our vaccines, and see what kinds
of effects they have". And that would be particularly informative
when applied to sibships, in other words , brothers and sisters of
the same parents. Now, AIDS appears in Africa in exactly the same
test-site areas that they (WHO) published that they planned to test
these (vaccines). Was it possible that AIDS in Africa was a
consequence of the smallpox vaccine campaign of erradication
connducted there by WHO, in either one of two ways: 1). an
intentional introduction of the virus to see what it would do or,
2). as a biological "screw-up", so to speak, from the way that the
vaccines were prepared?

R: Now that we've gotten ourselves into the laboratory, tell me
about your theory that AIDS was manufactured in a laboratory using

Dr. S: 
The argument of the so-called "Establishment" says: "Well, we
didn't have theses techniques of gene-splicing in 1977, and so
therefore, we couldn't possibly have amde it. You give us too much
credit, Dr. Strecker, we're not nearly that smart". And of course,
any fool knows that they are now making all kinds of new animals;
new rabbits, new rats, , all kinds of bacteria. They're engineering
plants, and of course, "we can't make a real simple little virus".
Now the truth of the matter is, if you go back and read your
history, you will discover that they were already working with all
kinds with all kinds of...gene-splicing enzymes in the early
1970's. So it was not only beond that, but we use the illistration
of a baby with no arms or legs, and how a baby with no arms or legs
gets dressed up in a tuxedo, and he goes to a nice party and has
a good time in Beverly hills, he doesn't do it by himself. if you
tell me this virus is not capable of engineering itself, a priori,
you've already agreed with us that somebody made it; it's just a
matter of who did it, and where.

Dr. C:
Back in the 70's, it is common knowledge amongst virologists,
that they were taking viruses from one animal, putting it into
another, then taking theses viruses and putting them into human
tissue cells, in culture. And they were literally producing all
kinds of viruses, some of which, obviously, were deadly to the
immune system. And other viruses, that they KNEW if those viruses
ever got out it would be horrible because there was absolutely no
antidote to theses things. So, when a new virus suddenly starts to
appear in Central Africa. and in Manhattan, one of the first things
a scientist, who's got his act together and knows what's happening,
will ask is: "did one of these viruses get out?" Now you know and
I know, that this epedemic has been around for 10 years- it is not
explainable in the terms of "mother Nature".

Dr. S:
The AIDS virus consists of genes that are related to two known
retro-virusres of animals. One is a virus named Bovine-Leukemia,
another is a virus named Visna. Now we didn't tell theworld that,
the AIDS experts told the world that. We merely read what they
wrote. They were either lying, or they were telling the truth, for
the moment we will consider they were telling the truth, because
I believe they were. We looked at AIDS, and we looked at Bovine-
Leukemia virus, and we looked at visna. And so we ask a very simple
question- can you take Bovine-Leukemia virus,and Visna, and cross
them together and make an AIDS like agent? now virtually every so-
called AIDS in the world says "No that is not possible", but of
course, that is a clear cut lie. All anyone need do is go to a
medical library. What would you call a virus - if you combined
Bovine And Visna together- what would you call it? Well, we were
simple-minded people, Bovine-Visna, and Visna-Bovine, and we put
in a Med-line search and said: tell us all articles written from
1950-1989, or whatever date you choose, on a virus names Bovine-
Visna. And- BAM - out come articles on a virus which is described 
to be identical to AIDS. It has the same unique, reletively unique,
morphology, in other words, same shape. It has the same molecular
weight. It has the same magnesium dependancy. It had the same
ability to kill cells. It has the samr T-cell trophism, it attacks
T-cells. It had the same ability to produce sensatia. It has the
same exact characteristics by initial lymphadnopaty within a few
weeks of infection, followed by a production of antbodies against
the virus, and subsequently , 5-7 years later the cows dies from
"wasting disease", and immune deficiency. And when they fed these
viruses to chimpanzees in 1974, published in Cancer Reasearch from
the united States Institute of Healt, those chimpanzees died of a
strange disease called "neumocystiscrenepneumonia" (sic?) Which was
the first reported case of "nuemo" ever, in a pantroglodite, a

R: Why hasn't the mainstream media jumped all over your theories?

Dr. C: 
There is a tremendous denial of this possibility. When you talk
to people privately, they say, "well, I always thought it could be
someyhing like that". People do not like to feel that this is
another screw-up brought courtesy of the government, or
governments. Nobody likes to feel that they were singled out for
a genocide program. The Jews were not happy about having been
chosen byy the nazis to be eliminated. If you try to talk to gay
people (and say) "hey, I think you were set up", they really don't
want to hear that. Or they'll say, "we create our own reality, and
so therefore, I don't want to deal with that issue".

Dr. S: 
More thatn that, there has been a loss, a total loss of the
credibility, in my opinion, of most reporters, that includes tv,
radio, and (print) media. There are very few reporters anymore.
There are only people who call up people. There is no one who takes
the time to actually review any of the data that we present, and
come to some reasonable conclusion on their own, and say, "well
this is possible", or "this is not possible".

Dr C:
They won'r even discuss it, the'll just call you "paranoid". We
have a million people who we suspect of being HIV-Positive. If we
had a million invaders arriving on the shores of America tomorrow,
trying to quell that invasion would be the #1 priority. And we act
in America like this disease doesn't really exist.

Dr. S:
The number of people infected is probably far greater than (the)
estimates, in my opinion, and are ridiculasly low. the rule-of-
thumb would be that, for every case of AIDS, there should be 50 or
100 people infected, which would point to 5-10 million people in
the United Statespresently today. In our opinion, Africa lay on the
verge of extinction, due to the infection there of 75-150 million.
So, we're talking (about) massive death. Massive Death.

R: I'd like to hear both of you comment, separatly, on whether you
think, finally, that AIDS is a screw-up or a cover-up. And what is
your opinion about that. Why don't we start with Dr. Strecker:

Dr. S:
My own personal opinion is that, undoubtably, AIDS, and all so-
called human retro-viruses were constructed intentionally in the
laoboratory, and have been put out intentionally as tests. And
they're also being used as "bio-weponry". Now, that I can't
substantiate, because I don't happen to have been there at the time
these experiments were performed, or at the time that the vaccines
were innoculated with the viruses in them. That's what I believe.
What I can substanciate from the literature, medical liturature,
is that it is enitiely possible that these virusses were
constructed in the laboratory and got into the vaccine preparations

Dr. C:
Well, I believe that this experiment was deliberate. It may not
have been deliberate at the time it was done, but after 10 years,
the fact that we refuse to even consider this as a possibility,
indicates to me that there is a BIG COVER-UP. It is a disgrace to
science not to consider this hypothesis that AIDS came from a
laboratory, when we knew that they were making these things in
laboratories. And all those virologists that were quoted ad nauseum
know that. And they will never mention it, not once.

R: How can the government do this type of testing?

Dr. S:
The history of this country, and every other country worldwide,
is filled with tests conducted on citizens without their knowledge.

R: The LSD tests.

Dr. S:
The LSD experiments were part of a project called MK Ultra, which
tested various agents on people unknowingly. There have been over
300 open-air biological experiments conducted in the United Stated
alone, by the Department of Defense, without anyone's knowledge or
concent. That is documented in the book called A Higher Form Of
Killing, by Jerremy Paxman, and Robert Harris. It is the secret
story of chemical-biological warfare. That's in paperback, and it's
available at most bookstores.

Dr. C:
And also, a book called Gene Wars, it's an interesting title, a
military control over the new genetic technologies, by Pillar and

Dr. C:
The intentional infliction of disease upon black men, their
wives, and their unborn babies, is documented in a book called Bad
Blood, by James Jones, which was conducted in the open medical
literature for over 40 years, and only came to light when various
journalists started investigating this around the late 60's and
early 70's. It was totally accepted as an ethical experiment, while
these men infected their wives, and their wives infected their
babies, and so forth.

Dr S:
Syphillis in black men who had been recruited in the Tuskeegee
Alabama area, was not only not treated, but they were prevented
from being treated when penicillin became avilable, to see the
intentional progression of syphillis in the men of the test, as
well as their wives and their babies.
Dr. C
I think one of the things people fail to realize, it that
biological warfare does exist, and we talk a little bit about it
in my book. It is a fact of life. And I think that if you consider
AIDS as a reflection of that, then AIDS makes a lot of sense. Plus,
the political reponse to AIDS makes a lot of sense, because the
reson to have biological wars, is unfortunately, to kill a lot of
people. And that is what is happening. And, if you plan to kill
them, you don't want to save them. So, you ignore these biological
agents, you seed them in the people you don't lik, you let them
make love to one another, and you kill them.

R: I do want to say that you have opened a lot of eyes today, and
a lot of ears, particularly. Dr. Robert Strecker, and Dr. Alan
Cantwell, I want to thank you very much for giving us all this

Transcripts, and tape recordings of this interview are available.
Please write to:




before a





first session

Subcommitte on Department of Defence Appropriations

GEORGE H. MAHON, Texas, Chairman

Robert L. Sikes, Florida Glenard P. Lipscomb, California
Jammie L. Whitten, Mississippi William E. Minshall, Ohio
George W. Andrews, Alabama John J. Rohdes, Arizona
Daniel J. Flood, Pennsylvania Glen R. Davis, Wisconsin
John M. Slack, West Virginia Joseph P. Addabbo, New York
Frank E. Evans, Colorado




PAGE 104 


MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1969 


DR. D. M. MacArthur, Deputy Director (Research and Technology),
D.D.R. @ E.

DR. B. Harris. Deputy Assistant Director (Chemical Technology),
D.D.R. @ E.

DR. K.C. EMERSON, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of The Army,
(R @ D.)

BRIG. GEN. W. S. Stone, JR, Director of Materiel Requirements
Headquarters, U.S. Army Material Command

COL. J. J. Osik, Chief Systems and Requirements Division
Directorate of CBR and Nuclear Operations, Office of The Assistant
Chief of Staff For Force Development


Dr. MacArthur: There are two things about the biological agent
field I would like to mention. One is the possibility of
technological suprise. Molecular biology is a feild that is
advancing very rapidly, and eminant biologists believe that within
a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a
synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist
and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.

Mr. Sikes: Are you doing any work in that field?

Dr. MacArthur: We are not.

Mr. Sikes: Why not? Lack of money or lack of interest?

Dr. MacArthur: Certainly not lack of interest.

Mr. Sikes: Would you provide for our records information on what
would be required, what the advantages of such a program would be,
the time and the cost involved?

Dr. MacArthur: We will be very happy to.
(The information follows:)

The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular
biology led us to investigate the revevence of tthis feild of
science to biological warfare. A small group of experts considered
this matter and provided the following observations:

1. All biological agents up to the present time are representatives
of naturally occurring disease, and thus know by scientists, euther
for offensive or defensive purposes.

2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to
make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain
important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most
important of these is that it might be refractory to the
immunological and therapeutic process upon which we depend to
maintain our reletive freedom from infectious disease.

3. A research program to explor the feasibility of this could be
completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million.

4. It would be very difficult to establish such a program.
Molecular bioligy is a relatively new science. There are not many
highly competent scientists in the field. Almost all are in
university laboratories, and they are generaly adequetly supported
from sources other than DOD. However, it was consisered possible
to initiate an adeguate program through the National Academy of
Sciences- National Research Council (NAS-NRC).

The matter was discussed with the NAS-NRC, and tenative plans
were made to initiate the program. However, decreasing funds in
CB, growing critisism of the CB program, and our reluctance to
involve the NAS-NRC in such a controversial endeavor have led us
to postpone it for the past 2 years.
It is a highly controversial issue, and there are many who
believe such research should not be undertaken, lest it lead to yet
another method of massive killing of large populations.


A Higher Form of Killing- J. Paxman/ R. Harris
Gene Wars- Pillar/Yamamoto
Bad BLood-J. Jones
Acid Dreams-M.A.Lee/ B. Shlain
AIDS and the Doctors of Death- Dr. A. Cantwell
Project Paperclip- C. Lasby
Scientific American- June 1991, Retrovirus Infections
Scientific American- June 1991, Poxvirus Infections/ Immunizations

and Chemotheropy for Viral Infections
Current Medical Diagnosis @ Treatment- 1991 Viral Diseases, and 

Infections with Slow 

Basic @ Clinical Immunology- 1991- Human T-Cell Leukemea (Bovine)



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