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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 7 May 2001 12:23:02 -0400
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Hamjatta, I am respectfully counseling you again to ignore Jobe's angry
rhetoric. The man is not only a coward, he is also a moron; worse than you
guess who. I thought he was going to finish his thesis with a bang, but the
moron left with a whimper; the kind of sorry sobbing that characterized his
incessant whining on this forum. You aptly captured the essence of his
thesis in your piece. When we debunked the myths he was trying to peddle
here about AFPRC/APRC projects, and showed him that it was ridiculous to
exchange the lives of our children with those token projects, he shifted to
a sorrier story.

Now according to him, he is scared of the rhetoric of the UDP. He accused
UDP of tribalism and then lists the UDP senior members (Ousainou Darboe,
Mariam Denton, Shyngle Nyassi) that all belong to different tribes. He is
scared of what Ousainou Darboe might do to him if and when Darboe takes
power. See why I said that the guy is not only a certified coward, but a
moron too? He is imagining things. You were right to ask him under what bed
he was cowardly hiding when Yaya was making his notorious 'Six Feet Deep'
Speech. This man is despicable. He ignores atrocities (like murder)
committed on our people in broad daylight, and yet call people like Darboe
hateful because of spoken word; words he is making up. His boss, Yaya, does
not dare to come out in public and accuse Darboe of such lies. Jobe can come
to G_L and spread this garbage, but the APRC heavies know better.

While we can name actual Gambians Yaya has murdered, Jobe cannot name a
single Gambian Darboe has ever laid a wicked hand on. Yet this moron
slavishly worships Yaya and condemns Darboe because of some imagined human
rights abuse that might never take place. Is this man well? There is
somewhere that cowardice stops and stupidity takes charge. Jobe surmounted
that threshold. He is so scared that he cannot think straight now. He is a
lost cause. How can one even begin to compare Yaya's despicable human rights
record with Darboe's 'non-record'?

If calling for justice to be dispensed in the murder of our children is
hateful, then Jobe can brand all of us as haters. If calling for thieves to
stop looting our government treasury is hateful, then Jobe can call all of
us haters. Typical coward. Instead of attacking the murderers and the
thieves, he attacks the people that are saying that the murderers and the
thieves should face justice. Like you, Hamjatta, I knew from day one that
Jobe was going to fail in his endeavor to defend the indefensible. Just last
week, I confronted him with an inconsistency and a lie he told when he said
that he never tries to justify APRC atrocities. He conveniently ignored that
post. I just laughed at his childish gimmicks. I said to myself that Jobe is
the one that is guilty of what he has been accusing me of all the time; i.e.
I was not taking him seriously. Jobe is actually the one who is so stupid
that he does not first size up his opponents before he takes them on. He
thinks he can just peddle garbage here and people will ignore him or would
be incapable of seeing through his hypocrisy and saying so. Well, the news
to Jobe is that not a single thing passes here without our scrutiny. At
times when we say nothing to him, we are just setting him up for a bigger
snafu. He is a confused man. A coward and a moron. We will catch up with
him. Find solace in the fact that thanks to our vigilance, the moron now
does not look at the 'projects' to justify his puppy dog loyalty to the
'master' moron. Now he is loyal because he is scared of an imagined enemy.
What a joke Jobe is?

>From: Kebba Jobe <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: On the UDP's Inconsistencies and Hubris
>Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 14:01:35 -0000
>Hamjatta, your narrow minded rhetoric is typical of the other desperate
>people in the UDP camp. What I do know and will tell you is that despite
>the clap-trap some of you peddle here, the reality is that, the UDP, with
>all their anger and despair has woefully failed to convince the majority of
>Gambians that they are worth voting for. Despite all the terifying things
>you've mentioned, the UDP is still seen by many as a bunch of extremely
>angry and desperate people whose only agenda is to come power at any cost.
>It is very sad that you haven't a clue of what people living here really
>think of the UDP. Isn't ironic that despite all the attrocities that you've
>mentioned, the majority of Gambians don't believe in electing these people
>whose only agenda is revenge?
>The majority of Gambians believe that despite the attrocites you mentioned,
>however horrifing, are nothing compared to the depth of barbarity and chaos
>that a UDP victory can unleash on our dear country. No matter what this
>government has done, the majority of Gambians fear the UDP more than the
>APRC. Whereas I believe in retribution, revenge as the UDP would want is
>totally unacceptable to some of us. It is very easy for you to go into self
>imposed exile and using cyberspace to peddle your gibberish. Those of us
>live here know better.
>It is very important Hamjatta that you realise that the angry deperados
>people like you are, self opionated beyond comprehension, desperate and
>angry beyond believe, narrow minded and selfish, are not capable of
>convincing any right thinking man to vote for a bunch of tribalists, whose
>hunger for power has blinded them from seeing the reality on the ground.
>maority of Gambians see the UDP just as it is. A bunch of angry extremists
>whose only common interest is to restore all the decadence that was
>by the first republic and in that quest, they wouldn't mind to plunge our
>dear country into civil war. This, you will fail to achieve.
>Have a good day boy & bye 4Now, KB Jobe.
>>----Original Message Follows----
>>From: Hamjatta Kanteh <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>> ><[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Re: On the UDP's Inconsistencies and Hubris
>>Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 02:02:42 EDT
>>In a message dated 06/05/2001 14:45:41 GMT Daylight Time,
>> >[log in to unmask]
>><< Hamjatta, I must congratulate you for an excellent piece. Your
>>reflect the views of many and **that's what I've been trying to
>> >explain**.
>>UDP has woefully failed to explain to the electorate what it will do >for
>>them when elected into office. Like I've said before, here you have a
>> >party
>>of intellectuals who cannot even develop a good strategy that can >appeal
>>even our educated folks down here. Had they done that, those people >would
>>have really helped spread their message. A good indication of that is >the
>>very limited number of people living here, who bother to try to >defend
>>even in cyberspace.
>>Have a good day and bye 4Now, KB Jobe. >>
>>Another off-the-wall-nonsense. You and i are not saying the same >thing. I
>>dare say that your intervention was mere attempts to mischieviously
>> >implant
>>in the minds of my compatriots that my constructive criticisms are >akin
>>the destructive ones you have peddled here so far. Unlike you, i >believe
>>the UDP leadership has the calibre to LEAD. I believe that albeit >Darbo's
>>past political mistakes, he is at heart a good decent man who would >NEVER
>>give orders to security forces to callously shoot at unarmed young >school
>>kids. I believe that the UDP leadership is comprised of men of decency,
>>tolerance and refined intellect. The only difference i have largely >with
>>is that i believe sometimes they send the wrong signals to Jammeh and >the
>>rest of the country. This is not a fatal failing and can be rectified.
>> >Also i
>>believe i hold more "radical" views on Jammeh and think that Darbo >should
>>using not more fiery rhetoric in his messages against the Dictatorship
>> >but
>>prepared to play resolutely the an-eye-for-an-eye tactic - when the
>> >situation
>>calls for it. Aside, perhaps the biggest difference between us is an
>>ideological one which can never be finessed by short termist political
>>expediency. This is a matter of personal choice and not something you >or
>>likes should see as material for mischief-making.
>>On a related topic, i was quite bemused to read in your final >submission
>>May 04 2001,  15:16:48 GMT Daylight Time, your reasons for preferring >the
>>APRC gov't over a UDP one. Here is what you wrote:
>><< To conclude, I would like to state that my support of the APRC
>> >government
>>(NOT PARTY)is neither because of its development projects, which are
>>laudable nor is it because I don't care for the abysmal human rights
>> >record
>>of this regime. **My support for them is purely based on my total
>> >abhorance of
>>the UDP message and the way they incite their followers**. It is my >firm
>>believe that the Gambia cannot ever afford chaos, lawlessnes or >anarchy.
>>That will be very disatrous for our dear nation. Unfortunately the UDP
>> >seems
>>to give that impression. Their rhetoric and campaign style really >borders
>>incitement. >> Emphasis mine
>>Good grief! You are actually telling people here that you would rather
>> >panic
>>over fiery rhetorics from an unarmed civil association than an ACTUAL
>>murderous group of philistines who have literally and practically done
>> >all
>>you claim to "abhor". Let's closely examine your twisted and totured
>> >logic.
>>As i understand it, the UDP is not in power but the APRC is. Meaning -
>> >and
>>this is within the context of  African Despots despoiling the thin
>> >fragile
>>sheet that seperates the notion of gov't from the State, which you >still
>>full understanding - that if anyone has the pedigree of unruliness and >a
>>propensity to create "chaos, lawlessness or anarchy", it is those in
>> >power
>>who don't have the wherewithal to comprehend Thucydides' dictum >that "of
>>manifestations of power, restraint impresses men most". Clearly, if >your
>>concern about the Gambia today was about the propensity of things to
>> >descent
>>into " chaos, lawlessness or anarchy", you are betting on the wrong
>> >horse.
>>For it is the AFPRC and its mutation the APRC, which you support, that
>> >had
>>and has demonstrated ill-will towards Thucydides' call for restraint >from
>>those who hold power. Had the APRC any virtue worth calling restraint,
>> >then
>>April 10 and 11 would not have become a watershed in the "chaos,
>> >lawlessness
>>or anarchy" they have forced down on the Gambian conscience. Need i go
>> >into
>>all the gory details of the wickedness and monstrous barbarity reeking >of
>>prehistoric sense of civility that Jammeh et al have committed against
>>Gambians? Need i remind you the gory details of the murder of an >innocent
>>young selfless Gambian like Koro Ceesay who was murdered callously by >the
>>same very people you think should keep leading the Gambia? Need i >remind
>>of the disgusting manner in which a soldier by the name Dumbuya was
>> >chased
>>through the streets of Albert Market by security forces acting on the
>> >orders
>>of Jammeh himself to shoot-to-kill-on-sight this young man and how he
>> >fell
>>the midst of a market crowd as he fought bravely for his dear life? >Need
>>remind you of 11 Noverber 1994 and the mass graves dug to bury people
>> >alive?
>>Is this your idea of civilise alternative to a UDP leadership that
>> >everyone
>>chides for being too meek and mild towards Jammeh? See how you finally
>>hammered the last nail on your coffin of hypocrisy? You said the UDP's
>> >fiery
>>rhetoric scares you shitless, yet you are prepared to tolerate a >Jammeh
>>stands in public and tells his audience that anyone who dares to
>> >challenge
>>him will he sent "six feet under" and has ACTUALLY carried out his >death
>>threats. Have you any idea how many Gambians lost their lives due to >the
>>political machinations of Jammeh and the need to perpetuate his
>> >mediocracy?
>>Unlike the UDP, Jammeh not only makes death threats and or fiery
>> >statements
>>of hate or inciting his followers to carry out hate pogroms, he >ACTUALLY
>>to it that it is DONE! Remember that July 22nd fanatic's - presumably >by
>>name of Camara hailing from Jarra, LRD -  confession of how they were
>>constantly on the orders of Jammeh to terrorise innocent Gambians >whose
>>crime happen to be that they strongly believe that Jammeh is not good >for
>>Gambia? When did the UDP leadership ever incite its followers to >engage
>>terrorising innocent Gambians? Do you now see for yourself how crass an
>>imbecile you are for telling people you abhor more imaginary illusions >of
>>violent UDP charged mob than an actual APRC killing machinery killing,
>>maiming, torturing and victimisation of innocent Gambians all the >while
>>are drooling about a UDP incited hate mob? Your hypocrisy is simply
>>When all is said and done, all the reasons you have stated for >supporting
>>APRC gov't falls on the sword of the wrongs it had committed and
>> >continues
>>commit against the Gambian peoples - and your reasoning or alibi >suffers
>>instantaneous death. My hunch is that your active paricipation on this
>> >List
>>raison d'etre is purely therapeutic for an emotionally weird and
>>psychologically divided person with a conscience who finds himself >within
>>inner coterie of evil but is too weak to raise a finger against it,
>> >continues
>>to abet the evil unabated and in the process losing sleep over >it.
>>you are a man on guilt-trip who can't sleep at night for fear of what >he
>>help wreaked on innocent people. And as the old adage has it, there is >no
>>lighter cushion than a clear conscience. Clear conscience, i'm afraid >you
>>don't have at this present stage. So inorder to clear the muddle in >your
>>conscience, you decided to foolishly convince yourself that albeit the
>>blemishes here and there, you are doing the right thing. So you choose
>>Gambia-L as your shrink to put that point across. In the event, you >have
>>the reception to the filth you peddled here: You are on the wrong >side.
>>it up before you reach the point of no return.
>>In conclusion, i leave you with this grotesque, gory and barbarous
>> >vignette
>>Brother Ebou Colly painted for us on how fine goodlooking smiling
>> >gentlemen
>>like "Dot" Faal, Saye, Barrow et al were murdered and despicably mass
>> >buried
>>alongside those who were murdered in the so-called November 11, 1994 >coup
>>attempt by the very philistines you would support at all cost.
>><< He further gave the gruesome details of how Saye's
>>long legs (he was about 6ft. 8ins. tall) could not fit
>>in the ditch together with the others and how Kanyi
>>and co used a machete to cut off his legs before
>>force-fitting the body in the mass grave. It was the
>>mother of all evil that I know the culprits will
>>account for someday. It is hard to comprehend how
>>brutal these demons were on people who did not hurt
>>anyone in their existence. Why was it impossible for
>>anyone among them to stand up and say that this must
>>stop, for it is all-wrong? Where was god in the hearts
>>of these GAMBIANS? >>
>>Hamjatta - Kanteh
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