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Print Reply
Thu, 16 Aug 2001 17:47:21 -0400
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Please turn down your attacks.  We can only unite if we are
willing to meet half way.  Ousman spoke clearly and I can
vouch on his support for the opposition.

According to SM, it was only the gang of four in the PPP that
came out with the idea of supporting Ousainou.  One serious
mistake you are doing is underestimating the possible NCP and
PDOIS coalition.  We can make hell for UDP in Serre Kunda and
Wuli.  Remember that the UDP is just like middleware element
in an information technology sector.  If we continue with this
divisive politics our desire for a free Gambia will fail.

Can we reach a compromise?  SM has clearly indicated that NCP's
door is open.  Ousman Bojang is member and will always be a
member of the opposition.


Comrade ML Jassey-Conteh
Greensboro, NC/Kombo East Constituency

Original Message:
From: Dampha Kebba [log in to unmask]
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 10:43:21 -0400
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: PPP/UDP alliance ONLY.

Bojang, at last you have the honesty and decency to ‘come out’. You were all
this time a dead AFPRC/APRC supporter and not a ‘fence-sitter’. You just did
NOT have the conviction or the wherewithal to argue the AFPRC/APRC agenda.
That is your problem. You do NOT know how to deal with decent people and
justify slaughter of our children, raiding of our government coffers,
abduction and illegal incarceration of innocent Gambians, the rendering of
our farmers destitute while Yaya and his pals send their wives to America to
have babies; the list of indefensible positions go on.

When you knew that supporting AFPRC/APRC in this forum meant you being
ostracized by decent folk, you craftily labeled yourself as a
‘fence-sitter’. When AFPRC/APRC abduct people like Dumo or slaughter our
children in broad daylight no one hears strong condemnation from you. When
the Opposition makes one false move, you are all over them, pretending to be
a concerned Opposition member giving genuine advise. Some of us knew all
along some of your shenanigans. We know your family involvement with some
AFPRC/APRC bigwigs. We knew how you were playing both sides. This is
hypocrisy and NOT ‘fence-sitting’. Have the conviction to defend what you
believe in. I know I will hear your usual whining about name-calling and
whatnot. But it will be falling on deaf ears here. Now that you have
declared your allegiance to a child murderer, you get no mercy from me. It
is war.

Let us look at your piece of garbage this time. I just hope I understand
some of your gibberish. You must be quite comfortable with mental midgets
like Essa Sey (Yero mama, Paul Gomez, Lamin Ceesay, Alieu Keita, an
ambassador that cannot even communicate in our official language). I feel
sorry for you guys. Nonentities that think they have to support High School
drop-outs and thugs in order to feel important. For starters, the Meeting on
August 13, 2001 to form an Opposition Alliance did NOT come empty. That is
what APRC wants to believe. But that is NOT the ‘realities on the ground’. I
wonder what exchange you have been reading. Did you miss the Press Release
from the Opposition Alliance? The MAJORITY of the Opposition Parties in the
country ENDORSED Ousainou Darboe as their presidential candidate for the
October elections. Is that your idea of an ‘empty’ meeting?  Out of seven
political parties two did NOT agree with the Alliance. ONLY TWO. Does your
party have an Alliance? Two parties are out of the Alliance (as we
speak/write). Seven Parties are opposing your Party (APRC). Whose house is
empty here? Your Party is the one that is isolated by the rest of the
country. If I were you, I would be preoccupied about getting support for the
APRC rather than coming here to lie about things you know nothing about.

Who ever said that Lamin Jabang, Landing Jallow Sonko and Jawara wanted to
join UDP? Are you well? Didn’t you just hear that PPP registered their own
Party? Why do you think you have to lie to the Gambian people about
something so blatant? If APRC wants to look backward and make PPP the
subject of their campaign, that is fine with me. It just shows me and the
whole country that APRC does NOT have the wherewithal to move the country
FORWARD. All they can do is lie about Jawara. But lying about Jawara is one
thing. Lying to the Gambian people that UDP is dominated by PPP is another
matter entirely. Darboe was NOT part of the Jawara regime. He is our
presidential candidate and not Jawara. Talk about Jawara all you want. We
know the Gambians want to hear about Yaya’s current record and the future
for the country. That is what we are going to focus on in the Opposition.
You talking about Jawara is just like me talking about all the heinous acts
of vermin and sadists like your good friend Sana Sabally. The moron
(Sabally) is a nobody. He is certainly not a campaign issue for us. But what
should we expect from the APRC mental midgets? Of course they do NOT have a
plan for the future of the country. All they care about is looting our
government coffers and slaughtering children to stay in power. That’s all.
So, be my guest and focus on PPP. Just don’t lie about the UDP membership.

If UDP was accused of ‘sleeping with PPP’ because some former PPP supporters
now support UDP, then is APRC also ‘sleeping with PPP’? Whereas Buba Baldeh
holds a visibly high position in the APRC hierarchy, NO former PPP minister
holds a prominent position in UDP. Is APRC a PPP front? Your Party has a
former PPP minister that boasts of being Yaya’s number one praise-singer.
His newspaper is the APRC mouthpiece. I understand your own family members
that were once loyal to PPP are now staunch AFPRC/APRC supporters. Is APRC
‘sleeping with PPP’? APRC is using the same civil servants PPP used if not
worse. There is no question that the government you support took us
backward. Our people are poorer than they were seven years ago. Reason? APRC
is made up of the PPP rejects. The good PPP civil servants were dismissed
and replaced with mediocre talent. To add insult to injury, we have High
School drop-outs overseeing that talent. Whereas you can only speculate as
to whether UDP is going to take the country backward, we in the Opposition
can ALREADY look at the AFPRC/APRC record and see that Yaya’s government has
taken us backwards. No question about that.

You are also lying when you say that PPP and UDP ‘connived’ to nominate
Darboe. I see Lamin Manneh (unfortunately) bought into your lies and thought
there was some impropriety in Darboe’s nomination. Clearly, you are NOT
interested in the truth. Or else you would have realized that this Meeting
was convened by Assan Musa Camara, who does NOT belong to either PPP or UDP.
Before the Meeting ALL the Parties were informed about the Meeting and given
a proposal about the formation of an Alliance. It is any Party’s prerogative
to attend or boycott the Meeting. If a Party decides to attend the Meeting,
it is that Party’s prerogative to present a presidential candidate and lobby
other Parties to endorse that candidate. There is absolutely nothing wrong
in UDP delegates asking PPP delegates to endorse the UDP nominee. Some
military junta woke up one day and decided to impose Yaya on us. Do I hear
you complaining that that was undemocratic? Give me a break. You won’t even
understand the meaning of that word if it was translated to you in Mandinka.
Was Yankuba Touray representing the voters of Baddibu when he nominated Yaya
for the APRC top job? You do NOT have a clue how political Parties are run.

When the voting start, you will know whether Jabang, OJ and Sonko can
represent the PPP voter in Basse. Already former PPP supporters that were
lured to AFPRC/APRC through intimidation and bribery are returning home to
the PPP. They are pledging their support to the Alliance. Gambians know that
Yaya stole power and there is no way he can win an election in the country
without stealing it. I will NOT respond to the statements you made about SM
Dibba. I will leave that to loyal Dibba supporters like Jassey-Conteh.
Suffice for me to say that it does NOT look good on Dibba for you to say
that the man is NOT joining the Alliance because he is NOT happy about PPP
involvement. I do NOT believe that some Gambians hate Jawara that much to
unleash a mad man like Yaya who ordered the slaughter of our children. Even
when Jawara is NOT running, people are obsessing about him. Jawara is NOT
running. OJ is NOT running. Ousainou Darboe is the presidential candidate.
To buy APRC propaganda against PPP and deny our people an full Opposition
Alliance, would be an unforgivable political sin.

I do NOT know what personal experiences you had from the Jawara regime, but
Gambians know that Yaya’s rule is worse than Jawara’s. Famara Jatta’s
statistics show that Gambians are poorer under Yaya’s watch. Three
consecutive years our farmers could NOT sell their nuts at competitive rates
in the country. In seven years Yaya alone has stole from the country more
than the whole Jawara regime have been accused of (accusations that your
bogus commissions could NOT prove, if I might add). Add to that the
slaughter of our children, the illegal abductions and incarcerations, etc.
Your family might be enjoying because they have some APRC ‘Yai Compins’ in
their midst. But the overwhelming majority of Gambians know that Yaya is the
Devil incarnate. The moron CANNOT move the country forward. Matter of fact,
he took us back to days that are even worse than the worst PPP days. Like I
said earlier, I will NOT dwell on a PPP comparison with the AFPRC/APRC. I
leave that to mental midgets like you that do NOT have an agenda for the

The gibberish you wrote about why each Party cannot win the APRC is
incomprehensible to me. No where did you mention why APRC should win because
they are going to do so and so for the country. UDP and PPP did NOT show
their ‘true colors’ by forming an Alliance. Where were you all this time
that Waa Juwara was defending Jawara? The only one showing his true colors
is you who have finally come out from the closet and unashamedly declare
yourself a supporter of a low-life child murderer and thief. UDP has always
been a broad-based Party made up of supporters from both PPP and NCP. No one
was hiding that. It was part of the territory to defend the PPP record in
cases where AFPRC/APRC want to take credit for things they did NOT deserve.
Now the Alliance is looking FORWARD. Gambians are sick and tired of this
Jawara obsession. Gambians want Darboe to do better than both Yaya and
Jawara. Darboe will do exactly that. When elected, he will show you (mental
midgets) how to run a country.

Your prediction of a APRC victory will only happen in your dreams. Wake up
and smell the coffee, boy. Gambians know that Yaya has nothing to offer us
but misery. But for an AK-47, the vermin will still be a lowly lieutenant in
the army. We know a Dictatorship when we see one. The call to respect the
results of a fair ballot should be made to your boss, Yaya. They are ones
that are scared of a fair ballot. They are the ones that attack people when
they are defeated in elections (Baddibu by-elections, a case in point). So,
you should ask him to tell his thugs in the July 22 Movement to accept the
results when his behind is kicked at the ballot box. If you think that the
Opposition is going to listen to your childish and hypocritical calls and
allow Yaya to steal the elections, then you must be daydreaming. Enough is
enough. The vermin CANNOT use the threat of force to steal the elections.
Gambians are tired of these bandits holding our country hostage. If he
steals the elections, darn right he will be removed from the State House by
any means necessary. Like Milesovic and Robert Guie, the vermin is going
down hard.

>From: Ousman Jallow Bojang <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: PPP/UDP alliance ONLY.
>Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 01:12:55 EDT
>Reading all the comments on the List since the announcement of the breaking
>news of the opposition not able to come together, I can't help it but
>up to the realities on the ground.
>A lot of exchanges transpired here in favor of a forged opposition alliance
>for so long now, and here the day comes empty. It is clear that some of us
>have been sitting on the fence and our reasons were ignored or blasted as
>services. And now the fact that only two of the parties joined the UDP,
>is seen as a victory. What is going on in some people's mind is certainly a
>great naivety. May be in denial too. It is clear that there are so many
>things that needed to be done to move our country beyond such politics.
>I cannot imagine having people like Lamin Jabang, Landing Jallow Sonko and
>Jawara trying to come back by joining a party like the UDP. I fear what the
>repercussions of such might be. How could the people of Gambia not move
>forward, but back forty years?
>I hope the Gambian voters come to realize that we need to move forward and
>not one step forward and two steps backwards. It is great to have the ban
>lifted, but certain people like those PPP stalwarts need to be ashamed of
>themselves trying to come back in the arena. I guess this just proves to
>why the UDP was accused of sleeping with the PPP.
>This is why I am not surprised that the PPP and the UDP connived to
>Darboe. Where has democracy been? These people who were present at that
>meeting, were not representing their party grassroots; for they have not
>them for almost a decade. Therefore, why could they not have a congress and
>have the people vote. Oh yes, I can hear some crying that there is no time,
>but why would a limited time be the excuse for forcing on the opposition
>What qualifies Jabang, OJ, Sonko and all those former members of parliament
>to represent the PPP voter from Basse? I guess that is democracy.
>No wonder Sheriff Dibba bowed out. Anyone who knows the formation of the
>under the PPP umbrella to bring Jawara back will not be able to join the
>alliance hence his 30+ rule was the worst some of us witnessed. Dibba is
>only a very good politician but his seat in parliament is guaranteed. I
>no doubt that he has some malaise in him too, and may be will not be the
>leader. I am not sure he went into that meeting to join any alliance. I
>he did to show face, and he already has his plans laid.
>The APRC is going to win this presidential elections big. Mr. Dibba is a
>good friend of my family, and I have been honored to meet him before, but
>NCP is not capable of winning. The Gambian people have been thought by the
>PPP that it is a Mandingo party. They have a lot of work to do to convince
>the voters differently.
>The PDP lead by my own brother-in-law, and formed in my own household
>even win a single constituency. This party was formed because there was a
>fall out between the ranks of the NCP, and I still remember their first
>meetings in Brikama in my own compound. They might end up joining the
>alliance for they will do anything to show to the people they are alive
>NRP lead by Hamat Bah who I have a lot of respect for after meeting him
>several times and talking to him is not a presidential winning party
>PDOIS's record speaks for herself. And I guess they know that more than any
>one might.
>And the PPP/UDP alliance will even lose more than they gained last
>They have now shown their true colors to the Gambian voters and probably
>the Gambia-L, but they are doomed for failure.
>I am here by predicting a big win for the APRC and an inauguration for
>as the president. I am making an early call to all Gambians to respect the
>results of a fair ballot. I hope the nation will be able to go through this
>despite some calls for people in the streets, to know that we have a lot
>at stake than this. Our nation need all her people and who ever the mandate
>is given to by the Gambian voters need to be respected.
>Thank God that I never voted or have a voters card. If I were not
>this elections, the choice is very clear.
>Ousman Jallow Bojang.
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