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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 19:44:26 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Ebrima, thanks for cataloging the criminal activity of this bloodhound.  We
know all the players in this criminal enterprise and no stone will be left
unturned.  A little understanding of history would have taught them that
they are not going to get away with their criminal activity.  Please don't
loose any sleep waiting for a response from these criminals, for they are
not going to respond.  They will send their puppies to whine for them and
the sad thing is those puppies don't seem to mind.  Anything masser wants,
masser gets.  The day of the people is approaching, though and none who is
guilty shall be immune to the consequence for their criminal activity.

Chi Jaama

Joe Sambou

>From: Ebrima Ceesay <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
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>Subject: An Open Letter to Yahya A.J.J Jammeh from Ebrima Ceesay,
>    Birmingham, UK
>Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 16:55:20 +0000
>To: Yahya A.J.J Jammeh
>APRC Leader,
>State House,
>The Gambia
>Dear Mr Yahya A.J.J Jammeh!
>I am writing this open letter to you as a concerned Gambian, who has
>followed your actions since the very day you seized power on July 22nd
>I have tracked you, initially as a Journalist working with The Gambia’s
>Daily Observer and as the BBC Correspondent for The Gambia, and
>as a student of International Politics, specialising in African politics.
>My academic studies as well as my personal knowledge of you as a man and as
>a self-imposed "leader", bring me to the conclusion that you are indeed one
>of the worst leaders in the African continent that has ever been seen in
>recent years.  You are carving yourself a name in history which is already
>synonymous with corruption, malpractice, cowardice and criminality.
>To begin with, Mr Jammeh – remember these age-old adages: that whatever has
>a beginning, must come to an end:  that whatever you sow, so shall you
>  that your past will follow you as a shadow into the future.
>Today you are enjoying the sweetness of political power:  you perceive
>yourself to be invincible and free to do as you please.  You feel free to
>insult people, to sack them from their jobs, to imprison them without
>charge, to murder them.  You believe in your own immortality as a leader of
>The Gambia.
>I am here to remind you that history tells all:  that history is replete
>with examples of despotic leaders like yourself, who have enjoyed enormous
>powers which they have used to abuse both their countries and their
>  Let me remind you of the fates of Bokassa, of Samuel Doe, of  Mobutu, of
>Isaac Nguema !  Let memories of their fates haunt your very dreams and
>one of your waking moments.
>Each of these despotic tyrants, all of whom (like you) believed in their
>invincibility, has been defeated, humiliated, pilloried and brought to
>account.  They have been brought to world notice as butchers, tyrants and
>abusers of office.
>Mr. Yahya A. J. J Jammeh! Take YOUR lesson from the fate of these erstwhile
>"leaders". Be sure that the mightiest oppressor on earth will be defeated:
>that what is here today will be gone tomorrow.   Your future in The Gambia
>is on borrowed time.  Check the time on your watch, Jammeh !  It is fast
>running out.
>The verdict of history is inviolable:  be certain that you will be
>that you will be held to public account, that you will answer for all your
>crimes against The Gambia and its people.  There will be NO hiding place
>you, Mr. Jammeh !  The people whom you have so freely violated, will search
>you out and demand recompense, restitution and punishment.
>Yahya A.J.J Jammeh:  I do not envy you.  You may spend all your money
>arms, creating an NIA to terrorise the people into submission, fortifying
>your home against attack.  However, you cannot protect yourself from your
>nightmares:  even now your dreams are haunted by those whom you have abused
>so cruelly.  You cannot protect yourself  from those who call themselves
>your "friends":  not one of them will stand firm and united with you when
>you are deposed:  they will all betray you.  You cannot protect yourself
>from the truth.
>When your time is up, there will be no protection on earth or under heaven
>for you.  You will be answerable to the Gambian people, and in the final
>analysis, you will be answerable to Almighty God.
>Yahya Jammeh!
>In this open letter to you, I accuse you directly of crimes against The
>Gambia and against Gambians.  I am well aware that you follow the postings
>on Gambia-List and on Gambia-Post:  I know that you will read these words,
>and I pray to God that you will feel the full impact of them on your soul.
>I  hereby accuse you of:
>The student massacres of April 10th/11th 2000 may be laid directly at your
>feet and as a result of your own actions and interventions. Thus far,  you
>and the perpetrators of your atrocities have escaped prosecution.  Be in no
>two minds however, that this bestial act remains both unforgotten and
>The victims of the alleged coup attempt of November 11th 1994, amongst them
>Lt. Gibril Saye, Lt. Basirou Barrow, Lt. Abdoulie Ndot Faal, will not rest
>easily until there is a full government enquiry into the manner of their
>The murder in June 1995 of Ousman Koro Ceesay, former Finance Minister in
>your regime.  Both you and the AFPRC are implicated in this, and his death
>remains uninvestigated.
>The unexplained demise of Captain Sadibou Hydara in prison remains
>The death of Lt. Almamo Manneh in Old Jeshwang remains uninvestigated.
>I allege that you are personally implicated in all these murders, and in
>many others.
>May Almighty God have mercy on you !
>I accuse you of:
>The names of Dumo Saho, Lt Omar Barrow, Lt. Lalo Jaitteh, Ebrima Yarbo,
>Momodou Marenah and others, have entered African history as men whom you
>have illegally detained in prison.
>African history will not forget what you personally have done to these men.
>Similarly, Captain Sana Sabally, once your Number 2 in power, who has
>already served his sentence and should have been released  in 2001, still
>languishes in prison at your command.
>Pray now, Yahya Jammeh, that when you are imprisoned for your crimes, that
>those in power will treat you more mercifully than you have treated those
>whom you have illegally imprisoned.
>May God have mercy on you !
>I accuse you of:
>In 1995, you quite deliberately created a National Intelligence Agency and
>gave members of this NIA sweeping powers to terrorise Gambian citizens.
>gave carte blanche to this awful organisation to tap telephone calls and
>faxes, to search people and premises without warrant, to detain people
>incommunicado and without trial , to use physical force against people.
>did this in order to protect your own self.
>The NIA is answerable to thousands of Gambians and non-Gambians who have
>suffered at its hands.  As its perpetrator, it is YOU who bears the
>responsibility for the crimes committed by the organisation in your name.
>May God have mercy on you !
>I accuse you of:
>Throughout your time in power Mr Jammeh,  you have blatantly interfered
>the working of the country’s Judiciary.  You have sacked Magistrates and
>Judges at will whenever they have shown the slightest opposition to or
>divergence from your desires.  You have changed Attorney Generals on a
>personal whim.
>There is evidence that you have used blackmail and physical coercion
>members of the Gambian Judiciary.
>There is evidence of the bullying and threatening tactics used by
>prosecutors acting in your name, even within the courts themselves.
>You have brought the Gambian Judiciary into international disrepute.  You
>have made members of the Judiciary sing your own tune.
>May God have mercy on you !
>I accuse you of:
>There is clear evidence of the many ways in which you used your power and
>influence to rig the Presidential elections in both 1996 and 2001.
>In 1996, international observers declared the presidential election results
>to be extremely suspect.
>In 2001, there is evidence that you illegally enfranchised thousands of
>non-Gambian supporters  in a move to secure your own re-election.
>In both presidential elections, you used your incumbent presidential
>advantages to press your case, and to stifle and gag the voices of those
>opposing you.  In 2001, you did all in your power to divide the opposition
>parties in order to minimise their national impact in the election.
>You have proved yourself to be a man without a conscience, and a man who
>will do anything to hold onto the reins of power.  You have given clear
>proof of  your megolomaniacal  tendencies
>May God have mercy on you !
>I accuse you of:
>There is ample evidence of your theft of public funds.  Using public funds,
>you have been able to purchase properties in Morocco, in Egypt and in the
>United Arab Emirates.  You have lavishly developed your own properties in
>The Gambia.
>You have purchased a private airplane.  You have  funded  trips for your
>cronies to Mecca and other destinations.
>You continually add to your private bank deposit account in Abu Dhabi.
>You have filled your own personal pockets with public wealth.
>You have enabled your cronies to fill their own pockets with public wealth.
>You are personally responsible for the loss of national revenue in scandals
>such as the Alimenta affair.  You are indirectly implicated in the loss of
>many millions of dollars from  the public purse because of your ineptitude
>as a leader.
>Your personal greed is your public and personal guide.
>You claim to fund all your purchases with your salary.  Who can be fooled
>your claims ?
>You are a thief on a grand scale.  You steal from your fellow citizens.
>impoverish Gambians with your wholesale thieving from the public purse.
>May God have mercy on you !
>I accuse you of:
>You have used your power to appoint sycophants into public office.  You
>put "square pegs into round holes" with disastrous consequences.  You
>appoint incompetent people such as Fatoumata Jahumpa Ceesay and Essa Bokarr
>Sey to positions of national importance.
>You have favoured people of your own ethnic origin for key positions,
>regardless of  their lack of qualifications or suitability.  People such as
>Abdulai Kujabi, John P Bojang, Babucarr Jatta and Lang Tombong Tamba have
>been favoured by you and given key responsibilities, despite their poor
>May God have mercy on you !
>I accuse you of:
>Decree 70, dating back to 1996, is still in place and affects those who
>to set up new newspapers.  There are harsh pre-conditions which are
>virtually impossible to meet.
>Decree 71, also dating back to 1996, is still in place.  This decree
>harsh conditions for existing newspaper proprietors.
>Both Decree 70 and 71 are unconstitutional, and yet are still in existence
>and make it extremely difficult for an independent press to operate in The
>The Media Commission Bill of 2002 is draconian in its stranglehold on the
>independent media services in The Gambia.
>Journalists are constantly harassed and oppressed by your agents:  many are
>arrested and subjected to physical abuse or illegal detention.  From 1994
>now, more than 20 Gambian Journalists have been forced to flee the country
>in fear of their lives.  These cases are attested to by international
>organisations such as Amnesty International.
>You have brought about the closure of Citizen FM in order to gag any
>oppositional viewpoint being expressed on air.
>May God have mercy on you !
>I accuse you of:
>Throughout your rule, you have denuded the Gambian Civil Service of more
>than 500 well qualified,  hardworking and high-calibre civil servants.  You
>have arbitrarily sacked them, and wrongfully dismissed them from post.
>Permanent Secretaries, Judges, Magistrates, Teachers, Ambassadors,
>and the like have been sacked on your whim.
>Since 1994, you have appointed and then sacked in excess of 60 members of
>your cabinet.  The saying in The Gambia now goes, "appointed today, sacked
>tomorrow. sacked today, reappointed tomorrow".
>Our ministries and departments now struggle to keep pace with the workload,
>and are grinding to a halt because of incompetent leadership.
>May God have mercy on you !
>I accuse you of:
>You took the presidential oath on two occasions, pledging solemnly to
>without fear or favour and to tell the truth.
>Throughout your eight years in power, your leadership has been
>by lies and subterfuge.  In the transition period, you went on record as
>having absolutely no intention of standing for the office of president  !!
>Your actions put lie to your words.
>Do you remember the Taiwanese tractors ?  You purported to be giving a
>personal gift from yourself to the farmers of The Gambia of 50 tractors !
>Only when Tamsir Jallow inadvertently blew the gaffe on you by thanking a
>Taiwanese Delegation for their gift of these tractors was the truth known.
>Shame on you !
>You preach to Gambians about the iniquity of skin bleaching, and about the
>iniquity of many of our young men –"bumsters" to use your words – marrying
>European women.  Yet you yourself ditched your first Gambian wife, in order
>to marry a light-skinned Moroccan.
>You spoke in public of your intention to introduce Shariah Law to The
>Gambia, when you spoke to a delegation of Muslim leaders at State House.
>You then claimed to have been falsely misquoted when your words were
>reported on television, and you went so far as to sack the talented Gambian
>broadcaster Peter Gomez from his job of News Editor at Radio Gambia.
>In your Declaration of Personal  Assets prior to the presidential elections
>of 1996, you announced publicly that you were a farmer, with some head of
>cattle.  In the next moment, you are boasting in public of how you and your
>grandchildren will never be poor !
>You claim that scholarships  through your Jammeh Foundation are your
>personal gifts, and time again it transpires that these are scholarships
>from other agencies or from the public purse.
>May God have mercy on you !
>I accuse you of:
>There is ample evidence of your involvement, with Baba Jobe, in the blood
>diamond trade through Sierra Leone.  There is ample evidence of your
>involvement in arms dealings with rebels in the Casamance area.
>There is evidence that you used Gambian public funds to send your second
>wife to deliver her child in the USA.  Your wife continues to travel
>extensively at public expense, visiting the USA and the Arab world with a
>huge entourage.
>You have corrupt men like Amadou Samba, Baba Jobe, Lang Conteh, Tariq Musa
>covering your personal involvement in a wide range of business ventures in
>The Gambia. Even Baba Jobe is now named as a co-proprietor of the Gambia
>Daily Observer along with Amadou Samba !!
>You, Baba Jobe and Lang Conteh are running the Central Bank of The Gambia
>if it is your own property.  You are all involved in illegal foreign
>currency deals.
>You have taken out massive loans and grants, many from Taiwan, the African
>Development Bank and the European Union.  It is known that you are
>personally siphoning money from these loans and grants.  You are lining
>own pockets, and those of your cronies, with spin-offs from these loans.
>May God have mercy on you !
>I accuse you of:
>Your domestic life is the talk of our nation.  You are accused of
>extra-marital affairs with at least two civil servants, one of whom works
>for GRTS.  These are married women with husbands and children.
>You travel unannounced and unnecessarily with a massive entourage.  On
>recent travels, you have been accompanied by in the region of 30 Security
>personnel. In 1994, you accused former President Jawara of unnecessary
>travel, and yet your own example since 1994 demonstrates your own travel
>excesses at unprecedented levels.
>You are guilty of religious subterfuge.  You pretend pious religious
>and adherence to the Pillars of Islam, but this is a sham.  Your personal
>life demonstrates that you are anything but a devout Muslim.  You attempt
>de-secularise our secular Gambian state by building a Mosque in State House
>grounds. Who are you fooling?
>You live a blatantly ostentatious lifestyle:  you have built your own
>at Kanilai and have spent millions from the public purse on transforming
>State House in Banjul.  You own properties in Morocco and Egypt.  You have
>spent millions on creating and maintaining a personal zoo and a game park.
>You personally own countless vehicles, all purchased for your personal use
>with public funds.
>You cover your tracks and have recently announced to GRTS that you do not
>want coverage from any journalists other than Neneh McDoll and Ebou Waggeh.
>You are afraid that other journalists might inadvertently disclose your
>domestic secrets.
>You have illegally seized the properties of countless Gambians and handed
>these over to your sycophants.
>An official at the Ministry of Finance told me just the other day that
>fiscal discipline in The Gambia is totally out of control.
>He maintained that if the government were to put an embargo on buying new
>vehicles for the Office of the President alone in 2003, then there would be
>an immediate saving of 18 million Dalasis !! (this figure does not include
>the fuel which these vehicles will consume).
>Nowadays, no-one is sure what is a government vehicle or a private one,
>since government officials no longer use GG plates on their vehicles.
>May God have mercy on you !
>I accuse you of:
>As a direct result of your incompetence and mismanagement as our country’s
>leader, you have brought the whole of our nation’s infrastructure to the
>point of collapse.  In The Gambia, ordinary citizens struggle to have
>employment;  they struggle to house, feed, clothe and educate their
>families; they struggle to keep their families in good health.
>The latest news, conveyed to me personally by British friends returning
>a holiday in The Gambia in late December 2002, is that aviation fuel is now
>being rationed at Yundum airport, and outbound flights have to touch down
>other countries to fill their tanks.  No doubt however, that the
>presidential jet will have no such difficulties !!
>May God have mercy on you !
>Mr  Jammeh:  I publicly challenge you to reply personally and in full to my
>accusations. I, and Gambians everywhere, will look forward to reading your
>Yours sincerely,
>Ebrima Ceesay,
>Birmingham, UK
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