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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 26 Nov 2005 17:39:54 -0800
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Yusupha Darboe <[log in to unmask]>
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  By all indications here, every sane person knows that yahya jammeh is lying, and he is as paranoid and scared as he is with president Aboulie Wade's intolerance of his foolery and arrogance since that man has no time to entertain his jokes.

  yahya jammeh, you can keep fooling the fools like yourself all the time, but you can't keep fooling the wise all the time. You have been lying to gambian people for eleven good long years now , and you have lied a lot, and more and more times again. Now it is time for you to tell the truth to the gambian people and the whole world about your true self. And for the TRUTH to tell, Mr. president:


  Too late or it is never too late? You decide.


Ebrima Ceesay <[log in to unmask]> wrote:          My Fellow Gambians and Friends of The Gambia,
  Further to my earlier posting which reveals information on the true reasons for the arrest and detention of Halifa Sallah, OJ Jallow and Hamat Bah, I am now being urged by one of my sources to reproduce a copy of a letter which Yahya Jammeh sent to the Secretary General of the UN, Mr Kofi Annan, on September 15th 2005.
  I can vouch for the integrity of this highly placed source, and have other confirmations that this letter is genuine and was indeed sent.  The full text of the letter is reproduced below, followed my comments.
  Ebrima Ceesay

  His Excellency Kofi Annan,
  Secretary General United Nations,
  New York.

  September 5th 2005.
  Your Excellency,
  Let me begin by reminding you of the following facts: -
  1.      During his trip to France as President of Senegal, President Abdoulaye Wade declared that the objective of his mission was to seek arms in order to prepare the Senegalese armed forces against the Gambia and Guinea-Bissau. This matter was taken seriously by my Government as it came as a complete surprise and without any provocation from The Gambia. Fortunately, this request was rejected by the French Authorities. We informed all the diplomatic missions in Banjul as well as other international institutions of this unfortunate development.
  2.      Ever since that time President Wade has maintained a very aggressive and hostile attitude towards the Gambia and this is manifested in a multi-faceted form. One such form was his attempt during 2001-2003 to recruit mercenaries from an African country to launch attacks against The Gambia under the code name "The Gambia Project". This project was thwarted partly by the intervention of some western countries and partly by the lack of funds. This was followed by incessant border closures, harassment of Gambian officials including cabinet ministers at Dakar International Airport and other Senegalese points of entry. This culminated in the unprovoked attacks against Gambian football players and supporters during a football match between The Gambia and Senegal in Dakar. That tragic event was fuelled by President Wade himself who had declared on the eve of the football match that the game was not a simple football match but a war between the two countries. Buses from the Gambia
 were destroyed in addition to the many Gambians that were seriously injured. We did not retaliate as a Government because we do not believe in violence and conflict but development and peace.
  3.      In addition President Wade and his Government harbours dangerous criminals from The Gambia including coup plotters and would-be assassins who attempted on my life. His sole intention in harbouring these elements is to destabilize The Gambia by launching sabotage attacks on our infrastructure and strategic economic projects and installations.
  4.      President Wade and his Government were also responsible for spoiling the excellent relations that existed between The Gambia and Guinea Bissau and between President Kumba Yalla and myself through misinformation and smear campaign. It would be recalled that I was the first to assist and give logistical support to President Kumba Yalla during his first year in office including the financing and facilitation of his official overseas trips. Part of the misinformation was that The Gambia’s intention was to annex Guinea Bissau and this led to President Kumba Yalla’s unfortunate declaration that he would wipe out The Gambia within two minutes.
  5.      Because of our good intentions and peace loving nature we have been ignoring these hostile campaigns but resorted only to reporting the matter to the International Community for their information.
  6.      Since 2001, President Wade has stepped up his smear campaign and misinformation that consist also in falsely reporting The Gambia to many countries and Governments including the Government of the United States of America.
  7.      Without provocation in August 2005 President Wade closed the borders between the two countries with armed soldiers in violation of several agreements and treaties including ECOWAS Protocols, UN Charter, the WTO Agreements and the Constitutive Act of the African Union, under the pretext that The Gambia has increased ferry crossing tariffs – a measure which falls within the sovereign rights of The Gambia. This illegal and provocative closure is still in force as you read this letter.
  8.      He has succeeded in destabilizing Guinea Bissau, after The Gambia had put an end to a bloody civil war in that country, by interfering with their security service which led to the overthrow of President Kumba Yalla and the subsequent crises. He has been inviting senior military officers from the Guinea Bissau Armed Forces without the knowledge of the transitional Government and giving them huge sums of money to the point that the President of the Transitional Government of Guinea Bissau complained to ECOWAS and several Governments and international bodies about President Wade’s incessant interference in Guinea Bissau which has now led to more than two coup attempts up to the time of the electoral process.
  9.      Since the border closure, he has not only been levelling unfounded accusations against The Gambia, but he has also been using the Senegalese media and press to spread misinformation about alleged unrest in The Gambia as a consequence of border closure which is nothing but a figment of his malicious imagination.
  10.  The latest act is the fabrication of blatant, unfounded and malicious accusations contained in a letter to the UN Secretary General dated 8th September 2005 alleging that I as the President of The Gambia have been providing arms to the PAIGC Party in Guinea Bissau and the Prime Minister of that country in order to attack the headquarters of the Armed Forces of Guinea Bissau. He also alleged that because of the provision of these arms the PAIGC Party in Guinea Bissau has refused to accept the results of the elections and that Mr. Malang Bekai Sagna is The Gambia’s preferred candidate.
  11.  In the same letter, a copy of which is attached hereto, he asked The Secretary General of the United Nations to put pressure on me and my Government in order to dissuade me from interfering in the internal affairs of Guinea Bissau.
  12.  Your Excellency, any sane person who knows the role of The Gambia in international and African affairs will realize that these accusations constitute nothing but cheap and ignorant smear campaign against the Government and the people of the Gambia.
  13.  As the coordinator of the "friends of Guinea Bissau", The Gambia supported and called for the convening of donors’ conferences on behalf of Guinea Bissau at the level of the UN.
  14.  Let me also remind Your Excellency about the pivotal role The Gambia played in the Cassamance peace process which has been jeopardised by President Wade’s mis-handling of the situation despite his declaration all over the world to the contrary.
  15.  We hereby challenge the international community to ask President Wade and his government to provide proof of these allegations because throughout the period leading to the elections in Guinea Bissau, The Gambia was the only country that had refused to receive any of the Bissau Guinean presidential candidates on the basis of the principles of neutrality that we espouse. Amazingly all these parties were frequently invited to Dakar by President Wade, and this led to a series of problems in Guinea Bissau including the recent attempted coup by Kumba Yalla and the present stand-off.
  16.  We also challenge the UN, The African Union and ECOWAS to prevail upon Senegal to provide proof of these allegations which now constitute a more dangerous development in an already volatile situation. This indeed is one step too far, and is over stretching the Gambia’s patience and peaceful nature. For five years, we have managed to cope with this incessant hostility, provocation and aggression from President Wade. The latest letter cited above, a copy of which is attached hereto, is just unacceptable and stretches The Gambia’s tolerance and peaceful nature beyond its limit, and we will be obliged to take any measure we deem fit to defend our integrity, sovereignty, national interest and international image.
  17.  Since President Wade has declared war against the Gambia from the beginning of his assumption of power, we have no choice but to defend ourselves by any means necessary and we should not be blamed for any eventual consequences.
  18.  We do hope that we will not be pushed further because any further provocations from Senegal will lead to dire consequences for Senegal and the entire sub-region.
  19.  We equally hope that all decent people the world over realise how tolerant and patience The Gambia has been to date despite incessant provocation and hostilities from a country that has benefited immensely from the Gambia’s rapid socio-economic and infrastructural development by over US$100 million from 1994 to date.
  20.  Despite all these provocations and hostilities from The President and the Government of Senegal, The Gambia is playing host to over 750,000 Senegalese nationals. These Senegalese nationals were the first among other West African citizens to benefit from exemption of the alien certificate and tax – a measure that constitute a big economic sacrifice for The Gambian Treasury since 1995.
  21.  Despite all these provocations and hostilities for the President and Government of Senegal, Senegalese living in the Gambia have not been subjected to any form of hostile treatment from the Government of The Gambia. We invite anybody in doubt to send a fact finding mission to the Gambia.
  22.  We do hope that the International Community will intervene to put an end to this dangerously escalating situation. The Gambia remains committed to peace on the continent and in the world as demonstrated by the country’s contributions of peace keeping troops to several conflicts zones including Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, East Timor, Eritrea/Ethiopia, Haiti and most recently in the Darfur Region of the Sudan just to name a few.
  Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration and fraternal esteem.
  Yahya A.J.J Jammeh
  President of the Republic of The Gambia."
  Dear Readers,
  It is very obvious from this letter how threatened Yahya Jammeh is feeling by our Senegalese neighbours.  He will stop at nothing to discredit President Wade and his government, and to put himself in a good light in the eyes of the international community.
  I have received a faxed copy of a letter which President Wade sent to Kofi Annan on September 8th 2005, but the copy was indecipherable and I am awaiting the arrival of a legible copy before forwarding it to our readers.  This letter is the one to which Yahya refers in point 10 of his letter to Kofi Annan.
  Jammeh’s hysterical written attack against the Senegalese President and people as witnessed in the 22 points of the letter,  reveals Yahya as a megalomaniac intent on destroying the good relations between our two countries.  The threats contained within the letter such as "we will be obliged to take any measure we deem fit to defend our integrity, sovereignty, national interest and international image" are empty ones.  The consequences for The Gambia of sustained enmity against Senegal will be dire, and not as Jammeh writes "any further provocations from Senegal will lead to dire consequences for Senegal and the entire sub-region".  In all truthfulness, how much of a threat can our tiny nation pose to our neighbour, Senegal ?  Who is kidding who ?
  We have had ample evidence over the years of Jammeh’s support of the Casamance rebels and of his ill-advised interference in African affairs.  Jammeh is actually the creator of problems in Africa, and not the peace-loving solution finder he likes to call himself.
  You, like me, will laugh out loud as you read point 19 of the letter, in which Jammeh talks of "The Gambia’s rapid socio-economic and infrastructural development from 1994 to date."  How does Yahya possibly convince himself that our country is a rapidly developing one ? Let him step into the shoes of an ordinary Gambian and learn the realities of life in modern-day Gambia:  let him struggle to house, feed and clothe his family, educate his children, provide health care when necessary, afford petrol or taxi fares, have electricity and water sufficient for his needs,  look after himself in old age.  He would know how poorly developed our little nation actually is, and how every year it becomes more and more of a struggle for ordinary citizens to lead a peaceful and satisfying life.
  In Point 9 of the letter, Yahya talks of President Wade as "using Senegalese media and press to spread misinformation about alleged unrest in The Gambia as a consequence of border closure which is nothing but a figment of his malicious imagination".  Yahya forgets that he is the one who is fomenting unrest in The Gambia, and the recent arrest and detention of opposition leaders like Halifa Sallah, OJ Jallow and Hamat Bah is proof incontrovertible of this.  It is Yahya himself who has stirred up decent and law abiding citizens against his murderous regime:  it is he who has made himself a millionaire at public expense:  it is he who leads a brutal secret police force, the NIA:  it is he who has seen assault and murder committed against critics of his miserable regime.  Let Yahya Jammeh fool himself no longer:  let him recognise his own part in the fermentation of unrest in The Gambia, and let him be ashamed of his folly.
  I urge Yahya Jammeh to inform the Gambian people about the coup-plotters and would-be assassins who are being harboured by Senegal (in Point 3 of his letter):  which elements of our infrastructure and strategic economic projects and installations have been damaged by these elements, and when ?  It would appear that Yahya is suffering badly from a persecution complex of the worst acute type.  Those Gambians who have fled The Gambia have done so in fear of their lives at the hands of Yahya’s thugs, and there is not one shred of evidence to support Yahya’s claims.
  My fellow Gambians, I urge you to copy Yahya’s letter to Kofi Annan and send it across the world and especially to your family and friends in The Gambia.  They deserve to know what Jammeh is saying in their name, and the lies and threats he is making which put all Gambians at risk.

  Ebrima Ceesay,
  Birmingham, UK

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