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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 Dec 2005 21:29:57 -0800
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (163 lines)

The killers of Gambia's veteran journalist Deyda Hydara, are still walking
scot free in the streets of  Banjul. The Jammeh government had not
demonstrated any interest to pursue the killers of the country's leading
journalist. It is now one year and yet nothing is done on this high
profile crime case against the media and The Gambia in general. My former
boss and mentor Deyda Hydara was ambushed and killed by enemies of freedom
in The Gambia on December 16TH, 2004. His killers also left two female
editorial staffers of the Point Ida Jagne and Nyan Jobe critically
injured. Deyda's perceived crime was reporting the truth about the corrupt
and dictatorial Jammeh government.

I was privileged to work with Deyda  Hydara. Prior to his death,  I
remember him informing  me  about death threat phone calls and anonymous
letters, he received from pro government supporters complaining about our
reportage of national issues. Deyda, a gallant and fearless journalist,
was never intimidated by such heartless  and blood thirsty individuals
determined to take our lives. He published editorials saying that  he will
be more than happy to be killed in the line of his duty as a journalist.

Deyda's  work as a journalist was not well appreciated by the army, State
House officials, the NIA, the police and some business executives in the
private sector. It is on record that the army had time and time picked on
Deyda,  including this writer for exposing torture cases attributed to
them by The  Gambian public. They accused  us of unprofessionalism and
bent on undermining the army. Newspaper clippings of  Deyda's war of words
with the army spokesman Captain Bunja Darboe, Jammeh's Kairaba Beach
Hotel's  Swiss manager, Baba K Jobe and host of others could be accessed
in the Point achieves.

I last spoke to Deyda, two weeks prior to his murder. At the time, Deyda
was in high spirit. I remember him telling me "We missed the breaking news
stories,  you used to write for the Point."  Myself and Deyda used to
discuss editorial issues and stories to be pursued by the paper.  He was
very concerned about my safety as a leading writer for the Point. Each
time,  I closed from work, Deyda will call me to double check if I reach
home safely.  He visits me at my Manjie-Kunda  house and was very close to
my family.

Prior to my departure from The Gambia, armed paramilitary officers
launched two days vigil around my compound premises, unbeknowing to me. I
learnt about their presence following a tip off I received from a
concerned neighbour, who told me that the armed guards were hiding in an
incomplete building opposite my house.  At the time a Suzuki, truck was
packed around my house fence by unknown individual(s).

On my arrival at the Point, I informed Deyda, who  advised me to alert my
employers at the Voice of America radio and also to run a story on the
Point about the said armed paramilitary officers around  my compound
vicinity. Deyda was not only concerned about my life, but that of my
family.  He was very disturbed about the armed police presence  at my home
and had published editorials  about death threats myself and him
received. I remember a proclaimed GNA soldier calling the Point one early
morning insulting us saying that "You guys are digging your own graves. We
will get you."  This was the time when our paper was investigating the
kairaba  Beach Hotel ownership and employment dispute cases. A Swiss
National assigned to manage the hotel stormed our offices,  one morning
telling Deyda that he should be careful, as he had the backing of the
government of the day. He says President Jammeh was his " boy   boy and
and a "TAPALAPA" Newspaper like the Point cannot succeed in its bid to
probe him and Jammeh's hotel.

As Gambians, pay their respect to the country's veteran journalist Deyda
Hydara, it is imperative to note that Deyda was a  victim of state heavy
handedness and brutality. Jammeh and his government had subjected him to
all forms of persecution over the years. Notwithstanding, Deyda was
determined to fulfil his journalistic duties. This was a man, who put his
life on the line to defend the press freedom and democracy in The Gambia.
Deyda, died in the name of defending the god given rights and liberties of
 Gambians.  He spent his valuable time and resources just to empower
voiceless Gambians. For some reasons, enemies of freedom decided to take
his life.

Few weeks ago, I received an email from Ida Jagne, one the victims who
survived the Deyda murder incident. Ms.Jange is responding to  treatment.
Thanks to  The Gambia L online forum, she was able to access my email
address. Ida was one of those ladies who used to type my lead stories at
the Point. Each time,  I walked into the computer room she will tell me
"Pa Nderry, we are waiting for you. The front page is not yet filled. Go
ahead and write your stories, so that we can go home."

Deyda, was concerned about the well being of his family and staffers.
Staff moral was very high at the Point. Each time,  a staffer was absent
from work he will call to find out if the person was okay.  Deyda's death
is a  big loss to The Gambia and her people. He was also  very supportive
to The Gambia Press Union. Deyda, used to take his own money to help the

We do not expect justice in Deyda's case under Jammeh's watch. There are
sufficient evidence to suggest that this government will never, never
attempt to set up a serious investigations into the death of Hydara. The
so called NIA confidential report on the death of Deyda, tantamount to
murder itself. The investigators never said anything positive about the
late journalist, which suggested  that the state  harboured grudges
against Hydara. Instead of telling us who killed Hydara, the state invaded
the privacy of  Hydara, accusing him of adultery and provocation. There
was no grain of truth in such findings. Deyda, was a decent and pious
Muslim, who cared for his family and The Gambia.

I think the attributes linked to Deyda, fits Yahya Jammeh better, who is
bent on luring people's wives into relationship. TV journalists at the
GRTS  are living witnesses to Jammeh's womanising business. At the GRTS,
promotion is not based on qualifications, or competence, but those who are
willing to sing Jammeh's praises. A female GRTS reporter named withheld
was detained few years ago, for leaking information that the President
wanted to marry her. The said reporter was warned for leaking such a
sensitive information and later had to quit her job.  Will Jammeh tell us
what led to the mass exodus of GRTS veteran journalists? The TV is today
paralysed, as most of its competent staff had left.

While the state is bent on black mailing Deyda, a day will come, witnesses
will testify against those who killed the country's principled and
dedicated journalist. Jammeh, was an enemy to  Deyda and his reaction to
Deyda's death speak volumes. As promised, we will release our own findings
soon and Gambians will be shocked about the information we are privy of.
This is no bluff.  Whoever, is implicated in this gruesome murder will be

We condemned the recent move taken  by The Gambian government to deny visa
to our colleagues  working with the Paris based Reporters Without Borders.
We do know that Jammeh is apparently not happy with the recent findings on
Deyda's death released by the press freedom defender organisation. The
visa denial, goes to show that this government will go all out to
frustrate efforts to bring the killers of Deyda Hydara to book. Reporters
without Borders committed no crime. Deyda,  used to work for them and all
what they reported was the truth and nothing but the truth. Denying them
visa, tells a lot about the type of government we have in The Gambia.

On a final note, we urge the Hydara family to continue to  put their faith
in God. Justice will no doubt be meted out to those behind such an heinous
crime. The Gambia is being ruled by blood thirsty dictator, who killed,
jailed and imprisoned his opponents. We hope and pray that our country
will be liberated soon from such an  iron hand dictator. God save The
Gambia and her people.  We rest our case.

The author is the former Secretary General of The Gambia press Union and
also a former Voice of America radio Banjul Correspondent. Mr. M'Bai who
now resides in the US State of North Carolina Raleigh was a leading
political and crime reporter with the Point and Daily Observer newspapers
respectively. He can be reached by email at the following addresses:
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