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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 21 Sep 2006 19:59:01 EDT
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Foroyaa Newspaper Burning Issue
Issue  No. 79/2006, 18-19 September, 2006



22 September 2006 is just round the corner. The series of  battles for the 
minds of the masses will soon come to an end. The owners of this  country will 
soon decide the fate of this country.
This is why it is clearly  spelt out in section 1 (2) of the Constitution 
that “The sovereignty of the  Gambia resides in the people of The Gambia from 
whom all organs of government  derive their authority and in whose name and for 
whose welfare and prosperity  the powers of government are to be exercised in 
accordance with this  constitution.”
One way of deriving authority from the people is through  genuine and 
periodic elections.
This is why section 26 of the constitution  makes it a fundamental right for 
every citizen to vote and stand for elections  at genuine and periodic 
Such a right may be exercised in many  different ways. The unenlightened 
citizen may vote on the basis of ethnic  origin, nepotism, religion, regionalism 
or any other sentiment. On the other  hand the enlightened citizen votes on the 
basis of selecting the best  representative.
The interesting development in this year’s Presidential  election campaign, 
unlike the previous two, is that not much euphoria has  developed from 
sentiments. Rather the show of solidarity for all those who wish  to make an informed 
choice seems to be growing. Will the people vote on the  basis of sentiments 
or informed choice? We will know on  Friday.

By Amie  Sanneh

Ousainou Darboe has called on the country’s security agents to  desist from 
partaking in politics.
He made this call on Saturday at a rally  held at Kudang. He said service men 
and women are expected to put on the Gambian  flag as badges and not the 
colour of any political party.
He said the  security agents have sworn to defend the country and abide by 
the rule of law,  stating that it is totally unacceptable for them to involve in 
He  added that they are not supposed to involve themselves in politics, but 
they can  vote for any party of their choice.
He said that they can only join politics  when they discharge from the 
service. Darboe also urged civil servants to act  wisely in politics noting that 
governments come and go but civil servants  stay.

By Fabakary  B. Ceesay

Halifa Sallah, the flag bearer of the National Alliance for  Democracy and 
Development (NADD) has said that NADD has been accepted in all the  regions, all 
ethnic groups, and both men and women of the population, throughout  the 
Honorable Sallah made these remarks in Brikama in an interview  with 
reporters, as he was welcomed by thousands of his party supporters, amid  singing 
drumming and dancing, following a successful tour of the country for ten  (10) 
days. Mr. Sallah indicated that NADD’s message was accepted by the youth  and 
women populations of the country, who intend to change the destiny of this  
country for good. “There is no doubt that they constitute the majority of this  
country,” Mr. Sallah said. He pointed out that NADD has a strong foundation and  
a strong message for change. He noted that they have been telling the 
electorate  that NADD has a five-year programme and shall transform the country  
democratically and establish democratic institutions that respect fundamental  
rights and freedoms. 
According to Mr. Sallah, they also informed the people  that NADD’s programme 
intends to create a foundation where the flag bearer will  not stand for 
another election after the five years. Halifa narrated that the  real advantage 
for the country with a NADD government is the constitution will  be reformed to 
empower the people and ensure legal reform by opening up the  media for civic 
education so that The Gambian people can really value their  citizenship and 
ensure financial discipline. “The people have accepted this  foundation and we 
believe that the country needs this programme,” he said.  
The NADD flag bearer concluded that NADD has been accepted and received  
everywhere and that people are cross-carpeting from Jammeh’s side to support  
NADD. “We have a stronger foundation among the people than any other party in  
this country at the moment,” Mr. Sallah concluded. 


As we count down to the general  election in a few days time, I like to first 
of all reiterate my last press  statement of Friday 1st September in which I 
pledged my continuing and resolute  support to the National Alliance for 
Democracy and Development (NADD), its  principles and its objectives. I continue to 
subscribe to the rainson d’etre for  the creation of NADD and I strongly 
believe that it remains the only credible  force in Gambia’s current political 
landscape that can deliver our country from  its present predicaments.
I also like to once again declare my unwavering  support for the presidential 
candidate for NADD, Hon. Halifa Sallah, the  Chairman of the Alliance, 
Landing Jallow Sonko and each and every member of his  most able executive 
committee, the Youth Militant Forum, the women’s wing of the  Alliance and the entire 
membership who have all worked tirelessly over the years  to build a very 
progressive modern organization.
Personally, I am very proud  to be part of this very forward-looking 
institution and I am truly honored to  have contributed to its many successes so far. 
NADD represents the future in  Gambian politics and I urge every Gambian voter 
to cast their vote in support of  the National Alliance for Democracy and 
Development (NADD), in the forthcoming  presidential election; because a vote for 
NADD is a vote for integrity,  progressive leadership and genuine democratic 
I was elected to the  executive committee of NADD at its inception and I 
remain a member of the same  executive committee. Unfortunately as some of you may 
have learnt, I recently  had to be admitted to the Westfield Clinic in The 
Gambia following a rapid  deterioration of my health. I was subsequently flown 
to London on the advice of  doctors who treated me at the Westfield Clinic in 
The Gambia, my family, friends  and colleagues; after medical prognosis raised 
some concerns for my long term  health and wellbeing. Consequently, my 
contribution to the current campaigning  is restricted by distance and what my 
recovering health  permits.
Notwithstanding, the distance, I am in constant and daily touch with  my 
colleagues on the campaign trail and I am abreast of every development as it  
happens from my health retreat here in the UK. I continue to rally our support  
base by telephoning voters and local leaders in the various constituencies,  
right across the country.
Those who follow my political activities and  education since the military 
coup of 1994 would by now have been convinced of my  single minded determination 
to challenge this government’s shameful record on  governance and human 
rights, and my unshakable motivation to speak out against  an established culture 
of impunity; an endemic corruption within the despotic  AFPRC/APRC government. 
I will continue to challenge, condemn and, where  necessary, speak out against 
the government of the day, whenever they violate  out collective or 
individual human rights, ignore or defy the national  constitution and commit acts of 
violence and treachery against The Gambian  people. 
Between 1994 to date, Gambians have witnessed the 20 separate  incidents of 
my illegal incarceration, by the AFPRC/APRC government, sometimes  along with 
my colleagues, most times alone. During these frequent prison spells  I have 
been tortured and my human rights violated. Members of my family and my  friends 
continue to be victims of constant harassment and victimization in the  hands 
of this government.
Incidentally, I have also since 1994 been  approached on several occasions 
with monetary inducements and the promise of any  government position that takes 
my fancy, to join the AFPRC/APRC government. I  refused each and every time. 
My motivation for being in politics has never been  for material gains or 
position for position sake. I have always nurtured a  genuine desire to do the 
right thing on behalf of the people that entrusted me  with their confidence and 
mandated me to represent them.
I want to assure my  friends, colleagues and supporters that I remain 
committed to the course for the  total emancipation of The Gambian people. I signed 
the MOU that established NADD  and I remain steadfast, as a matter of principle 
to uphold my signed declaration  of commitment to the organization, but also 
because I strongly believe in the  efficacy of the Alliance to promote 
democracy the rule of law and economic  progress for all Gambians.
In ending this press release, I also wish to  reassure all concerned 
well-wishers; those who visited me at the Westfield  hospital, those who sent envoys 
and message of goodwill; supporters of NADD;  everyone who telephoned, emailed 
or visited me in the United Kingdom and the  wider community, that I continue 
to make gradual but steady progress in my  recovery and the medical outlook is 
now very good. I look forward to a time  (very soon), when I will return to 
continue the struggle to liberate The Gambia  from the clutches of tyranny and 
I extend my deepest appreciation  and gratitude to everyone who has supported 
me through this trying time and I  remain your dedicated servant in the 
public interest.
Should anyone want to  contact me urgently, I can be reached on ++44(0)  

By Fabakary B.  Ceesay

The farmers URD have strongly attacked the government for its  failure to 
purchase their groundnuts. They described this year’s season as the  worst they 
have ever encountered.
These sentiments were expressed at a mass  NADD rally held at a village in 
URD last Sunday. An old farmer said that, the  majority of them are yet to 
receive their monies since they sold their nuts in  December. He said that most of 
them have sold their livestock to make ends meet.  Another farmer, who 
appeared very agitated, stated that there were more than two  hundred (200) bags of 
groundnuts in the village warehouses, which according to  him has not yet been 
paid for. He pointed out that, he cannot even estimate the  amount in dalasis. 
He emphasized skepticism over the future of farmers in the  country if the 
APRC wins the election. He called on fellow farmers to vote the  APRC out to put 
in power a government that can alleviate their plight.  Addressing the 
farmers, Honorable Sidia Jatta told them not to complain because  they have the 
power to change the system. He assured them that power resides in  them and that 
they have the mandate to vote any government in or out. Mr. Jatta  impressed on 
the people of Dampha Kunda, that the president is their servant who  is 
mandated by them to work in their interest and well being. “If your servant  
refuses to work in accordance with you wish you have the mandate to sack him and  
employ another person,” he emphasized. He noted that, as human beings, they  
should not allow to be ridden like draught animals to their death.
“Your  servants are riding on your backs and you are blaming God,” he told 
the crowd.  Jatta added that farmers are contributing to the D3, 000,000.00 of 
the yearly  budget. He advised them to vote wisely when casting their votes.  

By Modou Jonga

The bail  application for the release of Kemo Saho has been rejected by the 
Brikama  Magistrate Court on Thursday 14th September 2006. Kemo Saho is accused 
of  assaulting the Imam of Farato. The application was made by Lawyer Lamin 
Mboge  who held brief for Borry Touray (Counsel for the accused). In moving the 
 application, Mboge, cited Section 99(1) of the Criminal Code, noting that 
the  accused has spent almost over six weeks in custody and is a devout 
believer,  being a family head and a bread winner of his family. He noted that Ramadan 
is  fast approaching. Counsel Mboge further stated that the accused has 
expressed  his regret over the incident that led to the revocation of the bail that 
was  granted to him. He also pointed out that the accused has vowed to keep 
the  peace. He said the continuous remand of the accused, has transgressed upon 
the  accused person’s family. 
The bail application was objected to by the  Prosecutor, 492 Badjie stated 
that he feared that it is unsafe to grant bail to  the accused, whom he said has 
shown disrespect to the court. Badjie said the  revocation of his bail is not 
the initiative of the prosecution but the making  of the accused. The 
prosecutor further urged the court to reject the application  made by Lawyer Mboge.
After listening to both sides, the trial Magistrate  upheld the objection 
made by the prosecutor.  

By Amie Sanneh

Ousainou Darboe,  the leader of the UDP/NRP/GPDP alliance has said that he is 
resolved to address  the plight of youths in this country if he is elected by 
the people. Addressing  hundreds of supporters in Bansang on Thursday 
evening, Darboe revealed that they  will establish a Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme 
(YES) to address the plight of  youths in the country if they are voted into 
This scheme he said,  will help the youths to develop skills and become self 
reliant. He spoke of the  National Youth Service Scheme and the Youth 
Development Enterprise, which he  said have failed as a result of incomprehensive 
programmes. He called on the  youths to vote for him: He told the youths that they 
will regret it if they vote  for the ruling APRC Party.
Darboe also spoke of his plans to improve the  health, education and 
agricultural sectors. He expressed concern over the issue  of alien cards and said 
that if he is voted in, alien cases will be a thing of  the past.
He also said if they win, they will encourage investment in the  provinces up 
to Koina in a bid to improve the livelihood of the people living  there.
Madi Bah who spoke earlier lamented over the deplorable condition of  their 
hospital. He urged the people to vote for Darboe inorder for them to “Move  out 
of their problems.” Sheikh Ceesay who also spoke at the meeting, said Darboe  
wants to develop the country. He told the people to vote for Darboe if they 
want  to live in a peaceful, prosperous and democratic atmosphere.
Ndondi Baldeh,  Lamin Keita, Numukunda Ceesay and Mali Baldeh also spoke at 
the meeting and  expressed allegiance to the UDP/NRP/GPDP alliance. Several 
people announced  their defection from the ruling the APRC party to the UDP.


Dear Editor,
Please allow me space in your widely read  paper.
Yes it is in the scriptures that mankind was admonished thus: “oh you  who 
believe, be firm in justice as witnesses for God, even in cases against  
yourself; your parents or relatives and whether it be against the rich or  poor.  For 
God can best protect both.  Follow not the lusts of your  hearts, lest you 
survive, and if you distort (justice) or decline to do justice  verily God is 
well acquainted with all that you do”.  Elsewhere it is  stated: “O you who 
believe standout firmly for God as witnesses for fair dealing  and let not the 
hatred of others make you survive to wrong doing and depart from  justice.  That 
is next to piety, and fear God for God is well acquainted  with all that you 
do”. After reading or hearing and knowing these admonitions  what could 
prevent one from recognizing the truth and standing by it at all  cost.
It is only the truth that can ensure us liberty, dignity, peace and  
prosperity.  To cling on to falsehood only brings hardship, insecurity,  ignorance, 
disease, and object poverty upon the people.  These have been  the experience of 
The Gambian people over the past twelve years under Yahya  Jammeh.  Even 
though he has sworn to preside over the affairs of the  country in accordance with 
the will of the people without fear or favour,  affection or ill will, we 
have all been witnesses to the constant violations of  that will (the 
constitution) and the reduction of the citizens into slaves in  their own country.  The 
constitutional and human rights of the citizens are  being violated daily.  No 
one is spared, not the religious leaders or media  practitioners; not the 
soldiers, the Police or the National Intelligence Agency  officers; not the 
Alkalos, chiefs, commissioner, mayors, National Assembly  Members, commissioners of 
the Independent Electoral Commission, marabouts or  even Jammeh’s own close 
associates. In fact his close associates are the worst  affected in the end.
On the economic sphere, the lives of the people are  deplorable. The cost of 
living is getting higher and higher on a daily basis.  Consequently the 
earning capacity of the people is stagnant for some and falling  for most people. No 
employment is created for the hundreds of thousands of  youths leaving our 
schools. As a result of mismanagement of the economy.  Jammeh’s regime is now 
indebted to the tune of twenty two billion dalasis from  three billion dalasis 
in 1994 resulting to the payment of one thousand, five  hundred million dalasis 
(D1500, 000,000.00) from our budget yearly for servicing  those loans, loans 
that were taken to create white elephant projects meant to  blind the people 
to the economic hardship they are faced with and the constant  violation of 
their constitutional and human rights. Instead of investing into  the productive 
sector to create wealth and jobs for the youths who are being  driven by 
frustration at home to die in the Mediterranean Sea loans are taken  massively to 
finance such white elephant projects. Despite all the hardship and  
dehumanization brought upon The Gambian people, President Jammeh is making every  effort 
to perpetuate himself in power by all means even against the will of the  
majority of people. He has been habitually removing the members of the IEC  
unconstitutionally in order to render it partial and dependent. The public media  is 
transformed into a propaganda tool for Jammeh and his party. The independent  
media is muzzled. He has used the numerical strength of his party to empower 
him  to dissolve the National Assembly at his whims. The constitutional 
provision,  which ensured that nobody becomes the President of this country without 
the  support of at least 50% of the electoral, has been removed. Everything 
has been  done by him to block all peaceful and constitutional means, thereby 
making  resort to violent means inevitable. This is a clear manifestation that 
Jammeh  has betrayed the aspirations of The Gambian people.
These are some of the  reasons why Gambians at home and abroad called upon 
the opposition parties in  the country to come together for the sake of 
rekindling the hope of the people;  to put an end to the self-perpetuating rule of 
Yahya Jammeh and put in its place  a government that will empower them and end 
their long suffering; for the sake  of our farmers who could not enjoy the 
fruits of their labour after enduring  hardship upon hardship with crude tools; for 
the sake of our youths who, because  of lack of employment at home have to 
risk their lives to try to cross the ocean  to get to Europe for greener 
pastures; to enable to escape from the poverty  destitution and isolation in which 
the Jammeh regime has dumped them. The  opposition parties in The Gambia then, 
NDAM, PPP, NRP, PDOIS and UDP responded  to this clarion call by signing a 
Memorandum of Understanding, which established  the National Alliance for 
Democracy and Development, NADD. In the Memorandum of  Understanding they agreed to 
undertake a five-year transition programme during  which they are to carryout 
institutional and constitutional reforms in order to  ensure an open democratic 
society based on the promotion of national unity,  freedom, peace, prosperity. 
Such a programme will ensure the development of the  productive base, 
redistribution on the basis of equity, employment and general  welfare as well as 
foster African regional integration. Gambians welcome this  development 
everywhere. There was hope once again that the future of our  motherland is going to be 
bright. This hope was redoubled when NADD scored a  resounding success at the 
by-elections, which took place after the registration  of NADD. There was no 
doubt in the minds of the people that their long suffering  is coming to an 
end. In the Memorandum of Understanding the five political  parties agreed that 
the selection of the candidate of the Alliance for the  Presidential, National 
Assembly and Council elections should be done on the  basis of consensus; 
provided that in the event of an impasse selection shall be  done by holding a 
primary election restricted to party delegates on the basis of  equal number of 
delegates, comprising the Chairman, Chairwoman and youth leader  of each party 
from each village ward in each constituency. They also agreed that  the 
President of the republic under the Alliance should serve for a five-year  term of 
office only. He/she should vacate his or her seat at the end of his or  her 
term and should neither seek nor support the candidature of any other person  
for the ensuring Presidential election. They also agreed to put in place a  
constitutional provision that would limit the number of terms a person could  
occupy the office of President of the republic, two terms, to be  precise.
Just few months to Presidential election, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe  took 
everybody by surprise by resigning from NADD and justifying his action by  alleging 
that there was hatred and distrust within NADD, which he could not  explain, 
even after he was challenged to do so. He later informed the people  through a 
BBC interview that he resigned from NADD because he could not leave  his 
party, UDP for any other party, even though it was common knowledge that UDP  was 
part of NADD when he tendered his resignation. All efforts by Gambians at  home 
and abroad to persuade Mr. Darboe to amend his action went in vein. His  
action only serves the interest of President Jammeh and his APRC regime, not The  
Gambian people. It was speculated by some people that he did what he did 
because  he was not selected as the flagbearer. But the fact of the matter is that 
Mr.  Darboe left NADD well before the selection of the flagbearer. Secondly in 
an  interview with Malick Jones over GRTS radio, Mr. Darboe has categorically 
stated  that it was not because of leadership that he resigned from NADD. He 
said if he  wanted to be the leader of NADD, he would have asked the NADD 
executive to go  for a primary election as indicated in their MOU. According to 
him he would have  won the primary. But he said he was not interested in 
leadership that was why he  did no do that. One may now ask what made Ousainou Darboe 
to leave NADD, if it  was not meant to give Yahya Jammeh the opportunity to 
stay on. Since he has not  given any genuine reason to The Gambian people for 
his action, he could only be  seen as a betrayer of the aspirations of the 
people. Therefore, Mr. Darboe and  Yayha Jammeh are not different. In my opinion 
they are one and the same. If the  people really want change, they must give 
their backs to both of them and give  all their support to NADD. This is the 
truth that never breaks, for it is only  righteousness that can safe us. NADD is 
the guarantee for the future of our  motherland. May God safe and bless our 
By a concerned  citizen


Attached under the  cover of the Memorandum is a copy of my response to a 
Daily Observer front page  article dated on Monday 18th September 2006 which 
distorts the essence of a  statement I made upon my return from a nationwide 
campaign tour.
I hope you  will ensure that the Daily Observer publishes the content in the 
front page of  its next issue.
Yours in the service of the nation.
Halifa Sallah
NADD  Presidential Candidate


The article published in  your newspaper on Monday 18 September 2006 entitled 
Halifa urges electorate to  decide is not only erroneous but is calculated to 
mislead the electorate to give  favour to the APRC. I have always made it 
categorically clear, throughout my  campaign, that the APRC regime has been 
guilty of mismanagement of public  revenue and the income of public corporations 
and has stifled the investment  potential and the income earning capacity of the 
farmers, thus creating a  heavily indebted poor country that can only 
guarantee abject poverty to its  citizenry. I have left no stone unturned to prove 
that the development projects  are a by-product of loans that cannot be repaid, 
thus undermining the  sustainability of the development of the country.
On the other hand, I have  shown that the APRC’s violation of fundamental 
rights and freedoms is a fetter  to the liberty of our people, an affront to 
sovereignty of the owners of the  country and has deprived the country of the 
opportunity for debt cancellation  and genuine aid to address the question of 
In this respect, I have  called on The Gambian people to show the APRC regime 
a red card for being unfit  to govern.
Halifa Sallah
NADD Presidential Candidate  


The Brikama Magistrate Court  has yesterday convicted and fined fourteen 
Senegalese nationals for entering The  Gambia without permit or legal authority.
The fourteen aspirant migrants, who  wanted to use The Gambia as a transit 
point to the Canary Island, were  intercepted on 2nd September at Kartong. They 
were arraigned in court on a later  date and they pleaded guilty to the charge 
of entering The Gambia without legal  authority. The proceeding was then 
adjourned to yesterday.
At yesterday’s  hearing, police prosecutor, Tijan Badjie, said the police 
received information  on 2nd September that some youths have assembled at 
Kartong. Tijan Badjie said  they (the police) were informed that the youths were 
preparing to board a vessel  that was bound for the Canary Island.
The prosecutor said a group of police  and immigration officers were 
dispatched to Kartong where accused persons were  found. Badjie told the court that 
the accused persons were interrogated and it  was discovered that the youths are 
aliens, and are without valid permit to enter  the country. He said they were 
at that juncture arrested and taken to the PIU  headquarters in Kanifing 
where they were all cautioned and charged.
The  counsel for the accused persons, Lamin K. Mboge said the narration of 
the  prosecutor is correct. He, however, urged the court to tamper justice with  
mercy. He noted that it is apparent on the charge sheet that most of the 
accused  persons are youths from Senegal, pointing out that accused number 12, 
Bakery  Ndong, is a minor. He said it is an offence to enter The Gambia without a 
 permit, but the intention of the accused persons is not to remain in The 
Gambia,  but in search of greener pasture. After citing the Immigration Act, 
Lawyer Mboge  urged the court to impose a fine that is reasonable and payable in 
the  circumstances of the case. He told the court to order the repatriation of 
the  convicts to Senegal.
In his judgment, Magistrate Mbye said he has listened to  the strong plea 
made by Lawyer Mboge on behalf of his clients. He said the  aspirant migrants are 
youths who want to pursue a brighter future, but they have  broken the laws 
of The Gambia. He went further to say that The Gambia will  always welcome 
citizens from the four corners of the world as long as they have  valid permit to 
enter the country. He said it is not relevant that the convicts  do not intend 
to say in the country.
The Magistrate ordered each of the  convicts to pay a fine of D2000 each in 
default to serve a jail term of one  year. The court further ordered that after 
paying the fine or serving the jail  term, the convicts should be repatriated 
to Senegal. 
An application  submitted by the defense counsel for the court to review its 
decision, was  denied by the court.

By Annia Gaye

The  APRC  government has plans to put in place an agriculture investment 
bank  and a clothing factory if it is voted in to office , said Yankuba Touray , 
the  Secretary of State for Agriculture cum National Mobiliser for the ruling  
Yankuba Touray made this disclosure yesterday at an APRC meeting held  at 
Basori. Touray told the meeting that the proposed agriculture investment bank  
will provide loans to farmers. He further told the meeting that the APRC  
government has already procured 105 tractors for the farmers. He said the  tractors 
will arrive in the country soon. According to Touray the said tractors  will 
be given to farmers on loan basis. Touray pointed out that they also have  
plans to put in place a mango processing factory. He said if the aforesaid  
projects are implemented, it will provide jobs for many of young people and will  
boost the economy of this country.
He called on the electorate to vote for  President Jammeh because he has 
initiated a lot of projects for the people of  The Gambia.
For his part, President Jammeh told the electorate at Basori that  he will 
not give them rice and sugar for the Ramadan, if they fail to vote for  him. He 
was however quick to tell them that he will provide water supply, roads  and 
electricity to the whole country if he is elected by the  people.

By Amie  Sanneh

Hamat Bah has expressed optimism that the UDP alliance will win  the 2006 
Presidential election. Speaking to hundreds of supporters who welcomed  the UDP 
convoy at Chakunda while it was on its way to Bansang, on Thursday  evening, he 
said their struggle is the beginning of a process of removing Jammeh  from 
power come September 22nd. He said the process of regime change which is  their 
slogan started on the nomination day, and no one can stop it. He pointed  out 
that they are not going to compromise with anybody if they win the election.  
He said civil servants who behave unprofessionally will account for their 
deeds.  He said civil servants who are working professionally will be maintained. 
He  said they are out to rescue The Gambia. He said they want to develop the 
Gambia.  He said they are aware of the problems their supporters are facing 
countrywide.  He said those who victimize their supporters will account for their 
deeds if  they win the election.
He however urged their supporters to be law abiding.  He said Gambians are 
ready for change, noting Ousainou Darboe will emerge  victorious in the 
forthcoming Presidential election. 

By Annia Gaye

Addressing a mass political rally held at  Gunjur recently, the National 
Mobiliser for the APRC and SoS for Agriculture,  Yankuba Touray said Gunjur will 
be provided with pipe borne water in the next 5  years.
He said 2 million dollars has been put aside for the country’s Water  
Project. He told the electorate that the whole of Gunjur will be electrified if  they 
vote for Jammeh. He said President Jammeh has procured 500 tractors, which  
he said will be given to the farmers on loan basis. He said the tractors will 
be  in the Gambia in October. He noted that 25000 hectares of rice will be  
cultivated by farmers in the next five years.
Regarding transportation,  Touray indicating that railways will be provided 
for the entire country. He  called on the people of Gunjur to vote for Jammeh.
In his turn, President  Jammeh said those who want electricity should give 
their names to the Chairman  of the Village Development Committee for onward 
transmission to NAWEC. He said  he will transform the whole country into a city. 
He said anybody who gives  his Ramadan sugar and rice to an opposition 
sympathizer will be jailed. He said  the opposition will nor benefit from his 

Issue No.  80/2006, 20- 21 September, 2006



Election is a means through which the masses express their will  and 
determine the fate of country. Since the whole nation cannot meet at a given  place to 
decide on matters affecting the country, the people have power to  select 
their representatives and remove them from office.
In short, elected  representatives act as trustees at the service of the 
people for a given period  – five years in our case. At the end of that period the 
elected representative  renders account and if the citizens are satisfied 
with his/her performance they  will return him/her to office. Otherwise, they 
will replace him with another who  can serve them better.
Since an elected representative is a servant of the  people he/she should 
remain in power so long as his/her service is needed by the  people. One need not 
force one self to stay in power. This can serve as a source  of instability.
All politicians should be committed to free and fair  elections. Let the 
people decide freely how they want the country to be run.  There is no need for 
arm twisting, no need for threats and blackmail.
In this  way elections become a simple matter which enable the people to make 
their  decision and for such decision to be respected. This is the best way 
to preserve  peace and democracy. It is the way forward for all those who 
cherish these  ideals.

By Bubacarr K.  Sowe

Halifa Sallah, Presidential candidate for NADD has indicated that  the 
Director General of GRTS and the NIA are “guilty of professional misconduct”  by 
putting Buba Sanyang before the press while investigations are in  progress.
Speaking to journalists and election observers on Wednesday at the  NADD 
headquarters in Churchill’s Town, Mr. Sallah said: “The GRTS Director and  the 
Director General of NIA, are guilty of professional misconduct. They are  
conducting an investigation according to them. Buba Sanyang is on bail, they  have 
no authority to go before the press giving the impression that the young  man 
is guilty of a crime.”
Sallah added that the GRTS broadcast on Tuesday  evening that Buba Sanyang 
has confessed that he impersonated as an IEC agent  during the nomination, is a 
clear indication that the GRTS and the NIA have  ulterior motive geared 
towards tarnishing his image as a Presidential candidate  in the September 22nd 
“What they have done is prejudicial to the  rights of Buba Sanyang to a fair 
hearing in a law court, to the presumption of  innocence until proven or 
pleaded guilty. And you plead before a court and not  GRTS or NIA,” he said.
The NADD Presidential Candidate also said that it is  prejudicial to the 
right of a Presidential Candidate whose image should not be  tarnished in any 
form. “And what they have done is an attempt to damage the  image of the NADD 
Mr. Sallah went on to say that this is a clear  indication that the ruling 
party is unfit to govern and no amount of  intimidation or trickery will block 
their (NADD) way.
“This is their last  atom of intimidation, and all the fan fare in the 
streets do not reflect what is  on the ground. This time we are vigorous,” he said.
Sallah has also accused  the Daily Observer newspaper of professional bias 
when reporting on him. He said  that even the National Assembly proceedings are 
not fairly covered by the Daily  Observer.
On the Inter Party Committee, Sallah said that it has totally  become 
dysfunctional in this election period. The minority leader of the  National Assembly 
also said that the misconduct of the GRTS, Daily Observer and  the NIA is an 
indictment on the IEC.

Resist Change & Be  Caged
By Modou Nyang

Honourable Halifa Sallah the Presidential  candidate of the National Alliance 
for Democracy and Development (NADD) in  tomorrows Presidential polls, has 
indicated that if the Gambian people vote for  his party (NADD) and Yaya Jammeh 
says that he will not leave office, the United  Nations and the African Union 
will together come to the Gambia, pick him and  cage him as Charles Taylor is 
In an apparent response to Jammeh’s  often reported campaign statement that 
even if people do not vote for him he  will continue to be president, Halifa 
told an enthusiastic crowd in the Nuimis  and Jokadu constituencies, over the 
weekend, that if they vote in NADD to power,  the responsibility of removing 
Jammeh from office will be shouldered by  him.
“Just do your part and I will take care of the rest” he retorted. “If  
Jammeh is voted out and he says that he will not leave, the UN and AU will pick  
him from here and take him to where Charles Taylor is, and I hope that he will  
not put him shelf in such a mess,” Sallah indicated. 
Elaborating further,  Halifa said: “Taylor was more powerful than Jammeh and 
that he fought a bitter  war before he was voted in as President of Liberia 
but because he violated  international law he is now in jail at the Hague, in 
the Netherlands. “ I hope  that he (Jammeh) will not want to be in such a 
situation and that he will prefer  to leave and live as a former head of state.
Continuing with their campaign  in the Kombos for the remaining days of the 
campaign period as part of the NADD  campaign body which has now been divided 
into nine teams to be based in the  different regions of the country. The Kombo 
team was received by scores of  jubilant supporters in Jambanjelly, Sanyang 
and Sukuta. Speaking in Sukuta,  Halifa who leads the campaign team for the 
Kombos and the Greater Banjul area,  strongly refuted allegations by Ousainou 
Darboe of the UDP that voting for NADD  means aiding the APRPC. Halifa said that 
throughout his country wide tour he did  not talk about Ousainou Darboe. “I 
did not talk about him throughout our country  wide tour but if he is now 
equating voting for NADD with aiding the APRC, he  must be very dishonest,” Sallah 
stressed. Continuing further Halifa indicated  that in fact NADD helped the UDP 
by giving it a new lease of life politically.  He said this is so because 
when they (the UDP) boycott the last National  Assembly elections they claimed 
that the electoral system in the country is  fraudulent because they won the 
presidential elections but were denied their  victory by the APRC.
“I personally went to Jarra to talk to the people to  convince them which 
eventually led to the election of Kemeseng Jammeh under the  banner of the UDP.” 
The people were in total despair since they were made to  believe that 
elections are fruitless.
Dilating on how the NADD entourage was  received during its country wide 
tour, Halifa indicated that in Fass Omar Saho  he could not even disembark from 
his vehicle due to the large turn out of people  who were waiting to receive 
them. “The same thing happened in Jakaba, Diabugu,  Taibatu, Brikamaba and other 
places where the UDP were not well received. This  is a clear indication that 
NADD is well accepted by the Gambian  people.
Rounding up his party’s program in contrast to that of the APRC,  Halifa said 
that if voted in to office, NADD will stay for only five years  during which 
period; all bad laws like the indemnity act will be repealed and  replaced 
with good ones. Implement a sound economic policy to create jobs and  raise the 
earning capacity of civil servants and the people in general. “Instead  of 
investing (D345) three hundred and forty five million in the purchase and  
refurbishment of a hotel (Ocean Bay), we would rather use the amount to purchase  the 
produce of the farmers sell it and use part of the profit to subsidize the  
cost of fertilizer to make it affordable to farmers.” We will establish  
factories to process the farm produce of the country which in turn will create  jobs.

By Amie Sanneh

As the  political parties in the country gear up for the September 22nd 
Presidential  elections, UDP/NRP/GPDP visited Jarra Soma with hundreds of people in 
attendance  at their meeting. The people welcomed them from Karantaba to the 
heart of Soma,  where meeting was held.
Addressing the gathering, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe, the  flag bearer of the 
UDP/NRP/GPDP Alliance advised the people to be careful within  the few days left 
before the elections. He said this is the time that people  will come around 
and knock at their doors at night. Lawyer Darboe remarked that  those people 
will start giving out rice, sugar and money, saying that the  Ramadan is coming 
and they can have those gifts and give them their votes. He  pointed out that 
those people do not know how they, (the rural people) were  living yesterday; 
whether they have been eating or not. He said the reason why  they are doing 
this is because of the election and added that those people will  be following 
their own interest and not those of Gambians. The UDP/NRP/GPDP flag  bearer 
revealed that the budget allocated for the health sector is not  sufficient; 
that this is why the country is facing all these difficulties. He  said a disease 
which disturbs people most should be of more concern to a  government to take 
the necessary preventive approach than treatment. He revealed  that if voted 
into office of President, they will have a primary health care  system. He 
also said that every country should have an emergency fund kept aside  in case of 
any emergency, so as to be able to protect the citizenry.
On the  Agricultural Sector Darboe said that they will build cold stores 
where women  will be able keep their goods for two or three months, without having 
them  rotten. He said they will also make arrangements for them to be able to 
sell  their farm produce at the international level. Lawyer Darboe noted that 
if they  want their gardens to benefit them, they should vote for the “grand 
alliance” as  they call their party. He said they are not only going to 
concentrate on  groundnuts alone but that they will also bring in other crops. He 
said they will  help the people for the betterment of the country.
He revealed that if they  were at the helm, of power Soma would have been a 

By Fabakary B.  Ceesay             

The flag bearer of the National Alliance for Democracy and Development,  Hon. 
Halifa Sallah has told the electorate country wide that, The Gambia’s loan  
stands at D22, 000,000,000.00.
Addressing the electorate during his country  wide tour, Honourable Sallah 
informed the people that, this year the government  is supposed to pay the 
creditors an amount of D1, 500,000,000.00, noting that  each Gambian including 
babies, owes D22, 000.00 as to personal share to the  loan. He also told them that 
this year the taxpayers will contribute about D3,  600,000 000.00 as the 
country’s budget.
He pointed out that, most of the  country’s infrastructural developments are 
financed from loan borrowed from  foreign internal organizations and foreign 
countries. Honorable Sallah asserted  that, the Bwiam Hospital and the 
Television Station were built from loans  borrowed from Libya; the Esse-Kerewan road 
and the Bridge were loans from Taiwan  and the Kombo Coastal Road from The 
Islamic Bank and OPEC. He noted that a  country cannot depend on loans for 
development; that they are not investing the  loans wisely and that is why they are 
not generating income for the servicing of  the loan.
He also told the people that such loans should be invested in the  
Agricultural sector, Transport services, and Water and Electricity Services  inorder to 
have more investment and provide job opportunities for the  people.
“This is why we have hospitals without medicine, schools without  adequate 
stationery and GPTC without buses,” he said. Honorable Sallah also  lamented on 
the employment opportunities for the hundred and seventy thousand  students 
who will graduate in the next ten (10) years. “Documents from  government 
Quarters indicate that, this year, there will be zero  growth.


Addressing a rally at  Bundung-Serrekunda on Thursday, the SoS for 
communication, Hon Neneh Macdouall  Gaye, has urged the youths of the country to vote 
for the APRC Government in the  22nd Presidential elections indicating that the 
President is the only one who  can rule the country in peace and development.
SoS Gaye stated that the  President initiated many development projects for 
the country ranging from  university education with scholarships to students 
who can’t afford to pay and  other major developments. He noted that a Silicon 
Valley project would soon be  brought to provide employment for the youths. 
Yankuba Touray the party’s  national mobiliser and SoS for Agriculture, in 
addressing the rally, told the  youths to vote for APRC, noting  that the APRC is 
the only party, that can  develop the country, saying that the opposition is 
only looking for leadership  but cannot develop the country. He urged the youths 
to wake up from their  slumber and follow the APRC government. He promised 
Gambian that a drug factory  of 1.5m Euro, would be put in place in the next five 
years where  600   different drugs would be produced. He stated that, with 
this factory, The Gambia  would be able to supply many African countries like 
Senegal, Guinea and others.  He said their would be a word competition at 
Serrekunda Central and any word who  wins will be provided with free water supply. 
He called on the people of  Serrekunda Central to vote for the APRC. 

By Bubacarr K. Sowe

The ongoing trial of Lamin Fatty, a  Journalist with the shuttered 
Independent newspaper, was on Tuesday adjourned to  the 27th day of September 2006, due 
to the magistrate’s absence.
The sitting  which was expected to be heard from the third prosecuting 
witness, was adjourned  to a previous date, also due the absence of the witness.
Fatty, who was  charged with false publication, pleaded not guilty. Before 
being charged with  the offence, he was detained at the NIA for sixty-two days, 
together with his  managing editor and editor in chief, who were later 
released. His paper, “The  Independent,” had been closed down by the state since 
April this  year.

By Bubacarr  K. Sowe

Dr. Salim Ahmed Salim, chairman of the Commonwealth observer  group for the 
22nd September presidential election, has announced that his team  will be 
deployed around the country on Wednesday to witness the election and  counting 
process as in all the seven administrative areas.
Addressing a press  conference on Monday at the Kairaba Hotel, Dr. Salim 
said: “On Wednesday, we  will deploy around the country. After we have witnessed 
the end of the campaign,  the election day, the counting and the release of 
much of the results as we can  see, we will re-assemble in Banjul to compile our 
report which we will complete  and sign here, prior to our departure on the 
29th of September, 2006.”
He  added that the report will be submitted to the Commonwealth 
Secretary-General  who will inturn forward it to the Government of The Gambia, the IEC, the 
 political parties participating in the election and to all Commonwealth  
“The report will subsequently be made publicly available here,  in The Gambia 
and throughout the Commonwealth, in printed form and on the  website of the 
Commonwealth Secretariat,’ Salim said.
He stated that they  have been mandated to observe some relevant aspects of 
the organisation and  conduct of the elections.
“We will consider all the factors impinging on the  credibility of the 
electoral process as a whole. Our two key tasks are to  determine, in our judgment, 
whether the conditions exist for a free expression  of will by the electors, 
and if the results of the elections reflect the wishes  of the people,” he 
Dr. Salim also said that even in advanced  countries if they find out 
anything that is detrimental to the whole electoral  process they will surely point 
it out.
“If we find something or some actions  which are detrimental to the whole 
electoral process, we will talk about it. We  are here to give an objective 
assessment. We know that elections normally are  not perfect. Even in the most 
advanced countries we have difficulties in the  electoral process. But we want to 
see that basic condition exists for the people  of The Gambia to exercise 
their rights,” Dr. Salim posited. 

By Modou Jonga

The murder trail involving  Kate Afori and others was re-adjourned to 2nd 
October 2006 by the Brikama  Magistrates Court. In his application for 
adjournment, the prosecutor, ASP Tijan  Badjie, said forensic investigation by the joint 
Gambian Police and the visiting  British Police into the murder of Mr. 
Willion West is not completed.
Kate  Afori is accused of killing her husband in Sanyang in June with a 
pestle while  the latter was asleep. The widow, Mrs. Kate Afori West, pleaded 
guilty to the  preferred murder charge against him while the three other Nigerian 
nationals,  Favour Akponegbeta Abokou, Idriss Masade and David Bathran pleaded 
not guilty to  the murder charge preferred against them. 

By Amie Sanneh

Lawyer  Ousainou Darboe, the UDP/NRP/GPDP alliance leader, has told Gambians 
that the  upcoming election will determine how they want to live in the next 
five  years.
Addressing hundreds of people at the Brikama praying grounds, Darboe  said 
Gambians have to make major decisions. The major decision he said will  
determine whether Gambians want to live in a democratic state, an environment  which 
will have power concentrated in the hands of an individual, or to live in  a 
secure country which will also cater for their welfare.
Lawyer Darboe noted  that Gambians cannot afford to make a mistake by voting 
for President Jammeh for  another five years which will destroy the farming in 
the country.
He said  UDP/NRP/GPDP government, will liberate Gambians and will not become 
idealist  people.
Darboe told Gambian youths to reject false promises that are always  given to 
them at the time of every election and encouraged them to vote for the  
UDP/NRP/GPDP alliance.
He however urged the youths to comport themselves and  remain the 
distinguished ambassors of peace that they have ever been.
Darboe  revealed that throughout the trip his entourage did not face any 
problem on the  way until when they came to Foni, where supporters of APRC where 
stoning   their convoy and that one of his supporters was stabbed in the neck. 
He however  urged his supporters to avoid such conflicts throughout the 
election  period.
Speaking earlier, Hamat Bah, an executive member of the UDP/NRP/GPDP  
alliance said Gambians will never regret voting for Darboe as President. He said  
Gambians will enjoy democracy, liberty and would not be disappointed. “Gambians  
need a government under the UDP alliance which will restore democracy, 
liberty,  dignity and make sure that they feel proud of The Gambia,” he said.
Mr. Bah  however expressed optimism that they will win the election due to 
the support  people have given to them throughout the campaign period which he 
has never seen  before.
He, however, commended all Gambians for the support they have given  to them 
noting that it is a clear demonstration that on the 22nd of September  there 
will be a change of government.
UDP/NRP/GPDP supporters on Wednesday  marched with the convoy from the 
Brikama College to the Africell junction where  they held their last meeting for the 
campaign in preparation of the September 22  Presidential elections.

By Modou  Jonga

Muhamed Musa Jallow, who was a victim of impersonation on Thursday  14 
September testifies before Magistrate Mbye. The alleged impersonators, namely  
Ebrima Jallow, Hatab Sanneh, Pateh Taal, Pa Jali Njie Lamin Jatta and Momodou  
Lamin Camara were said to defraud the shopkeeper at the Brikama Market, by  posing 
themselves as CID and health officers and had in their possession a  handcuff 
and a fake identity card.
The bail of the alleged impersonators was  revoked by the court in the 
previous sitting.  Testifying in court, Muhamed  Musa Jallow, the second prosecution 
witness, said the accused persons came to  his shop and demanded cigarettes 
and a cash amount of D2000 from him. The  witness said, the accused persons 
accepted to be given D500 after which they  left his shop. The witness further 
stated that after receiving the information  that the accused persons were 
arrested, he went to the Brikama Police Station  where he explained his encounter 
with the accused persons. He said while at the  station he was asked by the 
Police to identify the accused persons while they  were paraded. The trial was 
adjourned to the 28th September 2006. ASP Tijan  Badjie was the prosecutor.  

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