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Tue, 29 May 2007 14:29:37 +0200
Momodou Buharry Gassama <[log in to unmask]>
Momodou Buharry Gassama <[log in to unmask]>
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A Review Of The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine By Ilan Pappe 

By Stephen Lendman

09 February, 2007

Ilan Pappe is an Israeli historian and senior lecturer at Haifa 
University. He's also Academic Director of the Research Institute for 
Peace at Givat Haviva and Chair of the Emil Touma Institute for 
Palestinian Studies. Pappe is an expert on Israel and Zionism and the 
Palestinians' Right of Return to their homeland, is considered "an 
honourable academic with integrity and conscience," and is a member of 
the Advisory Board of the Council for Palestinian Restitution and 
Repatriation (CPRR), an organization declaring that "every Palestinian 
has a legitimate, individual right to return to his or her original 
home and to absolute restitution of his or her property." 

Pappe is also one of Israel's "new historians" whose scholarship and 
writings are based on access to material now available from British 
Mandate period and Israeli archives that provide the most accurate and 
authentic documented history of Israel before and after it became a 
state and which now serve to debunk the myths about the years leading 
up to the Jewish State's founding and those following it to this day. 

Pappe has also authored, contributed to or edited nine books. His 
latest is the one this review covers in detail so readers will know 
about its powerful and shocking content, unknown to most in the West 
and in Israel, that hopefully will arouse them enough to get the book 
and learn in full detail what Pappe documented. He proves from official 
records how the Israeli state came into being with blood on its hands 
from lands forcibly seized from its Palestinian inhabitants who'd lived 
on it for hundreds of years previously. Since the 1940s, they were 
ethnically cleansed and slaughtered without mercy so their homeland 
would become one for Jews alone. 

The shameful result is that Palestinians then and today have almost no 
rights including being able to live in peace and security on their own 
land in their own state that no longer exists. Survivors then and their 
offspring either live in Israel as unwanted Arab citizens with few 
rights or in the Occupied Palestinians Territories (OPT) where their 
lives are suspended in limbo in an occupied country in which they're 
subjected to daily institutionalized and codified racism and 
persecution. They have no power over their daily lives and live in a 
constant state of fear with good reason. They face economic 
strangulation; collective punishment for any reason; loss of free 
movement; enclosures by separation walls, electric fences and border 
closings; regular curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, loss of their homes 
by bulldozings and crops and orchards by wanton destruction and 
seizure; arrest without cause, and routine subjection to torture while 
in custody. 

They're targeted for extra-judicial assassination and indiscriminate 
killing; taxed punitively and denied basic services essential to life 
and well-being including health care, education, employment and even 
enough food and water at the whim of Israeli authorities in a 
deliberate effort to destroy their will to resist and eliminate those 
who won't by expulsion or extermination. Palestinians have no power to 
end these appalling abuses and crimes against humanity or receive any 
redress for them in Israeli, the West or through the International 
Criminal Court Israel ignores when it rules against its interests.

How can they as Muslims in a racist Jewish state where Israelis 
oppressive them with impunity, the US goes along with huge financing 
and supplying of the most modern and destructive weapons of war, and 
the West and most Arab states are indifferent preferring to ally with 
Israel and the US for benefits received while writing off Palestinians 
as a small price worth paying. It created state of appalling human 
misery and desperation severely aggravated by crushing economic 
sanctions for the past year imposed for the first time ever on an 
occupied people. They're responsible for poverty and unemployment 
levels of 80% or more and increasing instances of starvation and 
unreported deaths from all causes because Israel controls everything 
and everyone allowed in and out of the territories. Those inside them 
suffer painfully as a result. Others with power to help, don't care and 
do nothing.

Pappe documents how it all began in 12 chapters with a short epilogue 
plus 18 graphic pictures needing no explanation. He calls the book his 
"J'Accuse against the politicians who devised the plan and the generals 
who carried out the ethnic cleansing" naming the guilty, the villages 
and urban areas destroyed, and the cruelest crimes committed against 
defenseless people only wanting to live in peace on their own land and 
were willing to do it with Jews as neighbors but not as overlords or 

This review is lengthy so readers will know in detail what Israeli 
authorities successfully suppressed for decades. Pappe courageously 
revealed it in a book begging to be read and discussed by all people of 
conscience and good faith. They need to take the lead building a 
groundswell consensus to stand up to this long-festering injustice 
against defenseless people fighting for their rights and existence 
against overwhelming odds. 

Pappe provides them help with his extensive documentation and other 
suggested reading on the origins of Zionist ideology leading to the 
ethnic cleansing in the 1940s and thereafter. He particularly mentions 
two of Nur Masalha's important books - Expulsion of the Palestinians: 
The Concept of Transfer in Zionist Political Thought, 1882 - 1948 and 
The Politics of Denial: Israel and the Palestinian Refugee Problem. 
Readers are encouraged to explore this issue further with these and 
other books exposing ugly truths long suppressed in the West and 
needing to be freely aired.

The Beginning - Initial Planning for Ethnic Cleansing 

In his preface, Pappe writes about the "Red House" in Tel-Aviv that 
became headquarters for the Hagana, the dominant Zionist underground 
paramilitary militia during the British Mandate period in Palestine 
between 1920 and 1948 when the Jewish state came into being. He details 
how David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, met with leading 
Zionists and young Jewish military officers on March 10, 1948 to 
finalize plans to ethnically cleanse Palestine that unfolded in the 
months that followed including "large-scale (deadly serious)
intimidation; laying siege to and bombarding villages and population 
centres; setting fire to homes, properties and goods; expulsion; 
demolition; and finally, planting mines among the rubble to prevent any 
of the expelled inhabitants from returning."

The final master plan was called Plan D (Dalet in Hebrew) following 
plans A, B, and C preceding it. It was to be a war without mercy 
complying with what Ben-Gurion said in June, 1938 to the Jewish Agency 
Executive and never wavering from later: "I am for compulsory transfer; 
I do not see anything immoral in it." Plan D became the way to do it. 
It included forcible expulsion of hundreds of thousands of unwanted 
Palestinian Arabs in urban and rural areas accompanied by an unknown 
number of others mass slaughtered to get it done. The goal was simple 
and straightforward - to create an exclusive Jewish state without an 
Arab presence by any means including mass-murder.

Once begun, the whole ugly business took six months to complete. It 
expelled about 800,000 people, killed many others, and destroyed 531 
villages and 11 urban neighborhoods in cities like Tel-Aviv, Haifa and 
Jerusalem. The action was a clear case of ethnic cleansing that 
international law today calls a crime against humanity for which 
convicted Nazis at Nuremberg were hanged. So far Israelis have always 
remained immune from international law even though names of guilty 
leaders and those charged with implementing their orders are known as 
well as the crimes they committed. 

They included cold-blooded mass-murder; destruction of homes, villages 
and crops; rapes; other atrocities; and massacres of defenseless people 
given no quarter including women and children. The crimes were 
suppressed and expunged from official accounts as Israeli 
historiography cooked up the myth that Palestinians left voluntarily 
fearing harm from invading Arab armies. It was a lie covering up 
Israeli crimes Palestinians call the Nakba - the catastrophe or 
disaster that's still a cold, harsh festering unresolved injustice.

Even with British armed presence still in charge of law and order 
before its Mandate ended, Jewish forces completed the expulsion of 
about 250,000 Palestinians the Brits did nothing to stop. It continued 
unabated because when neighboring Arab states finally intervened, they 
did so without conviction. They came belatedly and with only small, ill-
equipped forces, no match for a superior, well-armed Israeli military 
easily able to prevail as discussed below.

Ethnic Cleansing Defined

Pappe notes that ethnic cleansing is well-defined in international law 
that calls it a crime against humanity. He cites several definitions 
including from the Hutchinson encyclopedia saying it's expulsion by 
force to homogenize the population. The US State Department concurs 
adding its essence is to eradicate a region's history. The United 
Nations used a similar definition in 1993 when the UN Commission on 
Human Rights (UNCHR) characterized it as the desire of a state or 
regime to impose ethnic rule on a mixed area using expulsion and other 
violence including separating men and women, detentions, murder of 
males of all ages who might become combatants, destruction of houses, 
and repopulating areas with another ethnic group. 

In 1948, Zionists waged their "War of Independence" using Plan D to 
"cleanse" Palestine according to the UN definition. It involved cold-
blooded massacres and indiscriminate killing, targeted assassinations 
and widespread destruction as clear instances of crimes of war and 
against humanity, later expunged from the country's official history 
and erased from its collective memory. It was left it to a few 
courageous historians like Ilan Pappe to resurrect events to preserve 
the truth too important to let die. His invaluable book provides an 
historic account of what, in fact, happened. It needs broad exposure 
but won't get it in the corporate-controlled Israeli, US or Western 
media overall. It will on this important web site with the courage to 
publish it.

Zionism's Ideological Roots

Pappe traces the roots of Zionism to the late 1880s in Central and 
Eastern Europe "as a national revival movement, prompted by the growing 
pressure on Jews in those regions to assimilate totally or risk 
continuing persecution." Founded by Theodor Herzl, the movement became 
international in scope supporting a Jewish homeland in the Land of 
Israel, or Eretz Israel, even though early on many in the movement were 
ambivalent about its location. That changed following Herzl's death in 
1904 when it was decided the goal was to colonize Palestine because of 
its biblical connection that happened to be land occupied 
inappropriately by "strangers" meaning anyone not Jewish having "no 
right" to be there. 

So as justification, the myth was created of "a land without people 
for a people without a land" even though this "empty land" had a 
flourishing Palestinian Arab population including a small number of 
Jews. Zionist leaders wanted a complete dispossession of indigenous 
Arabs to reestablish the ancient land of Eretz Israel as a Jewish state 
for Jews alone and got help doing it from the British after Palestine 
became part of its empire post-WW I. With duplicity, the Brits crafted 
the 1917 Balfour Declaration supporting the notion of a Jewish homeland 
in Palestine while simultaneously promising indigenous Arabs their 
rights would be protected and land would be freed from foreign rule.

Palestinian Arabs saw through the scheme wanting no part of it. It was 
their land, and they weren't about to give it up without a struggle. 
They strongly opposed further Jewish immigration but to no avail, as 
their wishes conflicted with British plans for the territory. It set 
off decades of conflict leading to the establishment of the Jewish 
state in 1948 with British help under their Mandate and neighboring 
Arab state indifference doing little to prevent it. Palestinians lost 
their homeland, their struggle for justice goes on unresolved, and 
these beleaguered people are virtually isolated from the West and their 
Arab neighbors preferring alliance with Israel for their own interests 
that exclude helping Palestinian people get theirs served including a 
viable independent state free from Israeli occupation.

Pappe traces the early post-Balfour history when Palestinians 
comprised 80 - 90% of the population. Even then they fared poorly under 
British Mandate rule giving Zionist settlers preferential treatment. It 
led to uprisings in 1929 and 1936, the later one lasting three years 
before being brutally suppressed. In its wake, Britain expelled 
Palestinian leaders making their people vulnerable to Jewish forces 
post-WW II that led to their defeat and subjugation. The sympathetic 
British Mandate made it possible by helping Jewish settlers transform 
their 1920 paramilitary organization into the Hagana, a name meaning 
defense. It then became the military arm of the Jewish Agency or 
Zionist governing body now called the Israel Defense Forces or IDF.

Planning the Expulsion of the Palestinians

David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, led the Zionist 
movement from the mid-1920s until well into the 1960s. He played a 
central role and had supreme authority planning the establishment of a 
Jewish state serving as its "architect" with full control over all 
security and defense issues in the Jewish community. His goal was 
Jewish sovereignty over as much of ancient Palestine as possible 
achieved the only way he thought possible - by forceable removable of 
Palestinians from their land so Jews could be resettled in it. 

To do it, he and other Zionist leaders needed a systematic plan to 
"cleanse" the land for Jewish habitation only. It began with a detailed 
registry or inventory of Arab villages the Jewish National Fund (JNF) 
was assigned to compile. The JNF was founded in 1901 as the main 
Zionist tool for the colonization of Palestine. Its purpose was to buy 
land used to settle Jewish immigrants that by the end of the British 
Mandate in 1948 amounted to 5.8% of Palestine or a small fraction of 
what Zionists wanted for a Jewish state. Early on, Ben-Gurion and 
others knew a more aggressive approach was needed for their 
colonization plan to succeed. 

It began with the JNF Arab village inventory that was a blueprint 
completed by the late 1930s that included the topographic location of 
each village with detailed information including husbandry, cultivated 
land, number of trees, quality of fruit, average amount of land per 
family, number of cars, shop owners, Palestinian clans and their 
political affiliation, descriptions of village mosques and names of 
their imams, civil servants and more. The final inventory update was 
finished in 1947 with lists of "wanted" persons in each village 
targeted in 1948 for search-and-arrest operations with those seized 
summarily shot on the spot in cold blood. 

The idea was simple - kill the leaders and anyone thought to be a 
threat the British hadn't already eliminated quelling the 1936-39 
uprising. It created a power vacuum neutralizing any effective 
opposition to Zionists' plans. The only remaining obstacle thereafter 
was the British presence Ben-Gurion knew was on the way out by 1946 
before it finally ended in May, 1948.

Partition, Ethnic Cleansing, War, and Establishment of the State of 

Ethnic cleansing began in early December, 1947 when Palestinians 
comprised two-thirds of the population and Jews, mostly from war-torn 
Europe, the other third. The British tried dealing with two distinct 
ethnic entities choosing partition as the way to do it. By 1937, this 
solution became the centerpiece of Zionist policy, but it proved too 
hard for the Brits to resolve and be able to satisfy both sides. It 
instead handed the problem to the newly formed UN to deal with before 
their Mandate ended. 

It put the Palestinians' fate in the hands of a Special Committee for 
Palestine (UNSCOP) whose members had no prior experience solving 
conflicts and knew little Palestinian history. It was a recipe for 
disaster as events unfolded. UNSCOP opted for partition favoring the 
Jews as compensation for the Nazi holocaust that became General 
Assembly Resolution 181 on November 29, 1947 giving them a state 
encompassing 56% the country with one-third of the population while 
making Jerusalem an international city. Palestinians were justifiably 
outraged. They were excluded from the decision-making process concluded 
against their will and at their expense. 

From that moment on, the die was cast leading to partition, ethnic 
cleansing, the first Arab-Israeli war, the others to follow, and 
decades of disregard for their rights to this day creating their 
desperate state with no resolution in prospect. Resolution 181 was even 
worse than an unfair 56 - 44% division of territory as it allotted the 
most fertile land and almost all urban and rural territory in Palestine 
to the new Jewish state plus 400 of the over 1000 Palestinian villages 
their residents lost with no right of appeal. 

Pappe explains Ben-Gurion simultaneously accepted and rejected the 
resolution. He and other Zionist leaders wanted official international 
recognition of the right of Jews to have their own state in Palestine. 
He was also determined to make Jerusalem the Jewish capital, intended 
final borders to remain flexible wanting to include within them as much 
future territory as possible, and today Israel is the only country in 
the world without established borders. Ben-Gurion decided borders would 
"be determined by force and not by partition resolution." He headed the 
Consultancy or Consultant Committee, an ad-hoc cabal of Zionist leaders 
created solely to plan the expulsion of Palestinians to cleanse the 
land for Jewish habitation only.

The process began in early December, 1947 with a series of attacks 
against Palestinian villages and neighborhoods. They were engaged 
ineffectively from the start on January 9 by units of the first all-
Arab volunteer army. It resulted in forced expulsions beginning in mid-
February, 1948. On March 10, final Plan Dalet was adopted with its 
first targets being Palestinian urban centers that were all occupied by 
end of April with about 250,000 Palestinians uprooted, displaced or 
killed including by massacres, the most notorious and remembered being 
at Deir Yassin even though Tantura may have been the largest.

Deir Yassin was Palestinian land on April 9 when Jewish soldiers burst 
into the village, machine-gunned houses randomly killing many in them. 
The remaining villagers were then assembled in one place and murdered 
in cold blood including children and women first raped and then killed. 
Recent research puts the number massacred at 93 (including 30 babies), 
but dozens more were killed in the fighting that ensued making the 
total number of deaths much higher.

The Arab League finally decided on April 30 to intervene militarily 
but only after the British Mandate ended on May 15, 1948, the day the 
Jewish Agency declared the establishment of the state of Israel in 
Palestine. The US and Soviet Union officially recognized the new state 
legitimizing it, and on the same day Arab forces entered the territory.

Pappe details the Zionist leadership's plan and steps it followed to 
gain as much of Palestine as possible with the fewest number of 
Palestinians remaining in it, irrespective of Resolution 181 it 
ignored. They wanted over 80% of Mandatory Palestine or over 40% more 
land than the UN allotted them taken forcibly from the Palestinians. To 
get it, they colluded tacitly with the Jordanians, effectively 
neutralizing the strongest Arab army, buying them off with the 
remaining 20% of the territory.

On the eve of battle in 1948, Jewish fighting forces were around 
50,000 (increasing by summer to 80,000). They included a small air 
force, navy and units of tanks, armored cars and heavy artillery. The 
army was comprised of the main Hagana force plus elements of the two 
extremist terrorist groups - the Irgun led by future prime minister and 
fanatical Arab-hater Menachem Begin and the Stern Gang whose most 
notorious member was also a future prime minister, Yitzhak Shamir, 
another extreme racist. It also included special commando Palmach 
units, founded in 1941 and whose leaders included future Israeli prime 
minister Yitzhak Rabin and noted general and war hero Moshe Dayan. They 
faced a hopelessly outmanned and outgunned Palestinian irregular force 
of about 7000.

Outside Arab intervention only began on May 15, 1948, five and a half 
months after UN Resolution 181 was adopted and during which time the 
Palestinians were defenseless against the Zionist ethnic cleansing 
onslaught against them. Arab states waited because they were 
indifferent, and when they finally acted they sent an inferior force 
proving no match for the superior Jewish one it faced to be discussed 
further below.

Finalizing Plans to De-Arabize Palestine

In December, 1947, the Palestinian population numbered 1.3 million of 
which one million lived in the territory of the future Jewish state. 
The Jewish minority stood at 600,000. Zionist leaders needed a way to 
dispose of this large number of people "cleansing" the land for Jewish 
habitation only. They weren't planning to do it gently. Instead it 
became a systematic campaign of state-sponsored terror against a near-
defenseless population unable to withstand the horrific onslaught 
unleashed against it step by step. It included threats and 
intimidation, villages attacked including while its inhabitants slept, 
shooting anything that moved, and blowing up homes with their residents 
inside plus other violent acts sparing no one, especially fighting-age 
men and boys who might pose a combat or determined resistance threat.

Ben-Gurion exulted in the progress as events unfolded with comments 
like: "We are told the army had the ability of destroying a whole 
village and taking out all its inhabitants, let's do it." Another time 
he explained: "Every attack has to end with occupation, destruction and 
expulsion." He meant the entire population of a village had to be 
removed, everything in it leveled to the ground and its history 
destroyed. In its place, a new Jewish community would be established as 
part of the new Jewish state he and others in the Consultancy believed 
wasn't possible without a mass ethnic cleansing transfer and/or 
extermination of Palestinians living there. 

Their plan also included cleansing urban neighborhoods that were 
attacked beginning with Haifa picked as the first target. It was where 
75,000 Palestinians lived in peace and solidarity with their Jewish 
neighbors until it ended with the outbreak of violence. It moved on to 
other cities including Jerusalem where initial sporadic attacks later 
became intense. It was part of an overall initiative of occupation, 
expulsion and slaughter of anyone resisting or just having the 
misfortune to live on land Zionists wanted for themselves and intended 
taking by force.

As ethnic cleansing progressed, it got more vicious as the Consultancy 
decided to ransack whole villages and massacre large numbers in them 
including women, children and babies. Shamefully, it began and 
intensified under Mandate authority with a large British military 
presence on the ground to maintain order that never did. It chose 
instead to look the other way and let all horrific events on the ground 
go on unimpeded. By March, 1948, Plan Dalet became operational as the 
battle plan to remove the entire Palestinian population from the 78% of 
the country Zionists established as the state of Israel on May 15 when 
the Mandate ended.

The campaign included disingenuous rhetoric and propaganda about Jews 
in Palestine being under threat from a hostile population having to go 
on the offensive in self-defense. The truth turned that notion on its 
head because of the military, political and economic imbalance between 
the two communities. It was so lopsided, the outcome was never in doubt 
as long as the British stayed out of it. They did, and after the 
Mandate ended in mid-May it was the UN's problem to deal with. It also 
failed the test as discussed below.

Plan Dalet began in the rural hills on the western slopes of the 
Jerusalem mountains half way on the road to Tel-Aviv. It was called 
Operation Nachshon, and it served as a model for future campaigns. It 
employed sudden massive expulsions using terror tactics that proved the 
most effective way to clear an area preparing it for Jewish 
resettlement to follow. Early on, the plan wasn't to spare a single 
village, and orders given to carry it out were clear: "the principle 
objective of the operation is the destruction of Arab villages (and) 
the eviction of the villagers so that they would become an economic 
liability for the general Arab forces." 

To motivate attacking Israeli forces, Palestinians were dehumanized as 
sub-humans worthy of no respect or consideration making them legitimate 
targets for destruction. It's the same tactic US forces used against 
the Japanese in WW II, in Vietnam and today in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 
each instance, targets were people of color or others not white enough 
like Arabs.

Pappe details what he calls the "urbicide of Palestine" that included 
attacking and cleansing the major urban centers in the country. They 
included Tiberias, Haifa, Tel-Aviv, Safad and what Pappe calls the 
"Phantom City of Jerusalem" changed from the "Eternal City" once Jewish 
troops shelled, attacked and occupied its western Arab neighborhoods in 
April, 1948. The Brits stood aside shamelessly doing nothing to stop it 
except in one area, Ahaykh Jarrah, where a local British commander 

It was a rare exception proving how much better Palestinians would 
have fared if their British "protectors" had actually done their job. 
They didn't, and the result was anarchy and a state of panic with 
Israelis having free reign to ravage Northern and Western Jerusalem 
with heavy shelling, pillaging and destruction while ethnically 
cleansing the population in eight Palestinian neighborhoods and 39 
villages in the greater Jerusalem area transferring them to the Eastern 
part of the city.

The urbicide continued into May with the occupation of Acre on the 
coast and Baysan in the East on May 6. On May 13, Jaffa was the last 
city taken two days before the Mandate ended. The city had 1500 
volunteers against 5000 Jewish troops. It survived a three week siege 
and attack through mid-May, but when it fell its entire population of 
50,000 was expelled. With its fall, Jewish occupying forces had emptied 
and depopulated all the major cities and towns of Palestine, and most 
of their inhabitants never again got to see their former homes.

Pappe explains this all happened between March 30 and May 15, 1948 
"before a single regular Arab soldier had entered Palestine (to help 
Palestinians which they did ineffectively when they finally came)." His 
account also undermines the Israeli-concocted myth that Palestinians 
left voluntarily before or after Arab forces intervened. Nearly half 
their villages were attacked and destroyed before Arab countries sent 
in any forces, and another 90 villages were wiped out from May 15 (when 
the Mandate ended) till June 11 when the first of two short-lived 
truces took effect. 

The UN's partition plan caused the problem, and yet the world body did 
nothing to remediate a situation that was out of control. Early on it 
was clear a potential disaster loomed that, in fact, ended up worse 
than first imagined. Still, the British through May 15, the UN, and 
neighboring Arab states of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq 
procrastinated as long as possible before reluctantly stepping in, and 
when they did it was too little, too late. Pappe calls Jordan's 
(Transjordan then) King Abdullah "the odd man out." He had army units 
inside Palestine, some were willing to protect villagers' homes and 
lands, but they were restrained by their commanders.

It was because earlier the King and Zionists cut a deal allowing 
Jordan to annex most of the land the partition allocated to the 
Palestinians that became the West Bank. In return, Jordanian forces 
agreed not to engage Jewish troops militarily. To their shame and 
discredit, the Brits agreed to this scheme effectively sealing the 
Palestinians' fate. Still, once the British Mandate ended, Jordan had 
to fight Jewish forces for what it got because Ben-Gurion reneged on 
his deal. All along, he wanted as much territory as possible for a new 
Jewish state on more land than the 78% he ended up with. The Jordanian 
military prevailed, spoiling his plans. It saved 250,000 Palestinians 
in the West Bank from being ethnically cleansed the way other 
Palestinians were who weren't as fortunate.

As already explained, after waffling during March and April, the Arab 
League finally sent regular armies to intervene in Palestine. 
Ironically at this time, it was learned the US State Department on 
March 12, 1948 drafted a new proposal to the UN suggesting the 
partition plan failed and an alternate approach was needed. The 
proposal was for an international trusteeship over Palestine to last 
five years during which time the two sides would work out a mutually 
agreed solution. It concluded partitioning failed and was causing 
violence and bloodshed. Pappe notes in the long history of Palestine 
and its relationship to the West, this was the most sensible proposal 
ever made.

Shamefully it was stillborn because even then a Zionist lobby was 
influential in Washington, it dealt with Harry Truman in the White 
House, and it succeeded in derailing the State Department's efforts 
even though Department Arabists convinced Truman to rethink the 
partition plan and proposed a three month armistice to both sides to 
consider it. That also failed as a new Jewish People's Board was 
created and met on May 12. Ben-Gurion and almost all others present 
rejected Truman's offer. Three days later they established the state of 
Israel which the White House recognized almost immediately.

The Phony and Real Wars Over Palestine

As explained above, Jordan's King Abdullah cut a deal with Zionists to 
get what turned out to be the West Bank in return for not committing 
troops to the short-lived conflict beginning in May although Abdullah, 
if fact, had to fight for what he got because of Jewish duplicity. 
Zionists needed to neutralize Jordan because it had the strongest army 
in the Arab world and would have been a formidable threat had it become 
part of the overall Arab force that went to war with the new Jewish 
state. Their staying out of it was the reason the Arab League's English 
Commander-in-Chief, Glubb Pasha, called the 1948 war in Palestine the 
"Phony War." Pasha knew Abdullah cut a deal for his own territorial 
gain and other Arab armies entering the war planned to do it 
"pathetically" as some on the Arab interventionist side called their 

Cairo only committed forces the last minute on May 12. It set aside 
10,000 troops for the engagement, but half of them were Muslim 
Brotherhood volunteers opposed to Egyptian collaboration with 
imperialism, and they'd just been released from prison because of their 
opposition. They had no training, were likely picked as convenient 
cannon fodder, and despite their fervor were no match for the Jewish 

Syrian forces were better trained, their political leaders more 
committed, but only a small contingent was sent, and they performed so 
ineffectively the Consultancy considered seizing the Golan Heights 
later gotten in the 1967 war. Even smaller and less committed were 
Lebanese units most of which stayed on their side of the border 
defending adjacent villages. Iraqi troops were also involved but only 
numbered a few thousand. Their government ordered them not to attack 
Israel but only to defend the West Bank land allocated to Jordan. 
Still, they defied orders, became more broadly engaged, and temporarily 
saved 15 Palestinian villages in Wadi Ara until 1949 when the Jordanian 
government ceded the area to Israel as part of a bilateral armistice 

Overall, invading Arab forces performed "pathetically." They 
overstretched their supply lines, ran out of ammunition, used mostly 
antiquated and malfunctioning arms, and there was no command and 
control coordination vital for a successful campaign. It showed their 
lack of commitment to the final outcome although in fairness to them 
their main British and French suppliers declared an arms embargo on 
Palestine hamstringing their effort. 

In contrast, Jewish forces had a ready source of armaments from the 
Soviet Union and its Eastern bloc countries like Checkoslovakia. As a 
result, their weapons easily outgunned the combined Arab force, and its 
force size outnumbered and outclassed them. Jewish forces were never 
threatened, and Pappe exposed the Israeli-concocted myth that the very 
existence of a Jewish state was at stake. It never was, and Ben-Gurion 
and other Zionist leaders knew it early on.

The war's outcome was never in doubt, and it allowed ethnic cleansing 
to go on unimpeded. It spared no one from removal, slaughter and loss 
of their homes and land. They were dynamited, torched, and leveled to 
the ground to make way for new Jewish settlements and neighborhoods to 
be built on vacated land. Still Arab forces continued fighting getting 
Israelis to agree to the first of two brief truces. The first one was 
declared on June 8 and begun on the 11th. It lasted until July 8, 
during which time the Israeli army continued its cleansing operation 
that included mass destruction of emptied villages. 

A second truce began on July 18 that was violated immediately. The 
Israeli leadership was undeterred and continued engaging in widespread 
ethnic cleansing and seizure of as much land as possible. Truce or no 
truce, the campaign went on unhindered to conclusion that was mostly 
completed by October and wrapped up finally in January, 1949 except for 
some mopping-up operations that continued until summer.

In September, 1948, the war, such as it was, continued but subsided. 
It finally ended in 1949 when Israel signed separate armistice 
agreements with its four major warring adversaries. The agreements 
allotted Israel 78% of British Mandatory Palestine, over 40% more than 
the UN partition allowed. The cease-fire lines agreed to became known 
as the "Green Line." Gaza was occupied by Egypt and the West Bank by 
Jordan. For the victorious Israelis, this was their moment of triumph 
in their "War of Independence", but for the defeated and displaced 
Palestinians it became known as "al Nakba" - "The Catastrophe." An 
unknown number of Palestinians were killed and about 800,000 became 
refugees. Their lives were destroyed, and they were left to the mercy 
of neighboring Arab countries and conditions in the camps where they 
barely got any.

Toward the end of 1948, Israel focused on its anti-repatriation policy 
pursuing it on two levels. The first was national, introduced in August 
that year, with the decision taken to destroy all cleansed villages 
transforming them into new Jewish settlements or "natural" forests. The 
second level was diplomatic to avoid international pressure to allow 
Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and villages.

Nonetheless, Palestinians had an ally in the UN Palestine Conciliation 
Commission (PCC) that spearheaded efforts for refugees to return and 
called for their unconditional right to do it. Their position became UN 
Resolution 194 giving Palestinians the unconditional option to return 
to their homes or be compensated for their losses if they chose not to. 
This right was also affirmed in Article 13 of the Universal Declaration 
of Human Rights adopted as General Assembly Resolution 217 A (III) on 
December 10, 1948, the day before it passed Resolution 194. To this 
day, all Israeli governments have ignored both resolutions and gotten 
away with it because of support and complicity by the West and 
indifference by Israel's Arab neighbors preferring strategic alliances 
for their own benefit and writing off the Palestinians as a small price 
to pay for it to their shame and disgrace.

The Ugly Face of Occupation

Even at war's end and Israel's ethnic cleansing completed, 
Palestinians' agony and hardships were only beginning. Throughout 1949, 
and beginning a precedent continuing to this day, about 8,000 refugees 
were put in prison camps while many others escaping cleansing were 
physically abused and harassed under Israeli military rule. The 
Palestinians lost everything including their homes, fields, places of 
worship and other holy places, freedom of movement and expression and 
any hope for just treatment and redress according to the rule of law 
not applied to them. They were afflicted with such indignities as 
needing newly-issued identity cards. Not having them on their person at 
all times meant imprisonment up to 1.5 years and immediate transfer to 
a pen for "unauthorized" and "suspicious" Arabs. This went on in cities 
and rural areas as undisguised racism and persecution.

Other kinds of Israeli harshness were also introduced at this time 
that all Palestinians are still subjected to today in the Occupied 
Palestinian Territories (OPT). There were roadblocks that now include 
checkpoints and curfews with violators shot on sight. These conditions 
were imposed to make life so unbearable, those subjected to them might 
opt to leave the territories for relief elsewhere.

Worse still in 1949 were labor camps where thousands of Palestinian 
prisoners were held under military rule for forced labor for all tasks 
that could strengthen the economy or aid the military. Conditions in 
them were deplorable and included working in quarries carrying heavy 
stones, living on one potato in the morning and half a dried fish at 
noon. Anyone complaining was beaten severely, and others were singled 
out for summary execution if they were considered a threat.

Life outside prison and labor camps wasn't much better. Red Cross 
representatives sent their Geneva headquarters reports of collective 
human rights abuses including finding piles of dead bodies. Overall, 
Palestinians surviving expulsion and now Israeli citizens gained 
nothing. They had no rights and were subjected to constant random 
violence and abuse with no protection from the law applying only to 
Jews. Their places of worship were profaned and schools vandalized. 
Those still with homes were robbed with impunity by looters in broad 
daylight. They took everything they wanted - furniture, clothing, 
anything useful for Jewish immigrants entering the new Jewish state. 
Palestinians reported that there wasn't a single home or shop not 
broken into and ransacked. The authorities did nothing to stop it or 
prosecute offenders. It was like living under a perpetual 

Further, Palestinian areas were "ghettoised" as a way to imprison 
people other than by putting them behind bars or in camps. In Haifa, 
for example, they were ordered from their homes and transferred to 
designated parts of the city, then crammed into confined quarters the 
way it was done in Wadi Nisnas, one of the city's poorest areas. The UN 
and Red Cross also reported many cases of rape, confirmed by uncovered 
Israeli archives and from the oral history of victims and their 
boasting victimizers.

Finally, with the war over and ethnic cleansing completed, the Israeli 
government relaxed its harshness and halted the looting and 
ghettoisation in cities. A new structure was created called The 
Committee for Arab Affairs that dealt with growing international 
pressure on Israel to allow for repatriation of the refugees. Israeli 
officials tried to sidestep efforts by proposing instead refugees be 
settled in neighboring Arab states like Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. 
Their efforts succeeded as discussions produced no results nor was 
there much effort to enforce Resolution 194. 

Other issues also remained unresolved including money expropriated 
from the former 1.3 million Palestinian citizens of Mandatory Palestine 
as well as their property now in Israeli hands. The first governor of 
the Israeli national bank estimated it was valued at 100 million 
British pounds. There was also the question of cultivated land 
confiscated and lost that amounted to 3.5 million dunum or almost 
22,000 square miles. The Israeli government forestalled international 
indignation by appointing a custodian for the newly acquired properties 
pending their final disposition. It dealt with the problem by selling 
them to public and private Jewish groups which it claimed the right to 
do as the moment confiscated lands came under government custodianship 
they became property of the state of Israel. That, in turn, meant none 
of it could be sold to Arabs which is still the law in Israel today.

As this took place, the human geography of Palestine was transformed 
by design. Its Arab character in cities was erased and with it the 
history and culture of people who lived there for centuries before 
Zionists arrived to depopulate their state making it one for Jews 
alone. They only succeeded partially but managed to transform ancient 
Palestine into the state of Israel creating insurmountable problems 
Palestinians now face in it and the OPT. In 1949, about 150,000 
Palestinians survived expulsion in the territory of Israel and were now 
citizens designated by the Committee of Arab Affairs as "Arab 
Israelis." That designation meant they were denied all rights given 

They were put under military rule, comparable to the Nuremberg Laws 
under the Nazis and no less harsh. It denied them the basic rights of 
free expression, movement, organization and equality with the "chosen 
Jewish people" of the new Jewish state. They still had the right to 
vote and could be elected to the Israeli Knesset, but with severe 
restrictions. This regime lasted officially until 1966, but, in fact, 
never ended to this day and has been especially severe since the 
democratic election of Hamas in January, 2006 as well as throughout the 
Second Intifada that began with Ariel Sharon's provocative visit to the 
al-Aqsa Mosque on September 28, 2000.

The Committee of Arab Affairs continued meeting, and as late as 1956 
considered plans for mass removal of all remaining Arabs in Israel. 
Even though ethnic cleansing formerly ended in 1949, expulsions 
continued throughout this period until 1953, but never really ended to 
this day. Palestinians surviving it paid a terrible price with the loss 
of their possessions, land, history and future still unaddressed with 
justice so far denied them and ignored.

The theft of their land by ethnic cleansing led to new Jewish 
settlements in their place and now are built on occupied Palestinian 
land in the OPT. In 1950, disposition of it was placed in the hands of 
the Settlement Department of the Jewish National Fund (JNF). The JNF 
law was passed in 1953 granting the agency independent status as 
landowner for the Jewish state. That law and others, like the Law of 
the Land of Israel, stipulated the JNF wasn't allowed to sell or lease 
land to non-Jews. The Knesset passed a final law in 1967, the Law of 
Agricultural Settlement, prohibiting the subletting of Jewish-owned 
land to non-Jews. The law also prohibited water resources from being 
transferred to non-JNF lands.

After ethnic cleansing completion, Palestinians remaining comprised 
17% of the new Israeli state but were was allotted only 2% of the land 
to live and build on with another 1% for agricultural use only. Today, 
1.4 million Palestinian Arabs are Israeli citizens or about 20% of the 
population. The still have the same 3% total, an intolerable situation 
for a population this size. The 1.4 million Palestinians in occupied, 
ghettoized and quarantined Gaza live under even harsher conditions in 
what's now considered the world's largest open air prison with a 
population density three times that of Manhattan. The 2.5 million 
others in the West Bank aren't treated much better living under severe 
repression from a foreign occupier.

"Memoricide" of the Nakba

Palestinian lands under JNF control also included authority to rename 
them to destroy centuries of history they signified. The task went to 
archaeolgists and biblical experts volunteering to serve on an official 
Naming Committee to "Hebraisize" Palestine's geography. The goal was to 
de-Arabize the lands, erase their history, and use it for new Jewish 
colonization and development as well as create European-looking 
national parks with recreational facilities including picnic sites and 
children's playgrounds for Jews only. Hidden beneath them were 
destroyed Palestinian villages erased from the public memory but not 
from that of people who once lived there who'd never forget or allow 
their descendents to. 

The JNF website features four of the larger, most popular resort parks 
belying and defiling the long history beneath them - the Birya Forest, 
Ramat Menashe Forest, Jerusalem Forest and Sataf. They all symbolize 
Pappe's poignant prose that: "better than any other space today in 
Israel, (these lands represent) both the Nakba and the denial of the 
Nakba." Today, descendents of families displaced six decades ago still 
live in refuge camps and diasporic communities in neighboring Arab 
countries and elsewhere. Their collective memories won't ever be erased 
nor will justice be served until they receive redress for the crimes 
committed against their ancestors and those still living.

Pappe emphasizes what other regional experts like him believe - the 
key to peace in the Middle East is a just and lasting settlement of the 
Palestinian refugee problem as well as equity for those living in the 
OPT and all Palestinian Israeli citizens long denied any rights and 
forced to live in an Israeli apartheid state under harsh conditions of 
severe repression. 

Pappe believes two main factors deter conflict resolution today - the 
Zionist ideology of ethnic supremacy and the so-called "peace process" 
that's always been structured to avoid peace at all costs. The first 
factor continues denying the Nakba's legitimacy, and the second one 
always succeeds in foiling an international will to bring justice to 
the region by maintaining a state of conflict to justify Israel's harsh 
response to it pretending it's for self-defense. It works because the 
US supports and funds the Jewish state allowing it to get away with 
mass-murder, property destruction, land theft and denial of everything 
Palestinians hold dear including their lives and freedom. Nothing has 
changed since 1948 because the West goes along as well as do most Arab 
states for their own political and economic gain. Palestinians have no 
bargaining power and can do nothing to alleviate their plight.

The UN world body should have aided them but never did. It's flawed 
partition plan caused the conflict to begin with. It cost Palestinians 
everything, and nothing happened since to win them redress. Even after 
its early missteps, the UN might have made a difference but erred again 
by not involving the International Refugee Organization (IRO) that 
always recommends repatriation as a refugee entitlement. Instead it 
backed Israel's wish to avoid IRO involvement by creating a special 
agency for Palestinian refugees that became UNRWA in 1950 or the UN 
Relief and Work Agency. UNRWA wasn't committed to the Right of Return 
and only looked after refugees' daily needs to provide employment and 
fund permanent camps to house them. Its efforts amounted to little more 
than putting band-aids on gaping wounds still raw and unaddressed. 

It's typical of how the UN still operates today under the thumb of its 
dominant member country where it's headquartered. It's so-called 
"peacekeeping" function is a pathetic and disgraceful example as 
keeping the peace is the one thing Blue Helmets almost never do. Its 
first ever operation began in 1948 as the United Nations Truce 
Supervision Organization (UNTSO) mandated to supervise the armistice 
agreements and earlier uneasy truces between warring Israeli and Arab 
forces. It's been there ever since, never prevented wars in 1956, 1967 
and 1973 nor did it ever succeed in establishing or maintaining peace. 
The operation is still active, but it's little more than a pathetic 
presence without purpose observing violations on the ground and doing 
nothing to stop them or even report them properly to superiors. The IDF 
controls everything, operates freely, and UN "peacekeepers" keep quiet 
but no peace. 

Out of this mess earlier, Palestinian nationalism emerged as the 
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) that became the sole 
legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. It was founded by 
the Arab League in 1964 and committed to the Right of Return. It also 
had to confront what Pappe calls "two manifestations of denial" - 
international peace brokers' denial of Palestinian concerns as part of 
a future peace arrangement and refusal to deal with Israelis' denial of 
the Nakba and their unwillingness to be held accountable for it. To 
this day, refugee issues and Nakba crimes are excluded from the so-
called "peace process" assuring there never will be a one unless that 

At first, in the spring of 1949, the UN made some conflict resolution 
effort by organizing a conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. Nothing 
came from it, however, because prime minister Ben-Gurion and King 
Abdullah scuttled it to get on with their partition scheme. Two more 
decades were then lost until after the 1967 war when the US got more 
involved, began colluding with the Israelis, and couched all new peace 
efforts within an overall context of a Middle East Pax Americana. It 
meant from that time till now, an equitable resolution of the conflict 
and attention to Palestinians' needs and rights were sidelined in favor 
of addressing Israeli needs and those of its US partner.

In 1967, Israel excluded the 1948 Nakba and Right of Return from any 
peace discussions. Thenceforth, it based all negotiations on the notion 
that the conflict began in 1967 when Israel seized and occupied the 
West Bank and Gaza in the June Six Days' War that year. This was how 
Israel sought to legitimize its 1948 "War of Independence" and all its 
crimes it wanted erased from the public memory. No longer were they on 
the table to be considered in any future conflict resolution 
negotiation. For Palestinians, the 1948 Nakba is their core issue, and 
without it being settled equitably there can never be closure or a real 
lasting peace in the region.

Nonetheless, by the mid-seventies, the PLO softened its stance enough 
to accept a US-led international consensus favoring a two-state 
solution. It led to the 1978 Camp David Accords and peace treaty 
between Israel and Egypt, but it left Palestinians out in the cold by 
implicitly renouncing their Right of Return and failing to address the 
issue of an independent state. 

The predictable result was festering anger in the OPT that led to the 
first Intifada in 1987 that, in turn, led to the Madrid peace 
conference following the 1991 Gulf war. From it, the 1993 Oslo Accords 
and so-called Declaration of Principles emerged that once again 
betrayed Palestinian hopes for redress denied them to this day. Israel 
got an agreement to establish a new Palestinian Authority (PA) to act 
as its comprador enforcer to control a restive people. All the tough 
issues were left unaddressed meaning they never would be - an 
independent Palestinian state, the Right of Return, status of 
Jerusalem, settlements in the OPT and established borders.

Oslo I led to Oslo II in 1995 and further betrayal. The new agreement 
divided the West Bank into three zones - Areas A, B, and C plus a 
fourth area of Israeli occupied East Jerusalem. It established a 
complicated system of control allowing Israel in Area C to build 
settlements on the most valuable land with its water resources mostly 
denied the Palestinians. By 2000, 59% of the West Bank was in Area C. 
Israel is slowly annexing more of the territory by expanding 
settlements and building new ones. It's also getting it by its 
Separation or Apartheid Wall on seized Palestinian land, building new 
roads for Jews only on more of it, and defining one-third of the West 
Bank as Greater Jerusalem.

So-called "permanent status" talks began in July, 2000 at Camp David 
that once again resulted in betrayal. Israelis never made a good faith 
offer in writing or intended to. They provided no documentation or 
maps. All Palestinians got was a plan dividing the West Bank into four 
isolated "Bantustan" cantons surrounded by Israeli settlements and 
continued occupation with no resolution of their fundamental long-
standing problems and core issues. 

Predictably it led to the second al-Aqsa Mosque Intifada triggered by 
Ariel Sharon's provocative visit to the Muslim Noble Sanctuary on 
September 28, 2000 as explained above. It then spun out of control when 
Palestinians, fed up with Fatah betrayal, democratically elected a 
Hamas government in January, 2006 foiling Israeli efforts to assure 
their complicit allies would again prevail. When they didn't, Israel 
denounced the results, never accepted Hamas as a peace partner, refused 
to negotiate with them in good faith, and acted ever since in bad faith 
to destroy Hamas and punish the Palestinian people for their "wrong" 
choice. That's how things always work under rules of imperial 
management practiced by the US and its Israeli partner complicit in 
their collective attempt to destroy a democratically elected government 
misportraying them as "terrorists" to get the West to go along and the 
public to believe it.

Today, Israel is slowly annexing more of the West Bank in a relentless 
process wanting all useful parts of it for exclusive Jewish habitation 
only. It made the job easier by defining one-third of it as Greater 
Jerusalem while expropriating Palestinian land to expand existing 
settlements, build new ones, add new roads for Jews only, and erect the 
Separation Wall falsely claimed for security to disguise its real land-
grab purpose plus another way to cantonize Palestinians in isolated 
areas cut off from all others and effectively enclose them in large 
open-air prisons.

This is part of the appalling daily oppression and persecution ongoing 
against Palestinians in the OPT and also against Israeli Arab citizens 
living in Israel. Former US president Jimmy Carter pierced the "last 
taboo" daring to open a forbidden window on part of it in his new best-
selling book Peace Not Apartheid that got him vilified by the Israeli 
Lobby implying he's anti-semitic. He courageously wrote about a rigid 
system of segregation in the OPT even though he failed to acknowledge 
the same injustices go on inside Israel he called a model democratic 
state which it is not. 

Palestinian Israeli citizens living get none of the democratic rights 
afforded Israeli Jews, and Carter, of course, knows that or should know 
it. He distanced himself from that consideration that might have been 
too much truth to reveal at one time. Nonetheless, his bold, if 
partial, step represents an important breakthrough that may encourage 
other high-level officials in the US and elsewhere to add their voices 
to his exposing all Israeli crimes demanding redress. They won't ever 
be addressed until enough prominent figures step forward to denounce 
them and finally reveal their extent to an uninformed public.

Redress one day will come just like it did for Jews no longer 
persecuted as they were for centuries. But it won't happen until the 
power of the Israeli Lobby is neutralized by forces for truth and 
justice surpassing it in power and influence. That day is nowhere in 
sight, but when it arrives, Jews and Arabs will again live in peace the 
way they once did in pre-Zionist times. It's the way Jews and 
Christians now easily mix in the US unlike decades ago when anti-
semitism was significant enough to deny Jews the kinds of opportunities 
and rights they now take for granted including achieving positions of 
high influence in government, business, academia and other prominent 
public and private institutions in the country. There's no reason Jews 
and Arabs can't coexist as easily provided there's a will to do it or 
events intervene.

An Intractable Problem Caused by "Fortress Israel"

Pappe's final chapter deals with what Israel calls its "demographic 
problem" and need to limit future Palestinian population growth. The 
problem is an old one understood by early Zionists as the major 
obstacle in the way of their dream of a homeland for Jews alone. 
Theodor Herzl wrote his solution in his diary in 1895: "We shall 
endeavour to expel the poor population across the border unnoticed, 
procuring employment for it in the transit countries, but denying it 
any employment in our own country."

In 1947, Ben-Gurion adopted his own version of Herzl's solution with 
his ethnic cleaning plan that's gone on ever since in various forms 
under succeeding prime ministers to this day. It's meant continual 
displacement of Palestinians in the West Bank by new and expanded 
Israeli settlement developments and Separation Wall land seizures. 
Pappe explains the "Zionist project (today is trying) to construct and 
then defend a 'white' (Western) fortress in a 'black' (Arab) world. At 
the heart of the refusal to allow Palestinians the Right of Return is 
the fear of Jewish Israelis that they will eventually be outnumbered by 
Arabs." To assure this won't happen, Israel intends to maintain an 
overwhelming Jewish majority regardless of world public opinion. 
There's no dissent in the West or among most Arab leaders because US 
administrations won't tolerate any.

Pappe believes the consensus in Israel today is for a state comprising 
90% of Palestine "surrounded by electric fences and visible and 
invisible walls" with Palestinians given only worthless cantonized 
scrub lands of little or no value to the Jewish state. In 2006, 1.4 
million Palestinians live in Israel on 2% of the land allotted them 
plus another 1% for agricultural use with six millions Jews on most of 
the rest. Another 3.9 million live concentrated in Israel's unwanted 
portions of the West Bank and concentrated in Gaza that's three times 
the population density of Manhattan. It's made for intolerable 
conditions throughout the OPT that guarantee resistance to them and the 
same harsh Israeli responses in an unending cycle of violence, 
repression and unresolved and unaddressed injustices.

The growing demographic imbalance only exacerbates things, and it's 
already a nightmare for Israeli leaders. They haven't gotten enough new 
Jewish immigration or adequately increased Jewish birth rates to 
counteract it. They also haven't been able to reduce the number of 
Arabs in Israel. All solutions so far considered only lead to an Arab 
population increase barring mass expulsion or worse some extremists in 
Israel favor and one day may be able to make policy unless cooler heads 
stop them.

For Pappe and all people of conscience and good faith, there's only 
one solution - Israel's willingness one day to transform itself into a 
civic and democratic state ending the last postcolonial European 
enclave in the Arab world. The Palestinian people will accept nothing 
less nor should they, and growing numbers of Israelis are aware of the 
horror and injustice of the Nakba. So far, they only comprise a small 
minority, but they may hold the key to a future resolution if their 
numbers grow enough and they become vocal as is now slowly happening.

Today, however, the situation for Palestinians is grim with 
unrelenting daily Israeli assaults against them in Gaza and the West 
Bank along with Jerusalem slipping away by an ethnic cleansing process 
to make the city one for Jews only. At the end of his book, Pappe 
explains "The problem with Israel was never its is its 
ethnic Zionist character." It represents a "tempest that threatens to 
ruin (Jews and Palestinians alike)," and it's now raging in the OPT as 
it did in Lebanon over the summer where an uneasy peace could again 
erupt in conflict on any pretext. 

The future of Jews and Arabs depends on finding an equitable solution 
to their unresolved problems and issues and avoiding further escalation 
that threatens to engulf the whole region in raging conflict if 
extremists in Israel and Washington get their way and extend the Iraq 
war to Iran and Syria. Kuwait-based Arab Times Editor-in-chief Ahmed al-
Jarallah cites what he calls a reliable source saying a military strike 
against Iranian oil and nuclear facilities is planned before April to 
be launched from warships in the Persian Gulf that grow in number and 

He may be right based on former Russian Black Sea Fleet commander 
Admiral Eduard Baltin's judgment about US activity in the Gulf. 
Currently, US nuclear submarines are maintaining a vigil there and 
Admiral Baltin told Interfax News: "The presence of US nuclear 
submarines in the Persian Gulf region means that the Pentagon has not 
abandoned plans for surprise strikes against nuclear targets in Iran. 
With this aim a group of multi-purpose submarines ready to accomplish 
the task is located in the area." Admiral Baltin added the presence of 
these submarines indicates the Pentagon wants to control navigation in 
the Gulf and conduct strikes against Iranian targets.

One other report adds still more credibility to the current danger of 
a wider regional war. It comes from former US State Department Middle 
East intelligence analyst Wayne White who said: "I've seen some of the 
planning....You're not talking about a surgical strike. You're talking 
about a war against Iran. We're talking about clearing a path of 
targets" against the Iranian Air Force, Kilo submarines, anti-ship 
missiles and even ballistic missile capability that could target 
commerce and US warships in the Gulf as well as the country's nuclear 

More pressure still is coming from Israeli officials calling Iran's 
nuclear program an "existential threat" and Israeli opposition leader 
and former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu whose rhetoric makes him 
sound like he's criminally insane. On January 21, he addressed a 
security conference in Herzliya stoking the flames of war by calling 
the Iranian government a "genocidal regime" and adding "Either it will 
stop the nuclear programme without the need for a military operation, 
or it could prepare for it....who will lead the charge if not us. No 
one will come defend the Jews if they do not defend themselves." Also 
at the conference, US Under-Secretary Nicholas Burns spoke hawkishly 
saying "There is no doubt Iran is seeking nuclear military weapons 
(and) the policy of the United States is that we cannot allow Iran to 
become a nuclear weapons state....Iran has refused to back down in its 
attempt to destabilize the region....We have an absolute right to 
defend our soldiers."

If the US and/or Israel attack Iran, all bets are off, and 
Palestinians already under an Israeli siege will suffer even more. It 
means cooler heads on both sides must denounce this kind of talk and 
find a way to avoid a wider war and bring the present conflicts in 
Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine to an end. It won't be easy at a 
perilous time looking like conflict escalation is planned, not its 
resolution with the potential fallout from it too horrendous to allow 
for all parties in the region, but especially for those suffering under 

Now there's the further threat of one Palestinian faction facing off 
against the other. On one side is the besieged Hamas-led government 
already in tatters from months of harsh sanctions and daily Israeli 
assaults. On the other are corrupted Fatah forces loyal to PA chairman 
Mahmoud Abbas acting as a quisling proxy comprador enforcer for Israeli 
and US imperial interests for everything he stands to gain selling out 
his people for crumbs handed him and his cronies. They're being armed 
to the teeth to do it, and George Bush announced he's helping further 
by transferring $86 million to Abbas while starving Hamas and most 
Palestinians. It's taken the lives of dozens of Palestinians in recent 
days. They're in the middle having no dog in this fight except their 
oppressive occupier they want expelled.

They cry out as a colonized people struggling to be free with things 
at this stage looking pretty grim. But sooner or later conflicts and 
repression end when bloodshed and suffering from them no longer are 
tolerated and outside forces see the injustice and futility and are 
willing to help. It's happening in Iraq and will in Afghanistan, and 
it's coming to the OPT with force strength too great to be restrained. 
When it arrives, ethnic cleansing and injustice will end, replaced by 
ethnic victory for Jews and Palestinians alike and others in the region 
who'll model their own struggle for justice on the one they saw succeed 
in Palestine.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at 
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