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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Cornelius Edward Hamelberg <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Mar 2007 23:24:35 +0100
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (565 lines)
> From: Tom Feeley <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: 2007/03/22 to PM 11:17:11 CET
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Ämne: ICH: Deaths In Iraq Have Reached 1 Million
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Information Clearing House Newsletter
> Deaths In Iraq Have Reached 1 Million
> 22nd March 2007
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Excessive partiality for one foreign nation, and excessive dislike of another, cause
> those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even
> second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots, who may resist the intrigues
> of the favorite, are liable to become suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes
> usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.":George
> Washington (1732-1799) Founding Father, 1st US President, 'Father of the Country'
> -Source: Farewell Address, September 17, 1796, Ref: George Washington: A Collection,
> W.B. Allen, ed. (521)
> =
> "The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments
> in one, and thus to create whatever the form of government, a real despotism. A just
> estimate of that love of power, and proneness to abuse it, which predominates in
> the human heart is sufficient to satisfy us of the truth of this position.":George
> Washington - (1732-1799) Founding Father, 1st US President, 'Father of the Country'
> - Source: Farewell Address, September 17, 1796, Ref: George Washington: A Collection,
> W.B. Allen, ed. (521)
> ===
> Click here for text only version of the site (great for dialup users)!
> []
> ===
> Read this newsletter online []
> ===
> Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War On Iraq - At Least 655,000
> + +
> []
> Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America'sWar
> On Iraq 3,228
> []
> The War in Iraq Costs
> $410,521,892,678
> See the cost in your community
> []
> ===
> Deaths In Iraq Have Reached 1 Million: :
> On the fourth anniversary of the invasion by Allied troops, an Australian scientist
> insisted the true death toll dwarfed previous estimates.
> []
> ===
> Thrown To The Assassins
> By David Case
> They cheered the U.S. invasion; they offered to help, signed on as translators, risked
> everything they had to work for the United States. But when they had to run for their
> lives, America slammed the door.
> []
> ===
> The Upcoming Iraq War Funding Bill
> Only with the complicity of Congress have we become a nation of pre-emptive war,
> secret military tribunals, torture, rejection of habeas corpus, warrantless searches,
> undue government secrecy, extraordinary renditions, and uncontrollable spying on
> the American people. The greatest danger we face is ourselves.
> []
> ===
> White Hot Rage
> By Cindy Sheehan
> I have long suspected that Blackwater Security and L. Paul Bremer (what's his nickname?
> Scooter? Pookie?) were responsible for the insurgency in Iraq and subsequently the
> death of my son, Casey. I am reading Jeremy Scahill's new book: Blackwater and it
> is doing nothing to decrease my suspicions, only confirm them.
> []
> ===
> FBI Violations May Number 3,000, Official Says
> By R. Jeffrey Smith
> The Justice Department's inspector general told a committee of angry House members
> yesterday that the FBI may have violated the law or government policies as many as
> 3,000 times since 2003 as agents secretly collected the telephone, bank and credit
> card records of U.S. citizens and foreign nationals residing here.
> []
> ===
> Gaza Strip
> Video Documentary
> Gaza Strip, is an extraordinary and painful journey into the lives of Palestinians
> in the Gaza Strip struggling with the day-to-day trials of the Israeli occupation.
> Filmed in verité style and without narration, Gaza Strip at last gives voice to a
> population largely ignored by mainstream media. Click to view
> []
> ===
> At least 19 killed in another bloody day of U.S. occupation:
> Clashes erupted when members of Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi army attacked
> the headquarters of the rival Shi'ite Fadhila party in the southern city of Basra.
> []
> ===
> US soldier sentenced over Iraq rape :
> []
> ===
> ABC (Under)counting Iraqi Dead:
> Top ABC anchors are minimizing the death toll.
> []
> ===
> This is a must watch: Video: Final Countdown for Baghdad's Children:
> Baghdad's last refuge for orphaned and traumatised children is in danger of closing
> later this month when it finally runs out of funds.
>,,2038665,00.html []
> ===
> Remembering Rufina Amaya:
> The New York Times Magazine in a 2005 article (May 01) revealed that the Iraqi counterinsurgency
> was being advised by an American who led the Special Forces in El Salvador in the
> 1980s.
> []
> ===
> Sadr aide held over killing of U.S. soldiers:
> U.S. forces have captured a senior aide to anti-American Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr
> over the killing of five U.S. soldiers in the Iraqi holy city of Kerbala in January,
> the U.S. military said on Thursday.
> []
> ===
> Iraq 'talking to militant groups' :
> Talks are taking place between the Iraqi government and some insurgent groups, a
> senior Iraqi official says.
> []
> ===
> Raw video: UN chief ducks for cover after blast in occupied Baghdad:
> A rocket attack disrupted a press conference with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
> and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malik; The rocket hit within 50 yards of the press
> conference, but no one was injured.
> []
> ===
> Democrats Seek Votes On Iraq Pullout:
> House Democratic Leaders Struggle to Find Votes to Order U.S. Pullout From Iraq
> []
> ===
> Wars will Cost Trillions to US People:
> The cost of the wars unleashed by President George W. Bush´s government could exceed
> $1 trillion by the end of his term of office, a study predicted on Wednesday.
> []
> ===
> Think the Nation's Debt Doesn't Affect You? Think Again:
> In addition to borrowing from the world's poorest countries, Bush & Co. are secretly
> confiscating your hard-earned dollars to support their out-of-control spending habits.
> []
> ===
> Bush's war fuels highest level of defense spending since WWII :
> As the Iraq war enters a fifth year, the conflict that President Bush's aides once
> said would all but pay for itself with oil revenues is fueling the highest level
> of defense spending since World War II.
> []
> ===
> Iraq as a weapons lab:
> For the neocons of this administration, as a friend said to me recently, Iraq was
> to be a laboratory that would reveal the face of imperial America.
> []
> ===
> Pledge To Impeach: Video;
> []
> ===
> British MP George Galloway on the Doha Debates: Video:
> George Galloway debating against the motion that Iraq needs a new dictator to bring
> stability.
> []
> ===
> US struggles to avert Turkish intervention in northern Iraq:
> Ankara claims Kurdish rebels preparing attacks
>,,2040626,00.html []
> ===
> Officials: 135 Killed In Pakistan Clash:
> []
> ===
> Musharraf faces `revolution':
> Crowd calls president `Bush's dog' as opposition builds after judge's ouster
> []
> ===
> Musharraf at the Exit:
> After eight years of military rule it appears that the Pakistani people have had
> enough.
> []
> ===
> 40 militants, 3 police killed in S Afghanistan :
> Forty three persons including 40 insurgents have been killed since eruption of conflict
> between Taliban fighters and government troops in Afghanistan's southern Helmand
> province early Thursday morning, a local official said.
> []
> ===
> 59% of US Adults Think Iran Is Helping Shiites in Iraq by Providing Weapons:
> 32% favor bombing Iran if this is proven to be true.
> []
> ===
> Burns cautions Congress against pursuing with Iran legislation
> A senior Bush Administration official has cautioned Congress against passing any
> legislation on Iran that will make matters difficult for the allies of the United
> States especially at a time when Washington has been trying to wean countries, including
> India, away from any business deals with Tehran.
> []
> ===
> Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline would help Tehran''s nuke projects: US :
> Visiting US Energy Secretary Samuel W Bodman Thursday said Washington was against
> the proposed gas pipeline project between India, Pakistan and Iran as this would
> enable Tehran's nuclear weaponisation programme.
> []
> ===
> India warns Pak of pulling out of IPI pipeline project :
> India has threatened to walk out of the $7 billion Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline
> project if Islamabad did not bring down the fee it wants to charge for allowing flow
> of natural gas from Iran to India.
> []
> ===
> Bolton says U.S. blocked Israel truce :
> The United States resisted calls for an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Lebanon
> last summer, former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said.
> []
> ===
> Gaza Strip virtually 'imprisoned': UN rights expert:
> A UN human rights expert on Thursday accused Israel of turning the Gaza Strip into
> a virtual prison under an apartheid-like occupation of Palestinian territories.
> []
> ===
> Palestinians reject Quartet demands :
> Representatives of the new Palestinian unity government have said they will reject
> the Middle East Quartet's offer to reinstate direct aid in return for a renunciation
> of violence and recognition of Israel.
> []
> ===
> Palestinian government gains EU's confidence:
> A top European Union envoy met with a senior member of the new Palestinian government,
> as the EU joined the United States in ending a year of ostracism and leaving Israel
> increasingly isolated in its demand for a total boycott of the Hamas-Fatah coalition.
> []
> ===
> Karen Kwiatkowski: Our Mad Mad Mad Mad Vice President Speaks:
> The Cheney speech to AIPAC - reassuring militant rightwingers in Israel and the US
> that America is leaning forward on Iran, and that we are never leaving Iraq - was
> filled with honesty and conviction, and gives us a clear window into the administration's
> thinking.
> []
> ===
> Professor Sami Al-Arian Enters 54th Day of Hunger Strike:
> Sami Al-Arian is in dire condition. The jailed Palestinian professor has lost over
> 50 pounds as he enters the 54th day of a hunger strike to protest the circumstances
> of his continued imprisonment. DN speaks with his wife, Nahla Al-Arian.
> []
> ===
> US tones down Egypt democratic requirements:
> US State Department spokesman says Washington will not intervene in Egypt's domestic
> political event.
> []
> ===
> Detainee abuse in CIA secret prisons documented in ICRC report :
> Detainees held in secret prisons operated by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
> throughout the globe were subject to abuse and sleep deprivation, according to a
> confidential report prepared by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
> []
> ===
> Amnesty urges governments not to cooperate with US military trials:
> The human rights group Amnesty International has called on foreign governments not
> to cooperate with United States military trials of Guantanamo Bay detainees.
> []
> ===
> UK: Three arrested over July 7 bombings:
> Three men were today arrested in connection with the July 7 London bombings, which
> killed 52 commuters on the capital's public transport system.
>,,2040618,00.html []
> ===
> UK: Cameron stands encircled by zealous Anglo-neocons:
> An influential coterie of Tory MPs is bent on a foreign policy driven not by Britain's
> interests, but those of the US and Israel
>,,2039547,00.html []
> ===
> Former CIA official supports Professor's claim that official 9/11 Islamist conspiracy
> theory are lies:
> Although the 9/11 truth movement was long ignored by the U.S. government and the
> mainstream media, recent polls have shown that (as Time magazine has acknowledged)
> the rejection of the official theory has become "a mainstream political phenomenon."
> []
> ===
> N Korea envoy walks away from talks ;
> Six-nation talks on North Korea's nuclear programme have broken down with the chief
> North Korean and Russian negotiators both heading home from the Beijing meeting.
> []
> ===
> Who Will Explode the Next Nuclear Bomb? :
> In this documentary produced for the BBC World Service, defense expert Robert Hutchinson
> looks at the nuclear crisis in North Korea, and at diplomatic moves to curb it.
> []
> ===
> Remembering Puerto Rico's Ponce Massacre:
> On March 21st, 1937, 19 people were killed and more than one hundred wounded when
> police opened fire on a demonstration calling for independence from the United States.
> The day is considered a defining event in Puerto Rico's history of struggle against
> US domination.
> []
> ===
> Senate Panel Joins House Subcommittee in Authorizing Subpoenas :
> A Senate panel probing the firing of eight U.S. attorneys joined a House subcommittee
> in authorizing subpoenas to compel testimony by Karl Rove, President George W. Bush's
> top political adviser, and other White House officials.
> []
> ===
> Prosecutor Says Bush Appointees Interfered With Tobacco Case:
> The leader of the Justice Department team that prosecuted a landmark lawsuit against
> tobacco companies said yesterday that Bush administration political appointees repeatedly
> ordered her to take steps that weakened the government's racketeering case.
> []
> ===
> Demoted U.S. attorney protested office shutdown, loss of resources :
> A U.S. attorney targeted by convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff complained to his superiors
> in Washington about losing investigative resources little more than a month before
> his demotion.
> []
> ===
> Reduced sentence in works for Abramoff:
> Former Republican super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff, sentenced to almost six years in
> prison for his fraudulent purchase of a South Florida gambling fleet, can receive
> a reduced sentence if he continues to assist prosecutors in a far-reaching Washington
> public corruption probe, federal officials said Wednesday.
> []
> ===
> Bill offers temporary legal status to undocumented immigrants:
> Bipartisan legislation to be unveiled Thursday in the House of Representatives would
> offer temporary legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants but would require
> them to leave the country before they could be eligible for permanent residency and
> U.S. citizenship.
> []
> ===
> In case you missed it: Michael Parenti -- Some Labor History!
> 5 Minute Video:
> []
> ===
> Free Trade Enslaving Poor Countries:
> The new free trade agreements being signed up between rich and poor countries are
> proving far more damaging to the poor than anything envisaged within WTO talks, Oxfam
> said in a report Tuesday
> []
> ===
> Let us work towards
> Peace & Joy
> Tom Feeley
> ===
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