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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Cornelius Edward Hamelberg <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 16 May 2007 20:24:49 +0200
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Please call me Cornelius.

MY son wrote this:

“Find a teacher to challenge your answers. Acquire a friend to challenge your questions. Allow everyone to doubt: the ability to change opinions – even your own.” Pirke Avot)

 In my opinion this (or any other Forum) is the location where this advice can be followed.  My own personal tolerance is through having read different philosophies mostly the Western but also some Middle and Far East) but in Africa, there is dogmatism (perhaps through the Catholic catechism in the missionary schools, that’s the way of approach of products of systems of education that do not tolerate any questioning. They feel they swell with the pride of their own “infallibility (they are always right) and this infallibility as in absolute dictatorship can conceal great personal insecurity and sometimes even mask an inferiority complex. 

 Therefore, elementary logic and philosophy should be taught in Schools. It should (infallible imperative coming) be compulsory. Put an end to the headline of Wole Soyinka’s Reith lectures: “I am right, you are dead.”

This reads like good advice to an African or any other leader or individuals. The problem is that people have great difficulty in taking criticism.
About what you say, agreed. 

“African countries "grow-up" and start behaving as mature responsible 
Nations.” But not only the leaders of course, also all of us. Imagine how my unmentionable brother would react if you or I were to say to him “Grow up and start behaving as a mature and responsible mutha F “

But we put such an onus on African Leaders/ the African leader and so much is expected of him. He who must be everything for everybody. 

African leaders therefore need good and sincere advisers because no African leader of vision can know everything. Most African leaders are too sensitive to criticism.  Many sound like George Bush: “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists” In African political terms “this translates to “Either you’re with ME or you’re with the opposition/ ENEMY.
  In the past, such a mentality has given rise to a counter reasoning which has resulted in One Party states, in which all hands on deck working for the betterment of their nations.
 But power does corrupt and sometimes what starts off as benevolent dictatorship ends as ruthless and paranoid dictatorship. In my opinion a dictatorship cannot be “benevolent” even if backed by absolute people power.

There‘s the problem of the brain-drain and the exodus of the poor to better pastures and lands of “milk and honey” (and money) of the West.  There are thousands of Nigerians in Japan. I don’t know whether they can naturalise or gain Japanese citizenship there - and that’s not a problem or t perception of problem. Perhaps because Japan did not colonise Africa (and even now Yahya – I mean our Yahya is unlikely to legislate that the toubabs who want to live and work in Gambia should MASTER the JOLA language. And so forth.
 I read an article in a British paper ( have the cutting somewhere) which said that SIERRA LEONE  based on population and mineral wealth etc, should have one of the highest standards of living in Africa.  Like opening up a Pandora’s Box discussion, why we don’t.
 At the end of the day it will be blamed on poor leadership.
Leadership in Sierra Leone today is gradually  taking us out of the destruction and poverty  that an eleven years civil war visited upon the country , almost totally obliterating what was left of the infrastructure that could have been even been better but for poor management and corruption. You know the whole story. It’s the same everywhere with minor variations.

One of our Sierra Leonean brothers Komkanda Bangura wrote in our Forum (Leonenet):

“Leadership is defined as the ability to motivate individuals and form a team that is committed to a cause. Included in this definition is the ability to effectively communicate, delegate, motivate and address issues with the competence and knowledge necessary to resolve problems. Referent power, the ability to draw respect from others through personal action will develop credibility and trustworthiness. These are two characteristics that constitute effective and purposeful leadership. One will be viewed as an effective leader, by maintaining trust and credibility through daily activities as a principal,
The problems we are facing today in Sierra Leone are too complex, multi-layered, numerous, and widespread. Who among these presidential aspirants is capable of bringing Sierra Leone diverse talents, perspective, and constituencies together to form an integrated whole. We need a leader who listen, empower others, generate trusts, build relations, negotiate collaboratively, and resolve conflicts.
The purpose of a leader is to galvanize, energize, and mesmerize people. We seek leaders who embody a clear commitment to values, ethics, and integrity. We believe, however that true ethical leadership cannot exist in our society today without significant reflection on the reality around us. Leaders need to reflect on the ethical issues they face, the good of the followers, and the actions that need to be taken. 
Leaders in the public service must translate everything in the context of the protection of the public good and the interest of the citizens they serve. “


> From: Malanding Jaiteh <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: 2007/05/16 on PM 07:19:01 CEST
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Ämne: Re: A Breath of Fresh Air from France
> Mr. Hamelberg,
> I believe that all these thing on immigration will be a non-issue if 
> African countries "grow-up" and start behaving as mature responsible 
> nations. Of course that would among others mean African leaders doing 
> the right thing or their citizens not being so easily bamboozled.
> Malanding
> Cornelius Edward Hamelberg wrote:
> >Ignorance can delete valuable parts of an archive that are of immense value (perhaps because the contents are disagreeable to the ignoramus who is the proprietor and unfortunately has no sense of history perhaps like the ? 
> >
> >Here?s a shorter version of study done by ROBERT TYNES, an America who got his Masters degree on a study of the Leonenet Forum which I belong to. He is also a member of our Forum and goes by the name of ?Native Buddha?. You can register ( fre) to read his study. I just registered and will be reading it , in a minute:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Mostly corrected (for the record) for clarity and accuracy.  A man stands up for what he says, he says what he means and he means what he says:
> >
> >
> >Briefly,
> >
> >Still chatting here, I am being sociable, not pompous, political or even academic, I?m only being me.
> >
> >About the links, they are meant to be educative and even for posterity. The library, Napoleon, Philo and Plotinus, I know??do you?
> >
> >My papers are in a bank vault and are not to be worried about?..
> >
> >Indeed a breath of fresh air, and if only it was coming from the garden city of Freetown or from Sderot, in Israel
> >
> >
> >Today St Nicolas Sarkozy has started a new era in France ? just as a new era in Sierra Leone, might start in August as Berewa continues on that long and winding road.
> >
> >
> >
> >About immigration which does not affect Sierra Leoneans that much (a change of melody):
> >
> >
> >But don?t forget that Francophone Africans are more assimilé than you are and therefore the magnetic pull towards a better life in La France, ( you feel more at home in an English-speaking country of course)?..
> >
> >So many people drowned in the Middle Passage, and in this century in their hundreds on boat tragedies, from Senegal to Europe.....
> >
> >Keeping an eye on Northern Africa, the proposal of a Mediterranean Union, could also have some far ?reaching effects on African consciousness in the Diaspora and in mainland Africa. 
> >(I spent three months in the very Mediterranean city of Alexandria which is in Egypt, had dinner on a rooftop apartment in Cleopatra with Mona and her family throughout the month of Ramadan 1991 (just after Saddam had been blasted out of Kuwait) before moving on to Cairo which is in the middle of the desert) could have settled down there (Alexandria) 
> >but, but, but, but, you know what, perhaps amor omnia vincit, but a person like me wasn?t 
> >willing to do that. My life was too complicated for me to do that.
> >
> >
> > Check this out for implications on Yaya?s Africa Union. Just imagine if the shores of countries like Libya and all along that Coast became a part/ extension of Europe ? only separated by the deep blue sea. (America is one land mass, then there?s Asia, Europe, Africa also joined together. And there?s Australia?..over there?.)
> >
> >
> >About that beautiful city in history:
> >Napoleon
> >
> >The Library
> >
> >Jewish Alexandria
> >
> >
> >Live and direct I?ve learned a great deal from Ultra-orthodox, orthodox, conservative rabbis, and some reform, and Reconstructionist rabbis the past eleven years and from my dearly departed best friend Dr. Mikhail Tunkel whose main man was JOBOTINSKY, from Prof Eidelberg, Ted Belman, Dore Gold and others and so would you if you wanted a PHD in just where sky?s the limit and, if you don?t prefer the sky, then dig deep where you are standing?.
> >
> >About understanding Prof Eidelberg?s comments ? or in trying to decode those comments, you must first have a better understanding of the man himself and where he?s coming from. He?s most times on Arutz Sheva/ Israel National Radio: RADIO NEWS HIGHLIGHTS 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >1.	When he talks about ?national character.?  Bear in mind that apart from the Milky Way vastness of Arab space and Arab peoples who surround  Israel,  Israel faces a demographic threat, to the Jewish character of the Jewish state, whether it?s a two-state solution or not, and  that apart from the Palestinians  there are a million Arabs who are Israeli citizens in Israel .
> >
> > So indeed if the French people feel that their culture is under the threat of Arabisation, then it?s appropriate that citizens take legal measures  to combat that threat  by regulating immigration etc. If Sweden threw her doors wide open and like the founding fathers were to announce everybody is welcome, ?Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor? etc, then el-Hajj Dr. Abu Muhammad al- Jihad could well become the next Swedish prime minister, since his immigrant allies, singing ?We Shall Overcome? would vote for him, overwhelmingly, and establish one of the Caliphate?s main branches right here in Rosenblad as Swedish headquarters.
> >
> >About Fatoumata?s paraphrase of Sarkozy?s observation which is presented as a conclusion: that 
> >"Blacks and Arabs are the main causes of all the disruptions in the suburbs.?
> >
> >The logical approach is to get to the root causes of why this is true and addressing those causes. That is surely what?s going to happen.
> > 
> >Legislation would seek to regulate immigration and to educate and assimilate/integrate immigrants, assuming that unlike Kunta Kinte, they want to be integrated otherwise why not stay home in Agadir or Casablanca?
> >
> >(I say Agadir, because I was once asked at a conference by an Englishman who was trying to place me, ?Excuse me, are you from Agadir??
> >I asked him ?Do I look like a Beatle??
> >
> >So if you are from Europe or Merry England, you?re supposed to be called Claude and look like this Mr. Lloyd:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >The Language requirements do not pose a problem for those who come from former French colonies, such as my Tunisian-born friend Claude Kayat who believe it or not, wrote
> >?Mohammed Cohen?
> >:
> >
> > Lastly, about 
> >
> >"The form of immigration to be encouraged now should be 'chosen'
> >immigration" (this means only the intellectuals and the productive from the third word particularly Africa must be given visas to come to France"
> >
> >To some extent Canada practices that form of regulated immigration. 
> >(High unemployment rates among immigrants does not bode well for social stability increases the them and us mentality.)
> >
> >Well, one of the reasons for racism is that some people think that Africans are here to,
> >
> > 1. Take their women (as Salman Rushdie says in his ?Satanic Verses? an English woman? What is she good for? Find her, f- - k her and leave her. 
> >See Ahmed Deedat:
> >
> >This is and can be a serious problem, that someone sees you and thinks of you as a danger, ah:? My daughter!! My mother!!!  My sister!? My wife!!!! (Or ex-wife) my girl friend!!!!! These niggers know how to swing that thing etc?.. Remember Chuck D?s ?Fear of a Black Planet? 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >2.	Take their money.
> >
> > I heard this at work (in Swedish) talking obliquely about me/ us:?Yes, the bloodsuckers, they are only here to exploit our system? and of course they were talking about me. Had I been interested in her, I would have done number one with she, and she, I know, most willingly, the bambuclatch?.
> >
> >With the rise of Islamophobia in Europe, the phobia is that Arabs and Muslims want to Islamise Europe. 
> >
> >This is IT:
> >
> >
> >
> >Finally, Europe does not want another wave of immigrants who don?t speak the language, have no skills and are mostly going to join the army of the unemployed.
> >
> >There are prognoses that indentured labour and specific skills, Medicine, nursing are in great demand that and indentured labour too, will eventually be regulated.
> >
> >Terrible bull news coming in from Arutz Sheva saying ?The existing law states that no sovereign land may be given away without approval of the Cabinet, the Knesset, and a popular referendum.?
> >
> > No Land CAN be given away PERIOD.
> >
> >¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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> >
> >  
> >
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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