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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 May 2007 04:38:16 +0200
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Cornelius Edward Hamelberg <[log in to unmask]>
To: Momodou Buharry Gassama <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (630 lines)
> From: Momodou Buharry Gassama <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: 2007/05/23 on PM 09:01:17 CEST
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Ämne: FWD: Palestine & Israel: Know and Understand The Facts And Decide For Yourself
> Know and Understand The Facts
>           And Decide For Yourself
>           What Should Be Done
>           To Achieve
>           True Justice and Lasting Peace
>  When it comes to the Mideast conflict, the media generally neglects 
> to raise the historical facts and issues that have led to this unholy 
> mess. Ironically, it would seem that events of the last century in the 
> Holy Land are considered to be ancient history. Even if you just read 
> this page without clicking a link, you will probably be alarmed by what 
> you did not know, and were never told.
> * To clarify and simplify matters, on this page Palestine will refer 
> solely to the area that was to be partitioned into Jewish and Arab 
> states and an international zone, as depicted in the image above and as 
> stipulated in the 1922 Churchill White Paper. Please note that the May 
> 1949 refugee data on this page are conservative estimates by the UN.
> The preventable abomination of the Holocaust should forever remain a 
> stark reminder of how very important it is to always be vigilant for 
> injustice. Its rhetoric should never be tolerated and sincere 
> compassion should be universally bestowed upon all of its victims. 
> Human suffering knows no race, colour, nationality or creed. Above all, 
> absolutely everything necessary should invariably be done to put an end 
> to injustice. History has shown that dealing with one iniquity by 
> conveniently committing another iniquity against an innocent third 
> party is no convenient solution at all, only a guarantee of more 
> needless suffering, hatred and injustice. There is no peace without 
> justice.
> Recommended links pertaining to the Middle East conflict
> The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict (Third Edition) 
> A concise document touching base with all the salient issues
> Very highly recommended reading
> Published by Jews for Justice in The Middle East
> A Quick Summary of the Conflict
> The Expulsion of the Palestinians Re-examined
> Israeli historians re-examine the facts.
> Zionist-Israeli Massacres
> On November 29, 1947, the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 partition 
> plan is passed with the requisite help of Truman?s extortion of 
> vulnerable poverty-stricken voting member countries. When asked why he 
> was so resolved, the US President replied, ?I am sorry gentlemen, but I 
> have to answer to hundreds of thousands who are anxious for the success 
> of Zionism. I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my 
> constituents.? Soon after its passage, Zionist forces began committing 
> indiscriminate shootings, bombings and massacres in order to terrorize 
> Palestinians from their homes and land. On May 14, 1948, the British 
> mandate ended and Israel declared its statehood, which the USA 
> immediately recognized. The most infamous massacre codenamed Operation 
> Unity occurred prior to this, on April 9 in Deir Yassin, an Arab 
> village in the international zone on the outskirts of Jerusalem. The 
> British were aware of the ongoing slaughter but did nothing. As 
> expected, this sadistic mass murder of unarmed civilians, including 
> babies and pregnant women, struck great fear throughout Arab 
> communities. This was but one of many atrocities that compelled 
> Palestinians to flee for their lives, as part of the ethnic cleansing 
> operation codenamed Plan Dalet. In combination with a far greater full-
> scale forced removal under the threat of death, Plan D was quite the 
> rousing success for Zionism. Against international law, Israel blocked 
> Palestinians from returning to their rightful land and property and 
> razed the large majority of Arab villages. By May 1949, Israel had 
> created well over 726,000 Palestinian refugees. After Zionism?s ?non-
> racist? ethnic cleansing, fewer than 133,000 non-Jews were left in 
> Israel. Israel had effectively rid itself of at least 85% of its 
> Gentile population, the indigenous Arab Palestinian people who for over 
> 1200 years were the vast majority population in the area that became 
> Israel, and throughout Palestine, until the recent flood of Jewish 
> immigrants in the few years just before the creation of Israel. By 
> confiscating the land and property belonging to the killed and 
> displaced Palestinians, Zionism achieved its dream of a truly Jewish 
> state instead of the UN approved state where almost half the population 
> was non-Jewish and almost all of the land belonged to non-Jews. Under 
> the 1948 UN Resolution 194, the Right of Return of Palestinians, Israel 
> still owes hundreds of billions of dollars in compensation to the 
> Palestinians because Israel never permitted them to return to their 
> rightful land and property. Since Israel is unable to pay and unwilling 
> to give back any of the land unlawfully seized in 1948, the USA and 
> other UN countries will wind up having to foot the whole bill. 
> The Arab conquest of Palestine occurred about five centuries after the 
> Romans decided to expulse the Jews subsequent to Jewish rebellions. 
> Palestinians have a mixed ancestry since Palestine has been conquered 
> by various ethnic powers but they are in essence the descendants of the 
> people who always lived there, long before and long after the 
> Israelites invaded and departed. Furthermore, the great majority of 
> Jews have absolutely no ancestral link whatsoever to the land because 
> they actually descend from the Eurasian Khazars who by royal edict 
> converted en masse to Judaism during the 7th century AD.
> Nazareth was among the towns seized in 1948. As the hometown of Jesus, 
> Nazareth is obviously of significant religious importance to 
> Christians. In contrast, Jews, at least those who even knew of Nazareth?
> s existence, considered it to be a tiny, insignificant village in 
> Biblical times. When told by Philip that Jesus was from Nazareth, 
> Nathanael replied, ?Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?? (John 
> 1:46) In an attempt to Judaize Galilee, the almost exclusively Jewish 
> twin city of Nazareth Illit (Upper Nazareth) was founded in 1957 on 
> expropriated land immediately beside predominantly Arab Nazareth. 
> Needless to say, it has been a source of much conflict, in addition to 
> tensions between Christians and Muslims, which Israel endeavours to 
> exacerbate. The situation is even worse around East Jerusalem, 
> Bethlehem and other major towns in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. As 
> of August 2000, the number of illegal Israeli settlements and land use 
> sites in the Occupied Palestinian Territories was up to 285 and 
> counting. Despite international condemnation, Israel continues to 
> unlawfully confiscate land and demolish Palestinian homes in order to 
> erect these monuments to Zionist expansionism, which could have been 
> built far more easily within Israel. Endless checkpoints, permits and 
> restrictions make it extremely difficult for Palestinians to travel to 
> and fro. While Israeli settlers enjoy green lawns and bathe in backyard 
> swimming pools, Palestinians struggle for drinking water. Locating 
> settlers amidst justifiably irate Palestinians hardly seems to coincide 
> with claims that the occupation is necessary for the security of 
> Israeli citizens. As for Christianity, Zionism has all but succeeded in 
> eliminating it. Christians represented about 10% of Palestine?s 
> population in 1918, the year after the Balfour Declaration. Now at the 
> dawn of the 21st century, the Christian faith has dwindled down to a 
> mere 3% of the combined population of the Palestinian territories and 
> Israel.
> As of June 2000, there were 3,737,494 registered Palestinian refugees. 
> It is estimated that one quarter of all Palestinian refugees are not 
> registered, mostly out of pride. This would bring the total number of 
> Palestinian refugees to about 5 million. The total population of the 
> Occupied Palestinian Territories was 3.6 million including 
> approximately 360,000 Jewish settlers. Of registered refugees, 32.4% 
> lived in camps in Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, Syria, the West Bank and 
> Jordan. While illegal Jewish settlements keep growing in the West Bank, 
> East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, 62.3% of all registered refugees 
> were forced to live outside the Palestinian territories. Estimates put 
> the total number of refugees living outside the Palestinian territories 
> at 3 million. The population density of the Palestinian territories is 
> already about 600 people per sq km, even without the three million 
> refugees on the outside looking in. By comparison, Israel?s population 
> density isn?t even half that amount, at 275 people per sq km. When 
> terrorist attacks occur against these Israeli government subsidized 
> settlements, it is seldom mentioned that they exist in violation of 
> Geneva Conventions. Not that terrorism should ever be condoned, but 
> deliberately taunting an already oppressed people by continuously 
> robbing them of what little land they have left and bulldozing their 
> homes does little to dissuade it. As England can attest, Jewish 
> Zionists were terrorists long before Palestinians. Even after more than 
> 50 years of existence, 74% of Israel?s Jewish citizens were born 
> outside of Israel, most having immigrated from the United States and 
> the former Soviet Union. Israel still does not have a constitution. As 
> a democracy, it would require granting equal rights to Jews and non-
> Jews alike, which would contradict current Jewish laws and policies. It 
> is so sickeningly sad that the US government has been, and continues to 
> be, so very willing to completely dismiss its own democratic values and 
> aggravate worldwide anti-American sentiment against its own citizens in 
> order to financially, politically and militarily support a lawbreaking 
> state built on terrorism and ethnic cleansing.
> Destroyed Palestinian Villages
> Over a month before the founding of Israel and the British withdrawal, 
> Israeli forces started destroying Arab villages. Eight out of thirteen 
> major Zionist military attacks in April 1948 took place within the 
> territory allotted to the Arab state. Upon declaring its statehood, 
> Israel already occupied most Arab cities in Palestine including the 
> Arab quarters in the new international city of Jerusalem and Jaffa in 
> the Arab partition. Israel deliberately instigated the Israeli-Arab war 
> viewing it as an ideal opportunity to expand its boundaries by means of 
> far superior military preparation. Though intermittent fighting had 
> been going on between Zionists and Arabs since December 1947, the 
> armies of the Arab states didn?t enter Palestine until May 15, 1948, 
> the day after Israel declared its statehood. Unsurprisingly, almost all 
> hostilities occurred in the Arab partition. In 1949, the final outcome 
> of the war was that Israel expanded to occupy 77% of Palestine 
> including the larger part of Jerusalem, intended to be international 
> under the UN partition resolution. Gandhi was obviously quite justified 
> in 1946 when he stated, ?Why should they depend on American money or 
> British arms for forcing themselves on an unwelcome land? Why should 
> they resort to terrorism to make good their forcible landing in 
> Palestine?? In the destroyed Arab villages, Jewish settlements were 
> built over Palestinian owned land and the original Arabic village names 
> were discarded for Hebrew names. Ultimately, Israel destroyed over 400 
> villages. In other villages, Israel just got rid of the people and kept 
> the buildings in order for Jewish settlers to move into the homes of 
> the displaced Palestinians. In 1949, a tripartite committee 
> [British/French/Turkish] estimated the value of the expropriated land 
> and property at £1,124,000,000 sterling. Today's value is several 
> hundred billion dollars.
> Before the immigration of Zionist colonists began in the 1880?s, 
> native Jews represented less than 5% of the population. In 1917, 
> Britain announced the foolhardy, nonsensical and contradictory Balfour 
> Declaration, favouring ?the establishment in Palestine of a national 
> home for the Jewish people.? At the time, the Jewish population was 
> only about 9% and their land ownership was a mere 2.5%. Moreover, 
> Palestine didn?t belong to the British, nor did it ever. Britain was 
> essentially reneging on earlier promises to France and the Arabs 
> regarding Palestine. After World War I, the Arab states of the former 
> Ottoman Empire, except for Palestine and Jordan, were granted their 
> independence for having supported and fought for the Allies. In 1922, 
> the League of Nations entrusted the mandate of Palestine to Britain 
> with the clearly written condition that ?nothing should be done which 
> might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish 
> communities in Palestine.? By 1947, Jews legally owned only 6.2% of the 
> land in Palestine while their population had ballooned to about 32% due 
> to massive and often illegal immigration. This means that most of the 
> land in today?s Israel actually belongs to Palestinian refugees. This 
> leads back to the question of why did the UN give 56% of the 
> Palestinian territory to Israel when Jews owned only 6.2% of the land 
> and represented only 32% of the population, a great proportion having 
> only just arrived. The result was a Jewish state with the Jews owning 
> less than 10% of the land and nearly half of the population consisting 
> of Arab Christians and Muslims. To make matters worse, the Jewish state 
> included most of the prime agricultural land cultivated by the 
> indigenous Arabic Palestinians for over a millennium. Palestinians 
> depended primarily on agriculture for their livelihood before the 
> Nakba, the catastrophe that were the years 1947 to 1949, from the 
> undemocratic and blatantly corrupt passage of Resolution 181 to the 
> ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people to the war. Before and 
> throughout the British mandate, one report after another concluded that 
> all fertile land in Palestine already had crops. After the war, many 
> Palestinian farms were turned into kibbutzim. Many others were just 
> destroyed or paved over since there weren?t enough Israelis interested 
> in becoming farmers. The Charter of the United Nations upholds the 
> principle of self-determination. Clearly, it was ignored.
> The Truth about Khazars (the so-called Jews)
> There is strong and compelling evidence intimating that the vast 
> majority of today?s Jews are not descendants of the Israelites at all, 
> but of the non-Semitic Khazars whose nomadic central Asian ancestors 
> first invaded farming communities within and around Caucasia circa the 
> 1st century BC. By royal decree of the Khagan, the Khazars converted en 
> masse from paganism to Talmudism during the 7th century AD. This would 
> account for the sudden appearance of large numbers of Jews in the ever 
> expanding Russian Empire and nearby eastern and central European states 
> shortly after the Khazar kingdom had been all but conquered by Mongols 
> and then finished off by Russia. It is historically indisputable that 
> the Khazarian conversion did occur. This is well documented. For 
> instance, a map in The Jewish Encyclopedia depicts the Chazars as Jews 
> inhabiting an area of 800,000 square miles in the 10th century AD. At 
> the time of its mass conversion and throughout most of its existence, 
> Khazaria covered approximately one million square miles, well over a 
> hundred times the current size of Israel. This powerful kingdom was 
> comparable in size to all the continental nations of western and 
> central Europe combined, from Portugal to Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, 
> Austria and Italy. A kingdom of such magnitude doesn?t simply vanish 
> without a trace. Its large lineage surely lives on today. Zionists have 
> always had a vested interest in keeping people in the dark about the 
> Khazarian conversion since it could completely refute their ancestral 
> claims. Ironically, this also infers that while most Palestinians are 
> actual Semites, most Jews are not even descendants of Shem, let alone 
> Jacob. Furthermore, Jews from eastern and central Europe are known as 
> the Ashkenazim, Ashkenazi in singular form. This particular term was 
> likely chosen intentionally to indicate that Ashkenazic Jews are not 
> really Semites. In the Book of Genesis, Ashkenaz was a grandson of 
> Japheth and hence not a Semite. Japheth was a son of Noah and a brother 
> of Shem.
> ?The main part of Jewry never was in Judea and had never come out of 
> Judea.?
>      - H.G. Wells, Outline of History
> Just to put things in perspective, if millions of Caucasian Christians 
> claimed to be the descendants of Arab Christians, skepticism would be 
> widespread, and quite warranted. Intermarriage between Caucasians and 
> Hebrews would have been far more unlikely since Hebrews looked like 
> Arabs, they rarely married Gentiles and both racism and anti-Semitism 
> have always been rampant throughout history. Why then do the great 
> majority of Jews resemble Caucasians with Asian and Turkish influences? 
> Quite simply, eastern and central European Jews are not descendants of 
> the Israelites, but of the non-Semitic Khazars who became Jews through 
> mass conversion.
> Over 1200 years of vast majority population and tenure by the 
> indigenous Arab Palestinians and the fundamental democratic principle 
> of self-determination should have in all justice rendered this entire 
> ancestral issue inconsequential by comparison. At no point in time did 
> the Israelites rule over the entire region of Palestine. The 
> Phoenicians (Canaanites) and Philistines controlled all or most of the 
> Mediterranean coast. The Israel to which Zionists allude, the extended 
> kingdoms of David and Solomon with Jerusalem as the capital, existed 
> only for 73 years before conflicts between tribes over the choice of 
> the next king caused it to fall apart and split in two after the death 
> of King Solomon. Formed by the tribes of Judah and Benjamin with 
> Jerusalem remaining as its capital, the southern kingdom of Judah 
> lasted less than 350 years. Formed by the other ten tribes with Samaria 
> as its capital, the northern kingdom of Israel lasted slightly less 
> than 200 years. United or divided, the Israelite tribes ruled over most 
> of the Palestine region including Jerusalem for less than 275 years. In 
> total, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah existed for less than 450 
> years, in most or just in part of the region of Palestine, including 
> the 25 years or so when the first king of Israel, Saul, and his 
> successor son, Ish-bosheth, reigned from their respective capitals of 
> Gibeah and Mahanaim while the Jebusites (Canaanites) still held 
> Jerusalem (Jebus). The fall of the longer lasting southern kingdom of 
> Judah occurred over 2500 years ago. It was then deemed that the 
> covenant of the Promised Land between God and the Jews had been 
> fulfilled and then nullified because they did not abide by God?s will 
> and His law but instead had forsaken Him by allowing themselves to be 
> corrupted by lust, power and greed. It should be noted that the 
> Canaanites are among the ancestors of the Palestinians. The Canaanites 
> inhabited Palestine for at least 1800 years before being conquered by 
> the Israelites. As mixed as their ancestry may be, the Palestinians 
> have in essence always inhabited and cultivated this land, long before 
> and long after the Israelites came and went just like many other 
> peoples and empires.
> Regardless of the lack of authenticity of most Israelis by Biblical 
> standards, dispossessing the innocent Palestinian people of their home, 
> their land and their livelihood can never be justified. And refusing to 
> acknowledge blatant despoliation, benefiting from it and denying full 
> and equitable restitution is just plain dishonest and criminal, not to 
> mention very undemocratic and downright hypocritical. But abetting the 
> endless oppression of the Palestinian people through the repeated abuse 
> of UN veto power and billions in taxpayers? hard earned money is truly 
> unconscionable. This behaviour hardly qualifies the United States as an 
> honest broker.
> Joshua and the Conquest of the Promised Land
> As explained by an American rabbi in Jerusalem
> In the Land of Christ, Christianity is Dying
> Christians of the world over may have been largely responsible for the 
> creation of Israel and for billions in financial support of Israel, but 
> Israel has not shown much appreciation for Christians living in the 
> Holy Land.
> Was Gandhi Anti-Semitic?
> A thoughtful article from the Cape Cod Times including excerpts from 
> Tom Clancy?s ?The Sum of All Fears?
> Mahatma Gandhi Rejected Zionism
> A more extensive look at Gandhi?s opposition to Zionism
> Zionist Rationalization
> An overview of the ideology behind Israel
> Zionist-Israeli Terrorist Activities 1939-1974
> Zionist terrorist attacks against British soldiers and officials were 
> key in England?s decision to get out of Palestine and hand off its 
> mandate to the UN.
> Rabin's Widow Says Israelis also were Terrorists
> Israel's Sacred Terrorism (Third Edition)
> A study based on Moshe Sharett?s personal diary, and other documents
> By Livia Rokach, foreword by Noam Chomsky
> Moshe Sharett was Israel?s first foreign minister.
> From Its Beginning, Israeli Policy Promoted War, Not Peace
> Israel never intended to accept non-Jews; ethnic cleansing was policy 
> from the very start.
> Zionist-Israeli Terrorism and War Crimes
> Many terrorists rose to the upper echelons of Israeli politics.
> Some Prevailing Zionist Myths Challenged
> Despite having truth and justice on their side, the Palestinians have 
> had little success in delivering their message, particularly in 
> America. On the other hand, Zionists and their supporters have been 
> quite proficient at propaganda and historical dissimulation through far 
> superior media access. Palestinian terrorism has made people even more 
> susceptible to Israeli deception by fostering the misleading portrayal 
> of the primary and overwhelming victims as the instigators and 
> aggressors. Ironically, Zionist terrorism and ethnic cleansing played 
> essential roles in the creation of Israel. The Arabs were not lambs, 
> but they certainly regret not having been much more aggressive and 
> emphatic from the very beginning of the Zionist movement. As pacifist 
> Mahatma Gandhi remarked so appropriately, ?As it is, they (Zionists) 
> are co-sharers with the British in despoiling a people who have done no 
> wrong to them. I am not defending the Arab excesses. I wish they had 
> chosen the way of non-violence in resisting what they rightly regard as 
> an unacceptable encroachment upon their country. But according to the 
> accepted canons of right and wrong, nothing can be said against the 
> Arab resistance in the face of overwhelming odds.? Zionist myths seek 
> to justify the unjustifiable. Most can be easily debunked through a 
> little common sense.
> Worldwide Hypocrisy: Immigration and Refugee Policies
> America was by far the staunchest and most aggressive supporter of 
> Israel?s creation but it was by no means keen in taking in Jewish 
> immigrants itself. Whereas Zionism and the land policies of the Jewish 
> National Fund gave Palestinians legitimate reasons to fear massive 
> Jewish immigration, the rest of the world?s nations had no such 
> reasons, other than anti-Semitism, and yet their immigration and 
> refugee policies were far more restrictive than those of tiny 
> Palestine. A classic example of this was the ?Voyage of the Damned? of 
> the SS St. Louis, a ship full of Jewish refugees that no country in the 
> Americas would accept, not even the United States. In 1917, the Jewish 
> population of Palestine was 9%. By 1947, it had swelled to 32%. No 
> country in the world would ever consider tolerating such a drastic 
> demographic change, especially when the stated intention of the 
> immigrants is to take over the country. Sadly for the Palestinians, it 
> did in fact turn out to be tantamount to knowingly allowing an invasion 
> army into their country.
> A Quick Numerical Look at Canada's Hypocrisy
> Canada didn?t want Jews but Canada expected tiny Palestine to accept 
> terrific multitudes of Jewish immigrants even though their well-known 
> Zionist goal was to conquer Palestine, which is precisely what they 
> did.
> None Is Too Many: Canada's Jewish Immigration Policy
> A more extensive look at Canada?s hypocrisy vis-à-vis Jewish 
> immigration
> America and the Founding of Israel: An Investigation of the Morality 
> of America's Role
> Foremost are Chapter 9: Truman - Part 2; Palestine's Partition, 
> Israel's Statehood, 1947-48 and Chapter 10: Truman - Part 3; The First 
> Israeli-Arab War and its Refugees, 1948-53 since they represent the 
> most significant period in Palestine?s recent history. Section VI of 
> Chapter 9, The UN Vote on Partition, November 1947, is of particular 
> interest because it describes some of the strong-arm tactics that the 
> United States exerted on other countries in order to attain the 
> adoption of the iniquitous partition plan.
> UN General Assembly Resolution 181 - Partition Plan, 29 November 1947
> The cornerstone of democracy, self-determination, is smashed to bits 
> by US intimidation and incentive tactics when forty-three nations 
> choose to pass the buck and make Palestine pay the price for European 
> atrocities and worldwide hypocrisy. The passage of this resolution was 
> very convenient for many countries. It kept them from having to take in 
> any more Jewish refugees from Europe and at the same time it appeased 
> Zionists among their own constituents backed by much public support and 
> sympathy as Holocaust horrors came to light.
> The Catastrophe
> The plight of Palestinian refugees is put into perspective.
> Solomon's Baby
> The story of a Palestinian refugee as told by his American daughter-in-
> law
> Fighting the ?Soldiers of Occupation?
> A worldly British journalist gradually comes to understand Israeli 
> reality ? An anecdotal article
> UN General Assembly Resolution 194 - The Right of Return of 
> Palestinians
> This resolution has been repassed countless times since 1948 but 
> Israel continues to violate it even though Israel owes its very 
> existence to a UN resolution. In order to be granted admission to the 
> UN in 1949, Israel had to promise to comply with this resolution but 
> then reneged on its oath. Israel even refuses to compensate the 
> Palestinians for the unlawfully seized land and property as stipulated 
> in this resolution. That amount is now several hundred billion dollars. 
> Its unwillingness to return any land means that the US and the UN will 
> be required to pay in full on Israel?s behalf. Furthermore, the 
> resolution commences with the United Nations General Assembly 
> expressing its deep appreciation of the late Count Folke Bernadotte, a 
> Swedish UN mediator and renowned saviour of Jews, who was assassinated 
> by Israelis at an improvised roadblock in West Jerusalem on September 
> 17, 1948.
> There are many other related issues such as some three million 
> Palestinian refugees currently forced to live outside the Occupied 
> Palestinian Territories and the serious lack of fresh water and fertile 
> land, both absolutely necessary to any realistic means of livelihood 
> for the Palestinians.
> The Assassination of Count Bernadotte
> UN mediator Count Bernadotte was very sympathetic to Jews but he and 
> his assistant were nonetheless murdered by Israelis simply because he 
> tried to do the right thing.
> UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees 
> in the Near East)
> Question of Palestine at the United Nations
> UN Division for Palestinian Rights
> UN DPR Studies (dated but easier to follow)
> UNISPAL (United Nations Information System on the Question of 
> Palestine)
> UN Maps Related to the Question of Palestine
> Jews Not Zionists
> One of many websites by Jews who believe that Zionism conflicts with 
> Torah and Judaism
> An objective website by American Christians
> New Kach Movement (not really recommended)
> An example of one of the less subtle Zionist websites
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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