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Foroyaa Newspaper Burning Issues 
Issue No.  135/2007, 16 - 18 November  2007             

Section 61 subsection (2) of the  Constitution states:
“The President shall uphold and defend this Constitution  as the supreme law 
of The Gambia.”
As D-day gets closer Foroyaa wishes to  alert the president of the Republic 
and the Gambian people at large that the  implication for not responding to the 
dictates of the ECOWAS Court especially  after the shameful revelations, 
which followed the arrest of the Amnesty  personnel, needs careful consideration. 
The Gambia is the home of two major  continental organisations, that is, The 
African Commission on Human and Peoples’  Rights and The African Centre for 
Democracy and Human Rights Studies. The  African Charter on Human and Peoples’ 
Rights makes it a requirement for every  state to present a report every two 
years on the state of implementation of the  provisions of the Charter. The 
Gambia had defaulted in doing this to a point  that the matter was raised at an 
official level.
There is no justification  for any violation of human rights in the country. 
The constitution of the Gambia  states categorically under section 17 
subsection (1) that, “The fundamental  rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter 
shall be respected and upheld by  all organs of the Executive and its agencies, 
the Legislature and, where  applicable, by all natural and legal persons in 
The Gambia, and shall be  enforceable by the Courts in accordance with this 
The courts  are therefore the guarantors of human rights.
Section 37 subsection (1)  confirms this by asserting: “If any person alleges 
that any of the provisions of  section 18 to 33 or section 36(5) of this 
Chapter has been, is being or is  likely to be contravened in relation to himself 
or herself by any person he or  she may apply to the High Court for redress.”
Subsection (2) of this section  adds: “An application may be made under this 
section in the case of a person who  is detained by some other person acting 
on the detained person’s  behalf.”
Subsection (4) of the same section even goes as far as to charge  subordinate 
courts with the responsibility of monitoring the violations of human  rights 
so that they will not be committed with impunity. It reads: “If in any  
proceedings in any court subordinate to the High Court any question arises to  the 
contravention of any of the provisions of the said sections 18 to 33 or  
section 36(5), the court may, and shall if any party so requests, refer the  
question to the High Court, unless in the opinion of the subordinate court, the  
raising of the question is merely frivolous or vexatious.”
Even though  section 69 of the constitution guarantees immunity of 
prosecution to the  president it gives such a supreme importance to human rights that it 
permits for  the president to be taken to court for the purpose of enforcing 
section 5 of the  constitution. section 69 subsection (2) reads: “Nothing in 
subsection (1)  applies to an action for a declaration under section 5 
(enforcement of the  Constitution), 
and any proceedings under that section against the President  or a person 
performing the functions of that office shall be brought against him  or her by 
his or her official title or style and he or she shall appear, and be  
represented by, the Attorney General.” 
Needless to say if the president  fails to obey the order of a court section 
5 subsection (3) a( reads):
“The  failure to obey or carry out any order made or direction given under 
subsection  (2) shall constitute the offence of violating the constitution and – 
(a) in the  case of the President or Vice-President, constitute a ground for 
his or her  removal from office in accordance with section 67; and  (b) any 
other  person who is convicted of that offence shall be liable to the penalty  
prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly.”
The law is clear but the  country’s institutions are weak. This is why the 
constitutional provisions  appear to be mere words on paper. The Gambian people 
should therefore take  interest in gauging whether the constitution will be 
respected and defended by  the executive and the other institutions of the 
country, if not they should  consider the election of a government, which will 
build the required  institutions so that the liberty and dignity of the people 
will be respected and  defended.

Alleged Insurgents Accuse Police of Torture
By  Bubacarr K. Sowe Fabakary B. Ceesay
Two of the nine alleged MFDC insurgents  who are currently standing trial at 
the Banjul Magistrates Court have on  Wednesday, 14 November accused the 
security agents of torturing them before they  made their cautionary and 
voluntarily statements. 
Testifying before  principal Magistrate B.Y Camara, an independent witness 
Tijan Bah said he was  called by a friend to the NIA to serve as an independent 
witness when the  statements of Sidat Jarju and Ebrima Colley were being 
obtained. Mr. Bah said  Sidat was brought to make his statements on four occasions 
and Ebrima on three  occasions. Mr. Bah said he was introduced to the accused 
persons as an  independent witness. He said that a police officer asked the 
duo whether they  are willing to make their statements and that both agreed; 
that after they gave  their statements voluntarily they signed and he too signed 
as a witness. He said  that the statements were read out to the duo in the 
Wollof language, which they  understood. Mr. Bah pointed out that he never 
noticed or saw any bloodstains on  the accused persons on all the occasions he met 
them. He said he never witnessed  any beatings, harassment or threat when the 
duo were making their statements. “I  even asked them whether they are ok to 
make statements and they answered in the  positive,” said Mr. Bah. Mr. Bah 
indicated that none of them complained to him  that they were tortured or 
threatened to make this statements.
Mr. Bah later  recognized the statements in court through his signatures on 
During  cross-examinations by both Sidat Jarju and Ebrima Colley the duo put 
it to Mr.  Bah that they have set their eyes on him only during his appearance 
in court as  a witness. Mr. Bah maintained that he had met them before in 
In his  testimony, Sidat Jarju claimed that when he was taken to the NIA he 
was severely  beaten by one Idrisa Jobe and was dictated to make his statement 
while he was  stripped naked. He said he would be able to recognise Jobe in 
person. “Idrisa  Jobe told me to say things as he wanted it and that if I fail 
to do so he will  fuck my mother,” said Jarju. Sidat Jarju indicated that there 
was no independent  witness present when he was making his statement; that it 
was only him and  officer Salifu Nyang. He noted that he made only one 
statement with Salifu Nyang  but that the remaining statements were obtained in the 
presence of Idrisa Jobe  who was dictating while Salifu was writing. “All my 
statements were obtained  under duress, therefore I object to the tendering of 
it,” said Sidat.
Ebrima  Colley in his testimony said on the first occasion when he was 
brought to the  NIA. He was only questioned but not beaten. Ebrima said on his 
second occasion,  he met Sidat Jarju stripped naked with bloodstains on his back. 
He explained  that one Musa Kinteh threatened that if he failed to do as they 
wanted, then he  would encounter what Sidat Jarju had gone through.
“I was stripped naked and  one Kajaga brought two sharp stones and ordered me 
to kneel on them with my  hands cuffed at my back,” said Colley. He lamented 
that he was beaten by Musa  Kinteh when he refused to say what they wanted him 
to say. He said he was  severely beaten by Kinteh until he collapsed and 
became semi conscious; that  Kinteh later poured water on him. He said he 
sustained injuries on his knees and  all over his back with bloodstains. He pointed 
out that on the third occasion he  was again stripped naked and hand cuffed and 
was asked to crawl on the floor. He  said he was warned by Idrisa Jobe that 
the last time they had an encounter he  refused to talk, but that this time 
round, he must speak. Ebrima Colley  indicated that he was being beaten by Idrisa 
Jobe who was using a metal from a  motorbike to beat him up. He removed his 
shirt to show the court the injuries he  sustained from the alleged beatings. He 
said his blood stained shirt was  confiscated from him from Mile Two Prison 
so that he would not come to court  with it. He said he was never given any 
medical attention for his injuries. He  noted that Musa Kinteh ordered him to 
accept what they were narrating to him and  that he consented to it. He alleged 
that Idrisa Jobe attempted to hit him with a  cigarette lighter by throwing it 
him which nearly landed on his face. He said he  was brought again to be 
questioned in the presence of Nuha Jammeh and Lamin  Teww, both co-accused persons, 
who were brought from mile two prison.
He  added that the three of them were put in a cell for 60 days. He said that 
 throughout their incarceration, they were denied water to take bath.
DPP E.  O. Fagbenle, told the court that they have closed their case in the 
trial within  a trial of the first and second accused persons, Sidat Jarju and 
Ebrima  Colley.

Missing Journalist’s Father In A State of  Despair
Bubacarr K. Sowe
Sarjo Manneh, the father of the missing Daily  Observer reporter Chief Ebrima 
Manneh, has expressed his frustration after his  efforts to locate the 
whereabouts of his loved one failed to bear  fruits
Chief Manneh disappeared on July 7 2006, after leaving home for his  work 
place, the Daily Observer, and never returned home. But his family believed  that 
state security agents picked him up at his office. The state however has  
denied having the journalist in their custody.
The journalist’s father told  Foroyaa that he has been to several police 
stations across the country to see if  his son is held in any of them, but to no 
The old man said the  then Daily Observer Managing Director, Dr. Saja Taal, 
has not been cooperative  in helping him(Sarjo) in his search for his son.. 
He said he had been to the  National Intelligence Agency (NIA) Headquarters, 
but the then Director General,  Harry Sambou, asked him not to bother him.
The old man is appealing to  any person holding his son to show mercy on him 
and the members of his family,  noting that his disappearance has disrupted 
the education of two of his siblings  who are left without a sponsor.
Meanwhile, the ECOWAS Community Court of  Justice will deliver judgment on 
the disappearance of Chief Manneh on November  20 in Abuja, Nigeria. The Media 
Foundation for West Africa sued the Gambia  government for the disappearance of 
the journalist. The government was served a  hearing notice on two occasions, 
but its officials had failed to appear in  court.

DOSE Laments On Over Crowding In Classrooms

By  Modou Jonga
An official and a special representative of the Secretary of  State for Basic 
and Secondary Education, Mr. Madi Jatta has recently disclosed  that over 
crowding in classrooms has posed a major problem in ensuring a  conducive 
learning environment in schools.
Mr. Jatta was speaking at the  inauguration of a building project at 
Jambanjelly Basic Cycle School funded by  Roelof Van Echten College in the 
Netherlands. While deputizing for the SoS for  Education Hon. Fatou Lamin Faye, the DOSE 
representative lamented that the  Western Region is affected by over crowding 
in classrooms due to the fact that  the region embodies the fastest growing 
area in the country.
While noting  that the construction of the three-classroom block is timely, 
Mr. Jatta  expressed hope that over crowding in classrooms could be reversed by 
giving  every pupil in Jambanjelly basic cycle school equal opportunity to 
learn. The  DOSE official further urged students at the said school to make good 
use of the  opportunity put at their disposal.
Speaking further, Mr. Madi Jatta,  expressed his department’s effort to 
continue giving the education sector, the  due prominence and priority it deserves 
as enshrined in the education policy and  strategic plan. Mr. Jatta noted that 
the quality and affordability of education  is a prerequisite for progress 
and development and therefore its accessibility  to every Gambian will not be 
relented by DOSE.
“The department of state for  basic and secondary education will not relent 
in ensuring that every Gambian has  access to quality and affordable education 
that cuts across the entire education  system ,” the DOSE representative 

Fisheries Director  Advises Fishermen 
By Amie Sanneh
The Director of Fisheries Adiatou E.  Njai has advised fishermen to report 
any incident of within their vicinity to  the police.
The Director said this in an exclusive interview with this  reporter .This 
interview with the fisheries director came in the wake of an  interview this 
reporter had with the fishernen at Brufut who claimed that some  people sometimes 
steal their nets at sea.
Mr. Njai described such incidents  as a police case. He said when a fisherman 
recognizes his stolen net with  another fisherman, that person should report 
the matter to the police, noting  that it is a criminal case.
The Fisheries Director however pointed out that  the National Navy will 
assist fishermen during their regular patrol at sea. He  said they (fishermen) 
should always ensure that they are with mobile phones  whenever they are out at 
sea in order to be able to contact the navy or  fisheries department in case of 
any problems.
Mr. Njai pointed out that the  most important thing in this issue is the 
action of the community. He said the  community of Brufut should organize 
themselves to initiate their own patrol  group to patrol at night.
He remarked that the fisheries department has  facilitated the forming of 
associations in all the community fishing villages.  He added that together with 
fisheries staff in these villages, the fishermen  could organize logistics for 
effective surveillance to prevent such incidents  and other mishaps that 
occur at sea.
On the fishermen’s request for the  establishment of a bank or an institution 
where they could save their moneys and  also apply for loans, Mr. Njai said 
the fisheries department has an Artisanal  Fisheries Development Project Credit 
Programme administered by the Social  Development Fund (SDF). He said they 
(fishermen) easily access loans from these  funds from the SDF through a 
Micro-Finance Institution (MFI). He further  suggested that they (fishermen) could 
also ask Reliance Financial Service to  open a kiosk there as they have done in 
Tanji. He pointed out that it is the  Tanji community who told Reliance to 
open a bank there and they (Brufut) can  equally do the same.
The Director however urged the fishing community in  Brufut to organize their 
association for it to be more conducive and effective  in addressing some of 
the problems at the landing sites.
Mr. Njai revealed  that the fisheries department was very instrumental in 
getting the association  off the ground.He said now that they have their own 
management structure in  place,of which the Alkalo is their Chairman, they should 
unite and raise funds  by paying their subscriptions and establish savings.
Mr. Njai however said  his department is ready to assist any fishing 
community in solving  problems.

Interview with Halifa Sallah –
Part 10
Would  you clarify why Gambian intellectuals are not promoting PDOIS? 
This is a  matter of opinion. Many were also in readiness to sacrifice. First 
and foremost  it is important to tell you the type of people we started with. 
In the first  Parliamentary election in 1987 we put up five Candidates Sidia 
Jatta, Sam Sarr,  Dr. Baboucarr Gaye, Abas Manneh and Halifa Sallah.
The decision of these five  people to stand as candidates with little notice 
confirms the determination of  progressive intellectuals to work with PDOIS to 
change the destiny of the  country. After five years the determination did 
not subside. One of the most  remarkable manifestations of the high  level of 
sacrifice  was the  determination by four persons who were doctors to stand in 
1992. Three of them  could not proceed because of their discovery that they 
would have to resign  their post before standing which also meant total loss of 
services. Since they  had opportunity to retire at 45 they postponed their plan 
for the 1997 election.  The person who made the biggest sacrifice which is 
motivating me to never ever  think of abandoning the mission for change is Dr 
Omar Touray who had an  international appointment at the ITC and decided to 
stand against his own  brother of the same mother and father who was a minister at 
the time. The odds  were so much against him that his action could only be 
taken as the highest form  of demonstration of the totality of commitment to 
principles. Where could one  find any iota of nepotism, tribalism, sectionalism 
or opportunism in this  person? Who would not trust this person as care taker 
of the destiny of the  Gambia . There is no doubt that over the years many 
highly educated and highly  placed persons including unquantifiable numbers of 
head teachers had volunteered  to be candidates. The problem of PDOIS had been 
resources and the commitment to  the politics of genuine liberation of the 
masses rather than relying on the  politics of patronage.
Would you say that your supporters decided to give up  because of the lack of 
popular support?
Standing for election is a service  and not a career. Some people would have 
held the fort while others move on with  capacity building. If the issue was 
merely about holding public office some of  us would have joined the previous 
or the present regime or go to do other  things. I believe we have prepared 
more people for public life than any  political institution in the Gambia. Many 
people are just waiting for the right  moment to render their services to the 
When will that be, many people  feel that the results of the elections are 
not in your favour?
The important  thing is to look at the reality of the political parties in 
the Gambia. Once  that is done one is bound to be convinced that PDOIS has a 
future and is  simply  pushed some steps behind by the coup. First and foremost, 
how long  did the united party , the Democratic party, the Muslim Congress, 
the PPA, the  NLP exist as opposition parties.? what is the situation of the 
political parties  which were opposition parties in the first republic such as 
the PDP, the GPP and  the NCP? The members of the former ruling party would also 
admit that nothing is  more difficult than to change a government which 
centralizes power and resources  in its hand and is determined to carry out the 
politics of patronage
What is  the situation of the NRP? Politics of patronage can never be 
combated by  adopting the same methods, Look at the UDP,. How many seats does it have 
in the  parliament? Can it survive as long as PDOIS without patrons to 
finance its  campaign. Only PDOIS has survived as a Political party which does not 
rely on  political patrons to survive .This is why it has established 
institutions that  no political party has established outside of the state structures. 
These  institutions are getting stronger and more viable in shaping the 
thinking of the  people. Who would dispute that since the first republic it is PDOIS 
which  enabled the people to know their constitutional rights. The greatest 
joy   is the fact that our very critics are people whose critical minds we have 
shaped  and  while we are tolerant in debating with them they always want to  
silence those who wish to defend PDOIS principles by accusing them of 
promoting  the personality cult..
Can you explain the problem of opposition politics in  the Gambia which is 
resulting in the demise of so many parties and how you hope  to overcome this 
problem? Many people still wonder how new parties like the UDP  took over the 
scene while PDOIS is older?
It is obvious that the NCP was the  major opposition party and the PPP the 
Majority Party  during the first  Republic. People should ask how the UDP 
outstripped the NCP and PPP and how the  APRC outsripped all? It should then become 
clear that there is more to politics  in the Gambia than mere credibility in 
the eyes of the electorate .Those are the  obstacles we have been struggling 
against with double difficulty as some out of  ignorance and others out of sheer 
disinformation campaign try to distort what we  stand for.
To be continued 

With Suwaibou Touray
We have been focusing on politics in this  column, which motivates us to 
follow the narration of political events from  pre-colonial to post-independence 
We are now narrating the happenings of  events as they culminate in late 
1988. We have stopped where we said “the nation  called on the accused ministers 
to prove their innocence and asked them to stop  behaving as untouchables and 
also called on the police to stop threatening the  editor.
Let us continue from where we have stopped.
Close observers of the  political scene at the time analyzed that the 
situation in the Gambia was a  battle that was raging between two groups-pro Dr. 
Lamin Saho, Minister of  Information and Tourism and Mr. Sheriff Sisay, Minister 
of Finance and Trade,on  the one hand and sympathizers of the Managing 
Directors of GCDB, GPMB, GUC on  the other.
According to reports, both sides could be found within the  government, which 
made the infighting a serious pre-occupation.
With the  backing of the “Mafia” the stingy rich within the system, which 
the nation  opined was determined to spend the last butut, the Nation thought 
the president  was expected to be confused to its advantage.
And so by 15th November 1988,  the Editor of the Torch Newspaper, Mr. Sanna 
A. Manneh appeared in the Banjul  court to answer charges against him by the 
Many believe that the old  political and position seeking infighting within 
the PPP government was what was  responsible for the exposure in the Torch 
editorial of 6th October  1988.

But all the same, on Tuesday 15th November 1988, the Editor  of The TORCH 
Newspaper, Mr. Sanna A. Manneh, appeared in the Banjul court to  answer charges 
against him by the police.
He was charged for Criminal Libel  contrary to section 178 of the Criminal 
Code (Cap 37) which, the Police say is  an intent to defame Saihou Sabally, M.P. 
and Cabinet Minister of Agriculture by  unlawfully publishing a defamatory 
matter in the form of an article captioned:  “CABINET RESHUFFLE INEVITABLE” in 
the TORCH newspaper in the words, “Saihou  Sabally, his dubious rice dealings 
with the General Manager of Co-ops Union, Mr.  M.M. Dibba and the other ugly 
Connections they are in, is ample evidence of his  corrupt attitude. He too, 
must be sent out of Office, as the Agriculture  Minister is guilty of acts of 
dishonesty incompatible with the status as a  Cabinet Minister.
The Editor is also charged for publishing: “L.J. who is one  of Chief Brungai’
s grandsons is our ‘ndoke’ for which reason we will restrain  ourselves to 
say much about him. He too, however, has to be sacked from his  post, equally 
like his other corrupt friends (meaning... the said Landing Jallow  Sonko, like 
his corrupt Cabinet Colleagues mentioned is guilty of acts of  dishonesty 
incompatible with his Office as Cabinet Minister).
The Editor  pleaded NOT GUILTY on both counts. It was then adjourned to 29 
November 1988.Mr.  Antoman Gaye was to be the defending Counsel for the Editor.
When the Court  resumed its Sitting on 29th November 1988, Mr. Gyeke Dacko 
assisted by Mrs.  Bensouda, put in an application for the amendment of the 
Statement of Offence by  substituting an additional count which refers to charge of 
Libel against Dr.  Lamin Saho, Minister of Information and Tourism,
The Editor, Mr. Sanneh  Manneh, the Accused, while explaining the reason for 
the absence of a lawyer in  defence of him said he had been trying but 
encountered difficulty in securing  the service of a legal practitioner, but was not 
successful because the  exorbitant fee of ten thousand or eight thousand 
Dalasis demanded was very high  which he could not afford.
Although he had told the Court that he was to be  defended by Mr. Antuman 
Gaye whose absence may be due to some reason including  his inability to pay the 
fee but said, he would be seeing Mr. Gaye, the lawyer  after leaving the Court 
on that day.
The Editor having pleaded NOT GUILTY to  the charges was refused further 
adjournment, had to take over the defence of  himself by first cross examining the 
witness, a German economist from Germany to  appear in Court on the 
allegations against Dr. Lamin Saho.
Earlier the State  Prosecutor had told the Court that the Accused had not 
been called upon to  defend his case.
Referring to Section 20 of the Republican Constitution of  the Gambia, the 
Editor expressed suspicion and said he was objecting to the  Magistrate presided 
over his case and informed the court that there was an  ulterior motive in 
selecting Mr. Grante, the presiding Magistrate who was the  then master of the 
supreme court, to deal with his case. He also questioned why  his case should 
be given special treatment by not taking it before the Principal  Magistrate as 
in the case of R.S. Allen the Editor of “Gambia Onwards” Vs High  Court 
Judge, and Dixon Colley. 
The Prosecuting Counsel, Mr. Dacko in reply  told the Court that under the 
Court’s amendment Act of No.9, 1986 and Criminal  procedure Amendment Act, the 
Master should act Judge, therefore the court is not  a special Criminal Court.
He said the special court was repealed in 1979 and  that the charge against, 
S, Allen and Dixon Colley had nothing to do with the  case and referred to 
Criminal Code Section 64 and said that the Editor’s  objection was misconceived. 
The Ruling of a Judge, the prosecution explained, is  a question of law. The 
Attorney General has power under Section 48 to institute  proceedings. The 
Attorney General does not dictate to the court. If wrong in law  the decision does 
not prevent the Editor from taking up this case, the  prosecution said.
The Editor told the court that although it is stipulated as  the POLICE Vs 
SANNA MANNEH, he was telling the Court that the Police had no  right to 
prosecute him because he was not an aggrieved person.
Mr. Grante  appeared as the trial magistrate. Me. Gyeke Darko and Mrs. F. 
Bensonda appeared  for the prosecution. Mr. Sanna Manneh appeared in person.
This additional  count was as follows; “On or about the 6th day of October, 
1988 in the city of  Banjul and diverse places in the Republic of the Gambia by 
print and with intent  to defame Dr. Lamin Saho, Member of parliament and 
Cabinet Minister responsible  for Information and Tourism in the Government of 
the Republic of The Gambia  unlawfully published a defamatory matter in the form 
of an article captioned  “Cabinet Reshuffle inevitable” in No.1/88 issue of “
The Torch” Newspaper of 6th  October, 1988 which contained the following 
defamatory matters concerning the  said Dr. Lamin Saho: “Dr. Saho, who is dubbed ‘
Nafa’ and to whom we now give the  name ‘fang-sung nafa’has covertly gone to 
the extreme by negatively converting  for his own personal benefit, some 
buses which the Germans had donated to the  school going children of this country 
and established the Trans Gambia Transport  Service Company, of which his 
wife, Ndella is the manageress at Grant Street in  Banjul. Saho has also stuck his 
bad neck into a drug deal in which he had  twisted the arms of the former 
Medical and Health Director, and forced him to  purchase on behalf of the 
hospital, a package of drugs which the Germans had  donated to The Gambia, during the 
campaign against meningitis episode and  pocketed the money derived from the 
“So it is clear that saho has no  place in the Cabinet and cannot be allowed 
to remain there as Minister of  Information and Tourism, “meaning thereby that 
the said Dr. Lamin Saho is guilty  of acts of dishonesty incompatible with 
his status as a Cabinet Minister of the  Republic of The Gambia”. “Mr. Sanna 
Manneh pleaded not guilty to the  Charge.”
According to Foroyaa, section 225 of C.P.C.  orders the court to try the 
case. As the court proceed the dramatic factors of  the trial foroyaa said outdid 
each other. 
Sanna Manneh was charged with  section 178 of the criminal code, which reads 
as follows;
Any person who by  print, writing, painting, effigy or by any means other 
wise than solely by  gesture, spoken words or other sound, unlawfully publishes 
any defamatory matter  concerning another person, with intention to defame the 
other person, is guilty  of a misdemeanor termed “Libel”.
According to Foroyaa, section 181 of the  criminal code states that a 
publication of a defamatory matter is not considered  unlawful if the matter is true 
and it was for the public benefit that it should  be published and if it is 
Foroyaa also quoted section 182 and  commented that where the publication is 
absolutely privileged, the publisher  cannot be found to be guilty of Libel. 
Foroyaa maintained that what was  clear was that it was the duty of Sanna the 
accused in a libel case to prove  that what he published was true and was 
published in good faith. The accused  person Foroyaa said may not be liable to 
punishment if he could prove that he  believed the defamatory matter to be true; 
that he took reasonable care to  ascertain it to be true or false, that he 
did not act with the intent to injure  the person defamed, but to safeguard the 
interest of the public. It is the role  of the prosecution to prove that the 
defamatory matter was untrue; that the  publisher did not believe it to be 
true; that he did not take reasonable care to  ascertain whether it was true or 
false; that he acted with-intent to injure the  person defamed in a degree that 
is greater than was necessary to prevent the  interest of the public or a 
section of the public or another interested  party.
See next edition of Focus for more on this most interesting of  historical 
lessons in 1988. 

By Yaya Bajo
In this publication of Health and Nutrition Bantaba,  this columnist 
approached Mr. Amadou Sowe, Programme Manager Health Education  Unit, who dilated on a 
wide range of issues relating to food poisoning. Read on  to find out.

What is food poisoning?
When one eats food that  contains agents not meant for consumption, the 
result is food poisoning. It  ranges from mild illness, which ceases on its own, to 
severe and life  threatening illness, depending upon the cause. One can get 
food poisoning from  eating foods that are poisonous if improperly prepared, 
food that is prepared by  someone with a highly contagious virus, or food 
contaminated with numerous types  of bacteria. Some people may even contract food 
poisoning from eating foods that  contain a high amount of pesticides, or 
parasites. In many cases, food poisoning  can be prevented by appropriate hand 
washing and safe preparation of food.  

Can you tell me what kind of virus causes food  poisoning?
Certain viruses can cause food poisoning if the cook does not wash  his hands 
properly, particularly after using the bathroom. Novo=virus is a  common one, 
and has been the cause of many cases of mass food poisoning on  cruise ships. 
Rotavirus and Hepatitis A can also be contacted in this manner. In  most 
cases the person preparing the food gets their own fecal matter into the  food by 
not washing his/her hands properly. Most of these illnesses cause a few  days 
to weeks of upset stomach, nausea, diarrrhoea and fever. However, young  
children can become significantly ill with Hepatitis A and with Rotaviruses and  
may require hospitalization and intravenous fluids.
Bacteria causing food  poisoning is quite common. In many cases, such 
bacteria make a person sick for  24-48 hours with nausea and vomiting. Salmonella and 
campylobacter are common  bacteria responsible for food poisoning. Salmonella 
tends to result from food  that is improperly stored or undercooked foods 
like eggs and poultry. Raw  chicken, or raw milk may also cause campylobacter. 
Though most people get over  food poisoning from these bacteria in a few days, 
young children and people with  immune deficiencies may have much more severe 
reactions a few weeks after  ingesting the bacteria.

How can we avoid or minimize food  poisoning?
You minimise food poisoning risks by avoiding foods that are known  to be 
poisonous, washing hands and kitchen surfaces thoroughly while preparing  food, 
keeping food refrigerated appropriately, and cooking food properly. Drink  
bottled water when you are traveling or hiking. If you are ill and work in the  
food industry, it is best to avoid working when you have a stomach  virus.

Can you shed light on food safety and foodborne  illness?
Food safety is an increasingly important public health issue.  Governments 
all over the world are intensifying their efforts to improve food  safety. These 
efforts are in response to an increasing number of food safety  problems and 
rising consumer concerns.
Food borne illness are diseases,  usually either infectious or toxic in 
nature, are caused by agents that enter  the body through the ingestion of food. 
Every person is at risk of foodborne  illness.

How can salmonella infections be prevented?
Pay  attention to cleanliness, make sure that all food is thoroughly cooked.  

What are the basic rules for preparing food  hygienically?
Always wash your hands with soap after going to the toilet and  before 
preparing food. Dry them on a dry towel. Wash your hands when you switch  from 
preparing one type of food to another, e.g vegetables to meat. This helps  prevent 
the exchange of bacteria between different ingredients. Kitchen utensils  must 
be properly washed with soap and water before use with another type of  food. 
Again, this stops bacteria being exchanged. Use different cutting boards  and 
knives for preparing different foods. Store food in the refrigerator. Meat,  
poultry and fish must not be left out of the fridge for long  periods.

Finally, how should food be cooked to avoid salmonella  poisoning?
The only effective way to kill salmonella bacteria is with heat.  For this 
reason it is essential to cook food thoroughly. Poultry must always be  
thoroughly cooked or boiled. Minced meat must always be thoroughly cooked or  boiled. 
Never crack a raw egg on a bowl containing other foods- use a knife to  crack 
the shell, and in most eggs, the salmonella bacteria exist only on the  shell. 
Eggs should be scalded in boiling water for five seconds before  use.

Students’ Page

Come live with me and be my love, 
And we will all be the  pleasures prove 
That valleys, groves, hills and field, 
Woods, or steepy  mountain yields.

And we will sit upon the rocks, 
Seeing the  shepherds feed their flocks 
By shallow rivers to whose falls 
Melodic  bird sings madrigals.

And I will make the bed of roses 
And a  thousand fragrant poises, 
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle 
Embroidered all  with leaves of myrtle;

A gown made of the finest wool 
Which  from our pretty lambs we pull, 
Fair lined slippers for the cold 
With  buckles of the purest gold,

A bell of straw and ivy buds, 
With  coral clasps and amber sheds; 
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come  live with me, and be my love.

The shepherd swains shall 
dance  and sing.
For thy delight each may morning, 
If these delights thy mind  may move,
Then live with me and be my love.

By Modou C.  Nyang
Nusrat Press Club

In these few  years 
Since her death I hear
Mother’s voice says
Under my own, I  won’t

Want any more of that 
My cheekbones resonate 
with her  emphasis. Nothing
or not wanting only

But the distance there  from
Common fact of others
Fightens me. I look out
at all this  demanding world

and try to put it quietly back,
from me, say,  thank you.
I’ve already had some
Though I haven’t

And would  you like to
But I’ve said no. She has
It’s not my non-voice anymore  
It’s higher as hers was

And accommodates too simply
Its  frustrations when 
I at least think I want more
And must have  it.

By Abdou Kabirr Daffeh
Nusrat Press  Club

Of man’s first disobedience, and the fruit of  that forbidden tree whose 
mortal taste brought death into the world, and all  woe,
With loss of eden, till one greater man restore us, and regain the  blissful 
Sing, he av’nly muse, that, on the secret top.
Of orbi or  Sinai, didn’t inspire that shepherd who first caught the chosen 
seed. In the  beginning how the heavens and earth rose out of chaos: or, if 
zion hill delight  thee more, and siloa’s brook that flowed fast by the cracle of 
God, I thence  invoke thy aid to my adventurous song.
That with no middle flight intends to  soar above the ‘Aonian mount’, while 
if pursues things unattempted yet in prose  or rhyme. And chiefly thou, O 
spirit, that dost prefer before all temples the  upright heart and pure.

A good education in hand can be good insurance against joblessness and  
poverty. Let’s make advance preparation for ourselves.
Don’t be foolish and  destitute and wisdom and pride. Why betraying our pride 
and disowning our  rights? We have to emancipate ourselves. Yes! We can make 
it by ourselves. Be  committed to a life and principle and when you see you 
have failed yourself  remember there is nobody on earth whoever succeeded 
without failing several  times and facing difficulties. So why behaving like slaves.
They came with  big ships took our people as slaves and now we are using 
canoes to meet them  there. I believe if we are well educated on the principle of 
our  responsibilities as good citizens, there will be to prides betrayal and  
disowning rights.
What is so said is paying thousand of dollars to death. If  you stay in your 
country can’t you achieve nothing with it, rather than buying  death.
Remember, the charcoal seller doesn’t start with thousands of dollars.  Those 
places are like that because the citizens of those countries work for it.  
Please don’t use your money to buy death wait for time, opportunity comes in its 
 right time.
Therefore, let’s strive our best to be an object of inspiration,  admiration, 
trust, respect and dutifulness. Don’t give up, quitters never  win.

By Mariama A Jallow
Nusrat Press Club
12 Arts  Noon

By Amie  Sillah
Visits Their House
Gibril went to his house with Abdou. It was  under surveillance. Gibril 
sensed it. He played some tricks on the agents and  escaped unhurt. Abdou was 

Comes Back To Rama
Gibril  came back to Rama and they packed out. “The fascists are after us. I 
escaped  them unhurt. Let’s move out from here. They have caught Abdou. He 
will be  tortured to bring them here.” They packed out and left in a  jiffy.

Scouting For The Fugitives
Abdou is escorted in Dawda’s  jeep. They went to the motel to search for the 
fugitives. Gibril hired a taxi  and left town. Dave spotted them and followed 
in pursuit. They made a short cut  and got down. They hid themselves in some 
tall grasses. Dave saw the speeding  taxi and followed it. Dave was fooled. 
Gibril took another transport and went to  a new motel. He deposited Rama there. 
He gave her situational report. “Someone,  your ex-husband want to harm you. 
Your husband hit you all the time. As a  result, you lose your memory. Do you 
remember me?” Gibril asked her. “No!” She  replied. Still, she has not regain 
her memory. “You have to remember something  to defend me or yourself. Five 
more days and my money is finished! Can you  remember your rich husband. Your 
house, a two duplets storey building, well  furnished. You have a string of 
porsh cars. I am your driver Gibril. Your  gateman, Abdou. You have an activist 
friend, Kate, Katty. Dave hates her with a  passion. He accuses her of making 
you go astray.” Rama held Gibril tight. She  gave a shrill yell and fell 
unconsciousness. Gibril applied some tepid sponging  on Rama and rushed out for help.

Gibril Visit Katty
Gibril  visited Katty and announced himself. “I am Rama’s driver. She is in 
trouble at  the motel.” They rushed to get her in Katty’s car. She was 
admitted at the  hospital.

Under Control
Rama gained consciousness. She  remembered everything. She embraced Kate and 
both shed emotional tears. They  praised God that Rama regained her memory. 
Kate counseled  her.

Mediation Centre
Kate stood for Rama and Becki stood for  Dawda. Rama stated her points. “I 
want my freedom. I don’t want to go back into  an abusive relationship. I am a 
journalist. I want to practice my profession.”  Kate spoke. “My client was 
violated, oppressed, suppressed, exploited and  brutalized. She want to be free 
to be her whole again. She is asking for half of  the marriage property hence 
no issue is involved.” Becki agreed. “There is no  problem. My client has 
agreed.” Dave rose up and protested. “I did not agree.”  He whispered in Becki’s 
ears but she ignored him. Dave became angry and left the  centre.

It’s Over
Rama and Kate left triumphant. “It’s over! No  more abusive relationship! I 
am free! Free to be myself again!” Rama jumped with  excitement.

Clensed Fist
Dave came out with a clensed fist.  “Over my dead body! How can I give this 
scoundrel half of what I have laboured  for throughout my life? I’ll not do it! 
I’ll go after her!” he  threatened.
“Don’t do it! You’ll go to jail if you touch her. This is a deal.  It could 
have been worst. You assaulted her over and over again. The doctors  reports 
would have landed you in jail. Take your time Dave. Don’t get into a  marriage 
relationship again until you transform. You are not fit to get a wife  until 
you take a qualitative leap. As of now you have no patience for women.  This is 
my candid advise as your counsel,” Becki advised.

Rama And  Kate Visit Gibril
The duo visited Gibril in his home. He was surprised to see  them. He 
welcomed them with open arms.” Madam! I feel honoured. Are you okay  now? I wish you 
the best of luck.” Rama thanked Gibril for everything. “I owe my  life to 
you. You were god sent. I would have been deep in my grave by now.” She  took out 
a cheque of D2,000,000 (two million dalasi) and gave it to Gibril. He  could 
not believe his eyes. “All this for me?” “Yes! Why not? You deserve more.  I 
owe my life to you. You have spent all your savings on my hospital bill. You  
sold your valuables to get me treated. This is a small token. Start something  
and change your life. I wish you the best of luck. Relocate, open a new  
business. It will grow, one good turn deserves another.” Gibril shed emotional  
tears. He was overwhelmed.

Rama Remarries
Do you remember the  supermarket admirer? Alfred met her again. This time 
that the bank. He greeted  her and realized that Rama is livelier and freer to 
interact. He was overjoyed  to hear Rama’s newly acquired freedom. “I love you 
Ramatoulie, would you marry  me?” “I cannot marry you now. I want a cool off 
period. Let us court. I want to  know more about you. Now, I have learnt my 
lesson. I am a human being, I have  feelings. I am a journalist. I have to 
practice my profession. Are you  comfortable with that?” “Yes! I am. Will you have 
dinner with me tonight?” “Yes!  I’ll.”

The Date
It was a wonderful date. They discussed at  length their likes and dislikes. 
They courted for sometime. When they became  satisfied they set a date for 
their legal wedding. They conducted a simple  ceremony. Their marriage proved 
very successful. Ronald and Kate were also  wedded. It was a dual wedding. 
The End

The Responsibility of Trade Union  Leadership is one main Topic Carved out of 
our courses for Trade Union Leaders.  It is divided into three parts, namely:
a) Trade Union Leadership which deals  with Working Class World Outlook.
b) The Working Class Conception of the  World:
Matter and idea, the Primacy of Matter, the interpretation of the  World:
Workers’ Optimistic Realism and the Proletarian  Internationalism.
PHILOSOPHY is derived from two Greek Words
Philos =  Wisdom, Love of Wisdom and
Logos = the Word, the Study, Science of  Wisdom.
Philosophy, therefore, is the science of the General Laws of being,  of 
existence, that is, the Universe, Nature. Society and Thought or Knowledge  and 
their Relationships to one another.
Let us treat now our own subject in  our present Generation:

We start with  the Term TRADE UNION and we define what a Trade Union is.
Who will volunteer  to tell us what a Trade Union is from all we have learnt 
in the past three  decades?
We said that a Trade Union is a Legal Association of Workers  Registered for 
the purpose of protecting the Interests, Rights and Privileges of  the 
Workers. It fights for Social Justice, Freedom and Peace and uses the means  of 
workers’ Education, industrial Harmony, through processes of Collective  Bargaining 
 and Trade Disputes. As a last Resort it employs the Method of  Strikes; 
Economic, industrial and Political Strikes to seek Redress, Social  Justice and 
Freedom for the workers.

WORLD OUTLOOK- How do you see  the world?
Trade Unions are organised by the Workers’ Leaders, the Trade  Union Leaders, 
to make the Struggle of the Workers meaningful, to achieve its  stated Goals.
The Workers, the Trade Union Leaders and their Trade Union  Organisations 
perceive the world in a different way. The way the people see the  World is 
called World Outlook. ‘A World Outlook is the system of views, Concepts  and 
Notions about the surrounding World. In a broad sense, World Outlook  comprises the 
sum total of all views of MAN and WOMAN on the surrounding Wor1d  
Philosophical, Socio-political, Ethical (Rules of Conduct and Behaviour)  Aesthetical 
(belonging to beauty), Scientific. etc.

There are two main types of Philosophies and  World Outlooks.
The Materialist Philosophy which comes from the word MATTER’  and Idealist
Philosophy which is from the word ‘IDEA’.
Matter, according  to the Dictionary of Philosophy quoted means:

A philosophical  category, denoting the objective reality, which Exists 
independent of our mind  or Consciousness or Awareness and this Objective reality 
is reflected in our  minds, Consciousness. Matter is the endless number of 
things, of all that Exist  as phenomena, objects, systems, different properties 
(like chemical property)  Relations, Interactions and forms of Motions.
Matter exists only in concrete  forms, in infinite endless) variety of forms 
of Structures and  Organisations.
IDEA is a form of knowledge of Matter which is an attribute or  quality or 
property of the developed Human brain.
Which is primary, Matter or  Idea?

The Fundamental  question of Philosophy is the question of the Relationship 
of Idea to Matter,  the question of the Relationship of Consciousness to Being, 
thinking to Matter  and Nature.
This question has two sides:
a) What is Primary or  Secondary?
b) How the knowledge of the Wor1d-Idea-Related to the World itself  or its 
Consciousness to being and can Consciousness reflect the World  adequately?

1. Which is Primary- Matter or
2. Can we know the  World?
Are we capable of knowing the world?
The Answer:

The Philosophers who say that Matter, Being, Existence or the  World is 
Primary and who say that Idea, Consciousness or Awareness is Secondary  are called 
They say that Idea is a Reflection of Matter, the  work of the Brain, so it 
is Secondary.

The  Philosophers who say that Idea or Consciousness is Primary and that Idea 
is the  true reality which projects this World and that this World is 
Secondary, are  Idealists.

a) The Materialists of Philosophers who  say that our World is Primary also 
say that Human Beings, with our knowledge are  capable of knowing the Secrets 
of the World.
b) The Idealists who say that  the world is a projection of the Idea, 
maintain also that MAN and WOMAN cannot  know the Secrets of the World.

The  struggle of the Philosophers is closely associated with the interest of 
the  Classes in the society-
a) The Interest of the Haves, the Rich who become  Richer and Richer; and
b) The Interest of the Have-Nots, the Poor who become  Poorer and Poorer.

The Haves or the Rich own  the means of Production, the Land (they are the 
Land-Lords and Estate Owners)  the Capital, the Machines, the Factories, the 
Workshops, the Chairmen and  Directors of Businesses, Owners of the Commercial 
Banks and the  Insurances.
They are Big Traders and are either directly the Rulers or  support the 
Rulers who do their WILL.
At any rate, they govern the Country  and as the ‘Bigmen’ they are the 
Employers and the Rulers. They have the  Capital. The Employers and Class of the 
Haves make the Laws to suit themselves  i.e. to keep Law and Order and the Peace 
of the Country, as it suits  them.
They have their own World Outlook and their own Ideology in the  Political 
Parties where they lead. They do not lead the Trade Unions. They  cannot 
reconcile themselves with the Trade Unions ‘the Workers’ Organisations’.  They only 
tolerate them for USE and SERVICE to their Economic, Political,  Ideological 
and Social Interests. Even the Bourgeois Education is to keep the  Workers and 
their children under check and as Perpetual Class of the under-dogs  and the 
wretched of the earth. And this is from Generation to Generation of the  
Workers from their children to posterity.
The Capitalists, the Bourgeoisie,  Compradore Bourgeoisie and the Foreign 
Multinational Masters, all have a Common  Philosophy and share a Common World 
Outlook. They all Exploit, Oppress and  invariably CORRUPT.

The HAVE-NOTS or the  POOR have nothing except their LABOUR. They become 
Poorer and Poorer. They have  no means of Production. They Own Nothing to Use to
Exploit. They are the  Exploited, the Oppressed, the Deprived and not the 
They Fight to be  Freed from Oppression, Exploitation and Deprivation.
The Working Woman  suffers from the double Yoke. The Working Mass Youth 
launguishes  in
Hopelessness and Frustration. The Working People of the World have one  Common
Hope, One Common World Outlook and Ideology. They all, be they Black  or 
have nothing to LOSE except their CHAINS. They have no ‘HEAVEN’ on  Earth.
They have ‘HELL’ on Earth. Their Common Hope is Socialism or  Socialisation
Mechanisms in their Lifetime.

Comrades or Readers look outside! How do you see the World ?
What  is your World Outlook? But then, what is a World Outlook?
A world outlook as  I have stated earlier on, is your view, our view of the 
world. A world outlook  is the System of Views, Concepts and Notions about the 
surrounding  (World).
In General and Broad Sense, World Outlook comprises the sum total of  all 
views of MAN and WOMAN on the surrounding world.
There are also Two Basic  World Outlooks:
a. Materialist World Outlook which stems from  Materialism.
b. Idealist World Outlook which also arises from  Idealism.
The World Outlook of primitive Society was very Primitive and that  of Feudal 
Society was very Limited.
The Study of World Outlook is very  Important for a Trade Union Leader, 
particularly in our Country because, of the  Mixture in Stages of Development of 
The Gambian

A World Outlook bears a Class Character- Feudal, Bourgeois,  Proletarian. In 
a Class Society, the World Outlook of the Ruling Class is  dominant. It relies 
on its Ideology to propagate its World Outlook, the source  of its Ideology. 
World Outlook is very important, because it determines  Human attitude 
towards the surrounding reality and serves as a Guide to  Action-Bourgeois or 
workers Action. 
A World Outlook can be Reactionary  -Backward or Progressive and 

1. Reveals the Objective Laws of the
Universe, of Nature, Society,  Thought
and their Relationship and Interaction.
2. Express the Interests  of the Progressive  Forces. 
3. Defends the Proletariat.
4. Promotes  Working Class Consciousness. 
5. Promotes General Progress.
6. Wars  against or Fights and Exposes
Reactionary Views and Classes.
7. Sees the  World in a Continuous Process    of  Progress.         
8. Encourages and  Promotes Equality of Man and Woman and Equal Opportunity 
for all.
9. Operates  with Realistic Optimism.
10. Preaches Peace for all  Mankind.

1. Serves the Decaying  Classes.
2. Defends the Interests of the Laws of the Exploiting  Class.                
   3. Diverts the Workers from the Fight for their Emancipation.
4. Promotes the  World of the Rich.
5.Promotes Bourgeois Consciousness.
(the fingers are  not equal)
6. Arrests Social Development.
7. Sees the World as being  Static.
8. Opposed to Equal Opportunity and
Equality for All.
9.  Preaches Paradise on Earth for the Rich and Hell on Earth for the Poor.
10.  Operates with the Phenomenon ‘Fear’ the Threat of the End of the  World.

Some of the World Outlook of the Bourgeoisie are  Predestination, Denial to 
Change and Progress to the  POOR.

This is a system of views and ideas-political  Legal, ethical, Aesthetical, 
religious, philosophical which, as part of the  political superstructure 
reflects the economic relations. In the class society,  the ideological struggle is 
part of the class struggle, complementary to the  economic and political 
The world outlook and ideology work  hand-in-hand. Bourgeois ideology, for 
example, fights the working class ideology  by distortion and confusion, 
confusing the proletariat, the working class and  the Democratic forces of the WOMEN, 
YOUTH and the STUDENTS by giving false hopes  and promises. 

Trade union leadership  depends on the forms of Capitalism, the stage of 
Capitalism and the condition  under which a Trade Union Leadership cooperates in a 
civil war, in a Global war,  under civilian or Military or under a 
Neo-Fascist Police State, for example, the  then Apartheid South Africa and its the 
prevailing, Draconian Laws etc. It  depends also on the type of Industry the level 
of workers’ education, the  Management such as in Korea, Lebanon, India and 
how enlightened and experienced  the management is. It also depends on the type 
of workers, whether enlightened,  predominantly women in the textile 
industry, or predominantly youth, or in   the mines or are seafarers.
In all, the nature of Labour Leadership is  collective, comradely. It must be 
collegial, not bossy, not Bureaucratic, and  not pompous. It involves going 
to the grass-roots, leading and not giving false  promises.
A labour or Trade Union leader must be honest should not be  tribalistic, 
cannot afford to be corrupt, take bribe or offer bribe, . If the  workers fight 
injustice them he must be just. If we fight discrimination then we  too cannot 
discriminate –not even against a Female worker.
If the Trade Union  leader should aspire to lead, the workers to freedom from 
exploitation then he  cannot make his ambition to be that of a Capitalist.
Comrades, I have  approached our topic from this height and angle for you 
leaders and workers to  be aware of the wide horizon of workers Education and to 
show you as workers  your Responsibility.


Magistrate Sentences Alleged Homosexual To 3 Years
By  Saikou Ceesay
Ousman Conteh ,a 24 year young man a resident  of Kanifing  South, is said to 
have forcefully had carnal knowledge of a male child under the  age of 16, on 
7 November 2007.
Delivering her judgment Magistrate Sainabou  Wadda Ceesay of the Kanifing 
Magistrates Court ruled that the accused unlawfully  had carnal knowledge with a 
nine-year-old male student (name (withheld) without  his consent. The accused 
was given a jail term of three years without any option  of a fine. The trial 
magistrate sentenced him after the accused pleaded guilty  and asked for mercy.
Magistrate Wadda Ceesay further warned that such  activities should not be 
condoned in The Gambia and that the accused being an  elderly person should 
instead protect the child from such  activities. 

Comium Launches MMS
By Madiba Singhateh  
Comium  The Gambia Limited in its quest to be the pace-setter in the  
telecommunications sector in the Gambia on Wednesday 14 November launched  CLICPIC at 
its headquarters.
This is the first time that a GSM company has  introduced this facility in 
the Gambia. The facility allows subscribers to  exchange pictures, audio clips 
as well as video Clips.
Fatim Badjie, the  communications officer welcomed the guests present at the 
launching  ceremony.  
The Managing Director Amer Atwi noted that Comium has barely  been in the 
market for six months and had made quite a difference in the telecom  sector. 
Managing Director Atwi said he is proud to announce that they have  reached a 
subscriber base of 100,000. Mr. Atwi said during these past months,  they have 
witnessed the lowering of international tariffs for their subscribers,  and they 
have introduced affordable and reliable cross network calls, along with  
superior voice quality and most importantly, they are operating to provide the  
most extensive country-wide coverage.
Mr. Atwi noted that this is the first  time ever in the history of the Gambia 
that Comium subscribers will be able to  exchange voice, video, clips and 
other multimedia files. Mr Atwi said they  provide their customers with the most 
advanced technology available in  telecommunications industry,-hence clip pic. 
Mr. Atwi said competition in the  mobile market is heating up and Comium does 
not plan on slowing down.He said  they will continue to work hard to ensure 
that they keep the Gambia at the  forefront of communication in Africa.
Mr. Ismaila Cham, the Marketing Officer  also noted that this service being 
launched will make the customers live easier  as one can send pictures. He said 
this service will help businessmen, securities  and journalist as it will 
process their information.
The SoS for  Communication and Information Technology Mrs. Nenneh Macdaull 
Gaye said they  will continue to cooperate and work together. SoS Gaye said to 
promote  telecommunications in The Gambia; companies need interconnection from 
each  other.  

3 More Bodies Recovered 
One Yet To Be  Identified
By Fabakary B. Ceesay
After the initial recovery of seven  corpses of victims who lost their lives 
at sea while attempting to sail to the  Canary Islands of Spain on Sunday 11 
November; three more bodies were found by  The Gambia Navy on Wednesday 14 
November in the waters at the Mangrove Swamps at  the place called“Ndangan”. The 
bodies were said to have been spotted by  Fishermen who then contacted the 
Navy Personnel.
According to Navy Officer,  WO2 Daffeh, they have a tip that there were dead 
bodies floating in that part of  the river. He said that the men left with his 
men to conduct a search within the  area and that they discovered the three 
bodies; that the bodies were on the  verge of decomposing and that they were 
beyond recognition. WO2 Daffeh told  reporters that the bodies were later 
escorted to the RVTH mortuary for  identification by their family members.
On Thursday 15 November, relatives of  the missing victims converged at the 
mortuary to look for their loved ones.  Among the three bodies only two were 
identified as Musa Fatty, from Badibou  Salikenni and Sambou Darboe, from Sandu 
Kuraw. According to a staff at the  mortuary, the remaining one is yet to be 
identified. Family members noted that  their loved ones were beyond recognition 
but could only be recognised by the  clothes they were putting on. Family 
members expressed shock and sorrow in the  way the young boys lost their lives at 

NARI Director  Harps On Food Security
By Amie Sanneh
The Director of the national  Research Institute (NARI) Lamin Jobe has said 
more than 204 million people in  Africa are still suffering from hunger and 
He said Africa  lacks the necessary food resources to lead healthy and 
productive life.
The  Director of NARI made these remarks while addressing stakeholders in the 
 Agricultural sector at a validation workshop.
Mr. Jobe noted that the  Importance of Agriculture in the sub-region 
particularly in The Gambia cannot be  over emphasised. He said in the last two to 
three decades, Agricultural  production in Africa has witnessed a downward trend, 
making food security  situation more precarious hence requiring urgent action 
and the combined efforts  of all.
Nari’s Director said the decline in productivity and production is  due to 
multiple number of constraints such  as:
-           Poor soil  fertility
-            Inefficient natural resource utilization  
-           Restricted and  inefficient marketing outlet and many others.
Describing seed as the  foundation for any meaningful growth, he said lack of 
good quality seed of  improved varieties and coherent seed policies is also a 

West, East and Brikama Open with Win
By Bakary  S. Dampha, Sulayman Bah and Lamin Komma
Serre kunda West, East and  Brikama each collected maximum points of 3 in 
their first matches in the ongoing  Super Nawettan championship.
On Wednesday at the Serrekunda West grounds,  Serrekunda East managed a 1-0 
win over Sukuta. The 2006 Super Nawettan champions  defended their slim lead 
after scoring in the 3rd minute of the first half.  Ousainou Sarr capitalised to 
slot home from a scramble in the Sukuta area to  snatch the goal that proved 
the winner for the Easterners. And the rest of the  match was a lacklustre 
affair as Serrekunda East defended their lead to the  end.
At the Serrekunda East field on the same day, Banjul and Bakau blanked  each 
other out in a well-contested match. Banjul had the upper hand in the first  
period missing several opportunities. Bakau however, managed to put the City  
Boys at bay with their one-two-one passes. 
The second half produced another  tough challenge and Banjul having some 
substitutes pushed harder for a gaol but  the stubborn Bakau side remained 
resilient in their defence.
In Thursday’s  matches Brikama scored three times to hand Gunjur the heaviest 
defeat they  received in all the first matches of the competition. Lamin 
Findi Jammeh scored  early in the 4th minute for Brikama first before he put the 
game beyond Gunjur’s  reach in the 14th minute beating the offside trap. 
Brikama made it three  goals before the half hour mark when Sheriff Samba 
scored from the penalty spot.  Gunjur could have pulled one when they were 
awarded a penalty following a foul  on Yusupha Barrow. But Barrow himself fired out 
wide from the spot kick.  
Serrekunda West also grabbed all three points by defeating Lamin 2-0 at the  
Serrekunda East grounds on Thursday. Two-second half goals by Ebrima Drammeh  
helped West to overcome a resilient Lamin side. The first period of the match  
was a dull affair and it was until when West scored in the second half that 
the  game proved entertaining. Drammeh first came when he struck twice from the 
close  range to break the deadlock 9 minutes into the period. Drammeh became 
the hero  of the West 13 minutes later when he collected to fire home from a 
defensive  error by Lamin’s Lamin Colley.
The matches continue tomorrow with Banjul  taking on Sukuta at Serrekunda 
East and Bakau to play Serrekunda East at the  West grounds. Serrekunda West will 
face Gunjur at the East grounds on Sunday  whilst Lamin take on Brikama at 
West on the same day.

Bakau: Late  FM FC Wins Knockout Title
By Madiba Singhateh 
Late Fatou Mbye FC wins the  knockout title of the Bakau Nawettan in a 
rescheduled match on Tuesday. 
The  first match last Sunday ended in a goalless draw forcing the match to be 
 rescheduled. But Tuesday match also failed to produce a winner after 
regulation  time taking the game into penalties after 1-1 draw. And Late FM FC 
dethroned  Scan tours as defending champions winning 3-2.
FM took the lead in the 55th  minute of the second half through substitute 
Ousainou Njie sending Scan tours  into a frantic charge to equalise and their 
efforts were rewarded in the 64th  minute when Ebrima Marong scored the leveller 
from a goal mouth  scramble.
Late FM FC were awarded a cash prize of D10, 000 while Scan tours  received 
D7, 000.

Berewuleng Rule Brikama
By Modou  Jonga
Berewuleng FC were on Sunday crowned League champions of the Brikama  
Nawettan after defeating Daru-gift FC 2-1.
The hotly contested final was  witnessed by a huge crowd of football 
enthusiasts in and around Brikama, and  Darus’Abdoulie Njie shocked Berewuleng by 
scoring the opener in the 20th minute.  The goal was however short- lived as 
Berewuleng forced a leveller in the 30th  minute through Lamin Findi Jammeh. 
The second period both sides showed  determination to take the lead and in 
the 65th minute Buba Faye put Berewuleng  through. Faye made his way through the 
Daru defence without obstruction before  firing into the net. 
Berewuleng went home with a trophy and cash amount of  D15, 000 while Daru 
collected D10, 000 as runners-up. Findi Jammeh of Berewuleng  emerged top goal 
scorer of the tournament with four goals.

Maccasa  Win SK East League Title
By Isatou Bittaye
Maccassa FC erased their  knockout woes by clinching the SK East League title 
winning 2-0 on Sunday  against Milan FC.
Maccassa’s Ebrima Njie scored the defending champions’  opener on the 
half-hour mark capitalising from a cross. Milan tried to respond  through their star 
player Habib Kunta who shot wide in the 42nd minute. 
The  match intensified in the second period as Milan pushed for the equaliser 
and  Maccassa tried to add to their lone goal advantage. Abdourahman Dampha 
could  have set Maccassa in full control of the match early on the half time 
but the  stubborn Milan defenders denied him. Milan missed several chances to 
level the  score but their frantic push for the all-important leveller allowed 
Maccassa to  kill the game two minutes inside injury time. Lamin Saho lobbed 
the ball from a  long distance when the Milan keeper ventured forward to 
compliment his side’s  search for the equaliser, and the ball dived direct into the 
Maccassa  were rewarded with D25, 000 and Milan went away with D15,  000.

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