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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 Sep 2007 22:21:21 EDT
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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"Rashidiki, there you go again, I am telling you of real existence and you  
are on a philosophy binge." Joe Sambou.
I wish you would share that with PDOIS. Do I look like a philosopher??  
Hehehehe, Hohohoho!
"Wrap your head around tribal pride and other pretests and see if we will  
ever progress against Yaya." Joe Sambou.
Pretexts. May be this is where the problem is. I am not interested in  
progressing against Yahya. I am interested in Gambia's progress. You PDOIS folk  
need to start developing yourselves so you can make these critical distinctions.  
What a clueless bunch.
"I repeat, play the same stunts thirty times and you and I will be  
complaining about Yaya for the next thirty elections." Joe Sambou.
I don't play stunts. I play life. I do not complain about Yahya. Not  
interested in that. I advise Yahya to train himself on Gambia's good. Sorry Joe,  
you're on your own in the complaining arena.
"It is amazing that you folks are deaf and blind to the very obvious.   
Tribal suspicion is what will entrench Yaya." Joe Sambou.
What does tribal suspicion have to do with tribalism?
"You do not have the luxury to know that" Joe Sambou.
I didn't know that knowledge was luxurious. carry on.
"because you are too busy being pro Mandingo or riding on Mandingo pride  and 
the only folks you deal with." Joe Sambou.
Pro Mandingo occupies a miniscule amount of my time and energies if  any.
I don't ride on Mandingo pride. That is what I am, a proud Mandinka and  
I don't only deal with mandingos. I cannot remmember the last time I  
communed with a Mandinka or Jola or Njago. My professional environment cannot  
accomodate sectarianism. You will never grow as a human if you restrict  communion 
to your own kind Joe.
"Is that not what Yaya is doing?" Joe Sambou.
I think you are mistaken here. You harp on so much about yahya, you don't  
even understand what the man does. What are you an idiot? If you take Yahya to  
be your/PDOIS' enemy, you should attempt to understand and know him first I  
"On that charge, what is your degree of separation from Yaya?" Joe  Sambou.
I do not view myself as far separated from Yahya. He just took the wrong  
turn and he is aided by folk like you. Wolves in sheep's clothing. You don't  
fool me Joe. Maybe the other idiots but not Haruna. And you know it.
"I am discussing about Gambian realities and you are still fixated on  Halifa 
and PDOIS." Joe Sambou.
How can you discuss about Gambian realities when you are clueless. Trust me  
we know who is fixated on Halifa, PDOIS, and Haruna.
"Recently, there was voice about uniting the opposition." Joe Sambou.
Really??? Wow.
"Does anyone know who was trying to unite with whom?" Joe Sambou.
I don't. Maybe Suntou or Father Mose knows.
"Does the readership know who were behind that unity call?" Joe  Sambou.
Maybe the readership is not interested. I suppose you'll try to tell  us 
"To the first question, the majority behind that call were none other than  
UDP folks with a vision to shape the river for their own destination." Joe  
Is that right?
"How come they were not visible and be identifiable by name and face.   Some 
very few folks among them were genuine in that quest but they  underestimated 
the manipulating capacity within.  Towards the end, that  minority realized 
that the set up was not for unity but to continue the quest of  the UDP core of 
finding a few good men and women to achieve their dream.   Not Gambias dream, 
but their dream." Joe Sambou.
You seem to know a lot about this effort then. I suppose if UDP folk want  to 
reunite the opposition but they do not have PDOIS folk join them, then I  
would say the end result will have been re-uniting UDP. Can you share with  us 
one name of who is involved in such foolhardy??? Or is this the Charlatan and  
sycophant again?? If I were you Joe, I wouldn't spend much time on this. I will 
 spend more time on the Revamping of PDOIS for enhancements that is  already 
afoot. It seems there's not much value in this UDP effort then for you  and 
"As to the second question, the movers behind the veil were none other than  
Haruna, Mballow, and other UDP folks." Joe Sambou.
You're very funny. I guess you forgot Dr. Saine, Dr. Nyang, Yero, and  
Gainako. Your only problem is you did not characterize their effort properly. I  had 
pledged $3,000.00 toward a diasporan unity conference if that is what you  
allude to. I withdrew my pledge, and in public (posten) when the purpose of the  
effort I pledged to transmogrified to the uniting the Opposition crap. You  
probably still don't know what my dispensation is on that idiocy. Yero was  
coordinating that and I suggest you advise Yero to share his demarche and  
partners with you. Besides, I don't think Yero and some of the folk I mentioned  
above are UDP folk. I could be wrong and even if they were I'm not sure what  
would be wrong with a UDP re-union by UDP folk.  Yero di share with me that  he 
was talking to folk from UDP,/NRP, PDOIS, NDAM, and PPP. That was when I told  
me not to bother sending me private updates on how his coordination was coming 
 along. You of all people Joe should understand by now that Haruna only 
engages  in valuable activity and where it has to do with Gambia, only when it is 
public  and publicly communicated. Surely you must have remembered my 
disciplining of  STGDP.
"Haruna was supposed to be the financier but true to form, it was much to  do 
about nothing." Joe Sambou.
Well now you know the rest of the story.
"I referenced Armitage Gate in a prior post.  Those that know what  that 
reference was about can follow the correlation with this recent promise to  fund." 
Joe Sambou.
Joe do you sometimes think you could be a sycophant, charlatan, and griot?  
And you so abhor the griots of Gambia? Wow. Why don't you share with us what  
Armitage gate was all about? Or will you just get a life? No one is responsible 
 for PDOIS' rejection by Gambians except PDOIS folk themselves. Right the 
sails  so you can move on. That will not be possible with so much dead-weight 
dragging  you down. Or has PDOIS already given up seeking political office 
through the  ballot box? My uncle Sidia is not aware of that. I better let him know 
so they  don't leave him holding the goatless harness.
"Now, where were the NDAM, PPP, NRP, PDOIS, NADD, etc., folks?  No  where to 
be seen.  Just like in 2001 when the hawks wrongly calculated that  all they 
needed was OJ and the PPP to put the fix on Sheriff Dibba, and in 2006,  when 
they again wrongly calculated that Hamat and the Fulas is what they needed  to 
get POWER, that same quest is what's in operation here.  How long will  it 
take Haruna and his gang to realize that their tactics will never work in  this 
day and age?  If it has not worked for thirteen years, why do you  think 
Gambians will bite for the next thirteen?  As long as this Mandingo  Pride is the 
driving force of this group, I am afraid that the opposition in the  Gambia has 
an eternal destiny with Yaya." Joe Sambou.
I have never seen such a worthless human being in my life. Joe, I know my  
Mandingo Pride is your worst nightmare. I'm sorry you can't find a tribe which  
you can be proud of. Not even the Njago to whom you claimed to belong. Allahu  
Akbar. Remember, you are always free to belong to any tribe of your choosing 
or  I can make you a mandingo that way your fears can be allayed by mere 
osmosis. I  also recommend Wollof, Sarahule, Fula, Jola, Serer, and Karoninka to 
you. Or the  Lapplanders of Scandinavia, or the Guarani indians. Or the Hawsa or 
Yoruba, or  the Timne' or the Mende. Somebody help this man get a tribe. 
Jesus friggin  Christ!!!
"Transitioning to their counterparts on the ground.  The UDP went to  the 
press publicizing about unity.  For those that care to observe, who was  uniting 
with whom?  They mentioned Shingle Nyassi, Pa Manneh, et al.   Have you 
noticed the pattern that surfaced.  Replace OJ and Hamat in the  Presidential 
scenario with Pa Manneh and you tell me if the quest of divide and  conquer and 
needing just a few good men and women is not in effect.  How  come it was just Pa 
Manneh and not Pa Manneh and Waa?  They are  capitalizing on the rift within 
NDAM.  Are they talking with OJ, Hamat,  Waa, Halifa, and any other party or 
party leader out there?  No.  The  center of the Gambian universe is their group 
and all must come to them.   As ignorant as Yaya is, he figured these folks 
out and use the same tribal drive  to penetrate their backyard.  You noticed 
that each elections Yaya labels  the UDP and NRP as tribalists.  What do you end 
up hearing amongst Gambians  in comfortable circles, that they will not vote 
for tribalists.  It works  because the posture of both parties and their 
leadership reinforces that charge  and whether it is Mandinka or Fula pride, you 
show Gambians that your interest  is just RAW POWER for you and your own.  Well 
if each kept their own, then  we have the Gambia of Yaya Jammeh and he too is 
keeping his own." Joe  Sambou.
Joe your mind works overtime trying to figure out insiduous schemes PDOIS  
has tried over and over during the past 2 decades to nought. What makes you  
think all Gambians are like PDOIS? Hell they don't even like  PDOIS!!

"Yaya's downfall will start when there is genuine call for change  and that 
Gambians in the opposition rally around a candidate that is good for  their 
future and that candidate can be from any tribe, and all rally around him  or 
her. Without that, the status quo will continue as long as the debate is  framed 
around, come and help me get power because my party, which also happens  be 
composed of the largest ethnic group is also the biggest opposition party."  Joe 
I think you allude to UDP/NRP here. I will try to help you here in  
If you are trying to form a united opposition party to contest elections by  
votes. Would you take the party with the least votes to lead your united  
opposition? Very simple. We'll figure out how stupid you are.
"The NADD MOU was a true test of thier appetite for POWER and Gambians took  
note." Joe Sambou.
The NADD MOU was the PDOIS manifesto regurgitated. Just read it Joe.  
Gambians do not desire communism.
"The core of this mindset is still in tac.  Folks, if we cannot see  this, 
then am afraid we will never turn the corner." Joe Sambou.
There's no corner to turn. PDOIS is on the other side of the corners. We  
intend to stay true north. Our map does not indicate corners. Don't friggin  
bother us. Go away. And don't come back.
"Digressing a little, some pitched the idea for the opposition to find a  
candidate outside the current party structures.  Folks, not with this power  
hungry core I dsecribed above.  Unless their attitude changes, they will  never 
allow that for their roots run deep in the belief that power belongs to  them 
and by God they will seek that power at all cost to the opposition.   With that 
scenerio, you tell me our chances, ever.  I'm all ears." Joe  Sambou.
I see you're still sore over NADD's decomposition. NADD was a no go from  
Jump. Get that through your thick skulls. How can you combine a communist party  
with democratic parties. I told you idiots that before you wasted your time 
and  energy re-copying your manifesto for an MOU. MOU my big black arse.
Haruna MQDT Darbo. Masoud wal Mutawakkil.   

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