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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 26 May 2008 12:56:35 +0000
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Edie Sidibeh <[log in to unmask]>
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In ancient times and cultures there existed individuals whose span of
experience and study encompassed broad scopes of knowledge – they were
called philosophers. Dr John Demartini is a modern day philosopher.
His scope of knowledge is a culmination of 34 years of research and
studies of more than 28,000 texts into over 200 different disciplines
ranging from psychology, philosophy, metaphysics, theology, neurology
and physiology.

Today Dr Demartini speaks 300 days a year in over fifty countries
across the globe and is the author of over forty books. As a presenter
he has shared the stage with such noted speakers as Stephen Covey, Dr
Donald Beck, Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Dr Patch
Adams and many others.

Q: What is The Secret?

Dr Demartini: The Secret is that "You bring about what you think
about", that is the law of attraction and that is the power we have to
design our destiny.

Whatever you concentrate your thoughts and feelings upon grows into
your living reality. Your inner most dominant thoughts become our
outermost tangible reality. Until you plant flowers into the garden of
your mind you will forever pull weeds.

Q: How can you apply The Secret once it has been revealed to you?

Dr Demartini: You attract into your life those things that are related
to what you send out in the form of your thoughts. Your innermost
dominant thought becomes your outermost tangible reality. Applying The
Secret starts with examining your thinking process. Start to decide
what it is you would love to think about and as a result attract it
into your life. Become silent and present for a moment and deeply
concentrating on what you would truly love to be, do and have in this
world and what inspired services and rewards you would love to offer
and be offered.

Q: Why isn't The Secret being utilised by everybody?

Dr Demartini: The Secret actually is being utilized on an unconscious
level by everyone. The key is taking command of your life and
utilizing it consciously. Many of us are conditioned to believe that
our lives are determined by outside forces beyond our control. Due to
this most people do not even question their ability to consciously
design their destiny or the existence of The Secret or in fact any
secret at all. They do as they are told and think the thoughts they
are fed from other assumed authorities and / or the media. Once they
have been exposed to the idea however, it resonates with something
inside them and their lives are potentially changed forever.

Q: Who has been keeping The Secret from the human race for all these
years and why?

Dr Demartini: Some say it is the religious institutions and various
governments around the world. I choose to believe The Secret has
always been right in front of us and been played out unconsciously
however our conditioning and fears have not allowed us to see it. As
we move into a new era, we are becoming more evolved as individuals
and more able to accept and embrace the idea that we truly do create
our own reality. Science is now confirming that. Because people have
subordinated themselves to outside authorities and not believed in
their greater capacity to be their true and magnificent selves they
have lived with limitations instead of giving themselves conscious
permission to be creative and shine.

Q: What is preventing everyone in the world from creating a life of
harmony and happiness?

Dr Demartini: I believe balance and fulfilment are a worthy principle
and objective to recognize and strive for in life. As humans we have
an innate ability to experience the whole canvas of emotions and while
a life of harmony and happiness sounds ideal, I believe as humans we
also need, and on a subconscious level, to feel the full gamut of
emotions including sad, angry and hurt at times. It is often through
feeling these emotions that our greatest drives or inspirations are

We must also set realistic objectives that are possible and probable,
meaning they must be aligned and congruent with our true higher values
and inner hearts desires. And we must become determined to fulfil our
dreams and demonstrate patient and persistent actions. We must master
ourselves and the principles of achievement. Fulfilment arises when we
can continue to do daily actions that allow us to gradually achieve
our longer term ends.

Q: When did you start utilising The Secret?

Dr Demartini: From the day I learned to walk and talk I was using the
Secret however it was only after a near death experience at the age of
seventeen that I became I conscious of the power of the mind and the
law of attraction. At that point in my life I could not read and was
heading toward a life on the streets and beach as a surfer. Soon after
the experience I met a wise man by the name of Paul C. Bragg, he awoke
in me an awareness of the power I had to create a whole new life using
the law of attraction and intention. He gave me an affirmation to say
to myself everyday "I am a genius and I apply my wisdom"; I have not
missed a day since. From that point I learned to read, I graduated
from college as an honours student and embarked on a journey of
studying, teaching and speaking about the laws of the universe. Today
I travel 300 days a year and speak in over 50 countries. I have read
approximately 28,000 texts and written over 40 books. I say this not
to gloat in my own achievements, but instead to illustrate the power
we have the power to change our lives when we change the way we think
and act upon the world.

Q: Do you automatically apply it now or do you still have to do a lot
of mental work?

Dr Demartini: It has come so much apart of my life that trying to live
any other way would seem very foreign. I live it every day of my life.
When you set objectives that are truly inspiring to you - you live the
secret from within. It becomes a daily part of living. My inner most
dominant thoughts have now become my outer most tangible reality. I
have a master plan book that I began at age 17 that I have been
editing, refining and clarifying for over 34 years. If you read it you
would see that it has become my very life. Reading it brings me tears
of inspiration. It would be impossible for someone to ever convince me
that The Secret does not work – if you work it.

Q: Is it possible to be constantly positive, despite all the
negativity around you?

Dr Demartini: There is a huge collective myth in society, religion and
some philosophies that one day we will reach a point where our
negative or 'dark' side will completely disappear and we'll all be
so-called "perfect," in heaven if not on earth, all peaceful and
happy. But this is not going to happen.

The balanced duality of positive and negative, good and bad, up and
down and happy and sad is the perfection of life, as we know it.

When we see poverty and suffering we sometimes project our own
realities onto that of others and assume it is all 'bad' and those
experiencing it need to be saved or rescued. What we are not paying
attention to is the fact that within that alternative reality there
are also positive aspects and benefits as well as lessons. I know it
may be hard to believe at first but if you look they will be there. It
is unwise to project assumptions of one sidedness on to others.

The way in which true change can occur is to wake the individual up to
the power they each have to change the way they see the world and as a
result act upon the world. Few truly need to be saved, but many may
need to become inspired.

Everyone and every event have two sides. Like a magnet we are to
experience both sides. If we set unrealistic expectations on ourselves
or others by assuming one sided delusions we will end up with
compensatory negative thoughts to bring us back into a balanced
reality. It is essential to keep your eyes open to the hidden balance
and set truly inspiring goals that are possible, probable, practical,
purposeful and prioritizable.

Q: What is your definition of illness/disease?

Dr Demartini: Dis-ease is our body's way of letting us know we are
seemingly off path and not living according to our true innate values,
desires and goals. There is nothing ultimately wrong with illness; it
serves a purpose of getting us back in touch with our bodies and the
core of our life's direction and source. Illness is the body's way of
letting me know that I am not grateful, not loving and not listening
to the subtle messages my physiology is revealing to me daily. It is a
wake up call to live purposefully and with moderation, rhythm and

If you have emotions of fear and guilt, you produce disease. That is
the beauty and magnificence of the body. Your body is doing whatever
it can to teach you where you have imbalanced perceptions. Your body
is giving you feedback, with every sign and symptom, about where
you're lying about nature's equilibrium and seeing imbalance. Disease
isn't terrible; it is an essential guide. The mind-body connection
works together for us to grow in gratitude and love. It has been said
that gratitude and love are the two greatest balancers and wellness
promoters in life. You cannot find anything more powerful than that.

The body and mind are inseparable in their interactions. Keep this in
the forefront of your thinking, whenever you get a sign or symptom.
Look inside yourself, rather than blame something outside. Own your
accountability and see what in your psychology is affecting you. If
you change your perceptions and bring yourself to balance, gratitude,
and love, your body takes care of itself.

Q: What will prevent me from harnessing the power of The Secret?

Dr Demartini: Your innermost dominant thought becomes your outermost
tangible reality. You can choose to emotionalise your life with
imbalanced perspectives and become a victim, or you can become
balanced and inspired and become a victor. Being a victim to the
circumstances around you stops you from harnessing the power of The
Secret. If you don't take the time to put your thinking toward how you
would love your life to be, then you're vulnerable to misperceptions
of your outer sensory world and the potentially limiting beliefs of
others. Unclear goals, unclear focus; setting objectives that do not
truly align with your values and unrealistic expectations will keep
you in bondage and limit your conscious access to the power of The

Q: How important is gratitude?

Dr Demartini: Those who count their blessings, who are grateful, have
more blessings and fulfilment in life than those who do not. This is a
simple principle. Yet it has the power to change your life. Gratitude
is the key to growth and fulfilment. We are built on universal
principles, and the universe behaves like us on a grander scale. If
you were to give someone a gift and they just looked at it and then
tossed it aside without thanks, would you be inclined to give them
another? Of course not, and the universe responds just as you do. The
universe bestows its gifts where they are most appreciated. If you're
not grateful for what you've been given, why would the universe want
to give you more? Gratitude is the key that opens the gateway of your
heart and allows the power of your inner love to shine. Gratitude when
combined with love maximizes the power of your intentions and
manifestations. Gratitude awakens love, inspiration, and enthusiasm -
the four cardinal feelings that draw into your life enriching
manifestations. Grateful feelings penetrate barriers that thoughts
alone cannot travel.

Q: What, in your opinion, is the key to lasting health and wellbeing?

Dr Demartini:

1. Know where you're going.
2. Be thankful.
3. Eat moderately.
4. Drink clean water.
5. Breathe fully, deeply.
6. Connect your vocation and your avocation.
7. Keep stretching your body and mind daily through movement and

Q: How can I start living the secret when my life has been filled with

Dr Demartini: No matter what has happened, no matter what the
circumstances, as long as people have a functioning mind and body they
can achieve extraordinary results and fulfil amazing dreams. I met a
man who had no arms or legs and was strapped into an electronically
monitored mobile wheelchair. He went on to become a professional
speaker and wow people all over the world with his inspiring story. It
is not what happens to you that matters, it is what your dream and
vision is and how inspired you are in manifesting it.

Decide today what you would love your life to look like, ask yourself
inspiring questions, collect pictures of the things you wish to have
and the places you would love to see. It does not matter where you
have come from, all that matters is where you truly would love to go
and that really is The Secret to fulfilment in life.

The more down and out you have been the more up and in you are capable
and destined to go. Be thankful for whatever has happened and watch
whatever it is become the catalyst to your greatest transformation.
Anything you cannot say thank you for becomes your baggage. Anything
you can say thank you for becomes your fuel.

Q: How can traditional medicine and the principles of The Secret work
together to bring about wellbeing?

Dr Demartini: No matter what disease you are facing just know that
gratitude and love are still two of the greatest of all healers.
Though you may be under treatment for a serious so-called malady or
condition, just know that this could also be the greatest opportunity
for growth and transformation. Your condition may just be a wake up
call for you to live a more authentic life and become aware of your
true set of values. By visualizing and concentrating your thoughts
congruently on how you intend to live your life in the future you
assist your body in its overall vitality and wellbeing.

When you have a reason to live and become well – you do. When you have
a vision to live and be whole you do. Those with an inspiring vision
flourish - those without perish. Holding a vibrant and inspiring image
of how you intend to live your life to be enhances your immune
system's capacities to get you there. Your mind assists your body as
much as your body assists your mind. The doctor on the inside is just
as important as the doctor on the outside.

Experience Dr John Demartini 'LIVE' in Singapore for two exclusive
events, The Secret Revealed(R) on 22 May 2008 and his signature
programme, The Breakthrough Experience(R) on 24th – 25th May 2008. For
more details, please check out

Part of this interview was originally published in the Oprah magazine.

About the Interviewee:

Dr John Demartini is a world leading inspirational speaker and author
at the forefront of the personal and professional development

His scope of knowledge and experience is a culmination of 29 years of
research and studies of more than 28,000 texts into over 200 different
disciplines ranging from psychology, philosophy, metaphysics,
theology, neurology and physiology.

At the age of seven he was told he had a learning disability and would
never read, write or communicate. At fourteen he was a high school
drop out living on the streets and begging for food to survive.

After a near death experience at seventeen due to severe strychnine
poisoning, Dr Demartini made a decision that would change his life
forever. He would dedicate his life to becoming a teacher, a healer
and a philosopher. He's been actively working on that mission for 29
years now.

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