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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 26 Jun 2008 22:48:27 -0400
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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 -----Original Message-----

From: Baba Galleh Jallow <[log in to unmask]>

"And because African despots know that empowering the people means disempowering themselves, they are allergic to any talk of civic empowerment in their regimes. They also make it a point to strangle any individual or institution that look like they are injecting power into the mind of the body politic. Hence their blind hostility to the media, human rights groups, or rival political dispensations and all manner of critics. The whole problem is of course much more complicated than this."

Well said Baba. That is why doing their utmost to ensure that the people stay ignorant is always the top agenda of tyrannical regimes and nowhere is that more evident than on the African continent. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Baba Galleh Jallow <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 4:39 pm
Subject: Re: Queen Strips Mugabe of Knighthood [NY Times]

No, it's definitely not about being African or Asian or American or any race for 
that matter. Unregulated/unbriddled power bows down only to greater power, 
regulated or unregulated/unbriddled. These despots think of nothing but the 
sweet trappings of power. They are simply incapable of imagining life after 
power. They commit so many crimes in their perpetual power-drunken stupor that 
they live in mortal dread of losing that power and being vulnerable to legal 
scrutiny. And since no institutions are in place to force them to do the right 
thing, well, they stay on and on. History? No, they do not read or think about 
history; particularly history of the sort that would show them what happens to 
people like themselves. In any case, they are always in absolute denial: they do 
not see themselves as bad, evil or indeed guilty of any wrong doing. Most 
tragically, they convince themselves that what happens to others will never 
happen to them, until of course, it happens; and then they weep and wail and beg 
for mercy, like Samuel Doe did.
It is a cruel fact of political life that while power belongs to the people - 
the nation - the people need to be empowered by the government - the state - 
through an honest regime of political education in order to fully recognize 
their power. And because African despots know that empowering the people means 
disempowering themselves, they are allergic to any talk of civic empowerment in 
their regimes. They also make it a point to strangle any individual or 
institution that look like they are injecting power into the mind of the body 
politic. Hence their blind hostility to the media, human rights groups, or rival 
political dispensations and all manner of critics. The whole problem is of 
course much more complicated than this.
> Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 13:45:20 -0700> From: [log in to unmask]> Subject: Re: 
Queen Strips Mugabe of Knighthood [NY Times]> To: [log in to unmask]> > 
Baba, you are definitely on the money on this issue. The double standard> from 
the West continue to drag us in anyway they want. When it favors them> they 
support it, when it turns against them, they cry foul as nothing else> ever 
happened in their watch. It is and always has been obvious that they> don't give 
a flip about what happens in Africa.> > My take though is, why African leaders 
are so dumb to turn against their own> people who continue to be marginalized? 
How much power do these African> leaders want? How comes non of these leaders 
think or know about legacy?> > No really, seriously do these leaders ponder 
about everyone of them going> down in history with the worst legacy than the 
previous one? Do they ever> think about being on the good side of history? How 
can all these leaders> brought up under the same social climate of backwardness 
turn to be so> ruthless?> > Do they read about history and what great leaders 
are able to accomplish for> humanity? Certainly there is plenty history of 
dehumanizing and shameless> ending of lives of brutal dictators in their back 
yards. Is that enough> to change the mindset of these leaders?> > I just cannot 
comprehend the level of ignorance and greed for power? Is it> us as a race, 
social influence or what is it? Is there any study to back> the reasons why 
African leaders continue to go this ruthless path?> > Help me out please, 
because it is beyond any imagination for anyone to want> to lead themselves into 
such demise one leader after another.> > Thanks> > Baldeh (Demba)> > On Wed, Jun 
25, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Baba Galleh Jallow <[log in to unmask]>> wrote:> > > 
BambaLaye,> >> > I think this so-called de-knighting of Robert Mugabe represents 
another> > classic case of the British government's – and the western world's -> 
> nauseating hypocrisy in dealing with Africa. When did Robert Mugabe ever> > 
deserve a knighthood from the Queen? Or more generally, what are the> > criteria 
for the conferment of this supposedly great honor on African and> > other 
commonwealth country leaders? Is knighthood conferred on those leaders> > who 
demonstrate respect for their own people or those that demonstrate> > respect 
for the so-called British commonwealth? I am raising these questions> > because 
Mugabe had been a brutal dictator for at least fourteen years> > (1980-1994) 
before the hallowed title of "Sir" of which he is now being> > stripped, was 
conferred upon him by our impressed Queen of the Great British> > Empire and 
Commonwealth. A cursory glance at Zimbabwean history illustrates> > this point.> 
>> > The two guerrilla armies that fought the liberation war in Zimbabwe –> > 
Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe National Liberation Army (ZANLA), and Joshua> > Nkomo's 
Zimbabwe People's Liberation Army (ZIPRA) – were largely constructed> > along 
the age-old ethnic binary of Shona and Ndebele. While the boundaries> > between 
these two ethnic groups have almost always been blurred and> > contested, ZIPRA 
had its center in Bulawayo and recruited most of its> > members and supporters 
from Matabeleland in western Zimbabwe. And while it> > included a spattering of 
Kalanga, Venda, and Tswana speakers, the ZIPRA army> > was overwhelmingly 
Ndebele and its lingua franca was Sindebele. On the other> > hand, ZANLA drew 
its support from the majority Shona peoples who lived in> > most parts of the 
rest of the country.> >> > In the "post-liberation" era, particularly during the 
"counter-insurgency"> > period in the mid-1980s, the Mugabe regime, in the name 
of "purifying and> > cleansing the body of the nation," ruthlessly authorized 
violence against> > the people he saw as in the way of a united Zimbabwe - the 
Ndebele.> > Appropriating and deploying the Emergency Powers of the ousted 
Rhodesian> > state, as well as its concept of collective punishment, Mugabe sent 
troops> > into Matabeleland in a project he termed Gukurahundi (Shona for 
"Sweeping> > Away the Rubbish") to crack down on alleged traitors to the 
national cause.> > During this "cleansing" period in Matabeleland, Mugabe's 
soldiers proved to> > be more brutal and vicious than the ousted occupying 
forces; indeed,> > historians argue that their methods were much more brutal and 
devastating> > than those employed by the brutal colonial forces. Like other 
parts of> > Africa, the high hopes and sacrifices of a liberation war turned out 
to be> > little more than an avenue for the appropriation and abuse of 
political> > power by those – like Robert Mugabe - who posed as champions of 
freedom> > during the struggle for independence. The people of Zimbabwe had 
rallied> > behind the doctrines of their guerrilla movements, and their 
religious> > doctrines and institutions – both Western and African – to fight 
for the> > birth of a black nation free of the tyrannies, injustices, 
inequities, and> > bondage of White Rhodesia. In the "post-liberation" period, 
most> > Zimbabweans, particularly those considered to be on the wrong side of 
the> > new political dispensation – realized that attaining the liberation they> 
> fought for was far more complex and difficult than they could possibly have> > 
imagined. Common Zimbabweans who had sacrificed everything in support of the> > 
liberation struggle now discovered that the fruits of independence> > 
represented more of a pie in the sky than the readily available and abundant> > 
fruits of independence that they imagined. Most of them, particularly those> > 
considered to be Ndebele, as well as most youth and women, felt angry and> > 
betrayed as the Mugabe regime centralized its power and control of the> > state, 
and privileged pre-colonial and colonial authoritarian means of> > social 
control and coercion such as patriarchy and the police and military> > over the 
values of justice, equality and the rule of law.> >> > Are the British 
authorities, the British queen, the administrators of the> > so-called British 
commonwealth telling us that they were ignorant of these> > brutal purges Mugabe 
visited upon his own people as soon as the white> > colonial government was 
kicked out of Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)? Are they> > telling us that they had 
all being unaware of Mugabe's criminal violations> > of human rights and the 
rule of law in Zimbabwe between 1980 and 1994? Why> > should the queen confer 
such a supposedly hallowed title on a ruler who had> > already spent fourteen 
years in power in an ostensibly democratic country?> > Would the queen confer 
such an honor on a British prime minister who hijacks> > the British peoples' 
rights to periodic change of leadership and stays> > continuously on in power 
for fourteen years? But of course, we do have such> > a thing as African 
democracy, which is different from the more civilized> > British democracy, 
right?> >> > So I contend that the queen should give us a break about stripping 
Mugabe> > of his so-called knighthood which he never deserved anyway, unless of> 
> course, being deserving of such an honor is judged by criteria pertinent to> > 
nothing more than being a good boy of British empire. Now of course, Mugabe> > 
is probably the worst British boy ever on account of his ceaseless rantings> > 
and vilifications of the pious British establishment.> >> > Thanks for sharing.> 
>> > Baba> >> >> > > Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 14:55:58 -0500> From: 
[log in to unmask]>> > Subject: FW: Queen Strips Mugabe of Knighthood [NY 
Times]> To:> > [log in to unmask]> > June 26, 2008> Queen Strips Mugabe 
of> > Knighthood By ALAN> COWELL<> >>>> 
> > Queen Elizabeth II has stripped Robert> Mugabe<> >>,>> 
> Zimbabwe<> >>'s>> 
> strongman president for nearly 30 years, of his honorary knighthood as a>> > 
"mark of revulsion" at the human rights abuses and "abject disregard" for>> > 
democracy over which he has presided, the British Foreign Office announced>> > 
Wednesday.> > The rebuke showed the extent of international frustration over> > 
Mr. Mugabe's> insistence to go ahead with a presidential runoff on Friday,> > 
even though his> sole opponent, Morgan> Tsvangirai<> >>,>> 
> pulled out of race on Sunday because of the persistent violence and>> > 
intimidation against him, his party and their supporters.> > Mr. Mugabe's> > 
government has had a long history of human rights abuses, but> he was> > granted 
an honorary knighthood during an official visit to England in> 1994> > when, the 
foreign office contends, "the conditions in Zimbabwe were> very> > different."> 
> But with the widespread attacks against the opposition, the> > foreign office> 
said the honor could no longer be justified. Stripping a> > dignitary of an> 
honorary knighthood is exceedingly rare. A foreign office> > spokesman could> 
think of only one other time it had been done — in 1989 to> > the Romanian> 
dictator Nicolae Ceaucescu.> > Mr. Tsvangirai, the beleaguered> > opposition 
leader, called on the United> Nations<> >>on>> 
> Wednesday to send a peacekeeping force to bring calm to the country> and>> > 
help pave the way for new elections in which he could participate as a>> > 
"legitimate candidate."> > "Zimbabwe will break if the world does not come> > to 
our aid," he said in an> op-ed in The Guardian newspaper in London. After> > 
weeks of mounting political> violence against the opposition and its> > 
supporters, Mr. Tsvangirai withdrew> from Friday's runoff and took refuge> > 
Sunday in the Dutch Embassy in Harare.> > He emerged from the embassy> > briefly 
on Wednesday to hold a news conference> at his home in which he> > challenged 
President Robert Mugabe to cancel the> runoff and open> > negotiations.> > But, 
he said, he was not prepared to deal with a government> > validated by an> 
election in which Mr. Mugabe is by default the only> > candidate. Mr. Mugabe> 
has insisted Friday's voting will go ahead.> > "We> > have said we are prepared 
to negotiate on this side of the 27th, not the>> > other side of the 27th," Mr. 
Tsvangirai said, according to Reuters.> > He> > listed four demands: an end to 
political violence; the resumption of>> > humanitarian aid; the swearing in of 
legislators elected in the first round>> > of voting on March 29; and the 
release of political prisoners.> > "We have> > always maintained that the 
Zimbabwean problem is an African problem> that> > requires an African solution," 
he said, referring to continent-wide and>> > regional African bodies including 
the Southern African Development>> > Community.> > "To this end, I am asking the 
African> Union<> >>and>> 
> S.A.D.C. to lead an expanded initiative, supported by the United> Nations,> > 
to manage the transitional process.> > "The transitional period would allow> > 
the country to heal," he said. "Genuine> and honest dialogue amongst> > 
Zimbabweans is the only way forward." He said he> wanted the African Union> > to 
endorse his proposals at a forthcoming summit> meeting in Egypt.> > Mr.> > 
Tsvangirai's demands coincided with a scramble of regional and>> > international 
diplomacy with many African and Western institutions saying>> > the vote on 
Friday will be neither free nor fair. A critical group of>> > southern African 
countries opened a meeting Wednesday in Swaziland to seek> > a> way out of the 
crisis.> > The meeting grouped leaders or ministers from> > Swaziland, Angola 
and Tanzania> — the so-called troika charged with> > responsibility for the 
region's> political, defense and security issues. The> > group said it had also 
invited> the leaders of Zambia and South Africa to> > attend, but President 
Thabo> Mbeki<> >>of>> 
> South Africa, the regional mediator on the crisis in Zimbabwe, said> through> 
> a spokesman that he would not attend.> > The spokesman, Mukoni Ratshitanga,> > 
said in a telephone interview that South> Africa was not a member of the> > 
troika and had not been invited.> > Amid the international outcry over his> > 
government's handling of the crisis,> Mr. Mugabe, 84, was reported Tuesday> > as 
hinting that he might be open to> talks with the opposition, but only> > after 
Friday's vote confirmed his power.> > > He remained defiant about> > going ahead 
with the runoff.> > "They can shout as loud as they like from> > Washington or 
from London or from> any other quarter," Mr. Mugabe said in> > televised 
broadcasts. "Our people,> our people, only our people will decide> > and nobody 
else."> > Taken together, his remarks were the most explicit> > affirmation that 
he> intended to go through with an election widely> > condemned as 
illegitimate.> > But the hint of readiness to talk was also the> > first sign 
that Mr. Mugabe> might negotiate — as Mr. Mbeki has been urging> > him to do — 
once he has what> he can depict as a position of strength.> >> > The state-run 
Herald newspaper quoted Mr. Mugabe on Wednesday as saying:> > "We> are open, 
open to discussion but we have our own principles."> > The> > American 
ambassador in Harare, James McGee, has concluded that Mr.> Mugabe> > and his 
Zanu-PF party area determined to hold the runoff "at all> costs,"> > according 
to the State Department.> > "We've received reports that Zanu-PF> > will force 
people to vote on Friday and> also take action against those who> > refuse to 
vote," Mr. McGee said in a> conference call described by the State> > 
Department. "So, they're saying 'We> want an election at all costs. We want> > 
to validate Mr. Mugabe's victory> here.'" "There's really nothing that we> > can 
do here in the international> community to stop these elections," Mr.> > McGee 
said.> > The BBC quoted Jendayi Frazer, the State Department's> > assistant 
secretary of> state for African affairs, as saying Washington> > would not 
recognize the> outcome of the vote if it went forward.> > "People> > were being 
beaten and losing their lives just to exercise their> right to> > vote for their 
leadership so we cannot, under these conditions,> recognize> > the outcome if, 
in fact, this runoff goes forward," she was quoted> as> > saying.> > South 
Africa, the region's most influential player, has rejected> > outside> 
intervention in the crisis.> > In a statement on Tuesday, South> > Africa's 
ruling African National> Congress<> >>insisted>> 
> that "any attempts by outside players to impose regime change will> merely> > 
deepen the crisis."> > While the A.N.C. statement came out with an unusually> > 
strong condemnation of> the Zimbabwean government, saying it was "riding> > 
roughshod over the hard-won> democratic rights" of its people, the party> > also 
insisted that outsiders had> no role to play in ending its current> > anguish.> 
> "It has always been and continues to be the view of our movement> > that the> 
challenges facing Zimbabwe can only be solved by the Zimbabweans>> > 
themselves," the statement said. "Nothing that has happened in the recent>> > 
months has persuaded us to revise that view."> > Despite that assessment,> > 
Prime Minister Gordon> Brown<> >>of>> 
> Britain told Parliament on Wednesday, "We are preparing intensified>> > 
sanctions, financial and travel sanctions, against named members of the>> > 
Mugabe regime." That included a ban on the Zimbabwean cricket team to>> > 
prevent it from touring England, news agencies reported.> > The A.N.C.> > warned 
against international intervention a day after the United> Nations> > Security> 
Council<> >>took>> 
> its first action on the electoral crisis in Zimbabwe, issuing a> unanimous> > 
statement condemning the widespread campaign of violence in the> country and> > 
calling on the government to free political prisoners and allow> the> > 
opposition to hold rallies.> > Writing in The Guardian, however, Mr.> > 
Tsvangirai, again took issue with Mr.> Mbeki's mediation, saying "it sought> > 
to massage a defeated dictator rather> than show him the door and prod him> > 
towards it."> > "We ask for the U.N. to go further than its recent> > 
resolution, condemning> the violence in Zimbabwe, to encompass an active> > 
isolation of the dictator> Mugabe," Mr. Tsvangirai said.> > "For this we> > need 
a force to protect the people. We do not want armed> conflict, but the> > people 
of Zimbabwe need the words of indignation from> global leaders to be> > backed 
by the moral rectitude of military force. Such a> force would be in> > the role 
of peacekeepers, not troublemakers. They would> separate the people> > from 
their oppressors and cast the protective shield> around the democratic> > 
process for which Zimbabwe yearns," he said.> > "The next stage should be a> > 
new presidential election. This does indeed> burden Zimbabwe and create an> > 
atmosphere of limbo. Yet there is hardly a> scenario that does not carry an> > 
element of pain. The reality is that a new> election, devoid of violence and> > 
intimidation, is the only way to put> Zimbabwe right," Mr. Tsvangirai said.>> > 
> It was not immediately clear how other African nations would respond to> > 
Mr.> Tsvangirai's call.> > The A.N.C. statement, which was the first> > official 
response from South> Africa since Mr. Tsvangirai's withdrawal, was> > not signed 
by any individual> in the A.N.C. It seemed to represent a marked> > departure 
from Mr. Mbeki's> refusal to castigate Mr. Mugabe, and seemed to> > reflect the 
increasing> frustration with the Zimbabwean president.> > At the> > same time, 
in what seemed a clear rebuke to the efforts of Western> nations> > to take an 
aggressive stance against the Zimbabwean government, the> A.N.C.> > included a 
lengthy criticism of the "arbitrary, capricious power"> exerted> > by Africa's 
colonial masters and cited the subsequent struggle by> African> > nations to 
gain freedoms and rights.> > "No colonial power in Africa, least> > of all 
Britain in its colony of> 'Rhodesia' ever demonstrated any respect> > for these 
principles," the A.N.C.> said, referring to Zimbabwe before its> > 
independence.> > Zimbabwe, once one of Africa's most prosperous countries,> > 
has been reeling> from a widening campaign of violence and intimidation> > since 
Mr. Mugabe,> Zimbabwe's president for nearly 30 years, came in second> > in the 
initial> round of voting on March 29.> > In a show of support for the> > 
opposition, the powerful Congress of South> African Trade Unions declared on> > 
Tuesday that it was "appalled at the levels> of violence and intimidation> > 
being inflicted on the people of Zimbabwe by> the illegitimate Mugabe> > 
regime."> > "The June 27 presidential election is not an election, but a> > 
declaration of> war against the people of Zimbabwe by the ruling party," the> > 
union group> said.> > Urging a boycott of Zimbabwe, it said: "We call on all> > 
our unions and those> everywhere else in the world to make sure that they> > 
never ever serve Mugabe> anywhere, including at airports, restaurants,> > shops, 
etc.> > "Further, we call on all workers and citizens of the world> > never to 
allow> Mugabe to set foot in their countries."> > Celia W. Dugger> > and Barry 
Bearak contributed reporting from Johannesburg.> >> > ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤> 
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