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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 4 Nov 2009 18:41:41 +0000
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Edie Sidibeh <[log in to unmask]>
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Jen Eramith MA
Akashic Records for November 2009

a message from  Jen Eramith MA
Monday, 2 November, 2009 

What energy and experiences can we expect in November 2009?

There is a polarity in the experience this month.  There are two opposite ends of a spectrum that are available and you will experience them simultaneously.  One end includes a flurry of activity.  If you imagine the airplane metaphor we have given you for this year, you are likely to see that as you prepare for your final descent, people are rushing to get to their seats, changing seats, and rushing to put things away.  Everyone seems to be in preparation and you are likely to see a lot of activity this month. 
On the other end and at the very same time, there is a beautiful, calm, quiet, peaceful energy that permeates this month.  The energy of the Goddess infuses this month.  It is like the energy of Virgo for those of you familiar with astrological archetypes. 
What you will find collectively between these two poles is the ability to be calm in the midst of chaos.  To find your quiet center as you stay actively engaged in the activities around you.  That skill of holding both of those experiences is the perfect thing to practice this month.  It will serve you very well.  A good way to work with these energies is to actively pursue activities that help you find a calm, quiet center.  Utilize those just before you step into a flurry of activity, just before a meeting, just before an event, just before socializing, just before working on a project.  Take a moment to quiet your mind, to tap into the pure energy of love.  Imagine being embraced by a loving mother and imagine the sense of relaxation you might feel if you felt truly embraced by a loving mother.  Allow that feeling to enter your body and then engage in activity.  That is the best way to work with this energy or with the polarity that presents itself. 
In the larger picture, the Keepers have given this metaphor for the year 2009 of being on an airplane.  In that metaphor, what you are finding now is that all of you have noticed a pressure change.  The pressure has begun to increase and this is occurring in world events, it is occurring particularly in the US in public debate, but certainly in other countries.  It is also occurring in your personal lives.  It is like the pressure is beginning to increase as you move downward into a denser part of the atmosphere so to speak.  Recognize that increasing pressure as a natural part of the process.  If you want to land, if you want to arrive at your final destination, you will need to go through the landing process and collectively, humanity, you are all doing this.  What you will find is a lot of people are responding to that high pressure.  Fear is coming to the surface for many people.  More than ever, people are choosing love over fear.  People who are
 really feeling a lot of fear and unable to find an outlet for it or a way to control it, they are becoming louder.  This is where the point on the airplane where you start to hear babies crying, people get restless, those people who are uncomfortable are becoming more and more vocal. 
Do not be deceived.  The vast majority of people are feeling cool, calm and collected.  The vast majority of people have found ways to heal their fear.  They are finding ways to choose love over fear in their lives.  While the voices of fear are becoming louder, they are actually far less numerous than they were even one year ago.  This is true in the United States and it is true throughout the world.  Watch the scenario unfold and be mindful about what energy you are putting out to the world around you.  If you find yourself complaining a lot, or doing what some people call venting, consider that what you are doing is inappropriately sharing your fear with people and dragging them down.  There are times for venting, there is room for complaining, but at this time in November 2009, it is especially important to be mindful that any negative, critical, hurtful or fear based words or actions that you take are going to have a strong affect on the people
 around you. 
Everyone is experiencing his or her own version of discomfort and everyone is engaged in a valiant effort to choose love over fear.  Do what you can to create a sense of peace and calm and love in the world around you just as you would on an airplane to quiet you voice, take a few deep breaths and adjust to the discomfort of beginning your initial descent, or maybe it is your final descent, toward your final destination.
What more can we do to work with the energies available this month?

It will be useful for you to occupy yourselves with love.  Find people to love.  Find reasons to love people.  Find opportunities and events that make space for you to be affectionate, for you to be kind and compassionate.  The more you can occupy yourself with love the less you will be distracted by your fear.  It is important this month that you do not try too hard to resist your fear, but instead just gently move your energy and attention toward love and away from fear. 
Are there any important days or power days for us to work with this month?

November 8 through 12 is a window.  It is a window in which humanity will have closer contact with the higher dimensions.  It is like a portal but it is big.  It is four days long.  It is almost like a festival of higher connections.  During this four-day stretch, you may find yourself having more intense dreams.  You may find yourself sleeping more than you usually do.  It will be useful during these four days to take extra care of your body, to do what you can to be grounded.  Be sure to eat enough food and keep a steady level of blood sugars and protein in your system and to drink plenty of water. 
November 18 provides kind of a moment of light.  This is a day when things can be clear when you can calm down and when you can expect people to be more reasonable than they might otherwise be.  This is a good day to address any conflicts that remain unresolved.  There is a little bit more peace available this day so capitalize on it by trying to work through unresolved issues, being as gentle and graceful as you can. 
November 28 provides intensity; things are going to get more intense.  This may be where in the airplane metaphor where you hit the turbulence of the final hot air rising from the surface.  Look for intensity on November 28.  If you expect it, it will not throw you off.  Anticipate that things will change in unexpected ways.  Anticipate that your plans will not unfold as you had hoped.  Be prepared to be flexible, to be forgiving and to be patient with yourself and others on this day and for the days following. 

Is there anything else the Keepers want to tell us about November 2009?  

There is one other thing about this month, involving the theme of nourishment -- spiritual, physical, emotional, and social nourishment.  It will be really useful for you to be mindful this month about what you put into your bodies and how it nourishes you.  Notice how you spend your time and what people you bring into your lives.  Look for spiritual, emotional and physical nourishment this month.  Look for the things that feed your soul and avoid wasting time and energy on those things that are empty. 
You might consider using the metaphor of food to help you make some decisions about what people you spend time with this month.  Some people bring the equivalent of empty calories, like soda or candy might.  Look instead for those relationships and those activities that really feed your soul; that leave you feeling nourished and filled with love and with light.  Most of you can no longer afford t waste your time and energy on the effort to connect with people and experiences that do not belong with you.  Let it be this month.  Give yourself permission to do the things that you love and to say "no" to the things that you do not love.  It may cause some social discomfort, but ultimately, it frees you and everyone else to create the lives that you were born to live in.  That is your birthright.  We encourage you to embrace that this month.

--- On Mon, 26/10/09, Edie Sidibeh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> From: Edie Sidibeh <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Message from Metatron
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Monday, 26 October, 2009, 21:07
>  It is a day of new beginnings. It
> is the dawn of a new era. It is the light of hope shining
> brightly to restore your faith in the path that has led you
> through the mire of human mis-creation. 
> I AM Metatron, greeting you in your vibrational home, that
> of the 5th dimension.  Welcome warriors. We, the holders
> of light and keepers of the flame, come forth this day and
> on this unprecedented occasion to present each of you with
> your well-earned robes of honor! You, those who read these
> words and take them deep into the inner recesses of your
> lighted heart flames, step forth in the name of oneness to
> herald the new day. Our beloved countenance has fallen upon
> you and you have risen to claim it. You have held your
> composure in the name of adversity & great human strife.
> You have sown the seeds of new life. You have healed the
> great divide in separation consciousness, and you have worn
> your dignity well.  You, the first wave warriors, are the
> new leaders, the bright lights that will shine upon the
> darkest hours. You are the fallen angels, resurrected and
> reborn into your rightful place as forerunners, path-pavers
> and pioneers of a new
>  earth. Brothers and sisters of light, pray tell. We are
> your family... we are the realm that you now inhabit and we
> come with you, to walk hand in hand into this familiar, yet
> foreign land. This new territory that you have dutifully
> claimed as your own now holds you in vibrational alignment
> with all that is God's glory. You have presented an
> opportunity for all of earth's inhabitants to grow toward
> the light, to reach out and claim what rightfully belongs to
> each and every one of God's children. You are those who have
> made this journey possible for all. Praise yourselves and
> come together now to praise each other, to hold each other
> up and to share your love for and with one another... for
> this magnificent adventure could not have been made possible
> without your divinely-human strength and blind endurance in
> faith of a better world. We cry tears of joy and dance in
> fields of greater potential for earth's people, and we come
> together this day to
>  celebrate with you, in honor of you and to show you that
> you are the ones we have all have been waiting for! We are
> your co conspirators in creation of the higher way, but it
> is you who has made this journey possible.  We share that
> darkness is soon to fall on your planet once more, yet again
> to shake the foundation of those who are still deeply
> steeped in the depths of greed and hate. We say this to you
> not to heed warning, but as a reminder that in this coming
> transition, you are the keepers of the christed flame, you
> are those who others shall turn to in their darkest hour.
> You have been well prepared for this role and you are about
> to exercise your mastery most profoundly. In the light of
> the next full moon, there will be a changing of the guard.
> This change will commence as a result of new galactic and
> interstellar alignments that will precede the entrance of a
> new cycle. This new galactic cycle is a pivotal step in
> consciousness that will
>  again expose the outworn ways and disrupt the flow of any
> system based in separation. We assure you that no stone will
> be left unturned in the coming days, months and years. For
> this reason it is paramount that each of you, the masters of
> light, remain diligent in your thinking, anchored in truth,
> and that your actions stem forth from a place of love. Stay
> in your space of hopefulness and joy and regard those who
> begin to awaken as the same shimmering radiant beings of
> light that you have heartily become. For deep down, beneath
> all of the calamity and chaos passing thru the heart of
> every soul, is the flickering flame of eternal goodness
> which never ceases to burn. My friends, stand tall and
> proud. Your efforts have marked the most significant and
> magnificent transformation ever to have been achieved on
> this beautiful planet of love. Yes, Love is the new
> standard now that you have achieved it. Love is the action
> that you have put forth in remembering
>  your is the action that you have put forth in
> remembering your power...and love is the action that will
> heal every wound, feed every mouth and reunite the world
> under one God, indivisibly, with liberty and justice for
> all. Let these words seep deeply into the core of your
> divine essence, your sacred blueprint, for Love will soon
> become the common denominator for all fellow lifeforms on
> this planet. Love is the potion, the elixir of all
> miracles. Love is the feeling of completeness, the
> experience of overflowing fullness, of having it all and
> sharing it all... for anyone in Love knows that there is
> always more to be had.  The lives and experiences that each
> of you knew were yours to have are now attainable...not by
> your wanting them, but by the love that has filled you up to
> replace all wants, all needs. In the purity of divine love
> there is no want, no lack, only that which is whole can
> exist in pure love. Have you never wondered why
>  the human body exists with little,
> water, rest....when in the throes of new romantic
> love? Think on this dear ones, and know that the physical
> release of endorphins activated by new romance results from
> the rapid increase in vibration that sustains you in love,
> reminding you of what it is to be home again. Waves of
> love-filled bliss will surely overcome you here, as you
> adjust to the new heights. These waves will continue to
> pulsate through every cell of your eternal being-ness,
> altering your genetic and physical makeup, resurrecting all
> in its lighted path and releasing those same endorphins that
> sustain you in Love. And in this space you will want for no
> longer. It is not as if you will be without, for you will
> undoubtedly have it all...but the difference...the important
> difference my friends, is that you will not need it all. You
> are merging into completeness within yourselves, that which
> activates the universal source of
>  abundance to fulfill you in all ways. Surely you knew
> where this path was leading, now lets observe how you fare!
> Surely it will take some getting used to...yes?  We will be
> with you to guide you to use your newly acquired powers and
> we will continue to offer you ways to grow and to attain
> higher and higher levels of mastery... but in truth, you
> already have all you need to live & dwell in grace. Our
> love for each of you is unending and soon you will
> understand just how and why you are revered so dearly as
> humans of sublime virtue. Stay tuned for many life changes
> arriving to carry you into the glory land. All is divinely
> orchestrated and only a force greater than God could alter
> the path that each of you have selflessly paved in love of
> humanity. Sacrifice and commitment to the service of ALL
> will never go unnoticed or unrewarded, so we join with you
> now to celebrate, to dance, to sing and to praise all the
> warriors of the way! It is now. With
>  great reverence, and in union with our lighted family on
> earth, I AM Metatron, guardian of the kingdom of heaven,
> keeper of the christed flame. Again, we are one.
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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