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Prince Bubacarr Sankanu <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Jun 2011 19:21:54 +0200
text/plain (217 lines)

Please excuse the typos. I do not have the time to write for English Language Professors.
Uncle Suntou, I think you and others owe some apologies to Jabiyong Ndey Tapha Sossheh. Why? Read carefully:

My Dear Uncle Suntou,

As you know I am MORE Mandinka than some of the people claiming to be Mandinkas so I understand your wise words.

Hope I will not be violating the rules of Gambia L Mailing List with my Bad Boy language here. Yes I know that "Muso ka kewo lakati le" (a woman can render a man useless). What happened to the serial womanizer Dominic Strauss Khan is a classic example of "lakatiro."

You know that your Handsome Prince and stubborn nephew is NOT a greedy womanizer. Yes I shamelessly provoke, if not flirt, like a Casanova with any hot lady who crosses by eyesight and I practise soft refreshing romance with responsibility. But when it comes to "NYOKODEH" (the original Mandinka word for sexual intercourse, OOPS), I am a Taliban! Not just for the fear of STDs (Sexually Transmissible Diseases) but for the "lakatiro" things. Sex with some types of women can destroy a man so my quality filtering is rigorous and uncompromising!

Uncle Suntou, I actually I CLOSED this chapter on GPU (Gambia Press Union) election and Jabiyong Ndey Tapha Sosseh but since you are my uncle and somehow morally responsible (check your earlier Gambia L posting about Ndey's role in CCG and the GPU that was abused by some notorious blogging liars), I will make this one FINAL exception here.

You call my pieces puzzling but some of the people who have been emailing me directly called them "BRUTALLY TRUTHFUL" (Uncle Kejau you can now have an idea how I vividly used “brutal” in my that email)! There is too much hypocrisy not just in the Gambian media fraternity but in our Society generally.

I have been overwhelmed by emails from the Gambia with attachments on the GPU issue that I decided to open a new email address with a special ARCHIVE folder to free up my this address. The new email address I already shared  with my trusted confidants reads:
[log in to unmask]

The fact that I CONFIDENTLY SAID PEOPLE CAN DRAG ME TO COURT OVER MY EMAILS ON THE GPU ELECTION THING IF THEY SO DESIRE, SHOWS THAT I AM NOT INTO ADLE TALK. If I am dragged to court I will present the admissible items of evidence from my archive. Otherwise they will just remain there as sleeping dogs until deleted by Googlemail from its servers and, life goes on.

My Dear Uncle, I am sorry to say, but I believe you share some moral blame for the "woes" of Jabiyong Ndey Tapha Sosseh. The records of GAMBIA-L show that you are one of the FIRSTS, if not the First Person, to question Ndey's double role as Secretary General (SG) of CCG(a very new democratic civil society organization) and President of GPU.

I was quietly following the reactions of Gambia-L members but apart from the usual gossips, no other List member took the reasonable trouble of sharing the copies of the GPU Constitution (as some are currently doing with the relevant sections of our Gambian Constitution/Criminal Code on treason, sedition, etc.) to help us find out whether the double role of SG of CCG and GPU President was illegal and constituted a conflict of interest or not.

The next thing we saw is some jealous liars who back in The Gambia arrogantly insulted Ndey with “"halebi du ma edit", who is she? “ BLINDLY supporting your points in their trash blogs without checking the GPU Constitution or contacting anyone to verify the facts. Having a woman as their senior was too much for their egos and they are still fuming with hatred and jealousy.

Now we have the situation of GPU Executive members who are "supporters" or "sympathizers" of the ruling APRC party and its organ (Daily Observer) and opposition PDOIS and its paper (Foroyaa) but NO hypocrite is yet question this and its possible impact on the INDEPEDENCE OF GPU from the manipulation of both ruling and opposition party propagandas.


Of course the liars will see this as normal "democracy." The hypocrisy sucks!

Actually the election was a good lesson. Jabiyong Ndey of course does dot have “the birth right to any GPU office” even if she has the right to contest. She however now knows the full scale of hypocrisy out there. I am not defending Ndey because we have an intimate relationship. If at all there is any I WILL BE THEN FIRST PERSON TO SAY SO. I am not a coward. If I am romantically interested in a woman, not even Mountain Kilimanjaro can block my access to her.

God has not yet created the human being to whom I should be afraid of telling the truth or be afraid of generally. Respect yes but afraid, NEVER!

I do not expect you or the liars who were arrogantly telling Jabiyong Ndey “"halebi du ma edit", who is she? “ to write and question say, Bai Emil Touray (I have nothing personal or professional against Bai Emil before the liars misinterpret me. He is "Touray" so my uncle by Gambian tradition) for possible conflict of interest as a pro-opposition (PDOIS/Foroyaa) media man and President of a collective bargaining group of media practitioners (GPU) that is expected to be INDEPEDENT of possible political interference.

Rules of democracy and fairness my foot!

Yesterday I told the young man not to disturb my peace because if I am angry again the collateral damages will move from worse to worst. When the result of an organization is positive everybody wants to take credit as TEAM WORK OF THE ENTIRE EXECUTIVE but when it is hot or bad all the blames go to one person as the scapegoat. We saw people blaming Ndey for making GPU write that protest letter on President Jammeh's irresponsible comments on Deyda Hydara. Some even say they “advised” Ndey against it but they can now say they worked with her in FULL solidarity to get the international goodies, among others.

There were even some people who were pestering Ndey for financial support to pay for their personal bills because she “initiated the protest letter to Jammeh that brought us trouble.” Collective responsibility and solidarity? Kiss my Royal Ass!!!

Whatever, Jabiyong Ndey can now become whatever she wants to be on the global stage.  She has more important things to do that helping hypocrites.
I will keep getting onto her nerves until she enrolls for a PhD programme and if need be I will give her FULL SCHOLARSHIP from MY PRINCELY TREASURY! She is an Asset and as a shrewd Serehulleh capitalist always looking for productive human and material assets, I find Jabiyong Ndey Tapha Sosseh to be a worthwhile investment for the benefit of Humanity. Of course I am not her spokesperson but Uncle Suntou, I am just making an exception for you by explaining. As of today I do not want say anything more on the GPU and Ndey. PLEASE!

My lovely Uncle Suntou I find your these lines interesting "The democratic culture in Gambia is on a slow curve,hence irregularities of some sort may occur..."

A. So if Jammeh registers voters from Casamance and Mauritania as well as under-age kids for the elections we should accept it because "The democratic culture in Gambia is on a slow curve, hence irregularities of some sort may occur..."?

B. If Jammeh allows his supporters to distribute T-shirts with "Jammeh Forever" but then arrests anyone who prints T-shirts with "End to Dictatorships Now," we should allow it because "The democratic culture in Gambia is on a slow curve, hence irregularities of some sort may occur..."?

C. If Jammeh continues to abuse the national media and marginalize opposition parties we should allow it because "The democratic culture in Gambia is on a slow curve, hence irregularities of some sort may occur..."?

D. If the Independent Election Commission gives lazy excuses to explain the illegal disenfranchisement of Diaspora Gambians we should allow it because “ The democratic culture in Gambia is on a slow curve, hence irregularities of some sort may occur..."?

E. If Jammeh threatens our gullible voters with development boycott if they vote for your party, the UPD and others, we should allow it because " The democratic culture in Gambia is on a slow curve, hence irregularities of some sort may occur.."?

F. If my confused Mandinka-led religious and traditional chiefs want to torpedo our young Republican Democracy and crown Jammeh king, I should not launch my “Operation No Jangalemeh (operation no bastard)” campaign to counter it because "The democratic culture in Gambia is on a slow curve, hence irregularities of some sort may occur..."?

G. Of course once Jammeh goes after say Femi Peters, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe, Halifa Sallah & company from the opposition camps we should protest and lobby IN SOLIDARITY for their liberty and should not hide in our comfort zones howling “The democratic culture in Gambia is on a slow curve, hence irregularities of some sort may occur.."

H. Come November 2011 if your own party, the UPD, complains of vote rigging, voter intimidations and the usual things opposition parties notoriously complain about you will say “The democratic culture in Gambia is on a slow curve, hence irregularities of some sort may occur...”?

I. If people who call themselves champions of democracy, fairness and the truth go ugly we should allow it because “ The democratic culture in Gambia is on a slow curve, hence irregularities of some sort may occur..."?

Politics is politics be it union politics or national politics. If one cannot strive to be sincere one should shut up.

Uncle Suntou, thanks to the double standards I lost faith in the anti-Jammeh camps. One thing is clear: before anyone disturbs me about “Jammeh this or Jammeh that“, he or she has to first convince me that he or she has the MORAL CREDIBITY to accuse Jammeh of wrongdoing. Or else I will brush it off as TRASH and idle freedom of expression.

I have been reluctant to be part of any pro or anti Jammeh group as I know the hypocrisy is off-putting. Jammeh is not afraid of Gambians as he knows once Gambians come together to fight him, before reaching him they will finish each other first.

Gambians like spending time on useless ideas and gossiping about each other. I am avoiding the political debates while concentrating on the ladies and the society as I know ninety nine (99%) percent of the ideas being debated and gossiped here and there is USELESS and not worth the wastage of my Princely Calories!

President Jammeh's 17-year rule is declaration of bankruptcy on the nature of Gambians who think he is a failure. Jammeh cannot be blamed for everything bad in The Gambia. Of course this is no exoneration of Jammeh on my part.

Uncle Suntou, I am not desperate to join President Jammeh now or later as I have other urgent priories in the Creative Industries (film, TV, arts, culture, fashion, etc. If at all I wanted I would have returned to The Gambia after graduation. It is not the reports of Jammeh's ugly human rights records and other dictatorial crimes that are stopping me from working with him. It is his CHARACTER AS A SERIAL BETEAYER like some people in the anti-Jammeh camps that is keeping me away.

Just like the way I am under pressure to get married, I have been under behind-the-scene pressures to “come and work with Yahya” but I am resisting. I will only work with Jammeh if he accepts my stringent conditions to immunize my head against betrayals, character assassinations, flimsy charges, tortures and other humiliations that a Genuine Prince should never face in his entire life. Sorry that I will NOT share the details of the conditions with the public. Once you hear “Breaking News: Prince Bubacarr A Sankanu is now this and that in Jammeh's Government” it means Jammeh accepted my fool-proof conditions!!!

Even some weeks back I was at a function in Solingen (a town in Germany) where some people told me that The Gambia needs my talent more than Germany and I should “join Jammeh to enjoy my share.” I told them to just take a detailed look at my shoes to see if they belong to a desperate hustler or “badole” who badly needs tax-payers money to escape starvation? I added that if Jammeh is rational like Obama, Jacob Zuma, Lula Da Silva or Den Xiapoing, I will make every ounce of my brain cells available to him. I will be the ultimate behind-the-scene brain, power-broker and “Mr. Fix It” of his Government. Sadly he is not so the Creative Industries of Africa and Germany can enjoy my skills for now.


Say “Ameen” loud and seven times....

In the Service of Stubbornness and the Brutal Truth I remain,
HSH Prince Bubacarr A. Sankanu
Chairman and Chief Executive Producer
Deliverers of Highest Quality Programmes  from Africa

Postfach 800144
D-51001 Cologne Germany
Tel.: 00491774842957 (Cell)
Fax: 004922146780440

Emails: [log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
Skype: princebasankanu

Tax/VAT ID: 218/5030/2061
Company No: HRA 25199
Amtsgericht. Local Court of Cologne City, Germany

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 00:17:39 +0100
Von: suntou touray <[log in to unmask]>
An: [log in to unmask]
Betreff: Re: [G_L] Thanks Uncle Kejau... Thanks Mawdo Demba

You are taking our Nephew too seriously with his ever expanding taste for
the sisters. Rightly we should be concern for him. Why? Mbarindin Yee Fisaya
Nye Iwuludinti, therefore, Musoo kaa kewu lakatile, because hari jama jeela
yhaa ka laban finkilale.
I hope our handsome Prince understands our concern.
The context is appropriateness if I understand Mbadin very well. However, my
personal opinion of the Sankanu piece is one of puzzle. Ndey Tapha is a well
known figure in the Gambia media fraternity. She has serve the organisation
to the best of her ability. I don't know Ndey Tapha, never seen or heard of
her except when she was involve in the infamous episode along with other
However, the GPU is an organisation that is bigger than every single
journalist because it is there to cater for their welfare. If there is any
advise I will extend to our sister will be for her to express solidarity
with her colleagues. She has done well for GPU, if not in anything but
raising it profile. The democratic culture in Gambia is on a slow curve,
hence irregularities of some sort may occur, however, the greater essence
here is for Ndey to be bigger than any side issue.

She should assist the current Executive in every way she can to advise them
on wider outreach. She should voluntarily submit a report on areas she
thought should be improve. She should laize with the organisation's new
executive. Ndey Tapha can become a bigger hero if she rise above all
defaults involving the GPU.
I am not accepting on face value what my Nephew said is true and accurate.
Should some of it be true, Ndey should still march ahead and lend hand to
the new Executive. There is no rivalry in GPU worth *'throwing the baby with
the birth water'* with.
I wish her well. However, Mbarindin is advise to monitor his womanometre,
(musukology) terminologies.
Thanks Prince

HSH Prince Bubacarr A. Sankanu
Chairman and Chief Executive Producer
Deliverers of Highest Quality Programmes  from Africa

Postfach 800144
D-51001 Cologne Germany
Tel.: 00491774842957 (Cell)
Fax: 004922146780440

Emails: [log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
Skype: princebasankanu

Tax/VAT ID: 218/5030/2061
Company No: HRA 25199
Amtsgericht. Local Court of Cologne City, Germany

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