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Mon, 29 Aug 2011 23:11:06 +0200
The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
"M. Gassama" <[log in to unmask]>
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Libya: The criminal face of imperialism

27 August 2011

NATO?s assault on Libya, a criminal imperialist war from its outset
more than five months ago, has descended into an exercise in out-and-
out murder as special forces operatives and intelligence agents hunt
down Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

From the beginning, the central objectives of this war have been to
seize control of Libya?s oil reserves, the largest on the African
continent, and carry out an imperialist show of force as a means of
suppressing and diverting the mass popular movements that only months
earlier had toppled the US- and NATO-backed regimes of Mubarak in Egypt
and Ben Ali in Tunisia.

?Operation United Protector,? as NATO dubbed its military onslaught,
would have been more accurately described as ?Operation Imperialist
Gang Rape.? The US, Britain, France and Italy, each pursuing its own
interests in Libya and the broader region, managed to unite for the
common purpose of ?regime-change.?

To achieve this aim, NATO warplanes carried out over 20,000 sorties,
destroying schools, hospitals and homes and slaughtering untold numbers
of Libyan soldiers, many of them young conscripts.

Flouting the terms of the United Nations resolution authorizing ?all
means necessary? to protect civilians, NATO powers, including the US,
France and Britain, sent in special forces troops, military contractor
mercenaries and intelligence agents to arm, organize and lead the so-
called ?rebels,? whose primary function was to draw out Libyan
government forces so they could be annihilated from the air.

The pretense that this was a war to protect civilians has been exposed
as a moral obscenity, with the death toll in Tripoli alone climbing
into the thousands and NATO bombs and missiles continuing to fall in
heavily populated areas.

One has to go back to the 1930s when, as today, world capitalism was
gripped by a desperate economic crisis to find fitting parallels. Then,
mankind was stunned by the savage aggression unleashed in the Italian
invasion of Ethiopia, Hitler?s backing of the Sudeten Germans to
achieve the carve-up of Czechoslovakia, and the dispatch of the German
Condor Legion to bomb Spain on behalf of Franco?s fascist insurgency.

At that time, these violent acts of aggression were seen as part of
world capitalism?s descent into barbarism. Today in Libya, similar acts
are proclaimed to be a flowering of ?humanitarianism? and ?democracy.?

During that period, US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt appealed to
the democratic sensibilities of the American people?while no doubt
positioning the US for the pursuit of its own imperialist aims?by
demanding a ?quarantine? of fascist aggression.

He declared in 1937, ?Without a declaration of war and without warning
or justification of any kind, civilians, including vast numbers of
women and children, are being ruthlessly murdered with bombs from the
air? Nations are fomenting and taking sides in civil warfare in nations
that have never done them any harm. Nations claiming freedom for
themselves deny it to others. Innocent peoples, innocent nations, are
being cruelly sacrificed to a greed for power and supremacy which is
devoid of all sense of justice and humane consideration.?

Those words from three quarters of a century ago read like an
indictment of the Obama administration and the governments of Cameron,
Sarkozy and Berlusconi.

The Nuremberg trials after the Second World War established aggressive
war as the ?supreme international crime, differing only from other war
crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the

This conception was incorporated into the United Nations, which barred
?the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or
political independence of any state.?

Yet today within the political establishment there is virtually no
criticism of the aggressive war carried out by the NATO allies. The
scoundrels of the media have fully integrated themselves into the
imperialist war machine, literally stepping over corpses and concealing
the camera-shy Western dogs of war to better fashion their propaganda
about ?revolution? and ?liberation? in Libya.

The driving force behind the Libyan war is imperialism, aptly
described by Lenin as reaction all down the line. It is a war that has
been pursued in the predatory interests of finance capital. It is
designed to produce what is being referred to widely in the financial
press as a ?bonanza,? not only for the major energy conglomerates, but
for the banks and corporations, while underpinning the vast fortunes
accumulated by the ruling elite by means of financial speculation, the
driving down of labor costs in America and Europe, and the exploitation
of low-wage labor the world over.

International gangsterism goes hand-in-hand with economic and
political criminality at home. Aggression abroad is inseparable from
the merciless assault on the living standards and basic rights of broad
masses of working people in Europe, America and virtually every major
country. While workers are everywhere being told that there is no money
to pay for jobs, education, health care, pensions or vital social
services, billions are expended to bomb and invade Libya with no
questions asked.

A striking feature of the Libya war is the way it has mobilized behind
it a social-political layer of middle class ex-lefts, liberal academics
and former protesters. This is a process that has been developing over
the course of several decades, accelerated by the demoralization of a
section of this layer whose ?leftism? leaned heavily on the Soviet
Stalinist bureaucracy and began to dissipate with the bureaucracy?s
self-liquidation. Others rallied to the imperialist intervention in the
Balkans, attracted then, as now, to the phony claims that the world?s
greatest aggressors were waging a war for ?human rights.?

Today, one would have to be blind not to see the profound shift taking
place within this layer. There are the academic scoundrels like Juan
Cole, the University of Michigan Middle Eastern history professor who
uses his reputation as a critic of the Bush administration?s war
against Iraq to sell the Obama administration?s war on Libya.

In Europe, groups like the French New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) have
used the war to forge closer ties with their own governments and
promote the interests of their own ruling elites. They represent an
entire stratum of the privileged middle class, which is being recruited
as a new constituency for imperialism. Their politics are in all
essentials indistinguishable from those of Obama and the CIA.

The war in Libya has won no significant popular support in any of the
aggressor countries. Working people instinctively suspect that this
war, like those that have preceded it, is being waged for the benefit
of the financial oligarchy and at the expense of the broad masses.

The struggle against war and imperialism can be taken forward only if
it centered in the working class. The fight against war and the
struggle against the destruction of jobs, living standards and basic
social and democratic rights are today inseparable. Militarism abroad
and social counterrevolution at home have common objective roots in the
insoluble crisis of world capitalism. They can be defeated only through
the political mobilization and international unity of the working class
in the struggle for socialism.

Bill Van Auken

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