The Gambian President spoke to the Freedom Forum in Arlington during his
U.S.visit this week.President Jammeh joined the Libyan leader in his
effort to unite the African continent.President Jammeh who considers him
self as a pan-Africanist,has a different view of a united Africa than
Mr. Gadhafi who sees the union as standing against the West.For the
Gambian strong man, "a union of African States is not a concept designed
to rally Africa against the West.The idea is for African States to work
together for economic betterment."I think the President has helped him
self politically during his visit.He reassured U.S. officials that he is
an independent person with no links to president Gadhafi.Also, he
emphasized the importance of dialogue and cooperation between leaders of
different cultures.In a nut shell, he has lowered his rhetoric and hash
language towards the United States.